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Piper Books
First published 1981
bv Hind Pocket Books IP\ Ltd.
' '

This edition published by Piper Books by

arrangement with THE A~UARIAN PRESS
WdlingboroughJ N orthamptonshire.

Piper Books are published by

Hind Pocket Books (P) Ltd.
G. T. Road, Shahdara, Delhi-110032, India.

Printed at
I.B.C. Press, G. T. Road,
Shahdara, Delhi-110082.

m1roductzon 11
Psychologtcal Causes of Illness 15
Psychology as revealed by the trtphctties 15
The 'tnggers' for ill health 15
Psychosomatic illnesses 16
Types of Treatment 20
Altemattve medtcme 20
Contact healing 21
Radtonics 23
Colour and sound therapies 24
Massage~therapy and treatment 27
Aroma therapy 29
Reflexology 33
Pre-natal therapy 34
Acupuncture 34
Acupressure 35
Chiropractic and osteopathy 35
Homoeopathy 36
Bto-chemic ttSsue salts 40
Herbs 43
Bach flower remedies 52

I wish to thank all the Consultants who have given me intervsews or

allowed me to quote from the1r work. All are mentioned in the text
of this book and many appear also among the Further Infonnat1on'
where their addresses are given as practitioners. My thanks, also, to
other practltioners and to organ1zations who have allowed me to
include them in the 'Further Intormation' section.
I acknowledge permiss1on for quotations as follows:

Thorsons Publishers Ltd , pubbshers of Nature Cure tn a

Nutshell by T W. Moule.
Pan Books Ltd., publishers of Not all in the Mind by Dr Richard
Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., publishers of The Occult by Colin

Finally, I wish to thank Constance D. Leigh for vetting my

section on Radionics and for other valuable help and advice.

The apphcation of astrology to matters of health is particularly apt.

Most people who know anything about the birth chart are aware
that the various zodiacal signs relate to different parts of the body,
but what is less generally known is that perhaps as much as 80 per
cent of all atlments are psychosomattc and that the blrth chart is an
excellent gutde to the psychology of the native. It is therefore
posstble to deduce from the chart not only the illnesses to which the
nattve is prone but also what he hunself does to cause them.
In thts book I have analyzed each zodiacal stgn to show the
physical and psychologtcal tendencies whtch may marufest as chs-
ease (literally, lack of ease), what 1S likely to tngger them off and
how they can be treated-or, better still, prevented.
Reference to a zoc:hacal type does not only refer to the Sun stgn.
The Moon and/or Ascendant may be more significant in the chart.
Mars needs to be constdered for vitality and planets in the stxth
house are likely to show health trends. The planets and the aspects
between them are dtscussed later tn the book.
I have purposely avoided suggesting particular astrological
stgntficators as hkely to inc:hcate specific diseases. Too many of us
are highly suggestible when it comes to matters of health and I
prefer to take a posittve approach by showing you how to keep well.

How to use the book

Hyou are predominantly a 'Fire' type, you should read the sections
for all the Fire stgns-Anes, Leo and Sagittanus, and stmtlarly for
the other tnplioties. Earth stgns are Taurus, Vtrgo and Capncorn
Air stgns are Gemmt, Ltbra and Aquarms and Water signs are
Cancer, Scorpio and Ptsces.
1 hope that you wtll read through the descnpt1ons of all the
therapies so that you Wlll be a\\ arc ot the many treatments avatlable
to you today. Details of practltwners or assoctatlons from whom
you can get further information are listed at the back of the
If you do not know your btrth chart (apart from the Sun sign) and
you have an illness, you should read the mformatton for the sign
which governs that part of the body. These are as follows:
ARIES Head, cerebral system, adrenal glands
TAURUS Neck, throat, eustachtan tubes, thyrotd
gland, cervtcal vertebrae
GEMINI Hands, arms, shoulders, lungs and nervous
CANCER Breasts, stomach, ahmentary system
LEO Heart, spine, cardiac system, gall bladder
VIRGO Abdomen, mtestines, visceral system
LffiRA Lower back, kidneys. renal system
SCORPIO PelviS, sexual organs, generative system,
prostate glands, rectum
SAGITTARIUS Hips, thtghs, liver. hepatic system
CAPRICORN Knees, bones, teeth, skin, skeletal system
AQUARIUS Ankles, shins, ctrculatory system
PISCES Feet, duodenum, pituitary gland
Even those who know their zodiacal make-up will have certain
mdicators in the birth chart which may mdicate a health weakness
not connected with their general type. For example, I am pnmanly
a 4 Water/Earth' type, but I also have a strong Mars mAries and
sometimes have eye troubles (which would come under the Aries
rulership of the head). In such a case, I would look for an Aries
remedy. The index gives a quick reference for thts.

Attitude to health
Your attttude .to your own health and the treatment of disorders is
all-important Most therapists know patients who expect to be
cured after one treatment and who try a whole string of therapists of
various types without giving any treatment a chance to work.
These are usually the people who expect the therapist to wave a
magic wand and seem quite unaware that they can (and should)
contribute to thetr own recovery, by taking an intelhgent interest m
getting to the cause of the trouble and then makmg sure thdt they
do not aggravate it. If a therapist diagnoses the prime cause of an
illness as wrong diet it is useless for the patient to change the
therapy without changing the diet.
H you read with this understanding, you will be able to prevent
the forms of dis-ease to which your conststution (admirably shown
by your btrth chart) predisposes you. In addition, an understanding
of your own psychological make-up will enable you to adjust your
regime to one wruch is just right for you and which will ensure a
long, healthy and happy life.

Psychology As Revealed by the Triplicities

There will be a precise descriptton of the psychology of each of the
zodiacal types under the appropriate sign, but we can recognize a
general pattern, even from the Triplicities.
The Ftre types often have abundant energy and vitality, and they
tend to get trapped into situations where they spend that energy
recklessly The result, m terms of ill-health, can be accidents, fever
or over-activity of the vital organs.
Earth types, bemg practical and 'fixed', tend to contract the
ailments associated with cold and rigidity, often w1th inhibttion of
The lungs and nerves are emphasized in the Air types.
Restlessness ts common, with appropriate nervous ailments. These
people tend to be eastly upset by quarrels or uncongenial
conditions, and can induce psychosomatic illnesses to avoid an
unpleasant situation.
Water types are emottonal, sensitive and sympathetic, so that
they become open to worry and suspicion. They can also be fearful
and imagmative to the extent of contracttng mental troubles.

The 'Triggers' for Ill~health

There are, perhaps, a dozen causes of ill-health, some of which
would appear to be unavoidable. They include shock, accidents and
infection, though even these can be minimized by the knowledge
that one is prone to them, 1f the necessary precautions are then
taken. Others are completely avoidable and these mclude boredom,
self-centredness, resentment, frustration, dread (of old age,
loneliness, of the unknown, etc.) and depletion caused by an
unhealthy regtme. The latter may mclude smoking, wrong <het or
overactivity of any ktnd, and of course, actual abuse of the body.

Psychosomatic Illness
It has to be recognized that a person who is ill often has a 'vested
interese m staying that way I have already mennoned one cause
-to av01d unpleasant sttuattons. Others which are well recognized
by the medical profession mclude: to avoid makmg deosions, fear of
failure(e.g. 'If I'm not well enough to take the examination, I can't
failtt'), to get attention (and, therefore, avoid betng lonely), to
provide proof of love ('my husband will do anything for me'), to
keep another person subservient Csmother·love'). Resentment
often mamfests as a power complex. We have all heard of the auing
mother who bosses thew hole family as they all run around after her
because she 1S ill.
Years ago, I spent a '>leepless night (and was unable to go to work
the next day) having coped with an unstable woman who
deliberately took alcohol, knowing that it was forbtdden when she
was also takmg certain drugs. The result was a dreadful scene
dunng whtch she attacked my husband and I and msisted on
telephoning her boss, after midmght, m order to abuse hun We
qUtetened her down and put her to bed and she enjoyed a good
night's sleep. I shall never forget her triumphant smile the next
~oming as she realized what the effect had been on me It satd so
dearly 'Look what I have been able to do to you.' Needless to say,
no-one has been able to do it since.
Another example of a psychosomatic illness occurred with a
young man who complained of excessive lassttude and patns in his
legs. My husband, finding nothing physically wrong with hun,
handed him over to me. A short session wtth Gestalt techmques
convinced me that there was a deep seated psychological cause, and
as I was unable to undertake a prolonged course with h1m, I
arranged for him to make a contract with another therapist. Her
diagnosis agreed with mine. He was the son of a brilliant man, and
his father expected great things of him whtch were not wtthin hlS
power to give His illness had been 1nduced to provxde an excuse
(and to avoid failure). It was, no doubt, very real to him, but was,
nevertheless, a dasstc case of someone playi~ the game whxch Eric
Berne called 'Wooden Leg': ('What can you expect of a man wuh a
wooden leg?').
Some illnesses are caused by a desire, perhaps 1 should say a
compulston, to please others. Very often, this is the parents, ('Ven
though they may no longer be alive. Most people carry 'parent
messages' all through their lives and try to please 'the parent in the
head'. They expect their lives to be a pattern of their mother·~ (1f a
woman)' or their father's (if a man).
A lady came to see my husband because she was convinced that
she could not walk without support. Again, he could find no
physical cause and suspected that this was a psychosomatic illness. I
began questtomng her and said I would like to set up her birth chart.
She agreed and I asked her for her btrth date. The day and the
month were given readily-'and the year?' I asked. She looked at
me for a long moment and then ~id 'How old do you think I am?~
'I've no hiea', I replied, 'but I'm So, if tt makec; any difference.'
'I'm sixty', she said in a tone which indicated that that was a very
serious age to be. We then ~tarted on the family history and it
emerged that her mother had dted at th~ age of ftfty-nine. l could
already see why she thought sixty was an advanced age. Then I
asked her 'Have you always been highly-strung?' 'Yes,' she said,
'when I was a child, my mother used to say that I should not get so
tense, as she had had a friend who was so nervous that eventually,
she was unable to walk.' The picture was now very clear to me, but
all my efforts to get her to see what she was dozng to herself failed..
As I never saw her agam (havmg got too near to the truth) I can only
•ssume that she was trymg to please the 'parent tn her head' by
following her mother-not having been able to die at fifty-nine, she
was willing herself to become ill, and, since she dld not want to see
what she was domg, tt is likely that she als.o had the ulterior motive
of keeping her husband constandy by her stde
Many people thmk that if a doctor tells them that they have a
psychosomatic illness, he tS saymg ·'You are imagining it'. This is
not so. It is definitely a physical illness caused by the things which
we do to ourselves. If a muscle is held under tension for any length
of time. it will soon start to ache, and if we take no notice of the pam
and persist in holding it tense we will eventually be unable to move
it. Rigidity has set m. Yet we constantly hold ourselves under
tension-'botthng up' emotions, working flat out for long periods,
pushmg ourselves beyond our capabilities-these can all result in

• Games People Play by Eric Berne, M D.

illnesses which have a psychological cause and hence are known as
We have analyzed our records of the many cases of agoraphob1a
and find that these are often connected wnh the marriage partner.
About half the cases occurred where the partners were not happy
and the agor.tphob1c one appears to have withdrawn from the world
rather than cope with the situation in any of the more obvtous ways.
The result wa.\ often that the other partner went out by themselves,
thus having the desired effect as far as the agoraphob1c was con-
cerned In at lea~t two cases, the agoraphobia occured when a loved
partner was m1sssng and was completely cured m one of the cases
when he returned permanently, and m the other case when the
women became pregnant on one of hts short leaves at home
Arthritis would appear to be a purely physical atlment, but it has
been noticeable m our cases that many of the arthritics do not seem
to have the willpower or initiative to continue with healing sessions
as soon as they begin to show smprovement
One card carries the crypttc message to us 'this patient is very
self-orientated She straightens up when she forgets herself', and
anothE"t' says •very self-orientated not enough outlets' One who
improved tremendously and said that she wanted to get a JOb never
got round to getting one, and when urged by her husband to come
back to us for general upliftment agreed to do so, but, tn fact, never
did. She had the added burden of an ageing and dominating mother
living with her. This type of tension often seems to trigger off
arthritis and related dlnesses.
Bronchitis was always known as 'the English disease' and tt is
still prevalent, whereas the related illness, tuberculosis, has
decreased greatly. The modem diseases of the Western World are
cancer and heart trouble (together with arthritis)-all of these
appear to be related to tension and are symptomatic of the world in
which we live. Cardiac difficulties are more likely to be expenenced
by the Fire types (those who push their tensions into overwork)
while cancer is more likely in those who do not release tensions at
all (notably the Earth types). Cancer is a strange disease as it has no
single cause. It is an alteratton in the behaviour of the cells of the
body for no known (as yet) medical reason. Nevertheless, over
many years of experience, we have had many cases of cancers which
have been completely cured by healing. It is almost as if people
attracted 1t to themselves, and, having accepted the assurance that
it can be cured, they 'throw if off' easily. Zipporah Dobyns
(Pottinger) has cited the case of a patient who got cancer several
times and each time decided to deal with it herself. Her method was
to go away by herself and lie m the sun, relax and forgive everyone
who she felt mtght have harmed her She also recogntZed that her
grown-up children were qmte capable of managing their own lives
and resolved that she would leave them to do so in future and not
spend her ttme worrying about them. Her self-treatment worked
each tune without any medtcal atd This certainly bears out our
own experience. We beheve that a large number of cancers (1f not
all) are psychosomatic and they have certamly proved some of the
eastestcases to cure (See 'Cancer Help' in the Further Information

Alternative Medicine
just as each zodiacal type is more prone to some illnesses than to
others, so each will react more quickly to ~orne types of treatment
than others. There are now many types of altemat1ve medicines
and theraptes wtdely available and I have provtded a list of the
sources of further mformation for thos~ mentioned here at the back
of this book. Methods where Jt is safe to treat yourself have been
described in detail.
Orthodox, or allopathic, medtcine ts largely drug-based and most
orthodox doctors are too overburdened with patients to look for
causes of illness. All they can do is to treat the effects-a fact which
many of them recogmze and deplore. In his book Alternative
Medicine, Robert Eagle reveals the existence of a society wtthin the
orthodox medical profession, The Scientific and Medical Network
(or Network, as it is usually called), formed to mvestigate the claims
of unorthodox or ~fringe' medicine Some of tts members are
prepared to refer their patients to Spiritual Healers. Dr Alec
Forbes, who was a consultant physician in Plymouth, has gone
further. He is Chairman of the Healing Research Trust and he
would like the N .H.S. to recognize all alternative medical
practitioners such as herbalist&, healers, naturopaths and radaonics
experts. Acupuncture, osteopathy and chiropractic have achieved
some measure of recognition but are still not generally available
under the Nattonal Health Servtce.
Nobody 1s more aware of the dangers of recognizmg the 'fnnge
medicines' than the fnnge practitioner hunself He 1S only too well
aware that many are practismg (since there 1s no law to stop them)
With very httle skill, knowledge. or techmque to recommend them.
The hcensmg or registration practitioners m all the alternative
techmques would help to prevent the explOitation of the more
gullible of the public from such charlatans In the rneantune,
members of the pubbc should be aware that most of the assoCiations
(notably the National Federation of Spintual Healers and the
Rad1omcs Association) demand high standards of therr members
before they will issue a cert1frcate to practice. Masseurs must also
have a certificate before they are licensed to practise by the Local

Contact Healing
Healing by the laymg-on of hands (sometimes called sp1ritual
healing or more commonly, but erroneously 'faith healing') h~
proved itself to be a valuable form of alternative treatment, often
succeeding m cases wh1ch have been gtven up by orthodox
med1cine Its basis 1s still not understood Many healers, who are
also spiritualists, beheve that 'spirit doctors' work through them
Others, often called 'magnettc healers', believe that they heal
through thetr own magnetic powers. These healers certainly do use
something of themselves, as they become depleted after healmg
sess10ns. In his book The Occult, Cohn Wilson suggests that some,
at least, of the documented cases of healing have been the result of
strong suggestion by the healer 'Colonel Olcott . found that
using his thaumaturgic power was like ridtng a bicycle, a matter of
confidence and practise. The Colonel believed; the sufferers
believed, and cures were affected by the dozen.' He admits,
however, that this explanation will not hold up for the cures
affecting animals. It 1s for this reason that I descnbed the term 'faith
healtng' as erroneous Young children and animals do not have
fatth, yet there have been remarkable cures of both What 1S certain
is that healing will not work unless the patient Is open-mmded and
willing to be cured. A complete sceptic who IS willing the healer to
fail will put up a barrier in hts mmd which wlll adequately prevent
any healing reaching him.
Alec Geddes, who was born with the healing gift, describes it as
When healmg starts I am aware of power flowing in between my
shoulder blades, down my arms and out through my fingers. I
never feel depleted after healing. Why should I? It ts not me that
supplies the power. I am only hke a cable plugged mto a power
point. In fact, some of the healing seems to 'rub oH! on me, as I
usually have plenty of energy and tend to shake off any infections
I may pick up in a much shorter time than the average person. I
do not require a patient to have faith in me, or in any particular
religion, but I am not allowed to override the patient •s own will,
so if he does not wtsh to be well, I can not help him. The patient
must also be wilhng to help himself. If I tell him he must cut out
smoking, and that I will help him to do thts, but he does not even
try, then I don't want to know him. I am not m the business of
doing for people what they should do for themselves. I would not
describe myself as a Sptritualist, though I agree with thea
philosophy, but I do beheve that I am overshadowed by other
helping entities, and I am able to chstinguish between them, so
that I can often tell which one 1s working with me. I do not believe
that I have a 'dtrect line' to God, or that 1t is up to me to decide
who will be cured, but I usually know as soon as I see people
whether, or not, l can help them.
Among the remarkable cures achieved through him have been
that of a Highland bull who was thought by the veterinary doctors
to be suffermg from leukemta, the removal of a brain tumour from a
dog {this was dsssolved through the eye duct) and the complete cure
of a man who was dsscharged from H.M Forces over thirty years
ago with spinal trouble He was just managing to walk with the atd
of two sticks when he began to come for treatment. Hts story is also
remarkable as showmg the necessity for the patient to be in the
right frame of mmd For months he made no progress, and Mr
Geddes stopped the treatment, saying 'There is something wrong
here. Either I am not domg my job properly, or you are not
accepting this.' After some weeks, the patient asked to start the
treatment agam, explaining that he came from a family of medtcal
people and had found it dtfficult to believe that anything could
result from this type of healing, but he was now prepared to be more
posttive about it. When treatment commenced again, the results
were almost immediate. The ankle (which had been locked for
thirty years) began to move. then the spine started to loosen up.
First one crutch and then the other was discarded. Five years later,
he is still striding about, and has continued his work to date, though
he was a candidate for early retirement when he first started
It is obvious that, regardless of zodiacal sign, many people could
be helped by healing, but not those who are over-sceptical or those
who want someone to 'wave a magic wand' wtthout putting
anythin~ in to it themselves.

Another form of treatment which has much in common with
healing is Radtonics, smce it, too, is inexplicable m terms of modern
science. It denves from dowsmg (radiesthesta) and mdeed, good
dowsers can cut out the atd of the radioruc diagnosttc 'box' and get
their answers direct from the pendulum
Many people are able to dowse-perhaps half of us. I have had the
experience of holding metal rods and feel them tum round in my
hands as I approached a pool of water. Anyone who can do thts can
learn to use a pendulum, which is simply a weight at the end of a
stnng or cord Almost any matenal can be used to make tt, from a
cotton reel on a piece of string to a Jewel on a cham. ThlS wtll
answer any question which can be answered by 'yes' or 'no'. For
most people the 'positive' ts a clockwtse swing, wtth a 'negat1ve'
gomg anti-clockwise. This does not follow for everyone and you can
determine your own posittve and negative m the followmg way If
you are right-handed, hold the pendulum m your nght hand, and
let it swmg over the extended ftrst fmger of the left hand Thts ts the
'posttlve' fmger, and the direct1on of the swmg gtves the posttive
answer for you, personally. The next one-the m1ddle &nger-ts
negative and you can get your negatlve swing from tt
The idea behind dowsing 1S that you have a 'htgher mmd' which
can fmd out anything there ts to know and by concentratmg on the
pendulum you tune in to that higher mind, whtch will g1ve you the
answer to your questtons. It 1s necessary to keep the mmd neutral,
which is to say that you must not be concerned wtth the answer to
your questton Anything htghly personal wh1ch mattered
enormously to you would obviously allow the emotions to mterfere
with the worktng of the pendulum It ts also necessary to work w1th
it regularly for at least a year (to estabhsh a rapport wtth it) before
you can begm to have conftdence m 1t Dr Arthur Batley, who ts the
President of the Brittsh Society of Dowsers, dtagnoses and
prescribes for his pattents solely by using the pendulum He asks tt
'wh1ch remedy shall I use', then goes over a whole range of them
unttl he gets a 'positive' swing over one or more Then he asks
'What sort of dose' and counts the revolutions of the pendulum for
the answer. 'How many times a day', and hnally 'how long
tor'-all in very httle more ume than it has taken me to describe.
Some radtomcs boxes combine both diagnosis and treatment. In
other c.:tSes, a separate box is used for each process Something from
the patient's body-a lock of hatr, nail-panngs, a spot of blood-is
used as a •wttness', in rad some parlance, and placed in the
dtagnostiC box It has dtals which can be o;et to dtagnose the
patient's tllne~s but this is a Ion~, slow process and most good
practttloners will rely on the pendulum for diagnos1s It is not
always essential to place a Witness tn the diagnostic box, but 1t 1s
c~st>ntiJ.l for treatment. This 1s g1ven by settmg the dtals on the box
to ·broadcast' the remedy mdicated to the patient or to counteract
the d1sease No electricity is used and there is no scienufic
explanation as to why the 'black box' should work It IS suggested
that the treatment reaches the pattent by the currents passmg
through the energy fields all about us, in the same way that
ek-ctrical currents are present, but remam undE-tected, unless we
have a receiver and transmitter both tuned to the correct wave
In hs!:. hook Myster:es, Cohn Wilson tells of the work of T C.
L~thhridge who dtscowred the 'rates' for various objects by
expenmentmg with pendulums of different lengths-for instance,
at a length of twenty-two inches the pendulum went positive for
sliver and ledd He tested many d1fferent substances, including
foods, milk, alcohol-even diamonds. Armed with tht> knowlE"dge
that the rate for truffles was seventeen mches, he even succeeded in
finding a rare type of truffle in a wood.
It is this knowledge of the rates of different remedies wh1ch is
used by the radionics practitioner to set the correct rate on the dial
of the box and so broadcast it to the patient
Thts is another form of treatment which will be applicable to ail
the zodiacal types, though it is probably more effective for patients
who have some beltef in it, or who are, at least~ open-minded.

Colour and Sound Therapies

The future of medicine hes in light and sound~, said the great
medium and healer, Edgar Cayce.
Both of these therapies like radionics, are related to the invisible
wave fonns in the ether around us, and practitioners believe that
their healing is borne on these wave currents to the patient
concerned. Unlike radionics, both colour and sound treatments are
given in the presence of the patient. The colour is beamed at the
affected area of the body by means of a lamp with coloured slides
(and sometimes using a radionics box as well) and the sound ts
transmitted by means of an applicator which lS drrectly applied to
the body. In both therapies the idea of the 'whole' (mearung both
'complete' and 'wholesome' or healthy) becommg out of balance
or out of harmony is described m simJ.lar ways
In colour healing 1t ts alleged that the body requtres the energy of
the Sun m its pure form m order to stay healthy and thlS compnses
the whole spectrum of light whtch can be dtvided into the colours
we see-red, orange, yellow, green, blue, mdtgo and vtolet
Imbalances m the body imply a deftciency of one or more colours
and can be corrected by transmtttmg the ones :requrred dtrect to the
Sound theraptsts recognize that all atoms, mcludtng those
making up cells and organs, are m a state of contmuous vtbratton
whtch, therefore, send out energy-two forms of which are hght
and sound. If the energy pattern changes, the frequency will change
and produce a break-up mto smaller uruts.
Peter Guy Manners, in his book The Sound ofHealzng descnbes
the process as follows:
Each vibratmg body 1s emittmg a sound corresponding to tts
frequency . . These sounds commg from every part of the body,
combme to gtve the sound charactensttc of the whole body . . m
a healthy body the chord 1s complete and harmomous. When
disease breaks mto an organ 1ts note becomes discordant and the
harmony is upset The curattve process ts mtended to restore the
note to 1ts anginal punty and then the body is harmomous once
Treatment gtven at his clinic (see 'Further Information') has
been mamly concerned w1th tissues and bones and 1t has been
successful for arthritts, rheumato1d, ftbros1t1s, fractures and bone
disorders and muscular condit1ons (especially where nerves are
As in so many cases, these cond1t1ons can be relieved, but where
the cause of the condttion is of psychosomatic ongm, the cause has
to be treated if a complete cure is to be achteved
Mrs Alice Howard, who ts a homoeopath, rad1omcs pract1tioner
and colour therapist, gives the followmg mformatton with regard to
the colours used m heahng.
RED stimulates and acttvates the nerves and the
blood; releases adrenahn and stimulates the
sensory nerves; vitalizes the physical body, but
must be used with caution as st can over
RED is CONTRA· INDICA TED in tnflam-
matory conditions and emotional dtsturbances.
Red should never be used alone, but must be
followed by green or blue
ORANGE is a combmation of red and yellow; can be
tolerated longer than red; is antiseptic m action
and good for the treatment of cramps and spasms;
atds the calcium metabohsm and strengthens the
lungs, the pancreas and the spleen; raises the
pulse rate but not die blood pressure. The
emotions become enlivened and general well-
being can be expenenced.
YELLOW activates the motor nerves and creates energy m
the muscles, works favourably on the digestion,
but when used too long might cause dsarrhoea, as
1t stimulate. the flow of bile; gets rtd of tntestmal
parasites~ activates the lymph Yellow ss the
colour of the intellect
flammatory states, dehnum, diarrhoea, fever,
over-excitement and palpitation of the heart.
GREEN dilates the capillaries and creates a sensation of
warmth; relieves tension, but should not be used
too long; is a pstuttary gland sttmulant and a
muscle tissue buslder.
BLUE increases the metabohsm; promotes
suppuratton; heals bums. Blue is the colour of
intuitton and of higher mental faculties.
treatment of gout, hypertension, muscle contrac-
tions, chronic rheumatism and tachycardia
(rapid heart beat).
INDIGO depresses the motor nerves and the lymphatics as
well as the cardiac system; purifies the blood and
is a leucocyte builder.
VIOLET maintains the potassium balance in the body;
stops the growth of tumours; controls excess
There are also combinations of colours to give the shades lemon,
purple, scarlet, magenta, turquotse and pink.
LEMON is a combination of hght yellow and light green;
is a laxative; is good for some sktn complaints; is a
cerebral sttmulant. Yellow ts antt·actd.
PURPLE ts a combtnation of more blue than red; has an
analgestc property; suppresses malaria.
SCARLET ts a combtnatton of more red than blue;
stimulates the ktdneys and the sexual
MAGENTA ts a combinattan of red and violet, energtSes the
adrenal glands and the action of the heart
TURQUOISE 1s a combtnation of blue and green; is good for
some skin dtsorders, helps to clear up smustt:J.s
PINK is a combination of red and whtte; works favour-
ably on the emottons.
Health depends on the proper balance of energy withm the body
Light or colour is energy tn a form which can be readily used to
correct imbalance, thus restoring the body to health.
Astrologers will see many connections wtth harmontcs, and wtth
the zodiacal signs and the planets. However, I do not wtsh to make
specific recommendations as to whtch astrological type wtll
respond most readtly to these therapies All who are prepared to
accept them with open mmds are ltkely to expenence benefit. I am
1mpressed by the fact that Alice Howard, wtth all her quahfications
and twenty-five years of experience (whtch include etghteen years
with a medical doctor), now chooses to concentrate solely on colour

Massage-Therapy and Treatment

Ltke some of the other techntques, massage can be used to
mvigorate or relax the body, or it can be used as a remedy for aches
and pains, pulled muscles and even some deeper troubles.
Massage ts a natural reaction to a hurt, from' Mummy will rub it
better' which we remember from childhood, to the soothtng
stroking of the forehead to reheve Grandma's headache. It follows
that any of us can learn to do massage, though deep treatments are
only for the experts.
At tts stmplest, tt tsa gentlestrokmg all over the body usmg ml as
a lubncant We recommend soya o1l wh1Ch 1s cheap and easlly
obtainable, and sutts most people's skms. but any vegetable or nut
01l wtll do and you wtll qUtckly get to know vour own favountes-
Talcum powder can be u5ed on anyone who does not hke od. hut 1t
1s not ~o easy to use, a<; you need to apply tt more otten and It ts not
so fnct10n-free a!> o1l
Moc;t people fmd ma~sage an enJ~1vable expertence and tt ts an
tdeal w.w to hdp people to telax When we are tense, we auto-
mattcally t1ghtt>n up our muscle<; and mac;sage loosens them agam
Often we do not rNlt7e what we are domg and it ts a common
t<\.penence tn all relaxatton techmques to dtc;cover that a group of
m usde'> are bcmg held under tenston even though the pattents
thought that they were completely relaxed. The reltef of 'lettmg-
go' ts enormous Even m conchttons of pam the 'gtvmg way' to the
pain and lettmg tt flow through you-accepting it-can help to
relte\ e 1t more than trymg to keep tt at bay by tensmg agamst it
What is true ot a phystcal cond1t10n IS also true of an emottonal one,
and 1t IS tor thts reason that emot10nal tens10n can often break down
dunng mas~age (or he.tllng particularly) and the pattent may find
rehef in a good weep. The::.e are 'heahng waters' and should never
be tnhtbited
A really ttght, bunched or pulled muscle needs deep massage and
this should not be git•en by the layman There 1s an art to knowing
at what stage one can go deeper, as well as a sc1ence of
understandmg the nature and functton of the muscle, and, as 1n all
art, some pract1t10ners are more skilled than others
The movements whtch make a massage sttmulatmg rather than
relaxing are also better lett to the expert, though a vtgorous rub-
down with ml followed by rough towelhng can be safely undertaken
by everyone Then~ are several good books showmg the vanous
massage movements and if you are mterested m leammg these the
booklist in the appendix will give you some guidance
As regards the zodiacal types, the art of giving massage belongs
particularly to those who '9.-ish to help others m a carmg way. The
use of the hands directly on to the body of another person conveys
sympathy and protectiveness and is well expressed by the Cancer
subJect and the Water s1gns generally. (I may add, that if the Cancer
type is also a good cook who makes her own bread, she has already
learned the kneading movement which is useful for breakmg down
fatty deposits tn the body!) Gemini and Virgo types, who are good
with their hands, also make good masseurs, prov1ded they have
enough intuition and feeling to empathtz.e wtth the patient's needs.
The use of massage between lovers can help frtgidtty and
temporary impotence, and 1t 1S perhaps not surpnsmg that the
.. people who enJOY massage most are the Taureans and Scorpions.
The Taureans, wtth thetr deep sensuality, simply enjoy the
luxunous feeling of being pampered, especially tf the massage ts
done with sweet·smelltng otis (see Aroma therapy) and the same is
true of Ltbrans, though they may find tt more dtfftcult to relax at
ftrst The Scorpion enjoys a sttmulatmg massage, though he often
needs a relaxing one more and the same 1S true of all the Fire Signs,
espectally the Anen
Aquarius and Capncom types are the ones who are most hkely to
be reststant to the idea of massage, though they are the people who
could benefit greatly from tt, as tt helps them to overcome thetr
• mhtbioons about gettmg close to other people. It has been satd that
the therapy you are most reststant to is the one you most need and tt
would certamly appear to be true m thts case
As wtth all the treatments, so wtth massage· certain techniques
are safe for the layman, but damaged muscles and ttssue must be left
to the expert, and no part of the body ~hould be touched by the
layman where actual pam ts bemg experienceJ, for whatever
reason I have had cause to be grateful, on more than one occas10n,
for massage t{"chntques "htch have rehev~d gastrtc pams. by
workmg on the colon. At ~uch a ttme the whole stomach ts
senstttveand only the sure knovvledge that my husband knew what
he was doing and could reheve the pam would have tnduced me to
let him touch those flanng nerves Obv10usly then, such
techniques must be left to those who are quahfted to deal wtth them.
Do not let thts caveat prevent you from expenencmg the pleasure
and sense of well-bemg that can come from both gtvtng and
recetvmg massage, however It has a lot to offer to everyone, even
on a superftcial level

Aroma therapy
The use of essenttal otl~ m foods and medtcmes is widely accepted.
We could mentton several whtch will be fully descnbed under
'Herbs' -·rosemary, lavender, bergamot and so on-and we are all
familiar wtth orange and lemon essem:e for flavourings Their use
m cosmettcs, parttcularly perfumes, ts abo well known, but, wtth a
few except10ns. we have generally constd~red them as bemg u~eful
only for theLr agreeable odour.
The recent fashion for using more natural ingredtents has led to a
rash of cosmetics appeanng on the market, widely advertised to
contain peach oil, avocado otl, cucumber oil-and mdeed the 01ls
from practtcally every plant that grows It ts a !!!2?!: pomt whether
these do half as much good on the skm a~ some of them do if taken-
internally, but there IS no doubt that essences do penetrate skm,
and also that thetr odours have a dtrect effect on us.
It ts certain that the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egypttans and Jews
used them wtdely and were aware of thetr many apphcattons, for
medtctnes, for preservattves and to mamtain health, and it wdl be a
great gam to our own era If the pursUit of the 'natural' increases our
own knowledge of them. _
The subject ts vast and you are referred to the book list for further
mformation, but one of the safest ways for you to use aromatherapy
ts to add essential otis to your massage 01l You need only small
quantities (whtch IS JUSt as well, as they are expensive and some of~
them evaporate quickly) The otis should be kept well sealed in a
dark place and at a cool temperature (just as for any cornmerctal
perfume) Here are some easy recipes for various types of massage.
Ftrst for the basic otl, add a little wheatgerm otl to your chosen
base (i.e soya otl, almond oil, sunflower, etc ) in about one part to
mne parts of the base 011. Thts wtll help to prevent the vegetable oil
gomg rancid Keep your oil m an air-ttght bottle, well ftlled up. The
perfumed essence to be added to this IS very small, about one part In
fifty, but do not be put off by this. Provided you add your oil a drop
at a ttme, you will soon become familtar with the amounts required
(tt is only a case of usmg your nose-as soon as the mixture smells
pleasmg wtthout bemg overpowering, stop!). In order to • fix' your
perfume, you need a heavy essence, and m my opinion, sandalwood
1s the best, and a few drops ts added in each of the following recipes
For a Relaxtng Massage. Add ten drops of Geranium, ftve of
Lavender and four of Marjoram to a suitable quantity of your
chosen oil
For an Antz·depressant use a few drops each of Geranium,
Lavender, Melissa, Neroli, Sandalwood and Ylang· Ylang.
To relteve muscle cramps, use a mixture of Juniper! Lavender,
Marjoram, Melissa, Neroli, Rosemary and Sandalwood.
For a sedative use Geranium, Juniper, Lavender, Marjoram,
Melissa, Neroli, Sandalwood and Ylang·Ylang. '
To stimulate circulation, use Juniper, Rosemary and a very litde
Sandalwood as a fucative.
For an znvtgoratzng massage use Geranium, Juniper, Lavender,
Maqoram, Mehssa, Neroh and Sandalwood.
To relteve mild aches and pazns use two parts of Juniper to one
each of Rosemary and Lavender.
In general, Geramum, Lavender, and Sandalwood blend well
wtth anything else Geramum ts parttcularly good for enhvenmg a
blend and makmg all the tngredients come together harmoniously
For a factal massage, Gerantum, Rosemary and Juniper make a
good skin tonic.
Wheatgerm otl, bestdes being anu-oxtdant, 1S also ncb in
vttamms and wtll nounsh the skin, as will avocado oil, but both are
too heavy (and too expensive) to be used on thetr own Hazelnut otl
1s also nounshmg and penetrates the skm well without bemg so
heavy For general use, all the other otis ment10ned are quite
satisfactory, although most masseurs have their own favountes and
have some whtch they actually dtslike to work wtth
In usmg aromatherapy for massage purposes, the chtef thing to
constder 1S that the perfume should add to the pleasure, so never use
a mixture whtch you or your pattent dtsltkes
Stimulating or relaxmg baths can be taken by addmg a few drops
of essence direct to a bath of water, or combming them with
vegetable od. Relaxmg otis mclude Lavender, Marjoram, Rose,
Orange Blossom, Sandalwood and Clary Sage Tonic oils mclude
Rosemary, Juniper, Peppermmt and Bastl Lemon otl (a few drops)
and the jmce of half a lemon, with a couple of drops of geraruum oil
wtll give you a bath whtch is at once refreshmg and relaxing-just
the thmg on a hot summer day On a wmter one, you can help to
prevent colds and pep up your circulation by addmg Jumper,
Pepper ou and Lavender oil to your bathwater
There are qmte a nu7J1ber of essential otis on the market but you
will wish to make a selectton of the most useful. I recommend the
Benzoin. This is antiseptic and deodorant. It is also called Gum
Benjamin and is an ingredtent of incense. It is a good inhalant
(Friar's Balsam in fact) and 1s also particularly useful as a healer of
wounds, sores and skin trrttattOns It is a sedative and can be used to
relieve asthma, coughs, bronchttts, laryngitis and cohc. It does not
evaporate quickly and makes a good fixative m a blend It is heart-
wannmg and has, tradtt10nally, the Sun as tts ruler.
Chamomile. This wtll be described under 'Herbs'. As a massage oil
tt 1s particularly good for achmg muscles. especially tf thts 1s due to
exert1on of muscles not normally used very much.
Geran:t~m Apart from tts own fresh scent, th1~ oil blends well with
many others, notably rose, lemon, orange and bas1l. It ts analgestc,
anti-depressant, ant1scpt1c, tonic and aMnngent Tradttionally, tt 1s
ruled by Venus and z-. reckoned to be useful zn th~ treatment of
stenhty and of k1dney troubles <.ht•mg .t mt!J dmtettc). It rt-heves the
pam of burns and promot~-; the heahng ot wounds or ulcers, and
skm troubles. It wtll be found pamcul.lrly useful m rn<l!>sage otis
where the patient t'i anXli)U~ or 1~ suttermg trom menopausal
symptom~. One nt 1ts mu'it welcome apph< au om is as an msecttcide
and mosqmto repellent
]unzper IS anttsepttc and sedattve. It IS also anti·toxic and is used to
punt} the a1r in mfected rooms (usually by burmng tw1gs). It can be
both tome and relaxing anu it makec; a good bath oil For massage
purposes it 1., u\eful to c;tlmul<lte the t.'trculatton, thus helpmg
rheumatiC Jilmcnt" .tnd tt I'> t•xct•llent tor c;km troubies It 1s a herb
ot Jupiter hcm,g tndKJtt•d tor hvet d1~orders and for gout
Lat•ender. The tn•;,h .md delightful perfumt.' of tht~ 01l makes it an
idt:'al ant1 depre~'>ant It t'> alc;o ant\'>t.'ptlc and deodorant It blends
wt.'ll with moM other c~senu,ll oslo:;. It I'> valued tn massage as 1t helps
to regenerJtt.' !.ktn tell-; It ic; a good rt.•mc,iv for l>Unstroke, and,
indeed. burns ol Jll kino~, hut only J. very ltttlt- 1:. needed-about
one part to mnNy nme of llll. A ~trongcr concentrJtton (about one
part to twenty·fi\'C ot oil), wtll'>ttmu!Jt~ the Circulation and help to
rehcve aching or Mramed muc;dcs It also helps reheve rheumattc
pain It may be used Internally. as <:xpl.uned under 'Herbs'
Marjoram Thts oil is pnmarily ')edattve and is v. armmg It helps to
relieve muscle crampc; Jnd to lower htgh blood pressure It 1s
extremely valuable in a mas.,age ml, bt!cau~t' 1.1f tts warmmg,
comforung properties. It rdtC'ves pam and promotes the healing of
brut!:.ed tissue. lt is both !'ledJtt\'t' and tt.1ntc to the nervous system
and probably for thi~ reason 1s awarded to Mercury However, my
own feeling is that it b a hl'rh of th1.• Sun and Leo.
Melissa. Thts c~ppcars in the 'Ht•rh' st'C.'tlon under the name of
Balm. In massa~e it is almn\t indt~pen<;ablc, hcing at onctt tome and
'iedative. and a wonderful anti depressant. I .1dd 1t to most mtxtures.
Neroli. This i~ orange blossom, and the oil i~
expens1ve. Luckily,
only a little is needed, and it blench well with mo)t other oils. It ts a
good relaxant and antt-depressant and IS a valuable otl to use on
those who are anxious or suffermg from shock It ts undoubtedly a
perfume of the Sun and of Leo It IS a good skm toruc and ts
absolutely safe on any type of skm
Rosemary Thts ts descnbed m full under 'Herbs' In a massage, It
has a sttmulatmg effect and IS refreshmg Ltke Maqoram tt has a
warmmg effect, makmg It good for athmg mu~des and rheumattc
Sandalwood Thts ml is slow to evaporate and 1s good to mtx wtth
others for thts reason It ts well known as a perfume and ts much
used as mcense It 1s soothmg, toruc and sedative, but 1t ts also an
antt-depressant, whtch makes It emmently suitable for nervous and
tense patients, especially where depressiOn IS also present It ts
excellent for dry skm and for skm IrntatlOn or mflammatlon It lS
very mddand can be used m twtce the quanttty of the other essential
Ylang- Ylang This ts a very pleasant and exottc od, gtvmg a feehng
of well bemg. It ts soothmg to the skin (espectally oily skm). It ts
aphrodisiac and ts, therefore, used to help cases of fngtdtty or
tmpotence Only a httle needs to be used as 1t 1s htghly concentrated
and can be overpowermg It helps to reheve nervous tenston being
sedative and anti-depressant

The bas1s of thiS treatment ts that there are reflexes m the fleshy
parts of the feet v, htch correspond to other parts of the body,
mcludmg the mternal organs By workmg on the feet wtth a
movement that 1s hke a combmed massage and pressure at each
reflex pomt, tt IS possible to dtagnose illness m another part of the
body and to treat tt by stimulating the organ concerned to throw off
the condition. Thts should only be done by a tramed practitioner
who ts aware of the amount of pressure to use and of the dangers of
over-sttmulatton A person recetvmg treatment usually
experiences a feehng of lightness and general well bemg, for whtch
reason tt lS a good stimulating therapy for all who need to keep
themselves fit Discomfort l'-1ii be expenenced when a reflex ts
stimulated whtch corresponds to an area of the body where there is
trouble, but this ts only momentary and merely enables the practi-
tioner to conf1rm his dtagnosis. It lS a good therapy for most people,
except those who have foot troubles.
It 1s now becomin.g very popular and there are several good books
on the !lUbJect Unfortunately, these encourage people to thmk that
they can learn how to be a practitioner just by readmg about 1t
Books can not ~how the amount ot pressure wh1ch lS safe to use and
most of them do not warn the layman of po')Sible dangers.
For mstance, tt is very t-asy to pull toes out of JOmt unless they are
hdd hrmlv whtle }OU are workmg on them
Classes are available m London (~ee 'Further Information') and
potent1al practttlt)ners should certamly get ~uch trainmg.
Potential clients should he aw<1re of th1s problem and only go to
reputable, tully·tramt.>d practitioners.

Pre-nata 1Therapy
This involves work on the bony structure of the foot to deal with
conditions whic.h have arisen m the gestation period or m early
chtldhood Over a period of treatment, patients have been helped to
overcome bad habits and mongolo1d children have actually lost the
typ1cal mongol look However, an adult pauent needs to be willing
and cooperative as personality changes are ltkely

Acupuncture and Acupresc;ure

It to; not generally known that acupuncture was used by medical
doctor5> m thb country in the nineteenth and early twentieth
centurie!l. Robert Eagle says that it was brought to Europe from
Chtna by French jesuit pnest~. and he quotes from Str Wtlliam
Osler's textbook Prmczple:. and Practtce of Medrcrne pubhshed in
1912 in whtch he recommends 1t for lumbago
Eagle attributes 1ts thsappearance from the medical scene as
bemg due to the dt~covery of aspmn, wh1ch became the universal
panacea for lumbago, rheumauc and arthnttc pams. We now know
the dangers and hm1tat10ns of aspmn but people sttll prefer to go to
doctors to be gtven a p1ll rather than attempt to do something about
the1r health themselves.
Acupuncture 1s now back on the ~cene m this country and m
Amenca, and has achieved a great break-through smce one of the
American dtplomats v1~itmg China was taken ill and patd tribute to
the efficacy of the acupun<:ture treatment which he received there.
As most people know, it con<;ists of inserting needles mto appro·
prtatepoints in the body and twirling them. These pc>ints may be far
removed from the seat of the trouble and suggest an analogy with
reilexology. There appear to be tngger points m thE' body whtch
affect other parts of the body.
Acupuncture ts a proven therapy for allevtatmg pam Arthntts
and other back pains, m1grame, asthma and other psychosomatic
complamts have been successfully treated by th1s method
Joseph Goodman (Dr Ac.)SemorLecturerat the Bnttsh College
of Acupuncture, explams the theory of trad1t1onal Chmese
med1cme, of wh1cb acupuncture is just one part, m terms that have
now become famthar to us 'Health IS a measure of the free flow of
energy (Ch' t) whtch, although mdestruct1ble m essence 1s capable
of bemg obstructed.'
A skllled practtttoner can dtagnose the seat of the obstructton by
means of four procedures whtch trad1t10nally mclude the takmg of
the twelve (yes, twelve) pulses at the wnst, and then treatmg the
panent accordmgly
Acupressure-also called Shzat-su-ts stmtlar except that the
tngger pomts are acttvated b~~ massage and deep pressure, and not
by needles
The danger of both methds 1s the allevtat10n of pam may
mask senous symptoms, whtch '1l::ty not be recogmzed by any
pract1t1oner, who 1s nnt a sktlled dtagnosttctan As wtth so many of
the 'altemanve med1cme · pra..:ttttOners, recommendanon by
former panents 1s probably the best method of choosmg your own
spectabst (See also Further Informanon )

Chiropractic and Osteopathy

To the layman there appears to be litde dtfference m these two
techmques. In the Umted Kmgdom they are normally used to
correct spmal defic1enc1es by means of mampulanon, though
United States practinoners treat a w1de variety of complamts wtth
the same type of treatment.
Osteopaths use leverage and rotat1on of the hmbs and also work
on the soft tissue of the body. Chrropracters feel therr way mto the
wrongly-ahgned vertebrae and push them back There 1S no doubt
that the best of them (both osteopaths and chtropracters) are usmg
an intuttive abthty to' sense' the source of the trouble and the nght
movement to correct it.
Manipulation is not taught generally wtthm the Nat10nal Health
Service, although some doctors have been trying to get 1t accepted
as part of the teachmg syllabus for a very long t1me
As in all the fnnge medtdnes, most people go to chiropracters
and osteopaths because they have been 'given up' by orthodox
doctors. It 1S all the more credit to them, then, that they so often
succeed where orthodox treatment has failed.
However, 1t has to be reahz.ed that, smce anyone can set up as an
osteopath or chrropracter wtth ltttle or no trammg, much damage
can be done Recommendation remains the best way of fmdmg a
rehable pract1t10ner.
The Alexander Techmque 1s a therapy for strengthenmg the
spine Chents are taught how to hold themselves and gtven
appropnate exerctses They are also taught how to move. Tutors
may devote hours to just teaclimg a chent how to sit down and stand
up correctly. It ts not somethmg whtch can be learned qUtckly, and,
once learned, 1t must be consc10usly practised all the time
It is therapeuttc for all those who have spmal troubles, and a good
preventative for those who may be subject to them Tall people, m
parttcular, often hold themselves badly, etther in an attempt to
reduce thetr hetght (tf they feel self-conscious about tt) or because
thetr work causes them to stoop, and thts then becomes a habtt. It ts
parttcularly suggested for Leo, Sagtttanus and Aquanus types

A practtttoner of homoeopathy is already a tramed medical doctor.
He has to pass the usual medical exammauons before he 1s allowed
to study homoeopathy. Unfortunately, the extra trammg, for
whtch no grants are yet available, has become so expenst ve that the
number of pracuttoners complettng the trammg canrtot keep pace
with the number of pattents wanttng thetr services
The essence of homoeopathy 1S that tt constders the whole man,
hts temperament rather than his dtsease. For mstance, the remedy
prescnbed for the WlfY, lfntable pattent Wlth a troublesome cough
would be qutte dtfferent from that prescnbed for the more
phlegmatic type with the same atlment. Symptoms are also
constdered m detatl Is the cough more troublesome at rught or m
the mornmg? Does tt go with a htgh temperature? Swollen
tonStls?, and so on For thts reason, tt is not a treatment for the
layman, other than as a first aid There are thousands of
homoeopath1c remedies and only a highly sktlled practitioner is
likely to know just the one whtch ts exactly rtght
But homoeopathy ts different from orthodox (allopathtc)
medicme in another fundamental way. The remedies avatlable are
in inftmtesimally small quantittes, and, for the most part, consist of
substances that, m larger quantities, would cause the symptoms.
One could descnbe the treatment as 'a hair of the dog that bit you'
Dr Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of this method of
treatment m the mid-etghteenth century He evolved the 'law of
stmtlars' from the discovery that Cmchona Bark (whtch supphes
qutmne) produced symptoms stmtlar to malana m healthy persons
He proceeded to expenment wtth other medtctnal substances and
eventually estabhshed the prtnctple that 'what can cause, can
cure' The preparatton of the remedies begms wtth a genuinely
natural substance (antmal, vegetable or mmeral) The Mother
T mcture of thts (mdicated by 0) ts then made up into vanous
strengths (known as potenctes) Tablets are made by grtndtng
(tnurattng) wtth sugar of mtlk tn the proportiOn of one part of the
substance to nmety-nine parts of sugar of mtlk to gtve a potency of
1c (one m a hundred) Thts ts then repeated wtth the already
tnturated lc to gtve 2c or one part of the ongmal substance m
10,000 H potenaes are purchased as 1, 2, 3 etc , thts ts eqmvalent
to 1c, 2c and 3c The centestmal scale is always mtended Thts was
the ongmal scale, but potenaes are now avatlable m a dectmal
scale-one part m ten-and these always carry the sufflX X 6x ts a
fatcly common potency
It wtll be apprectated that these are very small doses mdeed and
consequently, the danger of stde effects is mmtmal m companson
with the masstve dose of drugs used tn allopathtc medtcme.
H you intend to keep 'first atd' remedies yourself, the 6c potency
ts the most useful one to have Mother T mctures may also be useful
for external application only (tmctures are m hqUtd form)
Useful Mother T mctures f2J are as follows·
Hamamelts Ten drops to half glass of warm water for brutses
Calendula As above Thts ttncture has many uses (see below)
Ruta As above, for bruising of bones (and use undiluted for corns).
Rhus Tox. As above, for sprains.
In each case, lmt should be wrung out m the tru.Xture and laid
over the injury, covered wtth flannel and bandaged.
In the case of wounds or grazes, Calendula tmcture, made up as
before, can be used for cleansmg It can also be used undtluted, as a
first 'first aid' for burns and scalds. That is, you can pour it over the
bum, whtle preparing a compress
Euphrasia. Two drops m a eye-bath of water will aid m preventmg
trritation tf dust or a foretgn body gets mto the eye. Here again,
Calendula tzncture makes a good substitute if Euphrasta 1s not
available. For any eye trouble requiring bathing, one drop of
E uphrasia tincture to two tablespool).sful of teptd water is useful
The same two tJ.nctures, Euphrasza or Calendula tn the
proportton of one drop to two tablespoons of cooled botled water
can be smffed up the nose to relieve hay fever
Ledum Ten drops to half a teacupful of water wtll reheve the pam of
msect stmgs or bttes, etther used as a lotton or a compress Once
agrun Calendula Tzncture can also be used
Urttca Utens made up as above should be used to relteve nettlerash
and stmgs from plants. Calendula ttncture can be used as a
Calendula ts also useful as a mouthwash for bleedmg or unhealthy
gums or after denttstry. Two drops m a little water, or soda water,
should be used at mght.
Useful 6c potenczes (zn tablet form).
Aconztum Use fot fevensh colds Muscular pam caused by chills
Nervous anttctpatton (espectally for chtldren dreadmg vistts to the
denust or exammat10ns) Also for tension headaches where the
pattent ts unable to bear the light
Arnica. Invaluable m all cases of shock. The first remedy for
acctdents (mcludmg brUises and burns), also to dtsperse boils. This
remedy is also useful m the form of omtment tor brutses.
Arsen Alb Use for mdd food potsoning (get immedtate advtce tf tt
ts severe). Also for dtarrhoea, vomtting and runny colds
Gelsemzum For mfluenza, and for nervous anttctpatton
Nux. Vom For stomach upsets and nervous mdtgestton, espectally
if caused by over-mdulgence, and for consttpatton Also for
haemorrhoids due to too httle exerctse and to consttpatlOn Useful
for nervous headaches caused by anxtety
Rhus To.x For sprams and aching muscles caused by stram.
All the above remedtes are parttcularly suttable to chlldhood
Carbo Veg For coughs whtch are worse when going from warm to
cooler air For famtmg attacks wtth sweating or temperature drop.
Also for flatulence tn upper stomach wtth low vttaltty
Hepar. Sulpb For wounds, grazes, bums or scalds if there 1s
suppurat10n of matter Also to assist botls to burst
Urttca Urens For burns or scalds Can also be taken in tablet form
for nettlerash and stmgs from plants, as well as used externally m
tmcture form
Thts ltst would form a good nucleus for a ftrst atd cabmet In
addttton there are some whtch are parttcularly useful to certam
types of people In these cases, the 30 potentcy ts recommended
Aconztum has already been menttoned It ts tndtcated for people
who suffer from tenston wtth palpttattons, have a dry skm and avmd
the sun
Argent Nzt ts for those who anticipate troubles and become
fearful They usually treat ttme as 'the enemy' and get through a
great deal of work m a day
Arsenzcum ts mdtcated for those who are tense, fastidtous and
fusstly ttdy, espectally when they suffer from various fears and
apprehenstans for no good reason
The Nux Vom type ts recogmzable m the wtry, lean, dark person
who feels stratn or excttement m bus mess ltfe and ts mclmed to take
stimulants to keep htmself gomg They are usually chtlly monals
and don't move far from the ftre m wmter
Pulsatilla ts mdtcated for the mlld and good humoured woman who
weeps easdy when upset or tll I thmk of her as the 'fatr, fat and
forty' type, who cannot take fat or a nch dtet wtthout suffering for
tt They dtslike stuffy rooms and soon crave for fresh atr
Chamomtlla ts espectally suttable for children who are irntable and
intractable, espectally when teethmg or when restless and not
knowmg what they want. (For adults, also, when they are behavmg
hke this)
It would be easy to classtfy some of these as zodtacal types, but I
shall refrain from domg so. It ts much better that you should treat
your symptoms and personahty rather than that you should go for a
remedy for your astrologtcal type
The reason for this ts that our btrth charts include all the zodtacal
stgns, whether emphasiZed or not, and from time to ttme we will
undoubtedly have dtscomforts whtch do not relate to the strongest
sign in our charts.
Homoeopathic remedtes are useful to have m the house-par-
ticularly Arnica-but I cannot emphastze too strongly that they
should be treated as a 'First Aid' only.
The Bio-Chemic Tissue Salts
There are twelve salts which are present in the body m small
quanttttes They are constantly bemg used up and then replenished
from our food Each has 1ts own Job to do and is vital to our well-
being, even though we may only need a trace of 1t. Some zodiacal
types need more of one salt because they use It up quickly or
because they are unable to asstmdate it from food products. These
are the salts and the trachtional zod1acal s1gns With whtch they are
The Artes tissue salt lS Potassium Phosphate (Kalt. Phos. ). It 15 a
consutuent of the bram cells and the nerves, and 1t helps to restore
mental actlVlty (prov1ded the pat1ent co-operates by restmg
physically and mentally) It 1s also mdicated for the treatment of
sleeplessness, nervous dtsorders (mcludmg those affecting the
digestion) and skm troubles It is present m a wtde variety of green
vegetables and potatoes, onions, apples and walnuts
The Taurus salt 1s Sulphate of Soda (Nat. Suiph. ), as It ehminates
excess water, and lS mchcated for the treatment of dropsical and
catarrhal condlt10ns It 1s also useful for sick headaches, liverish-
ness, btliousness and influenza. It regulates the supply of water to
the body and deflc1ency of this salt is mdtcated by heaviness at the
top of the spme, chills and fever and by excessive sweatmg at night
Taureans need foods whtch keep the pores of the sk1n open Nat
Suiph. ts found m many of these, wh1ch include beetroot,
cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, cucumber and onions
The Gemtnt cell salt 1s Potassium Chloride (j(alz. Mur. ). Th1s tS a
blood conditioner whtch regulates the &brin m the blood and helps
to keep 1t flmd It IS md1cated for coughs, colds and swollen glands,
and, indeed, all mflammatory diseases Deftctency of th1s salt is
mdicated by whtte &brmous discharges, showmg an excess of &brm
1n the blood. Th1s condition should not be neglected otherwise the
body w11l attempt to throw off the excess m more VIolent ways-by
such illnesses as pleurisy and pneumonia
This salt, also, ts available in a Wide range of vegetables and m
many frutts mcludmg oranges, peaches, plums and pears, also m
tomatoes and sweet corn.
The tlssue salt for Cancer is Fluoride of Lime (Calc. Fluor ). ThiS
maintams the elast1c1ty of tissue affecting veins\ skm and all
membranes It also preserves tooth enamel (Capricorn polarity).:
Loss of elasticity causes cracks in the skin and lack of muscle tone,
leadmg to prolapses, varicose veins, lower back pams, piles and
poor c1rculatton Thts salt 1s contained chiefly in egg yolks and rye
flour but it iS also found m most protem and vegetable foods.
Leo 's ussue salt is Phosphate of Magnesia (Mag Phos ). It is anti-
spasmochc and is mdicated for cramps, flatulence, neuralgta and all
sharp, darting pams, and also for emotional exhaustion It restores
muscular tone and v1gour, mamtams the fluidity of the blood and
revitahzes the bram and nerves. Whole wheat bread, barley and rye
all contam it, together With apples, lettuce, cabbage, cucumber,
eggs, walnuts and flgs
The cell salt for Vtrgo iS Potassmm Sulphate (Katz Su/ph.) It
helps to transfer oxygen from the blood to the tissue cells, thus
keepmg hatr, nruls and skm healthy A deflaency of it results in the
cloggmg of the pores and impurities are not thrown off by the body.
This results m catarrhal conditions. Need for this salt iS shown by
desrre for fresh arr and a continual feeling of stuffiness. Virgo people
often find it chfficult to assimilate this salt, wh1ch they particularly
need to rebu1ld the nerve cells. The foods which contain it mclude
carrots and most salad vegetables, whole wheat, rye and oats
Lzbrans need Sochum Phosphate (Nat. Phos. ), which neutrahzes
acid and aids the chgestlon offatty foods. It maintams the balance of
ac1ds and alkabs m the body. Lack of it causes all types of
ac1chty-heartbum, poor digestion, rheumatism, etc It revitalizes
the kidneys and the ltver.
This tissue salt is contained m watercress, carrots, spmach, peas,
celery, beetroot, apples, raisins, flgs, ahnonds, nee and wheat
The tissue salt for Scorpio is Sulphate of Lune (Calc. Sulph ). It ts
cleansmg and dismfectant and promotes heahng. It is found m skin,
mucous membranes and tissue. Lack of 1t causes acne, and
gumboils and other conditions where unpunty of the blood is
present. Suspect a defioency of thlS salt if cuts are slow to heal. Its
action helps to elunmate organic matter whtch is no longer
reqmred by the body. Constipation tends to be common in Scorpio
types and th15 condition is an indication that Calc. Sulph. is not
being assimuated.
Foods containing this cell salt mclude oruons, mustard and
garlic, cress, cauliflower, leeks, tum1ps, rachshes, figs and prunes.
Silicic Oxide (Szltea) is the cell-salt for Sagittarians, and,
strangely, its crystal is arrow-shaped which seems appropriate for
the Archer. It also has a piercmg action, like an arrow, since it has
the effect of puncturing boils, styes, etc., by promoting suppuration
and causing the discharge of the poisonous matter. It is a cleanser
and eliminator. Suspect a deficiency of this salt if you are prone to
styes or boils. Brittle nails and hfeless hair are other indications that
silica ts not betng assimilated. It is a constituent of the nerves and
the bones, and helps to mamtam body warmth.
The fibrous matter of fruit, vegetables and cereals all contain
silica. Unfortunately, 1t is the sktns of the fruit and vegetables and
the bran which usually get discarded. They are an tmponant source
of thts salt and should be used as often as possible
The cell salt of Caprtcorn is Caloum Phosphate (Cak. Phos ),
whtch butlds bones and teeth. It carnes albumen from the food to do
this, and if it 1s defioent the excess albumen can cause kidney
troubles) stones or skin troubles Cak. Phos , helps digestion and
asstmtlanon of food and ts a good tome. Lack of it will show in
lassttude, dental troubles, dulblam.s and weak digestion. This latter
may cauSe the formation of aod tn the Joints, whtch leads to
rheumatism and arthritis.
Calc Phos, is contamed in spinach, cucumber, lettuce, figs,
plums, strawbernes, almonds, lentils and other pulses, whole
wheat, barley and rye, and milk.
Sodium Chloride (Nat. Mur. ), or common salt, is the tissue salt
for Aquanans. It is a dtstnbutor and balancer of the water content of
the body, and as Aquanans tend to ehmmate salt from the body
very qutckly tt needs to be constantly replaced. Etther watery
symptoms-streaming colds, watery eyes, wet eczema-or
excessively dry conditions of the skin or mucous membranes are
signs of the need for this salt. Lack of it also slows down the
digestive process.
Foods containing tt mclude spmach, cabbage, cucumber, lettuce,
chestnuts and lentils, carrot, radish, apples, figs and strawberries.
The cell salt of Pzsces 1S Phosphate of Iron (Ferr. Phos. ). Tius is
the number one biochemtc remedy and first aid, as it combmes with
many of the other salts to aid them in thetr work. It oxygenates the
blood and 1S the main ingredient m all tonics. It gives strength and
elastioty to the walls of the blood vessels and arteries and prevents
them hardening m later life. It ts useful in the treatment of sore
throats, coughs and colds and also in feverish conditions and
tnfl.ammations. Applied externally, it can staunch bleeding. It
combmes parttcularly well wtth Kali Mur., for the treatment of
inflammatiOns and With Ka/i Sulph., for skin disorders.
It 1S indicated in anaemic conditions and catarrhal conditions
caused by failure of the pores of the skin to throw off toxic waste.
This 1S one of the tissue salts which is almost totally discarded
when vegetables are boiled and the water thrown away. It is present
m lettuce, radishes, spinach, strawberries, lentils, oruons and
The tissue salts are one form of mechcatwn that can be used safely
by the layman Any amount taken wh1ch 1s surplus to reqUtre-
ments will be ehmmated by the body with no harmful effects. They
are easlly purchased m tablet form from any Health Food store and
many chemists, espectally homoeopathic ones.
The reason why the ussue salts can be assimllated by the body m
the form of prepared tablets, even where they are not assimllated
from food. ts explamed by the preparation of the tablets These are
tnturated to refme the salts and to make them Immediately
accesstble The tablets (which are tasteless) dissolve on the tongue
and the salts are absorbed dtrectly mto the bloodstream They have
no stde effects as they are not drugs, and tii'ey wdl not affect, or be
affected by, any other medicmes
As wtth all forms of treatment, symptoms are hkely to perststand
even mcrease for a day or two-thts 1s merely a s1gn that the treat-
ment IS workmg-and this should be regarded as a good Sign It IS
comparable to a 'healmg cnsts' whtch may occur JUSt before a fever
breaks However, any symptoms whtch persist and become chrome
should never be treated wtthout profess10nal help
Smce there are only twelve t1ssue salts It 1s advisable to keep the
complete range handy, together With a small handbook on the
subject (see recommended book hst)

Many herbs are of value for dtetary purposes and as aids to heahng
Of the hundreds available I have chosen to descrtbe less than
ftfty, because these are easlly obtainable and are all safe for the
layman to use Others should only be used as advised by a herbalist,
as many are toxic If taken m sufftcient quantity.
In many cases 1t ts obvious that the herb described helps a wide
vanety of symptoms and I have not attempted to gtve each one an
astrological 'ru~er' Culpeper's Compleat Herbal1s the most noted
for hnkmg herbs to astrology, but as David Conway remarks in The
Magzc of Herbs, he was often gUtlty of making them ht, and I have
not hesitated to dtsagree w1th him No matter whtch astrological
sign or planet 1s allocated to a herb, 1£ 1t 1s ofbenef1t for those' ruled'
by other Signs, you w11l fmd it recommended for them under the
headmg of their zodiacal stgn
Where I have not spec1fied the method of preparation, !oz. (25g)
of the chopped herb to 1 pint (550ml) of bmhng water is the usual
Alfalfa (Medzcago satwa)
This 1S one of the valuable herbs wluch has become widely available
for purchase tn the form of seeds (for sprouting-see 'Diet'). It is
strengthening and we1ght adding. The seeds used whole or
powdered wtth cider vinegar and honey have proved a valuable
treatment for arthntlS.
Angelica (Angelica officznalts)
Stimulates the dtgestlve jmces and the appetite. The root and the
seeds are both of use for all d!gestlve problems, especially
heartburn, and all stomach complaints Useful for cohc in children
and for sore tonslls According to Culpeper, it is a herb of the Sun
and Leo, whtch 1S probably correct as it has tonic properties.
Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacer)
This is easy to buy as a powder and is a well-known remedy for
calmmg the stomach and stoppmg vom1ting It can be used with
m1lk and a sweetening agent to make a palatable blancmange to halt
excessive purgmg
Balm (Melissa o/ftctnalzs)
An easuy grown herb which can be taken as a tea (an infusion of
loz. (25g) chopped leaves to 1 ptnt (550ml) boiling water). As its
name wphes, 1t 1S sootlung for the stomach and digestive tract and
coohng for feverish complamts. It is good for nervous troubles,
infertility, and irregular menses, for which reason it is reputed to be
a herb of Cancer, though Culpeper also assigns it to Jupiter. The
leaves may be eaten raw. A valuable herb which fully lives up to 1ts
BtJ.Stl (Ocimum btJ.Siltcum)
This is another easuy grown aromatic herb. It helps the digestion
and heals wounds. It 1S excellent for nervous disorders, and for
morning s1ckness and travel sickness It is unusual in being both a
stimulant and a nervine, as nervines are usually sedative It can be
freely added to soups and salads or used as a tea (1 teaspoonful of
chopped leaves to a potful of water). Culpeper attributes it to Mars
and Scorp1o, probably for its snmulant propert1es and for the
healing of wounds.
Bay (l..Aurus nobzlzs)
This is commonly grown as a tree and the dried leaves are easily
purchased for culinary use. It stimulates the appetite and helps to
dissolve obstruCtions in the liver and spleen. The ou is valuable for
skm troubles, mcludmg bruismg, as 1t chssolves the congealed
blood It 1s d1fficult to see why Culpeper attnbutes th1s herb to the
Sun and Leo My own preference 1s for Jupiter and Sagtttanus
Bergamot (Monarda dzdyma)
Th1s 1s a relaxant and helps to mduce sleep It gives Earl Grey tea 1ts
d1stmct1ve flavour, 111 wh1ch form 1t 1s w1dely available It can be
added to potpourri m the form of od, to refresh 1t, and th1s can be left
m bedrooms to help relaxation The otl should not be used on the
skm, where it can cause a rash tf exposed to the sun. In my opm10n,
this is a herb of P1Sces.
Bzlberry (Vacczntum myrttllus)
The npe frlllts are valuable for all cases of water retention,
espec1ally drops1cal concht1ons, and gravel 1 oz (2 5 g) of bernes to 1
pmt (5 50ml) of boiling water makes a refreshmg dnnk A wine-
glassful of th1s IS coohng, astnngent and dmret1c It is probably a
herb of Juptter.
Blackcurrant (Rzbes nzgrum)
The leaves of thts shrub are detergent and cooling Use loz. (25g)
of chopped leaves, or the ripe frlllt, to 1 pint (5 50ml) b01bng water
for a well-known cure for throat mfecttons, hoarseness and catarrh
It 1s also valuable for whoopmg cough It breaks fevers and mflam-
mation Being nch m Vitamm C 1t 1s tonic and nutritive It is
probably a herb of Taurus, as 1t 1s used for the prevention and treat-
ment of g01tre.
Blackberry (Rubus fructicosus)
All parts of thts shrub can be used. The frutts are good for anaem1a.
The root will cure diarrhoea m children The leaves should be
mfused as for blackcurrant and used as an apenent and tonic. It can
be applied externally for psorias1s Taken as a tea, it is an excellent
blood purifter
Borage (Borage offzcznalts}
This 1s a common garden herb, which deserves to be more widely
grown. It contains potassium and calaum and is a good blood
purifier and nerve ton1c. It smells hke cucumber and has the same
cooling effect Above all, it 1S sttmulant and ann-depressant. It
activates the adrenal glands, heart, ktdneys and dtgesttve system. A
wmeglassful ofthetea-1 oz. (25g)leaves to 1 pint(550ml)botling
water-will help to abate fever. It 1S a cure for Jaundice and
increases the milk flow of the nursmg mother. It can be used as a
poulttce for infl.ammatton and swellings. Culpeper ascnbes it to
Jupiter and Leo, but I favour Mars and Aries as tts rulers for it IS
noted for tmparting courage
Camphor (Ctnnamomum camphora)
ThtS is widely avallable as oil. It can be apphed externally for
brut.Ses, sprains and mfl.ammation and taken for fever and hystencal
complaints Cold chills, rheumatic and neuralgtc pams may all be
eased by 1t. I suggest that it 1S a herb of Saturn and Capncom.
Caraway (Carum carvt}
One of our most useful herbs whtch should be grown by everyone
with a garden Root, leaf and seed all have their uses. The roots
should be used as a vegetable and the leaves tn salad The seeds can
be made into a herbal tea which Wlll relieve colds, stimulate
chgestion and lactatton and soothe fretful chlldren As a poultice, it
will draw boils and strengthen spratned limbs. Culpeper awards 1t to
Mercury, perhaps because of 1ts versatiltty.
Cayenne (Capszcum frutescens)
Th1s is easy to purchase as a powder It IS stmulant and tonic, a
body purifier and diSinfectant. It wards off infections and colds and
checks nosebleeding. It can, however, cause reddenmg Qf the skin,
and it has been attributed to Aries-correcdy, I beheve.
Chamomzle (Anthemts nobtlis)
ThtS is widely available as a tea-loz. (25g) to 1 pmt (550ml) of
boiling water It ts defmitely an acquired taste and some people fmd
1t more palatable with added honey. It helps digestive, nervous and
hystertcal complaints. It also helps to dissolve tumours and ulcers.
It can .be used externally for neuralgta, toothache and earache and
makes a good mouthwash after dental treatment. It relieves
.tiredness and revtves the system, and it is probably for this reason
that Culpeper attributes tt to the Sun.
Chtcory {Ctchonum intybus)
The root IS used in coffee mixtures to counteract the sttmulattng
effect of the coffee. loz (25g) root to 1 pmt (550ml) boilmg water
can be made into a tea and taken freely as a tonic. It 1S also diuretic
and laxative. It is good for bver conditions, gout and rheumatism. It
breaks down gall stones and eltminates excess mucus. I think it is
probably a herb of Jupiter.
Cloves (Symphytum offtctnale)
ThlS is grown in the East but the clove seeds and clove oil are widely
avatlable It is soothmg and antiSeptic bemg a well-known remedy
for toothache. As-a tea, or cordtal, 1t 1s wamung, strengthen10g and
stunulat10g It reheves nausea, clears stomach gases and punfles
the abdomen For the latter, a few drops of clove otl 10 a httle water
ts the qutckest road to relief
Comfrey (Symphytum)
Thts plant ts very easy to grow-m fact tt will soon take over the
garden tfleft. It ts also easy to find growmg wild The leaves can be
eaten m salad, or dned and made mto a tea It was known from
anaent tlmes as the all-healer. Its old country name of Knitbone
gtves the clue to 1ts chtef virtUes It is good for rheumatism and all
bone troubles (mcluding breaks and sprams), and makes a good cold
compress for eye inJunes It 1s used externally for the skin, bruises
and msect bttes, and 1t helps to prevent colds. Recent research has
ISolated a substance 10 1t whtch may cause cancer, but 1ts users
swear by it, and I take the vtew of the Herbal Soaety that many
thmgs we eat have trace elements of harmful substances whtch are
not present m sufftaent quanttty to do us harm (In tlus case,
masszve doses had been gtven to laboratory ammals ) I agree w1th
Culpeper that thts is a herb of Saturn and Capncorn
Dandelton (Taraxacum officznale)
Both root and leaves can be used It cleanses the blood stream and is'
tontc and dmreoc. It ts a valuable herb, bemg nch m V ttamms A, B,
and C. The root can be roasted and ground to make a coffee-like
drink and the leaves can be eaten m salads. It is good for liver and
kidney diSorders and tt helps to prevent arthntis by dlspersing
acidic depostts from the Joints Culpeper says tt 1s a herb of Juptter,
but it is so good for so many condtoons that I thmk it 1S a herb of the
Sun and Leo (as the 'sunny' appearance of the flower would
Dt/J (Anethum graveolens)
T,his is well known as an mgredient in gnpe water whtch IS used to
soothe babies. It helps to stop vom1ting and hiccups and checks
halitosis. It will cleanse the dtgestive tract and inhibtt ulcers and, for
thts reason, is Judged to be a herb oi Mercury and V rrgo.
Eld~rberry (Sambus nzgra)
ThiS is another valuable herb as flowers, berries and leaves are all
used. Elderflower tea is sleep-inducing and a mild astringent for the
skin. It is a splendid sprmg tome and blood punfier and helps
rheumatic and catarrhal condttlons. The berries reduce fever,
promote persptratton and soothe bums and scalds The leaves can
also be used as a tea and help m all dropstcal condtoons for which
reason thts 1s hkely to be a herb of Venus
Eyebnght (Euphrasza off~einaltS)
Thts is a common herb, although Euphrasta oncture may also be
eastly purchased The leaves can be dried and b01led. Thts makes an
effective lotion for all eye troubles. As a tea it 1S good for gastnc and
gall bladder troubles Culpeper says 1t unproves the memory and
gtves 1ts rulersh1p to Leo and the Sun I am inclined to g1ve 1t to
Anes as the ruler of the eyes.
Fennel (Foemculum vulgare)
The seeds of thts herb are easy to purchase Its oil is a good dism-
fectant. A teaspoonful of seed bouedtn Y2 pint (275ml)ofmilk and
allowed to boil for ten minutes and then strained makes a tea which
will relieve flatulence and cohc in babies. It 1s a restorative followmg
strokes Thts tea 1s also good for nursmg mothers. A compress of
the seeds reheves mflammat:ton of the eyes. A valuable herb for
Vtrgo types, to which stgn I would gtve rulership
Fenugreek (Tngonella foenum graecum)
Ltke alfalfa, th1s has become wtdely avatlable as seed for sprouong.
The ground seeds can be used as a poultice for abscesses and bo1ls
A teaspoonful of ground seed to Y2 pint (275ml) of boihng water 1S
good for sore throats, and for inflammation of the stomach and
intestines. It 1S a strong antiseptic The sprouted seeds are
nutritious used as a salad.
Garl~e (Allium sattvum)
This is a good general tonic, budding resistance to disease and
infectton It sttmulates the dtgest:ton and relieves rheumatism. It is
also excellent for the chest and lungs Culpeper gives 1ts rulership to
Mars, wluch is likely to be correct for its quabties as a sttmulant.
Ginger (Ztnig:ber off~ezanak)
Tea made from the root makes a good gargle. As a tea or a syrup it is
a good cough remedy.
Gtnseng (Panax qumquefolium o.t P.Schtn-seng)
The powdered root of this }lerb is easily purchased. Many claims
have been made for it and, no doubt, some are wudly exaggerated,
but is certainly a good stimulant and tonic for the whole nervous
system. It helps conditions of nervous or mental exhaustion. It
improves the appetite, and digestion and relieves stomach ailments.
It has a reputation as anaphrodisiac andtt is likely thatitstunulates
the pttuitary and adrenal glands Probably a herb of Mars and
Hops (Humulus lupulus)
It is possible to purchase hop pillows to cure insornrua. Hops taken
as tea will have the same effect and wU.l atd the digesuon. The herb
has been attributed by Culpeper to Mars and by other writers to
Aries speofically.
Horseradtsh (Armoracm rusttcana)
Grated horserachsh root can be used as a poultice as it tS antiseptic
and healing. A teaspoonful taken neat, or spread on bread and
butter, will relieve bronchial catarrh and reduce internal growths
and tumours It stunulates the glandular system to throw off
poisons and helps kidney <hsorders. Despite tts hot taste, which has
led some wnters to attribute it to Scorpio, I think it is a herb of
Libra .
Hyssop (Hyssopus offtcznalis)
This 1s an easU.y grown herb with a dehghtful aroma. It is a great
cleanser and promotes healing. The crushed leaves can be applied
to wounds to prevent infection. It reheves catarrh, regulates blood-
pressure, and reduces the secrenon of mucus. Ius a herb of jupiter,
helping all liver conchnons, especially jaund1ce Warning: large
doses can cause vomiting. Used externally, it w11l reheve
bruising and mflamrnation.
Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)
The value of kelp has long been recogruzed as a source of natural
iodine and is easy to purchase in the form of tablets. It helps to
prevent goitre, and is especially rich in iron. This makes tt
particularly benefiaal to PlSCeanst to which sign I would give
Lavender (Lavandula o/ftctnalis or L. Vera, etc.)
J11is herb is well known for its refreshing perfume. It soothes
nerves and helps headaches and migraine, faintness or dizztness. It
~-.·ives and relieves tiredness. As a gargle it is antiseptic and cures
halitQsis. Culpeper says it is a herb of Mercury. I would go further
and award it to Gemin1
Lovage {Ltvistkum o/ftcinalis)
Tbis is an easily grown herb, which is an excellent skin cleanser. It
is carminative, diuretic and stimulant and will be found useful for
fevers, stomach disorders and dysmenorrhea. According to
Culpeper tt belongs to the Sun and Taurus.
Mmt (Mentha vindis)
This is well known and is easily made into a tea It helps the
digestion and revtves the appetite. It JS also said to cure 1mpotence.
Mustard (SinaptS ntgra)
Plasters made from mustard are a well known remedy for
rheumat:J.c and back pams. Mustard baths help to prevent chdls
after exposure to the elements. The seeds can be eaten to help weak
stomachs and prevent indigestion. They contam sulphur and the
undiluted ou 15 dangerous to the skm.
Nettle (Urtzca diozca)
Another valuable herb, whtch deserves a better fate than to be
rooted out as a weed The flowers, leaves and seed are all useable. It
is an excellent blood purrl'ier and spring tonic. The leaves can be
boiled and eaten as a vegetable and wul unprove poor arculation
and help rheumatic condtttons !oz. (25g) of the chopped herb or
seed to 1 pint (550ml) of boumg water makes a tea which can be
used for coughs. It stlrn.ulates the dtgestton and promotes lactation.
It is astringent, dmretlc, nutntive and toruc. Culpeper asstgns it to
Mars, probably because of its stimulative effect.
Olzve (Olea europaea)
Ohve oillS easy to purchase and is a well known cure for burns and
bruises. It 1S also useful as a gentle laxative, and for diseases of the
bowels It helps to soothe teethmg mfants.
Parsley (Carum petroselinum)
ThlS lS rich in Vttamms A, Band C and contains many mmerals.
Some can be eaten, with advantage, every day. It is a toruc for the
unnary sys,tem, bladder and ktdneys It IS a nervine and blood
purifier. It stimulates the digestion and tones up the digestive
system. I have seen 1t attributed to Mars, Gemini and Mercury. I
disagree wtth all the experts and thmk that it is a herb of Libra.
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegtum)
This is a type of mint and is an easily grown is warming and
soothing. As a weak tea 1t is good for feverish or teething infants.
Peppermint (Mentha piperata)
This can be easily purchased as distilled oil. It allays flatulence and
nausea, helps digestion generally and revives the appetite. A few
drops added to water will improve sktn disorders.
Rosemary (Rosmannus offictnalts}
Thts eastly grown aromatic herb is a heart and hver toruc which
reduces high blood pressure 1oz (25g) to 1 pmt (550ml) bodmg
water makes a tea which IS good for neuralgta and a nerve sedative
It IS digestive andstunulates the ctrculat10n It 1s said to 1mprove the
memory Used as a hair tome 1t prevents baldness I concur wtth
Culpeper who says thlS ts a herb of the Sun
Sage (Salvza offzcznalts}
Applied dtrectly to wounds, sage leaves will staunch bleedmg A
teaspoonful of dried sage to 1/2 pmt (275m!) of water-steeped, but
not botled-wtll heal qumsy and ulcerated throats (a teacupful
should be taken mght and mommg) It also makes a good gargle for
a sore throat The tea will control dlZziness and emot10nal
excitement. It Is a nervme and helps the hver, bile and dlgesttve
system Culpeper says thts IS a herb of Taurus. Warning: Sage
should not be eaten in large quantities by pregnant women.
Sunflower (Helzanthus annuus)
The seeds are eastly purchased and are very palatable They are a
valuable source of VItamm B 2 oz. (50g) of seeds to 1 quart of
boiled water, allowed to reduce to V-i pmt (425ml) makes a good tea
for bronchitis, laryngttis, coughs and colds and helps to prevent
infection ThtS herb IS diuretic and expectorant A herb of Taurus
Thyme (Thymus serpyl/um or T. Vu/garzs)
A well-known aromatic herb, eastly grown. It 1s deansmg and
antiSeptic It ts good for fevensh condltlons and the dlgestton A
poultice of the leaves reduces mflammatlon It ts a good hver tome
and cures headaches and giddmess resultmg from kidney troubles.
There is wide agreement that 1t 1s a herb of Venus and Ltbra.
Warning: This herb assimilates lead. Do not gather it from
road sides. It is safest to grow it yourself.
Witch Hazel (Hamamelzs)
This is easy to purchase and 1S a good general healer. It IS astnngent
and anosepttc and checks haemorrhages~ ptles and pyorrhea It
should be applied externally m the form of ointment or hqutd. The
liquid can be used to massage the gums.
Yerba Mate (!lex pat'aguenszs)
This is now easily purchased as a green tea. It is a sumulant, and has
been found useful to counteract rheumatism and gout
The Bach Flower Remedies
Like the homoeopathic remedies, the Bach flower remedies are
aimed at treattng the person, rather than the disease, and, in
particular, the mental state of the person.
The flowers are an extension of the herbal medicines already
famthar to most of us. They were diScovered in the 1930s by Dr
Edward Bach, M.B, B S, L.R.C.P, M R C.S., D P.H He
abandoned his practice to seek a method of curing the stck that
could have no til-effects. He believed that to treat the patient was to
treat the disease and that 'the mmd, bemg the most dehcate part of
the body, shows the onset of disease more deftmtely than the body',
and so he chose the state of mmd as the gmde to which remedy was
necessary In v1ew of what we now know about psychosomatlc
illness his ideas must commend themselves to us
Dr Arthur Badey prefers the Bach flower remedies to the tissue
salts (though he uses both) as gtving the quickest rehef These are a
safe form of treatment for the layman They are stocked by
homoeopathtc chemists and by some Health Food stores The
extracts are m hquid form and, as only a very small dose 1s required,
you can make up your own bottle of the remedy by adding two
drops of the purchased remedy to a small botde of water .If you need
to keep It for some t1me, add a httle brandy to the water as a
A dose consiSts of a few drops from your made-up bottle, whtch
can again be chluted With a httle water or mtlk (or taken neat in an
emergency). Doses can be safely given at Intervals of anything from
a few minutes to two or three hours
The same bottle can be used to provtde a lotion-a few drops m a
bowl of water-to relieve pain, mflarnrnatton or stiffness. Since it is
easy to prepare the flower remedies for your own use, here is the
most usual method.
If possible, obtain some pure sprmg water and pick your blooms
in the early morning when they are at thetr freshest You also need
to choose a bnght, sunny day.
Put the water into a glass bowl (not thick glass) and float the
blossoms on top of the water so that they completely cover the
surface. Stand the bowl m bright sunshine for three or four hours,
or until the blooms begin to fade. Your water 1S now charged with
the essence of the flowers and 1s ready for use as a stock bottle (i.e. a
bottle from which you take two drops and then dtlute it). Pour the
liquid into a bottle which 1t will half£111 and then top up with brandy.
H it is not possible to obtam pure spring water use the purest
water you can get.
This is a suitable method of preparaoon for Agrunony, Rock
Rose, Munulus, Cerato, Chicory, Clematis, Centaury, Gentian,
Impatiens, Scleranthus, Vervain and Water Violet.
These were the original twelve remedies, although the Dr
Edward Bach Centre now supphes thirty-etght, and Dr Arthur
Bailey has devised h1S own by dowsmg over plants to see whether
they are suitable for treatments.
There is another method of preparaoon which is sUitable when
you wish to use other parts of the plant, such as small pieces of
stems or fresh leaves. In these cases, the specunens should be boiled
for thirty minutes in fresh water (as pure as possible) Thts should
then be allowed to cool, strained and bottled as before, allowing
room to add the brandy when the essence is cold. This method is
used to prepare Aspen, Beech, Crab Apple, Elm, Gorse, Heather,
Holly, Hornbeam, Oak, Olive, Pme, etc
The Bach Centre places the remedies under seven headings
accordmg to the mood of the patlent-fearful, uncertam, lacks
interest tn present situatton, lonely, over-sensitive to other in-
fluences, despondent or despamng and over-caring for others.
Other books are avatlable wh1ch give more prease descrtpttons of
the vanous moods. (See bookhst )
I wtll descrtbe the moods which mdicate the ongirial twelve
flower remedies
Agrtmony ThtS ts the remedy for the cheerful type of people who
are easily chstressed by quarrels. They tend to htde their troubles
from others, but may take sttmulants as a means of copmg with
them They dishke betng alone and enjoy excitement. They tend to
be nervous and anxious and have a dread of physical illness.
However, they have no fear of death and can become sutcidal under
extreme anxtety They are over-influenced by other people,
because they want to avotd controversy and also because they are
basically kind.
Centaury is the flower for those who want to do too much for other
people. They are usually qUiet and gentle and have a strong sense of
service, which may cause them to over-drive themselves. They
often do far more than thetr share of the work They should take
Centuary when they feel dominated by others (especially if they
have been m1Sguided by other people) and when feeling over-
sensitive or exhausted. These people can deny themselves and
make martyrs of themselves. They are often weak-willed and can
permit others to sap thar vitabty.
Cerato is indicated for people who have so little confidence in
themselves that they will not make their own deosions and
perpetually seek other people's advice. They can be changeable and
lack concentration. They rarely hold strong convictions about any-
thing, but are always seeking for information and asking questions.
They are nervously talkative and tend to drain other people of
Chicory belongs to those who are over protective of others. They
like their loved ones always near to them. They tend to continually
interfere m other people's affatrs 'for thar own good' and are
always finding somethmg to put right. They dishke being alone and
want to 'possess' others They tend to enjoy arguments and to be
'bossy', and are capable, but fussy. They have a great fear of losing
friends despite the fact that they are always finding fault with them.
They are likely to suffer from feelings of mental congestion and
tend to become hypochondnac to wm sympathy and to keep thetr
power over others. They are easlly irntated and 'nervy' and are
victims of self-pity They have strong wills and ther concern for
others masks the fact that they are basically self-centred and will sap
other people's vitality with their fussy interfering. They are victims
of worrying and weep eas:Uy
Ciematts. This is for those who have not much interest in their life.
They tend to be withdrawn, quiet and dreamy, and to live in the
future in the hope that it may be better, without apparently
considering trying to change the present These are the people who
give up easily if they become Ill They may appear absent-minded or
absorbed in thought but lack concentration They appear to have
no ambitions and can best be described as apathetic They easily
become exhausted, due to lack of vitality. They are i'mpractically
idealisttc and imaginative. They can draw illness to them as a means
of escape from expenences, and this may take the form of religious
obsessions and even msaruty. These people are extremely sensitive
to noise. Normally, they are uncomplaming (simply because they
are not interested) even though they are often unhappy. What little
vitality they have is easily sapped by other people. They have no
fear of death and sometimes seem to welcome it
Gentian is indicated for those people who give up eastly. Even when
their affairs are going well, a small hitch disheartens them This is
the type who makes mountatns out of molehills. They are easily
depressed and discouraged. They are easdy influenced by any delay
or hindrance and full of self doubts and loss of fatth. These people
can fall into melancholic states for no obvious reason.
Impatuns. The name describes the people for whom thts is
indicated. They are qutck in thought and in action and will brook
no delay to their plans. They cannot bear to be ill and will often
force the pace of their convalescence. They are impatient with
slower people and, for this reason, often choose to work alone. The
late Charles Carter, the well-known Astrologer, confessed that thtS
was his remedy. Impatiens subjects are usually capable and tend to
over-exert themselves. They have plenty of self-assurance and self-
reliance with high 1deals, but they are mtolerant of restraint and
tend to criticize and hurry other people. They can make hard
taskmasters, being quite unaware that other people do not have
their abundant energy Their illnesses spring from restlessness and
irritabtlity, strain and tension, all caused by the inabiltty to relax.
Mimulus ts mdicated for those who are fearful of life and who tend
to keep thetr fears to themselves They dread the posstbility of
illness, accidents, lonehness, etc -all the natural hazards of life.
They are nervous and hesttant and they do not hke to be alone, yet
at the same time they do not like a lot of company. They are quite
capable of being 111 to escape from cenam fears. They are usually
shy and qmet people, and they put off taking actton for as long as
posstble. They lack self-confidence and react badly to notse or
arguments, they are easily frightened by any adverstty, and,
although they have a fear of death, they can become sutcidal under
tenston. Other people can dram them of energy
Rock Rose This is the remedy to grab m any emergency-an
acodent or sudden tllness, or in a case of shock. It has been called
'The Rescue Remedy' 1 but tt is now posstble to purchase a remedy
called 'Rescue' which combmes Rock Rose wtth four other flower
extracts and wh1ch, m the words of the suppliers, 'meets all
emergency states-terror, shock, mental tension and loss of
emouonal control' I and I recommend that it should be kept readily
ava11able by everyone
Rock Rose is indicated for those who are apprehensive, or des-
pairing, also following ntghtmares or bad dreams, or in any other
cases of extreme fear, hopelessness or panic. It is number one in the
hst of flower remedies, and righdy so, for it is one we all need on
occasions. We should be aware that more people die of shock than
any other symptoms following an acctdent and this (together with
'Rescue' remedy) ts the qutckest way I know to counteract shock.
In an emergency, up up the bottle and swallow tt neat-don't waste
prectous time measunng out doses It ts, literally, a bfe-saver.
Scleranthus. Thls 1s for those quiet people who suffer agonies of
indectSion from seeing both s1des of the quesuon
Thls problem is not dtscussed wtth other people It is mdicated
for moodiness and changeabthty, also for lack of concentration-
through indectston. The proolem gtves nse to lack of self-
confidence and mstabthty and can lead to nervous breakdowns. The
patient's reacttons may be slow and he tends to delay taking act10n.
The unstable may become violent or tearful.
Vervatn This is the remedy for the Ftxed stgns of the zodiac, and
for all who rarely change thetr opinions, as they are not open to
other people's ideas. They, also, tend to over care for other people,
and, being strong-willed try to dominate them and convert them to
thetr own way of tlunkmg even though they also worry over them
They have plenty of courage and do not give in to illness, often
pushmg themselves when they should rest. They enjoy arguments
and like to direct other people's affarrs They frequently suffer from
exhaustton, due to the fact that they over-concentrate and put too
much effort and strain mto their acnvtties They seek for power and
can be hard task-masters to those under them They have htgh
ideals, however and will make themselves martyrs to a cause about
whtch they feel passionately. All efforts are taken to excess and thlS
leads to 'nervmess' and eventually to nervous breakdowns. They
possess plenty of self-confidence and tend to be quick m action
despite the rigtdity of the1r mmds and attitudes. They suffer from
tension and strain and can become violent. Thetr vitahty drams
energy from others.
Water Veolet 1s for the 'loner'. These people are usually very quiet
and gentle, although they are competent and self-rehant. Often
they are clever people who appear to others to be aloof. They do not
worry about other people's opinions and are usually peaceful and
calm within. They have a definite need to be alone and will avoid
arguments. Because of their self~reliance they are valuable people to
have around in an emergency.
It is obvious that the states described above tend to be extreme,
and although it is tempting to ascribe them to zodiacal signs (since
some obviously fit exactly) I have refrained from doing so because
the complications of the full birth chart will reveal that most people
fall into two or more categones. I have, however, included some
suggestions for the use of the Bach remedies under the descnption
of each zodiacal sign, including some which -have not been
described here, where appropriate.
These are very safe remedies and you .em use them without fear
of any side effects, but do not use tbem to mask symptoms which
pers1st and wluch need skdleQ.attent1on.

A few years ago a report appeared in the newspapers of an address
that Professor John Yudkm had just given to an all-party meeting
m the House of Commons They quoted htm as saymg, 'we now
have an enormous range of foods that bring htde in the way of
nutrients These not only push more nutritious foods out of the
diet, they also encourage overeatmg and obesity ' He talked about
the advance of technology in Western countries producmg 'a state
of malnutrioon of affluence'
At the same time, a well-known women's magazme was warning
'it is beheved that eattng over-refmed foods can cause cancer of the
Why have we let ournatlonal dtet get mto this state? Sad to say, it
ts partly because 1t 1s more profttable for flour mlllers to sell the bran
part of the wheat for cattle food and to sell the wheat germ
separately. The 'flour' which 1s left is so lacking m nutntlon that
chemical adchtives are needed by law tn order to bnng it up to even
the low standard required In addttlon, there 1s usually a chemtcal
preservatlve mit to improve the 'shelf life' (that 1s, the length of
time durmg wh1ch 1t appears to remain 'fresh') The result is that
our farm anunals are better fed than we are whue we consume a
large quantity of 'non-foods' m the course of a .day.
The other reason 1s that we have got used to conven1ence foods
and demand that everythmg should come to us pre-packed or
tmned and with good keeping quality. The result is that various
types of preservatives are used (including sodium nttrate, whtch has
recently come under suspicton as a possible cause of cancer) and
that white sugar, in parucular, is 'refined' to the stage where it
,..,..contains nothzng but carbohydrates. It does not offer you a single
vitamin or mineral-in other words, it is practically a non-food.
There used to be an old country saymg that 'you have to eat a
peck of dirt before you die', but~ those days the' dirt' had not been
sprayed wtth chemical fertihzers and what was not washed off the
vegetables probably would not have done you much harm. It is a
different story today, and all shop bought frutt and vegetables need
to be well washed in the hope that we are thereby gettmg rid of as
much as possible of the offendmg chemicals.
The sad fact is that :tf we were only prepared to take just a little
.more trouble for ourselves (mstead of wantmg it all done for us)we
should not only be healthter, but we should once more really enJoy
our food

Types of Flour
Wheats can be 'strong' or 'weak' accordmg to the hardness of the
gram and the quality of the gluten, but all have the same structure
-stx layers of outer skm, the germ and the endosperm The first
&ve layers are the bran which ts rich tn mtnerals, the stxth layer
contains protem and fat as well as mmerals, the germ contams a
high percentage of wheat all, phosphates, active enzymes and
sugar, and the endosperm contams only starch It lS this latter from
which whtte (or refmed) flour ts made No wonder that bread is
call~d 'the staff of life', but see how httle of the 'hfe-gtving' part is
used for our whxte bread The bran and ftbre tS sold for animal food
(literally, casttng the pearl before the swine), whde the wheat germ
is extracted to be sold separately to supplement chets or to be added
to speciahty breads. Thts leaves just the endosperm (the starch) for
ordinary white bread, and as I have already satd, tt is so deficient in
minerals and vttamms that synthettc ones have to be added by law.
Whole wheat flours whtch are stone ground retam all the
goodness of the wheat. 100 per cent wholemeal is just what it
says-all the wheat 81 per cent has had 19 per cent of the bran
sieved out, but still contains all the wheat germ, some bran and all
the avatlable oil. Neither of these require any additives by law.
Granary bread is made from malted wholewheat wxth some whole
grains mixed 1n
Bread and pasta made with these flours are delicious, nutty in
texture and very satisfying You really will not need to eat so much
of them as you do of the 'cotton wool' products of white flour
because your body will get so much more nounshment from them.
This is one the reasons why, although the raw materials cost
more, it can be cheaper to make whole foods your foods.

The Story of Sugar

Both cane and beet sugar are heated unttl they form crystals. When
the plants are crushed, sweet Juice flows from them-a jwce which
is equally as nutnttous as any fruit jmce, but the crystalizing
process (repeated three or four tunes) eventually 'washes out' all
thenutnents and colour. 'Raw' sugarts the dark brown type which
remains after the fi.rst heating and which still contains valuable
tron The hghter the sugar, the less real food tt contams.
The by-product (the hrst JUice) is known to us as molasses, ana
this is nch m essential mmerals and also contains some vitamins
and protein It contams only 59 calones per ounce, mstead of the
112 calones man ounce of sugar (even brown sugar contams thts
colossal number of calones). As molasses is nch in iron, which
tends to be deftcient m the diet of the Western countries, it is
sensible to use tt instead of sugar where ever posstble It is sweeter
than white sugar and it contams glucose and fructose (or frutt
sugar) which are less likely to cause tooth decay than sucrose(white
sugar). It tS absorbed more slowly into the blood and will supply
energy for a longer period

Honey-The Complete Food

We are all familiar with honey whtch, in its pure form (i.e. straight
from the hive) IS a natural energy-giving food contatnmg nearly all
the vttamins and mmerals needed to sustam hfe It acts qutckly to
restore and then maintain the level of blood sugar. It ts an internal
cleanser and is roughly twice as sweet as sugar and contains about
eighty calories per ounce. It can be safely and benefiaally given to
invalids and I thoroughly recommend 1t for use m place of sugar
where ever posstble.
Unfortunately, tf honey is stored or imported in bulk, it ts
necessary to heat it so that tt will flow for bottling and also iftt is sold
as 'clear' honey H you can get locally produced honey (or some
that has not been heat treated) you can be sure that it is of high
quahty. New legtSlatton will be introduced shortly which will
ensure that our honey is of acceptable standard (although still not of
such high quality as that latd down by the E.E.C. standard). There
are wtde differences in the price of honey and, by and large, you
should get a better quality 1f you are prepared to pay for it. I
recommend Mex:1can or Jamatcan honey.

Fresh Vegetables and Fruit

There is no doubt that lf our diet contamed some fresh vegetables
and fruit every day, there would be a marked increase in our health
The great dif:ftculty 1S to get them really fresh, and, 1£ the result of
the nse in pnces 1s to tum us all back into a natton of vegetable
gardeners, we shall dertve some not mconstderable beneflt.
If you have a deep freeze, 1t IS well worth growmg your own-
especially the less fam1bar vegetables wh1ch do so much to hft a
meal into the gourmet class and which are never cheap. Any
gardening book will tell you the best variet1es for freezmg
- Even w1thout this, however, 1t ts wonh growmg thmgs whtch
will keep m store (notably, apples and ontons) and carrots will keep
well m dry sand.
Even if you have no gardf7n at all, It 1S now posstble to grow
tomatoes (full sized fruits on mmtature plants) on a wmdow Sill or
balcony, and, of course, as many herbs as your wmdow box wtll
accommodate Not only do the5oe add mterest to your dtet but all
contain valuable nutrients and trace elements-m other words,
they are 'real' food

Shopping for Value

Spectabst stores are usually dearer than the ordmary grocers and,
provided 1t 1s pure, there 1s no reason why honey, for instance,
should not be bought at an ordmary grocers However, you should
not grudge the extra penntes that you may be asked to pay for the
whole foods which are obtainable at the spectahst stores as they w1ll
prove to be an economy in the long run because you w1ll fmd that
you need les'i in order to sausfy your nutnttonal requ1rements.
Some of the foods wh1ch were untll recently only obtamable at the
speciahst stores have become so popular that they are now
obtainable anywhere. Muesh ts the obvtous example. Here,
however, the Health Food Stores will prove to be cheaper than the
grocers because you can obtam from them muesli base to which
you can add your own frutt and nuts. You should look out for
wholemeal flour and speciality breads in the local grocers where
they may be cheaper than m the speciahst stores.
There ism uch satisfaction as well as economy in makmg some of
these things yourself, notably bread, yogurt, cream and muesli.
Sprouting Seeds
It is now possible to obtain many types of seeds for sprouting. The
sprouts or shoots are dehaous and nutritious and the process <*-
sprouting is simplic1ty itself. You do not need any special equip-
ment-a large jam jar, a piece of muslin or similar material to go
over the top and neck of the jar and a rubber band to secure it there.
Into the jar you put a dessertspoonful of your chosen seed, rinse tt
round with ordinary cold water (m winter, you can just take the
chill off it, to aid germination of the seeds), secure the muslm and let
the water drain out through 1t Put the jar on its side so that it will
continue to drain, in a shaded place. Repeat the rinstng ntght and
morning. You will find you can pour the water through the muslin
and need not take tf off the Jar. In three to s1X days, depending on the
type of seeds, you will have your sprouts, which can then be eaten
raw, or cooked for just a few mmutes m boiling water, so that they
remain crisp The most popular seeds are as follows.
Alfalfa. These are very fine seeds and the sprouts are fully grown in
three days. They taste rather hke new pea pods and are best eaten
Mung Beans. These are familiar to most of us as Chinese bean-
sprouts. The sprouts will take six days to develop fully. These are
deliaous raw or cooked.
Fenugreek/Herbal Green Mtnt Sprouts Both of these have a very
distincttve flavour and are mce to combme with other sprouts for a
m1Xed salad.
All are full of essential minerals and vi tamms and make a most
useful winter salad when other raw vegetables are not avatlable.

A Bonus For Your Looks

At the moment, there is a great vogue in the use of natural
ingredients in the cosmetic industry Despite the advertisements
telling us of the benefits to our skm of avocado, cucumber and many
other fruits and vegetables, many health experts tell us that none of
the creams w1th wh1ch we anoint our skin are capable of penetrat-
ing. The s1tuation is quite different when the fruits and vegetables
are taken as food. The bonus from eating natural foods, in tenns of
beauty, 1S youthful looks. Shining hair, good colour, clear skin and
surplus energy are well worth having when they are obtamed for so
little expenditure of time and energy in buying the best. An added
zest for hfe and healthy old age will be your reward for making sure
that the foods you eat are both natural and delicious.

Nhole Food Value Chart (In Percentages)

Protem Carbohydrats Fat peroz (25g)
Wholemeal Bread 7 48 - 63
Pearl Barley 7.8 83 1 8 102
Bran 14 58 3.8 92
Brazl1Nuts 13.6 8 70 210
Brown Sugar - 97 - 114
Butter - 05 84 223
Cheddar Cheese 27 - 33 120
Drted Frutts:
Apple 1.1 58 06 71
Apricots 5.5 47 6 02 60
Currants 1.6 56 - 68
Dates (Stoned) 19 64.3 - 74
Figs 27 55 - 65
Prunes 2.3 37 - 44
R.atsins & Saltanas 18 60 - 71
Hazelnuts 13.1 14 1 63 199
Honey 35 76 5 - 82
Mtlk (Low Fat) 36 63.2 - 102
81% Flour 11.1 73.8 16 96
Muesli 12 67 8 107
Oatmeal 12 :.71 9 114
R!ce (Natural) 7.5 77 1.7 102
Rye Flour 6 81 2 105
Ftuit jUICes.
Tomato}wce 1.23 2 37 - 6
AppleJwce ' 0.05 112 - 13
Grape Juice
13 9
- 21
66 207
Wheat Germ (Stabilized) 23 55 8.4 107
Wheat Germ (Natural) 28 40 10 101
Wholemeal Pastes
(Macaroru, Spaghettt, etc ) 13 5 68.5 3.2 101
Wholewheat 11.9 71.2 1 8 94

In addition, all these foods are rich in essential minerals and

Nature Cure
Nature Cure has been descnbed as 'a philosophy of living to
maintain health': rather than an annual 'cure' and, in the main, it
comprises a life style which includes eating only the natural foods
which have already been descnbed. The proportions of each type of
food are given as follows: 7 5 per cent should be alkaline foods
which are cleansing to the blood stream and organs. These migh~
well consist of one-third raw salad vegetables (leaves and roots) ·
one-thtrd fresh fruit (or dried substttutes, If well-soaked) and on~
thtrd of cooked leaf and root vegetables.
25 per cent of foods wh1ch nounsh, but wluch are also actd-
formmg, as to roughly two-fifths protein (hsh, meat, eggs, cheese
and nuts), two-fifths carbohydrate (cereals, grains, and unsoaked
dried frmts, honey or molasses) and one-fifth fats (butter,
margarine, nut fats and animal fats).
This is the ideal and is not always attainable. In conditions of ill-
health one or other of the categories may need to be increased or
decreased. Tens ion and overwork 'eat up' protein and thts wlll
need to be replaced, so that the proteins may need to form 25 per
cent of each days food. The real danger to avoid is an excess of
starchy food and an increase m thss is only pennissable for those
doing really hard phyMcal work.
Some people find it difficult to ass1milate the minerals which they
require in the form of food, or they use up more of one than another,
and it is then helpful to take spectally prepared tissue salts (see page
40) In additton, some of the vitamins are easily lost in food
preparation or if the food is not completely fresh, and vitamin
supplements can then be helpful. However, If you are gettmg good
quality food in the correct proporuons, such supplements should
not be necessary.
Nature Cure maintams, rightly, I believe, that health is the
normal state and the body itself is a wonderful regulator and healer
which does not usually require help if a person 1s eating and living
However, its practitioners are prepared to offer treatments to
help toxic condittons caused by the accumulation of waste products
(largely due to the wrong type of eating). In the main, these consist
of going on to a rigid programme of dieting for up to three weeks at a
time, helped by various types of baths to stimulate the skin to throw
off the toxic conditions. They also recommend colome irrigation
•Nature Cure in a NutsiHJJby Torn W. Moule, N.D. (Thorsons, 1953).
and enemas

It would appear that allergtc diseases are not normally self-mduced
and that they can affect any of the zodJ.acal types.
Whde Capncom tS the obv10us candtdate for skm troubles, 1t
seems that skms are often a hereditary feature Certamly,
from a Capctrorn Sun stgn mother both of my ststers (Cancer and
Ltbra) and myself (Ptsces) have mhented thts, but of course, not all
skm troubles are due to allergtes-often they are the result of wrong
dtet and can also be psychosomatic
Allergtes can range from house dust to pollen, as many hay-fever
sufferers know to thetr cost, to many mgredients of ordmary
household arttcles, soap, cleansers and cosmetlts
However, the work of Professor Selye and others have high-
lighted the fact that some of us are allergtc to certam types of food
and these are not always the ones we would naturally suspect.
While it is true that over-refmed sugar IS toxic to all of us, who
would suspect mdk or eggs-the trachtional diet for the treatment
of tuberculosts I
Dr Richard Mackarness m his book Not all tn the Mtnd has ctted
many cases where wrong diet (wrong for that parttcular person) has
not only caused physical Illnesses of lesser or greater degree-
ranging from catarrh to cancer-but also mental illnesses In some
c~ses these are severe enough for the patient to be confmed m a
psychtatrtc hospital for years wtth symptoms rangmg from deep
depress1on to violence, mcludmg self-infhcted wounds.
Although It 1s only recently that dtet allergies have been
suspected m these cases, It ts many years since ,expenments have
proved that chrome ailments hke cohos, eczema and migrame
could be cured by removing eggs, mtlk, chocolate and other
common foods from the sufferer's diet Wheat and gluten and,
indeed, all cereals can be p01son to some people, while most of us
can happtly adapt to a wide range of foods.
Nor is there any danger for the majority ot us in domg so-
provided that the food has not been contammated by chemicals
used in spraymg, aluminium m wrappmg or by the addttion of non-
food flavouring and presenta:cives (all of which can cause their own
For those who suffer from chrome illnesses for whtch no cause
has been discovered after all the usual medtcal tests, 1t now seems
sensible to suspect tterns in the normal diet.
Most of us are well aware of the foods which mvartably upset us
and refrain from eaung them These foods do not come into that
category Therreffecttshtdden becausethepatientoftenfeels better
immedtately after eaong them
The problem 1s bound up wtth the subJect of stress Hwe consider
a sttuation in which a stress 1s suddenly mfltcted on us and then
contmues for some tll'Ile, we reahze that our &rst react10n 1s pantc
and distress followed by adaptaoon to the cononumg sttuatton.
Often the better we appear to adapt the more vwlent our sudden
collapse may be after the prolonged penod of stress whtch has
exhausted our reserves of strength. In the same way, the body will
adapt to a food whtch ts reJected vwlently m childhood. A parent
wtll say 'He couldn't drtnk mtlk as a baby' but I persevered and he
has no trouble now', Itrtle :eahzing that the stress on the body is
only bemg supressed and will eventually show ttself m some form
but without mdicaong that the food IS at fault. '
There are alSo sumlar symptoms to that of addtction. The food is
one that the pattent enjoys and eats tr:quently. The symptoms of
h1s complatnt seem to be helped by eatlng that particular ttem and
the pattent suffers lf he lS depnved of 1t. It follows, therefore, that
the last thmg that he suspects IS that thts particular food could be
the cause of his chroruc illness
Doctor Mackarness advocates a dtet of plam water for five days
before trytng the suspected food to see wh~ther it will produce an
tmmediate react1on Hthe symptoms of the illness continue durmg
the five day dtet then food is not the cause of the illness. This is
obviously a good way to ascertam whether one particular item of
diet is causing trouble, but tt would take a very long time to test
more than one (and often there are. several foods whtch are suspect).
Before I describe the work of Bnan Butler who has largely solved
thiS problem; I would emphasiZe again that most people can take a
wide variety offoods and ttlS i!l their interest to do so, since they are
then sure of gettmg all the vttamms and trace elements that they
need Dr Mackarness himself is an advocate of a diet based on
largely meat and fat. I have just been ltstening to a talk where a
doctor is advocating more fibre and no fat so that it is obvious that
the experts do not agree among themselves. In these circumstances
it seems wise for the layman to take responsibility for his own diet
and fmd out for himself what it is that his own body requires.
Kinesiology IS based on the book by Dr John Thie called Touch for
Health He founded the ·Touch for Health Foundation' in
America and many instructors have been tramed there. In England
there are only two or three and Mr Butler believes that he is the
only full-tune instructor He looks upon hunself as an educator
rather than a therapist, since the work that he does 1S mamly
teaching people how to look after themselves In an mterview with
me he explamed the saence of muscle testing. ThlS 1S a means of
fmdtng out where the imbalances in the body lie and also deflnes
what IS causmg such Imbalances.
He said that the matter IS considered at the mental level which
mcludes the psychological, emotional and spm~al make up, the
physical level relating to the structure of muscles and bones, etc ,
and the chemical level which describes the organs and the blO-
chemistry of the body and mcludes the digest1on of food and the
elimination of toxms
Part of the diagnostic of usmg muscle testtng is to determine
whether the imbalance IS a nutntional problem, energy 1mbalance,
muscular tmbalance or whether (as IS usual) there 1s a psychoso-
matic component.
Mr Butler says,
The wonderful thing about muscle testing IS that it is instant-
aneous m the pinpomting of trouble from a food. All the different
muscle groups m the body are related to dtfferent organs and one
in the chest ts linked to the stomach function and can be used to
determme whether any gtven substance IS reacttve to that
I use the word 'reactive' advisedly because I distinguish
between the allergtc and the reaction which is not apparent or
readily visible Immediate reaction after eaong IS allergtc but the
problem of eating reactive food is that over a long penod of time It
tires the body. It leads to the exhaustion of the adrenals and then
the nerves get ragged, the body's defence against the toxins
become 1mpaired and the defence mecharusm against the
mvaston of protems becomes much reduced
He feels that although symptoms must be dealt with prevention
is most important: 'People are defensive about their own life style
and it is the lrle style which produces the problems we have.
Therefore this style must be changed and people tend to be resistant
to this.'
Dr John Thie believes that it should be part of everyone's bas1c
education to look after themselves and says that 'Touch for Health'
classes offer people sane, practical, down-to-earth approaches to
dtet, exercise, muscle and energy balancmg and takng an intelligent-
interest in the way the body works so that they can help themselves
and their own fam1hes to stay in a better balanced state.
Although, of course, people must be advised to seek professional
help for persistent problems there 1s no reason why they should not
be encouraged to take some degree of responsibility for their own
To test for a reactive food IS very simple.
The person extends the left arm at an angle of 90 ° to the body,
directly 1n front of them, so that there IS also a 90 o angle between
the arm and the floor, with the thumb pomtmg towards the floor.
ThiS turns the arm in an apparently awkward way. Then the
person who is testmg gently holds the subJect by his nght shoulder
in order to stabilize him, and uses the nght hand to press on the
subJect's wr1st just above the joint of the extended left arm, down
onto the top of the wnst and away from the body, with a steady fum
pressure for about two seconds only
The purpose of th1s minal test is to determine whether the
muscle IS functJ.onmg properly in the first place. If it is painful or
very weak this muscle would have to be strengthened before one
could proceed
If the subJect's muscle is normally strong, any substance can
no~be introduced to the mouth. It does not have to be swallowed-
for best results 1t should be chewed and can then be diScarded.
While m the mouth, the test 1s done again to see If the subject can
still resist the same pressure on the wnst. Any change at all
indicates that the food IS less than beneficial to the body to some
degree. The greater the reaction, the greater the degree to which
that substance is adversely affecting the body. A substance which is
very bad for that particular person will probably mean that the
muscle will not hold up against the gentle pressure of one finger
instead of the normal firm pressure of three fingers.
It takes only a few seconds and the mouth only needs to be rinsed
out between each test, so that twenty or thirty substances can be
tested in a few minutes. It IS, however, necessary not to overtire the
subject or overstrain the muscle.
This simple technique can be learned by anyone, but it takes
practice and must be done sensitively and w1th care Mr Buder has
taught over 1000 people now, including children. He finds that the
thmg which intngues and exates them most ts that they get
tmmediate feedback from the body as to what is suttable It ts also
possible to find out whtch foods are actively good and these can be
- used to strengthen the muscles

Exercise and Relaxation

If the body is to be completely healthy, 1t needs correct diet, fresh
air, exercise and rest. Every one of these basic necesstttes ts at nsk in
the world m whtch we hve We have already looked at diet, and I do
not intend to say a great deal about exerctse. I have mentioned the
ones most hkely to appeal to each zodtacal type under tts own stgn.
However, some kinds of exercise are also relaxattons-yoga,
eurhythmy, gardenmg and walktng can all help to disperse tensions
and can do nothmg but good Other exercises are combattve,
tension-forming and compettttve. They wtll tone up the muscles,
mcluding the heart muscles, and generally help the physical body
to stay fit, but if they are not followed by relaxatton they may butld
their own tensions (espectally mental ones tf the exercise has been
over·excitmg) and the mind and body then go short of the rest
which they need. In relatton to exerase, I would remind you of a
quotation from yoga 'Enough is enough, but enough ts necessary.'

Exercises for Everyone

As we get older tt becomes mcreasmgly tmportant that mobtltty
should be mamtained Here are some exerctses whtch only take a
few minutes to do each mornmg If you get into the habtt of doing
them you wtll increase your chances of retaining freedom of
movement right unttl the end of your ltfe
None of these should be done strenuously. Do notforce them and
only do what you are able to accomphsh without stram. As you
contmue to do them you wtll find that your mobthty increases and
you may be able to do more than the suggested amount
Before nstng zn the morning. Exerctse 1
Laying flat on your back in bed, bend one knee up to your chest (or
as far as tt wtll go). Do not stram to the pomt where tt hurts You are
not gomg in for competttion, but only tryinR to mamtam and
perhaps improve the mobtlity you already have Count ftve and
lower your leg. Repeat wtth the other leg. Relax.
Now bnng both knees up to the chest slowly. Lift both legs at a
right angle to the body or as far as is comfortable Lower the legs
slowly on to the bed. This is a good exerciSe for the stomach
.ercise 2
ft one leg from the bed to a comfortable angle, supportmg it with
ur clasped hands Slowly rotate the ankle to the left seven times.
you fmd thtS cbfficult start wtth less and gradually work up to
11en-or ten 1f you feel hke 1t Now rotate to the nght m the same
LY Lower the leg and repeat w1th the other leg
~ rz'smg Exerc:se 1
andmg stra1ght, roll your shoulders forwards seven t1mes. Relax.
>11 them back seven t1mes A gam, if you find res1stance start with
iVer rotat10ns and work up to seven H you do a job wh1ch tires
ur back and shoulder muscles, try to remember to do this at
tervals through the day. It also helps to do general shoulder
ovements, shruggmg and so on
~erctse 2
anding stra1ght, stretch your arm~ out stdeways. Keepmg your
ms stratght flap your wnsts-up to twenty tlmes. You may not
t 'lift off' but you will certamly get the adrenahn flowmg. You
n do th1s ~erc1se qmte energet1cally
~erctse 3
anding straight wtth your arms at your sides, turn your head to
e left, drop the head and rotate your head over your chest and to
e nght side. Repeat from right to left. Do this two or three tunes.
I guarantee that these exercises will not take more than five
inutes. I do them every mommg and I never have more than that
aount of time to spare.
These are all good exeroses to repeat during the day as you have
e opportunity to do so. Even the ankle rotating exercises do not
quire you to lie flat every ttme-you can do them merely sitting
H you never get any other exercise durmg the day, I do most
rongly urge that you should get at least this amount.
Most physical tension begins in the mind so methods of relaxing
le mind need to be found and in this connection I would
Lrtlcularly like to consider Med1tation and Bio-feedback.

is very chfficult to rnde the mind a blank, so thoughts which
Luse tension need to be replaced by soothing ones.
I have taught many people to relax by the simple method of
~-•-.- ....L _ - ----- .&... .... 1_!.--- .t ___ ..l--- t.. ........... _.Lt_ ___ ..._..l•--~ - ! - - ....L-...-..-
selves into a scene which they know they will £nd relaxing. For
some, thts will be a country walk, for others a seascape or a walk
round a beautiful garden. Whatever they choose, they must feel
themselves to be there-hear the btrds singing, the waves breaking,
smell the perfume of the flowers . If you pract1se this, and can take
your mtnd away to that enchanted place for ten minutes, or as long
as you can spare, you will find tensions dropping away from you
This is a type of medttauon in tts sunplest form ..
There are now many Schools of Medttation, all of whtch have
their own techniques and some of whtch are dtrected towards one
particular sptritual path. Thts ts not the place to describe them but
you should have no difficulty m ftnding out what ts on offer.

We are familiar wtth the term 'feedback' It sunply means that we
get informatton conung back to us from other people as a result of
the tnformatton or projects which we have discussed with them
They tell us thetr vtews on the subJect and this enables us to
reconstder and perhaps modtfy our future acuons m respect of that
A tenrus player, for mstance, will get feedback from hts coach
and perhaps also from video ftlm to enable htm to correct faults m
his play.
Bto-feedback is getting this sort of mformation from our own
boches. We can be connected to machines whtch wtll measure our
heart beats or pulse rates, the warmth of our bodies and even the
amount of tenston in the bram. It has been dtscovered that, wtth
such informat1on, a man can slow down hts pulse rate at will, warm
or cool any part of hts body and, most tmportandy to our subject,
reduce mental tenston and permtt hts mmd to relax.
A small meter strapped to the wnst and causmg no more
dtscomfort than a wnst watch will mont tor the bram waves as they
pass from Beta-wideawake acttve waves-to Alpha (a pleasant
relaxed condttton), to Theta-a meditative state of consctousness
where original creauvity ts sometimes a by-product. Delta waves
usually occur only in deep sleep.
Even those who find tt dtfftcult to relax can usually achieve alpha
waves qutte qutckly, stmply by concentrat1ng on relaxmg enough
to get the meter into the alpha waveband. Once the technique has
been learned, the meter can be discarded-the client now knows
how to relax and will not forget it.
Thi~ tPChntaue has been found effecttve m curinP miPraine and
tenston headaches, reduang htgh blood-pressure and msomma and
restormg control to damaged muscles In this country, Its
appbcat10ns have yet to be used to the full
Havmg expenenced It myself, I beheve tt wtll prove to be a
valuable techmque for a great many people, the except10ns are
hkely to be those who become too obsessed wtth watching the
machmes mstead of usmg them for their proper purpose.

Spiritual Health
Over many years of expenence, I have come to the conclus1on that
there ts no bodily health without sptntual health. By this I do not
means to Imply that we should have reached a certam standard of
'goodness' but that we should be aware of bemg on a spmtual path
-a journey towards a goal
H we are not conscious of this-our behefs and our ultimate
goal-we shall lose our 'way' and our phystcal health wul be
affected by a false sense of the futthty of hfe What IS tt all about/ Is
anythmg worth doing;> are questions we all ask at some stage m our
hves. If, at such a ttme, a senes of unfortunate events occur, such as
we all expertence occastonally, th1s may take the ground from
under our feet and we go down mto what 1s called a 'nervous
breakdown', but which IS really a sptntual cnsis. The apparent
futllity of effort, at a ttme when all efforts and dec1stons have turned
out to be the wrong ones (to our restricted view) may even make us
suiadal, and, at best, take all the joy out of bfe
It 1S for this reason, I beheve, that vanous psychological
therapies, dtrecnng us to take charge of our own lives are havmg
such a vogue, especially tn Amenca, but mcreasingly in Europe
also Some of these therap1es are valuable tools We outgrow old
behefs, but fall to update them, and we all know those who need to
come out from the shadow of others and fmd their own self-esteem
It is nght that we should value ourselves, since we are all 'temples
of the Llvmg God' but the ego-centred extstence carnes 1ts own
dangers-one, among many, bemg to cut us off from the joys of
gtvmg There IS a path we must tread between bemg only con-
cerned wtth our own growth and being over-concerned for others.
Truly has it been described as a 'narrow way'. The ego-centred
path, if followed to the extreme, eventually cuts us off from other
human contact and it IS surely still true that 'every man's death
dtminishes me, for I am mvolved m mankind'
Behefs are very personal and no one can formulate them for
anyone else, but 1£ there 1S one thmg that both astrology and history
teach us it 1s that there 1s no epd-either to life or to opportunity.
As Lyall Watson pointed out in The Romeo Error, livmg matter
may change mto somethmg else but 1t does not cease to extst.
Mankind has survtved mcredible odds, avtlizations have been cast
down and new ones have ansen, and m our own personal lives we
are presented wtth our opportunittes not once, but many times, if
your eyes are only open to them We have all known people who
thought they were too old at thtrty to achieve somethmg and other
people of seventy and older who are branchmg out into new &elds of
expertence. In our own country, the start of the Open Uruverstty
saw many mature people seize the opportunity to study for degrees
in all kmds of subjects and to prove tnumphantly that age is no bar
to achievement How many of them must have thought when they
left school that the opportumty of taking a degree had passed them
by for ever.
'You never know what's round the corner' was a favounte
expresston of my grandmother's when anyone was downcast, and
this 1S exactly what the study of astrology tells us The planets move
endlessly, in a never-repeatmg pattern, yet as each transtts the
stgruftcant areas of our own btrth charts they bnng us challenge and
opportumties-a never-endmg stream of them
It ts satd that a great man once asked for a motto that would gtve
htm hope tn tune of despatr and prevent htm from over-elatton m
ttmes of great happmess and the motto suggested was 'It w1ll pass'
True as thts ts, I would rather take as my motto 'It wtll come'-for
everythmg does, m the fullness of ttme
The soul needs-hungers for-opportumttes for personal
growth and tf these are dented tt dtes for want of its natural food
How can the body be healthy tf tt lacks the hfe of the sptritl
My own approach to astrology ts shared by many other
astrologers I beheve that we remcarnate many ttmes m order to
learn all our lessons and that the btrth chart 1s a good guide to our
path for this hfe So my reply to 'what are we here for' would be-to
learn, to grow ever more whole (whtch ts the same word as 'holy')
and in that behe£ we can welcome all expenences, good and bad, as a
means to an end Moreover, each new expenence wtdens our
honzon-to quote Tennyson, 'All expenence ts an arch, where
thro' gleams that untravelled world, whose margm fades for ever
and for ever, as I move'
I have no wtsh to tmpose my own behefs on my readers, but I
have included a suggestton for their own sptntual path for each
zodtacal type, in the hope that some may fmd help from tt
Generally, what 1s right psychologtcally is also nght spintually, so
that if, for mstance, you are a Water type who tends to be
overconcemed wtth others, psychologically you need to culttvate a
certam amount of detachment, to value yourself more and to find
rehef from worrymg by hndmg peace wtthm yourself, and in doing
this you also hnd the spmtual path whtch is nght for you.
To those who thmk 1t strange that I should wnte of spintual
values in a book on 'astrology and health' I can only say that perfect
health encompasses the wholeness of body, mmd and sptrit.

3. The Regtme For Health 58
Diet 58
Nature Cure 64
Allergtes and Kines1ology 65
Exerc1Se and relaxation 69
Medttatlon and B10-feedback 70
Spintual Health 72
4 The Zodiacal Stgns 75
Introduct10n 75
Anes 78
Taurus 81
Gemini 84
Cancer 87
Leo 91
Vtrgo 94
Libra 97
Scorpio 100
Sagtttanus 103
Capricorn 106
Aquarius 109
PlSces 112
The zodiacal types as healers 115
s. The Whole Birth Chart: Notes For Astrologers 118
Further lnjormatt~m 122
Med~al Index 126

Most of us are aware of the zodtacal stgn in whtch the Sun was
sttuated at our t1me of btrth. Newspaper 'astrology' refers to those
people born between 22 March and 20 Apnl as Artes, and such
people will often tell others 'I'm an Anen, wtthout realtzing that
this 1S what 1s meant-that the Sun was m that part of the heavens
which astrologers call Anes
The Sun posltlon is an unportant feature of our b1rth charts, but
1t is by no means the only factor, and sometimes 1t is not even the
most important one The Moon and all of the planets are
somewhere in the chart and so is an important pomt known as the
Ascendant (the s1gn and degree nsmg on the eastern honzon at the
tliile and place of birth).
H you do not know your own buth chart, you should read
through all the descript1ons whtch follow and decide what is
relevant to-you, in terms of health. H you know where your Moon,
Ascendant and ruling planet fall, you should read the descriptions
under each of these stgns. Also consider the placing of Mars for
It is just because the btrth chart is so complicated that you will
rarely fmd everything applymg to you in the descnptton of any one
stgn, so keep an open mmd about the suggestions gtven and adapt
them to suit yourself. You may find, for instance, that although you
have a Sagittarian Sun sign, you are domg the sort of physical work
described tJ.nder Virgo which results in certain strains that require
the treatment suggested for V.irgo, s aches and pams.
The type of exercise suggested may not be posstble for you. Trus
is not an excuse for doing nothmg' Fmd a substitute of the same
kind whtch appeals to you It has been impossible to mention all the
many types available
Many treatments are apphcable to everyone Just because they
are not mentioned specifically for your sign, this does not mean
they are unsmtable. It is surely worth while for perfect health to
take a little trouble to fmd a technique, and a practinoner, suitable
to you. Again, it has not been possible to mennon all the therapies
available, but the book list will mtroduce you to others, and the
magazines devoted to health will contain addresses you can write to'
for further information
Each of the zodiacal signs ts somewhere in your birth chart~ even
though tt may not be emphasized by having a planet in it In order to
be 'whole' people, we really need to try to balance the character-
istics of all the stgns withm ourselves Naturally we wtll be more
mclined towards some charactensttcs than to others, and thts
statement may sound bke nonsense on first readmg. However, tf we
begm by considenng each stgn in tum as showmg a stage of a
JOurney through a hfe, the pattern wtll emerge clearly
In Anes, we see the coming forth into life-the dawn of
civtbzatton. At that stage, the wtll to hve ts the necessary
characteristic and everything that is life-enhanang is relevant.
Having survived, we tnust now consolidate. Taurus turns us to
the practicalines-ttll the sotl, cultivate, and bm.ld shelters.
Everything whtch relates to the nourishmg and protecnon of the
body is emphasized together with all the phystcal aspects of life on
earth Pattence and persistence are necessary to achteve baste
physical comforts.
The Gemini stage 1S mtellectual activity, whtch tmplies com-
municanon wtth others and leammg all manner of things. Thts
covers the whole range from mere gosstp to tmt10n. It also
emphasizes movement, which can be an atmless runnmg around m
search of new sensauons or voyages of exploratton
Now the developmg community 1s based on the home. In Cancer
we see the home-maker, who ts also the Universal Mother-
protector and nurturer of the weaker ones In this sign also
patrotism and a growing pnde in nat10nality leads inevitably to the
next stage:
A king, or leader, comes to power by the will of the people. He
THE ZODIACAL SIGNS 77 order and organizatton and he 1s able to dignify the natton
by hiS offi.ce The kmgly qu§tity is also shown in breadth of viston.
He seeks the good of the greatest number and has ceased to become
wholly concerned with h1mself.
Kingshtp imphes subjects-and these are the Virgoans. These
people are willmg to offer servtce to the commumty without self
seekmg. They are typified m the ordmary working people of a
We now have a stable commuruty, and from th1s point on people
are free to tum their attention to other matters In the stgn of Libra,
we first have an emphasts on relationshtps to other people. Here
tact and dtplomacy are called for, together wtth an appreciat1on of
more than one pomt of vtew Ltbrans are called upon to reahze that
other people's plans and tdeas are just as vahd as therr own, and tt 1s
at thts stage that the concept of jusoce 1s born
In Scorpto there is an ever mcreasmg des1re to penetrate to the
very depths m exploraoon of nature's secrets and in a deeper under-
standmg of others The amount of forcefulness whtch ts present in
-;he Scorp10nic nature can be hberr-tmg or destructtve
' Sagtttanus turns the mmd to philosophy and the laws whtch are
hfe-expanchng and enhancing, freemg us from bandages whtch we
may have created for ourselves by the ngtchty of our former beliefs
and optmons. This mfluence carried to extremes can dissolve all
boundanes and can be JUSt as damaging as ngtdtty.
The Capncom characteristtc awakens ambttton and provtdes the
necessary perseverance to achteve our goals The htgher our aims
(in the sptritual sense) the more Capncom will enable us to attain.
Purely worldly goals can brmg therr own problems
The Aquanan has no tlme for hypOCl'lsy, false tdeals or unjust
laws but may seek to change them by overthrowing law and order
rather than by more peaceful means.
Wtth the advent ofPtsces we have the myst1c who IS already half
m a rugher world. Hts search can lead him to great truths and htgh
aspiraoons, but lack of practtcaltty may instead lead him into a
world of lllusions.
From thts tnp round the zodtac you will see that life's lessons
gradually mvolve us all in developtng each of the characteristics to a
greater or lesser degree You can also see that each can be over·
stressed and can cause problems. This will be even more apparent
as we examine each stgn separately.
A great deal of our ttme is spent in working and work or wqrk
condttions for wh1ch a person is not sutted can cause many
tens10ns, leading to tll health. It 1s always worthwhde to give much
thought to the matter of a career and also to take stock of your
general h.fe style at intervals throughout your life, to see what effect
it may be having on your health. You may fmd options open to you
which you would not have constdered but for th1s stock-takmg
The analyses of each of the zodtacal signs have beer. written to
help you to do just thts

The Sun ts m this c:agn from about 2 2 March to 20 Apnl, dependmg
on the year and ttme of day when you were born You may also be
cons1dered an Anes type tf you have an Anes Ascendant, or tf the
Moon or Mars were m thts stgn at the ttme of your btrth Mars ts
said to be the ruler of Anes, and tf tt ts m 1ts own stgn you are bkely
to be strongly Anen m character even tf your Sun stgn ts elsewhere
m the chart
Anes ts a Fire .stgn and, combmed wtth the Marttan energy, tt
makes the Anen a vttal, dynamtc personahty He ts usually quick
and acttve and the over abundance of vttahty makes 1t very d1ff1cult
for htm to slow down. He ts a p10neenng type-sttmulated by
danger, keen at bemg &rst at all ttmes, and he enJoys startmg new
ventures HIS enthustasm 1s sttmulatmg to others and he 1s a good
leader He may erupt qmckly-mto actton or pass1on, but tempers
are soon forgotten-hfe ts too short and there are other adventures
calling htm.
He has a good brain, but 1S mchned to act first and think
afterwards His mmd ts rarely at rest (any more than the body) and
he is always full of new ideas to try out
As a chtld, he 1s hkely to appear utterly selfish as he ts only
concerned w1th his own affatrs. Thts 1s nothing but thoughdess-
ness, as he is JUSt the person to make sacnftces for others when he 1s
aware of j:herr needs
Because of the self-onentat10n, the Ar1en ts qmte hkely to make
mountains out of molehdls tf anythmg tr1v1al ts wrong wtth htm,
bastcally because it stops him getting on wtth ltfe and is an
annoyance Hts courage is legendary however and senous phys1cal
d1sabilittes are bravely met and largely tgnored whtle he gets on
w1th what he really wants to do.
Unfortunately we cannot all be leaders and many Anens are
bound to fmd themselves in subordinate posit1ons and m bormg
repetit1ve work where httle mittattve is requtred Th1s is hkely to
generate mental tenston whtch needs to be released m hobbtes,
exercise or other parNime work. It is worth taking considerable
trouble to find a congenial position, preferably where there is an
ultunate goal and where the circumstances are challengmg. The
Arlen's drive and power really need to be used in a posiuon of
leadership tf he ts to feel completely fulfilled, and if thts cannot be
found in his working hfe he should seek for it in other activtties.
Ariens rarely suffer from the types of ill health whtch are caused
by psychological difficulties, as they do not brood over things and
are not often over concerned about relationships with others Bemg
ruled by Mars, their vttality is also hkely to be above average. This
sounds as though it should be a blessmg, but 1t is not an unnuxed
one Ariens tend to overtax themselves sunply because they have
an abundance of energy. They are also prone to acadents because of
thetr quick movements, a tendency to nish mto things (literally not
looking where they are gomg) and, generally, in over-esttmattng
thetr phystcal power to cope wtth all the demands that an acttve
brain can put upon them Thus bums, brUtses and cuts are
commonplace thmgs to an Anen. A consctous effort to slow down
will reduce these and help them to be more relaxed
The Arien desperately needs some of the balance of Ius oppostte
sign Libra and if he Wishes to remam in perfect health he should
make sure that he gets mental as well as phystcal relaxation. He
needs to learn to know when and where to stop and not to dtsstpate
his energy by trying to do everythmg twice as fast as anyone else.
His time should be balanced between act1v1ty and relaxation
As regards diet, the Arlen needs datry products, honey, nuts,
sunflower and sesame seeds, tomatoes, beetroot (grated raw)
lemons, grapefruit and celery (see also Tissue Salts).
Any physical exercise ts suttable for the Arlen, espectally those
which call for co-ordtnation of body and mind He wtll excel as a
team leader and enJoy the more dangerous sports
As a relaxation, he should practise Bto-feedback techniques.
The parts of the body ruled by Anes are the head, the cerebral
system and the adrenal glands. Apart from accidents, he may suffer
from headaches and mtgrame, eye, nose and ear infecttons, feverish
condttions and vertigo, head colds and neuralgta. He may also
suffer from dental troubles.
A dally drink of honey and ctder vinegar (two teaspoonsful of
each in a glass of water) wtll help migrrune condittons and keep his
system toned up. Headaches may be caused by sluggtsh kidney
action (see Libra)
Anens are likely to react posltively to acupuncture, reflexology
and massage (a bnsk massage followed by a relaxmg one).
For first aid, the Anen should keep Calendula tincture, Arnica
(tablets and cream), Hepar. Sulph. to asstst the healing of wounds,
and Rhus. Tox tmcture for sprams, and Euphrasta tincture for the
eyes, tn the Homoeopathic remedles In the Bach flower remeches
Rescue, Rock Rose or Star of Bethlehem should be available m
emergenaes For longer term treatment keep the Tissue Salt Kalz
Phos and the Bach flower remedy, Impatiens
Herbs whtch are helpful to Anes people are:
Dandelton, which contams Katz Phos. the salt which Anens are
usually lackmg, also for kidney d1sorders
Bas1l for healmg wounds.
Balm for all fevensh complamts
Bergamot to help mental relaxation
Borage for the adrenal system and ktdneys, also for fevers. It IS
particularly valuable when energy has been depleted through
over activity
Comfrey for the rapid heahng of broken bones or sprams, also as a
cold compress for eye mjunes
Eyebnght for eye troubles, though tt IS probably more con-
vement to have It m the homoeopathic tmcture and tablets (see
Elderberry for fevers and to soothe bums and scalds
Thyme 1S good for fevers and mflammed wounds, also for head-
aches, migrame and kidney troubles
Chamornde for external use for neuralg1a, toothache and ear
Gmseng for mental exhaustiOn and as a general tome
Hyssop for external use for brmses and cuts
Lavender for headaches and rnxgrame.
Witch Hazel to check bleedmg (as omtment or liquid)
For Anens, psychologtcal and sptrltual health can be descnbed
in the word 'balance'. The need to proJect themselves ts an
obsess1ve one and usually takes up all thetr energy. They are all
extrovert, and although thetr brams may be very acttve they never
give themselves ttme to think where thetr headlong rush 1s leadmg
them. Because of the tenston whtch this sort of hfe engenders,
illness may strike them down very suddenly. If it IS dxsabling, so
that they are brought tQ a sudden halt, the psychologtcal effect can
be very traumatic ·
While It ts not suggested that they should abrogate thetr capacity
for leadership, tt ts important (both psychologxcally andspmtually)
that they should recogmze the nghts and the worth of other people
All the Ftre stgns are mchned to set themselves apart from (and
above) others even tf they do not make tt obvtous The Anen does
not suffer fools gladly but a httle more humthty mtght teach htm
that the fools had somethmg to offer and would certamly help htm
to apprectate his fellow human bemgs more He feels self-sufftaent
unttl the day arnves when he really needs others-and that ts a
feebng wtth whxch he stmply cannot cope Aries ts perhaps the
most mascuhne of the stgns (certamly tt ts the bravest) and m such a
condition the Anen feels emasculated He needs to reach out to
others, gtvtng them the same respect whtch he gives htmself In thts
way, he becomes a whole, rounded person, instead of the one-
pomted, self-obsessed character whtch ts the typxcal Anen Luckily
most of us are a more balanced mtxture, as shown by the vanous
stgns whtch the planets occupy m our charts, but tf you are more
Anen than anything, may I suggest a motro 'Slow down to keep
your balance'

The Sun ts m the sxgn of Taurus from about 21 Apnl to 21 May,
but you can also be constdered a Taurean type tfyou have the Moon
or Venus m Taurus or if tt nsmg m the btrth chart (m the
Thts is an Earth stgn whtch ts ruled by the planet Venus. Like all
the Earth signs the Taurean has hts feet ftrmly on the ground and is
practtcal. However he also has the sensxttvtty bestowed by the
rulershipofVenus whtch makes htm creattve andanartand nature
Despite this rulershtp Taurus ts the most 'earthy' of the Earth
stgns. He is concerned wtth phystcal matter-that whtch we can
touch, butld wtth and shape. He values matenal possesstons and his
creature comforts
Sensory gratificatton 1s tmportant to him, and thts ts permiSsable
as long as it does not become an end m itself. Ltke Mother Earth
herself, the T aurean nounshes hfe and is a producer, hking to leave
his mark on the world in concrete form.
He has a great sense of values and this attracts htm to things of
beauty and mtrinstc worth and also to the world of ftnance.
The best type of Taurean has stabthty, together with tolerance
and warmth He is dependable and, like the other Earth sign of
Capncom, he will get there in hiS own good time and he illustrates
the sheer power of endurance (like the Bull that is the symbol of hts
birth month). He enjoys takmg his time to do thmgs properly and
his unhurried efforts materialize in well-built houses, tidy and
productive gardens and beautifully proport10ned craftsmanship of
all ktnds
He ts not eastly ruffled and is restful to be with, except when he
has been goaded too far and then he can hterally be hke a bull in a
chma shop His practicality mstmcttvely picks out the essentials.
His relat10nShips are endunng as he IS faithful and a good fnend
The dangers to hts health he m the over stress of his natural
characteristics, so that he can become lazy and self-mdulgent,
rummg hts health by too httle exercise and too much pleasure
He needs secunty and the reassurance of love and because of
these baste needs he can be both possesstve of people and rather
mean He Is obstmatf' and tends to resist change, and, m fact, feels
greatly disturbed by changmg conditions Hts great love of nature
1s an tmportant part of hts attitude to health The contact helps to
revttahze him almost as though he drew hts energy from the Earth
It follows that to be truly healthy, the Taurean needs to renew hts
links wtth nature-etther m the form of gardemng or walkmg m the
country whenever posstble
While he IS often drawn to an artistic vocation, he would need to
feel that It was a safe one and so he often opts for a practical career,
keepmg hts arttstic work as a relaxing hobby He 1s very good at
handlmg ftnance and IS often found in related careers At the same
ttme, he much enJoys the type of work where he 1s designmg and
constructmg somethmg, so that he eventually has a ftmshed
product Ltke all the Earth stgns, he hkes to see concrete results and
careers of this type bnng together the arttsttc and practtcal sides of
his nature He should never go mto a career which ts hkely to be a
gamble That would worry htm far too much.
The Venustan mfluence makes htm a connotsseur of the good
thin go; of ltfe, food, wine and a comfortable home And of course he
ts also a lover of all bodtly comforts
While there IS no reason why anybody should be til, all zodt.acal
types have a tendency to some dtseases more than others In the
Taurean the troubles are likely to anse from throat infections,
bronchttts, gottre, over-weight conditions caused by a tendency to
retam flmd, diseases involvmg the neck, asthma and smusttis. He
needs to avmd obes1ty, and to make sure that he gets plenty of active
exercise. The kidneys are sometimes a weak spot also and herbal
teas may be found to be helpful here. There t<; also a tendency to
buud up tenstons at the back ofthe neck (Atlas and Axis bones)and
to retam mucus whtch causes catarrh and often makes Taureans
heavy and rather slow They have a strong constitution, however,
and many remain superbly healthy.
They benefit from a natural dtet and many case need to moderate
the1r love of nch food and good wme Herbal medlcme wtll usually
prove to be effecttve for them and also the Bach flower remedtes
The ttssue salt whtch they fmd dtfflcult to asstmtlate and whtch
they need to ehmmate flutds is Sulphate of Soda (Nat. Sulpb. ). Th15
ts mdicated when they are not feehng up to par or when they are
feeltng stramed or worned
For exerctse they wtll enJOY walktng, probably goli, swimming
and dancmg They are usually excellent at both of the latter and
these are extremely valuable exerctses for them.
For relaxation the pursutt of thetr arttsttc hobbies (provtded that
th15 15 not thetr everyday Job) mustc, gardenmg, ftshmg, and in
general, keepmg m touch wtth nature ts the way the Taurean
recharges hlS battenes.
These people enJoy massage (thts should be a sttrnulatmg one
with the tdea of breakmg down the fatty ttssue) and parttcularly
As regards homoeopathtc remedtes, Taureans are often the
'Pulsattlla' type and among the other remedtes they are hkely to
ftnd useful are Calendula ttncture for hay fever and Armca for
Among the herbs whtch may be useful to the Taurean are
Bilberry whtch helps to counteract water retention.
Blackcurrant for throat mfecttons and catarrh and also for the
prevention and treatment of goitre
Chtcory 1S a valuable help to get rid of excess mucus.
Elderberry ts useful for all dropstcal condtt10ns
Horseradtsh and Hyssop are both valuable for catarrh, bronchitis
and reducing mucus.
Sage 15 soothing for throat ulcers and may be used as a gargle.
Sunflower tea ts recommended for brom:hitts, laryngitiS, coughs
and colds
All Taureans should take l<.elp regularly as the 10dine helps to
prevent gottre. They should also grow Fenugreek for nutrition and
as a help to control sore throats
The Bach remedy most applicable to the T aurean ts Vervain, but
as I have already suggested, these people are likely to react well to
all the Bach remedtes and I would suggest that they purchase one of
the books descnbmg them (see Further Information) and then make
a suttable selectton to keep m the house
Thetr attitude to tllness tends to be pessimistic, and thts together
wtth their stubbomess m obeying orders (If they think they know
better) may mean that their Illnesses tend to be prolonged They
belong to the class of people who wtll weather a great deal of trouble
and remam patient and stable, but depresston may overtake them
very quickly If they become til themselves A negattve attttude to
health ts common, and they are more mchned to put up wtth Ill
health than to seek actively for a remedy
Psychologically, the Taurean has a great need to be 'earthed'-
to feel sohd ground under hts feet Thts makes him obstmate m hts
opmwns and he &nds It dtfficult to accept that other people have a
nght to thmk differently Hts possessiveness also tends to deny that
hts loved ones are people m thetr own nght rather than hts
possesswns Both of these attitudes can make It particularly
dtfficult where hiS own chtldren are concerned as the generat10n
gap can be very wtde Indeed tf he is not prepared to update hts
opmtons Normally, however, Taureans enJOY good relattonshtps
With thetr children and love thetr homes
To become psychologically whole and to progress spintually the
Taurean needs to recogmLe these two maJor defects and to become
more tolerant and generous

The Sun is in the sign of Gemmt (the twms) from about 22 May to
2 2 June. You would also be constdered a Gemmi type if the Moon
or Mercury ism this stgn, or, of course, tf It ts m the Ascendant
The Gemmian ts an Atr type, and ts vitally concerned wtth all
matters of commumcatton He ts a pastmaster m the art of words,
both m wntmg and speech, and hts mentahty is very qlllck and
As he ts a 'mental' type, rather than a feeling or emottonal type,
the typtcal Gemmtan does not form deep and lastmg relationships
with others (though, of course, no birth chart IS all Gemmi). It
would be true to say that he does not become attached to places
etther-or even to hts own Ideas. His is a world of movement,
where opm10ns change rapidly as new mformatwn is acquired, and
he 1s quite capable of playing devil's ll.dvocate if the fit takes him,
bemg a sktlled debater and extremely quick witted He IS also prone
to self-deceptton as he can easily convince himself that his latest
On an emottonal level, these people often appear rather cold-
natured They value the mmd above the heart and tend to conceal
thetr deeper feehngs Like all the Atr s1gns, they can get very upset
by quarrels and tt ts perhaps for thts reason that they tend to remam
rather aloof
Gemmt rules the hands, arms and shoulders, also the lungs and
nervous system Thts carnes a tendency to bronchtal and lung
troubles, asthma and neuntls Gemmtans who use thetr hands and
shoulders all day m such Jobs as typmg often become prone to
muscular troubles m that reg10n Thts condttton can be much
reheved by massage and suttable exerctses
Manv Gemm1ans enjoy fencmg whtch exercises these muscles
and which calls for co-ordmatton of the hand and eye They need
qUite a lot of outdoor exerc1se, enough to mduce healthy
exhaustion, so that both body and mmd become relaxed Mentally
sttmulaung acttvttles should be av01ded at mght, otherwtse the
Gemmtan wtll go short of the sleep wh1ch he so badly needs to make
sure that hts over-acttve mmd gets a good penod of rest Eurythmy,
wluch cornbmes dance movement wtth control and rneanmg, may
appeal to the Gemmian Hts greatest enemv ts boredom wh1ch ts
one reason why he always wants to keep fully occupted However,
thts can result m very little bemg actually completed as he tends to
flit from one activity to another Anythmg wh1ch makes for sel£-
dtsciphne m hts life can only beneftt htm and the controlled move-
ments of yoga and eurythmy are two good examples ot th1s
As regards healmg techmques he ts ltkely to react positively to
reflexology, massage and aroma therapy, whlle chirop:racttc and
osteopathy may help to overcome any shoulder pams.
Among the homoeopathtc remeches whtch he may &nd useful are
arntca for shocks, Nux Vom for nervous md1gest1on and nervous
headaches and euphrasia tmcture for hayfever. Hts ttssue ~alt ts
Potassmm Chlonde (Katz. Mur) which 1s a blood conditioner and
prevents lung troubles -
Hts diet should be balanced and mclude as much vegetables and
frutt as possibl<:'
Among the herbs whtc.h the Gemmian IS hkely to f1nd useful are
the following.
Bergamot which will help to mduce relaxation and sleep.
Borage whtch is a good nerve tonic.
Garhc for the chest and lungs
Horseradish whtch helps to relieve bronchtal catarrh
Lavender which is a nerve soother and is a herb of Gemini.
Nettle whtch is another good blood punner
Sunflower for all bronchial troubles
Among the Bach flower remedies 1t 1s hkely that Agnmony will
be useful to some Gemmtans You should read the descnptton of
thts m the Bach flower remedies to decide whether 1t ts for you
The Gemiman nnds 1t dtfftcult to fmd ume to stop and hsten to
hts mner self. As I have already sa1d he pnzes knowledge above all
and the head more than the heart However his esotenc ruler ts
Venus and this gtves a clue to what is necessary for htm to progress
on both psychological and spmtual hnes He needs to make close
relattonshtps and to express the emotions whtch he feels The
constant pursuit of thtngs whtch leaves httle time for people means
that the Gemmtan often has many acquamtances but no close
frtends Such superbctal relationships may fall htm and leave htm
lonely-a sad fate for such a greganous person wtth a need to
commumcate If this 1S to be av01ded he needs to allocate some of his
preaous time to contemplation and to the culttvatton of deeper
rela tlonshtps
In the evolved Gemmian we see the mental faculties being used
to evaluate and Judge obJecttvely He no longer reacts mstmctively
to a situation but can dectde on the wisest course and always
remams fl.extble m hts attttude Hts insatiable curiostty 1S now used
to seek for the deeper meamngs m life and hke hts oppostng sign,
Sagittarius, he can become 'The happy phtlosopher'

The Sun 1S in Cancer from about 23 June to 23 July, but you may
also have many charactensttcs of this stgn 1£ you have Cancer m the
Ascendant and espeaally u you have the Moon in Cancer.
The Moon 1S the ruler of this stgn and m the same way that it
affects the ttdes and the rhythms of the Earth, so it indicates the
fluctuations m mood of the Cancer subject. These people often get
depressed (for no obvtous reason) and then feel 'on top of the world'
a few days later Some of them are able to relate the1r moods very
prectSely to the phases of the Moon, so 1t ts worth watchmg it for a
few months to see whether you are one of these people If you nnd
that you are always at your best when the Moon 1S new, or tull, and
that your spirits fall just before the New Moon, or when it tS
wanmg, you may be able to regulate your life m some ways, so that
you do not plan an outing at the time when you are not go1ng to feel
hke it, for instance. lt may also help you to know, you are feeling
low, that thmgs will improve in a few days.
The correlatton wtth the menstrual cycle IS very obv10us, but
Cancenan men also experience these fluctuattons of mood and
Cancer IS, above all, the maternal stgn. Like all the other water
signs, Cancenans are mtUttive and emotlonal Whtle they are
canng people and f1ercely protecttve of thetr offsprmg (be it a chtld,
a proJect or just an tdea) they are also tenac10us and fmd tt dtfficult
to let thetr chtldren lead thetr own hves when they grow up They
are the warners of the zodtac-over btg thmgs and small, and often
seem even more warned tt they have nothmg to worry about
Bemg emottOnal, they are much more eastly hurt than they
show, and they also tend to dwell m the past so that past hurts are
brooded over Thts ts true of all the Water stgns, but parttcularly of
Cancenans It 1s, of course, a sheer waste of hts energy and hurts no
one but htmself
Psychologtca.lly, Cancenans have a great need to make a nest-
they must have a base and someone to look after otherwtse they feel
that thetr ltfe is not worthwhtle
In true maternal fa~>htOn, they are usually good homemakers and
great cooks They encourage the1r famtly to 'eat tt all up-It wtll do
you good', and th1s IS fatal to the typ1cal Cancenan who usually has
a battle w1th we1ght hke the other Water stgns. Thts 1s partly a
tendency to retam flU1d, as well as a propenstty to over-mdulge in
home-made dtShes. These can eastly upset a d1gesttve system that is
already under attack by the Cancerian 's habtt of worrying. They
should never take a meal when they are upset about anythmg
As well as bemg protecuve people themselves, Cancerians also
need to feel protected and apprectated They are over-qutck to
1magme sltghts and rejecttons, often where tt is not mtended, and
they can become self-p1tymg and bttter They need a warm, demon-
strative famtly to keep them happy
They are tenacious and loyal and can be very strong for other
people, espec1ally famtly members, if they are in d1fficult1es. Then
the1r best qualtties wtll be shown, not only m canng for the afflicted
person but m takmg charge of the Situation and seeing 1t through.
They have a deep and mtuitlVe compass1on for others and can share
their feehngs.
Conversely, w1th their own difftculties they quickly get
depressed and can be sunk in gloom withm a very short space of
ttme. Ltke the Pisceans, the1r depresstons can often spring from
nameless fears-anticipatmg diSasters whtch may never happen.
They need to feel secure and will work hard to provide a sound
fmanaal base. They are not at all extravagant wtth money, but will
always pay for quahty
All of the careers which mvolve looking after people or thmgs
wtll appeal to the Cancerian Cookmg and nursing both attract
them and so do things connected wtth the past so that they are often
found as anuque dealers, caretakers, htStonans and researchers
Many of them are also attracted to arttstic pursutts
Their feehng for the past and their mstmct to preserve thmgs can
somet1mes mean that they hve m a world of memories, surrounded
by the mck nacks of a bygone age They like collectmg thmgs and
somettmes what they collect 1s just clutter. They value everythmg
which is old and tend to be susp1oous of the new.
In the same way, their mmds may be cluttered by past failures
and mtstakes (or real or tmagtned sltghts from others) The mabdity
to forget 1s often what stops the Cancenan from progressmg They
remember life's lessons but they also remember and brood over
thmgs better forgotten.
When they are cheerful they have a strong sense of humour and
usually have excellent health at such ttmes They attract tllness to
them when they become gloomy and pesstmtsttc, thus setting up a
victous orcle
The parts of the body ruled by Cancer are the breasts, stomach
and altmentary canal. Worry and tenc;ton affect them by causing
nervous indtgestlon, ulcers, gastntts, consttpatton and other
stomach troubles
They need regular exerctse to 'ftght the flab' and dancmg often
appeals to them. They also enjoy team games but do not like
dangerous sport as their sense of self-preservation ts very strong
Most Cancerians need massage to help eluninate flutd and to
break down fatty tissue. They will also respond well to heahng,
Nature Cure and to the Bach flower remedtes
Natural foods, especially the fibrous material such as bran and
whole frutts (includtng the skins of apples and pears, etc.) are
valuable to them as atds to ehminatton. As they are creative cooks,
they will usually enjoy expenmenttng with whole foods and
evolving their own recipes, to the great benefi.t of their families as
well as themselves
The worrying nature and the sense of self-preservation can turn
the Cancerian into a hypochondriac. ThtS is dangerous, for there is
no doubt that people can will themselves into a state of ill health
simply by dwelhng on it. The only way to combat this tendency is to
be too busy to worry about minor atlments-it 1S amazing how
many of them just disappear tf they are ignored. This is not to
suggest that chronic condttions should be dtsregarded, but there 1S
no fear of that happenmg wtth a Cancenan In the same way, it is
easy for the Cancenan parent to turn a child mto a hypochondriac
by continually fussing about every little ailment Cruldren are more
resihant than most Cancenan parents thmk, but they will not
wtthstand a whole childhood of being taught to worry about them-
selves without carrymg it over mto adult hfe.
Cancerians can usually relax well, when they allow themselves to
do so, and only need to be 'taken out of themselves' Most of them
will enjoy Eurythmy and creative attvitles
Among the homoeopathic remedies whtch should prove useful,
the Cancerian should keep Nux Vom 6 for stomach upsets and
nervous in<hgestion These people are likely to be Pulsatilla types,
and if this seems applicable, Pulsatilla 30 is a good standby
The tiSsue salts for Cancer1ans ts Fluoride of Ltme (Calc. Fluor.)
wluch helps the elasttctty of the tissues and so prevents varicose
veins and prolapses.
Among the herbs which the Cancerian may find useful are the
Arrowroot whtch calms the stomach.
Balm which also helps to do thts and 1S invaluable for tnferttlity
and 1rregular menses
Bilberry whtch helps to counteract water retention
Caraway is useful for nursing mothers
Cloves helps to clear stomach gases
Fenugreek soothes tnflammauon of the stomach
Fennel is good for nursmg mothers and will reheve flatulence
Lovage is a cure for dysmenorrhea and for stomach disorders
Mustard helps to prevent mdtgestion.
There are two Bach flower remedtes which may be applicable to
Cancenans These are Chtcory and Cerato (see the descnptions
under the Flower Remedtes).
The natural charactensttc of the motherly Cancer type is to carry
the chtldren 's burdens Most of thetr worrying is for other people
rather than for themselves and consists largely of a dread of what
may happen. It may help them to reahse that all worrying is a
rehearsal for what may never occur and, hke the brooding on the
past, tt 1s a waste of ttme and energy (and often of health). Both
psychologically and spintually, the Cancerian needs to culttvate a
sense of detachment-to be more concerned about themselves and
less about others (whose lives they cannot affect, no matter how
much they may wish to bear other people's troubles). Their
sptritual path is to find the peace withtn.

The Sun 15 in this sign from about 24 July to 23 August People
with Leo Ascendants or Moon in Leo wtll also show some of the
charactensttcs of the type, but the Sun ts the ruler ofthis stgn, so it
ts the people born between these dates who are hkely to show the
Leo temperament most strongly
Lke their ruler, most Leos have a sunny, optimtstic dispositton.
Generous and good-natured, they never lack fnends, but they
expect to be the recogntzed leader Just as the Sun in any birth chart
expresses the personaltty, so Leo's great need is to express himself
fully and to do thts he must be 'somebody • or he feels he is nobody.
He is a born orgamzer (or boss!) and often finds himself elected to
these positions as other people recogntze htS quahties ofleadership.
Like the other Fire stgn, Artes, he is dynamtc and a go-getter but
he also has the practtcahty that Aries lacks Th1s means that he
often ends up m posttions of power in the busmess world where he
may over-dnve and over-exhaust htmst>lf Leo rules the heart,
sptne, gall bladder and cardtac system and thts type of hfe makes
htm a number one target for a coronary attack However, 1t is easy
to avotd, if Leos are aware of the problem and make an effort to see
that they do not get tnto thts sttuation. As a typical Ftre sign, he ts
courageous and optimtsttc and tends to overestimate the amount
whtch he can achteve Ht! ~~also too proud to ask for help from other
people very often and for thts reason (and because he wants to show
others that he can do tt all) he gets into the sort of situation where
the pressure is more than he can take.
He is a lover of ltfe and he wants to lead it to the full. However, he
will be quite happy to let other people see to the small detatls which
he feels are too trivtal for htm to bother wtth He can allow his
digntty or sense of self·tmportance to get out of hand, and can then
inhtbit the self-expression which 1S so necessary a part of his
character. In the normal way, the Fire stgns are unimaginative and
tend to act out the1r emotions so that they do not become
vulnerable to mental or emotional troubles. But a Leo who 'bottles
up' hts feehngs for fear he should appear undigmfied may pay for
this by getting into a positton where he discovers tt is lonely at the
top. Since he is a consummate actor, tt ts unbkely that anyone will
sense the loneliness behmd the mask of bonhom1e which Leo
normally radiates. Because of hts courage he often seems to be more
confident when he ts most vulnerable. I knew a 'Lioness' who
bought a fur coat on the day that she lost her JOb and swaggered off
as though she owned the world-a typtcal example of her sign.
Leo ts the stgn of the mtensely umque personahty One who has
reahzed hunself fully-in Jung's words, one who has achteved
mdtviduatton. He must create and expand, turmng hts potential
into actuahty To thts task he bongs great enthustasm, expressing
the joy ofhvmg tn no uncertam terms But he needs, tn return, the
adulation of those about htm-a receptlve and applaudmg audtence
for hlS one man show.
If thts 1s lackmg, he may engage m the practtse known m some
types of psychology as 'negattve strokmg'-puttmg other people
down m order to feel better about htmself An angry lion ts often a
sad one, and a ltttle genuine pratse and lovmg ts all that tS needed to
bnng back the old conftdent, opttmtsttc Leo
The arrogant pnde whtch he somettmes dtsplays ts nothmg more
than a cover-up for an mfenonty complex-a most unhkely thmg
for a Leo to have, but one whtch can be engendered by an over-
represstve chlldhood The parents of a Leo chtld have no small task
m stnkmg the balance between allowmg thetr offspnng to be
blatantly bossy and dampening hts enthustasm by continually
cutttng him down to stze
The Leo type can become dommeering and rather overbeanng,
but tf thts ts avotded there ts no doubt that they are probably the
kmdest stgn of the zodtac They are parttcularly good wtth chtldren,
and because they hke other people to be as happy and opttmistlc as
they are, they enJoy the sort of Jobs m whtch they are givmg
pleasure to the pubhc One ftnds them as actors, enterta1ners of all
kind, £ashton de~tgners, jewellers etc However, they may also be
found m the realm of big busmess and pohttcs where they wtll
undoubtedly take a leadmg role
Apart from the atlments of the heart, Leos are also prone to
fevensh condittons, back pams, spmal disorders, rheumattc fever
and arteno-sclerosts.
They woul? be well advtsed to learn the Alexander techntque to
avoid the back and spmal troubles, and they would probably react
postttvely to chtropracttc and herbal treatment.
They need exercise whtch will give the heart a good work out and
would probably enJOY gymnasttcs and compettttve sport where they
can excel
If their work is exhausting however they should not go into
competition and would be better as part of a team. They will find
relaxation in drama and m creative acttvittes. Anything which
allows them to act out feelings will be especially therapeutic,
parncularly tf their job is frustrating or does not give them scope for
Among the homoeopathic remedies which Leo may find useful
are the followmg·
Urtica Urens (tincture or tablets 6) for relief from nettlerash,
which is a kmd of fever, and for bums and scalds.
Nux. Vom. 30 when feehng under stram.
Aconitum 30 for palpttatlons caused by tension.
Phosphate of Magnesmm (Mag. Phos.) ts the Leo tissue salt,
whtch maintains vtgour and the flutdtty of the blood
Among the herbs useful to Leo are the followmg·
Angelica which cures heartburn and is a good general tonic.
Borage is a blood punfier and cools fevers.
Dandelton as tts name tmpltes, is a herb of Leo which is a toruc
and blood purifier.
Hyssop helps to regulate blood-pressure.
Mustard will allievtate back pains
Nettle should be used as a spnng tome. It tmproves ctrculation
and 1s an excellent blood punfier.
Rosemary is~ heart tome whtch reduces blood-pressure.
Witch Hazel stems bleeding and is anttseptlc.
The Leo diet should contain wholewheat, green vegetables and
Psychologtcally, the Leo native needs to learn to appreoate the
unique qualities of other people. Hhe can do thtS, he wtll not fall into
the trap of considenng htmself superior to them-a path wbtch can
lead to loneliness and depnve him of the company which his
gregarious nature needs so much.
He must avoid takmg himself too seriously and standing on his
dignity with others. If he allows hts warm hearted and generous
nature full expresston he will never be short of friends
He must express himself if he is to be psychologically whole. If
his work does not allow him to do this, he should change 1t tf
possible. Hnot, he should malCe sure that his sport or hobby will fill
this need.
As the Sun, hts ruler gives life, so Leo was born to be a lover of life
and to celebrate it to the full.
The Sun is the the stgn of Vrrgo from about 24 August to 23
September, but you will also be constdered a Virgo type if this sign
is rismg (i.e. m the Ascendant) at the time of your btrth, or if the
Moon or Mercury are in Virgo
This ts an Earth sign, ruled by Mercury and the Virgoan has the
practical and responsible nature of the Earth types together wtth
the rather nervy Mercunal pattern, whtch m Gemm1 showed ttself
tn always bemg on the move, but m Virgo is seen 1n a general
fuss mess.
Virgo bnngs orderhness to the Mercury traits in true pract1cal
(Earth) fashton. He really cannot put up with muddle or delay.
Though he wtll pauently sort out the smallest detail, he can get ve:ry
tmpatient at delay and always tends to look for someone to blame if
things don't go his way.
Nothmg is ever quite right for the V rrgo type, espeaally if
someone else has done the work, and great effort is put into doing
everythmg as prectsely as posstble. The Virgoan sets very high
standards both for htmself and for others and bemg a perfectlontst ts
never satisfted wtth what is achteved He is a hard worker (the best
m the zodiac) but depletes hts energtes by the vast amount of effort
put into each tmy detatl and he often needs to work hard to get as
much done as his more relaxed colleague.
In many ways, V rrgo, the next sign in the zodiac to Leo, 1S the
exact oppostte Where Leo has the wtde vis10n and the capacity to
orgamze on a grand scale, Vrrgo ts concerned wtth all the small
details. He bnngs Leo's grandmse plans down to earth, m effect.
The Mercury rulershtp of Virgo gtves the Vtrgoan an mterest
and respect for hard facts. He values knowledge for tts own sake.
Like the other Earth stgn ofTaurus, the mstmct for value ts strong,
but here it is related to thought and judgement rather than to
possessions The bram ts sctenttftc, mistrusting anything which
cannot be proved logtcally or expenenced phys1cally
It follows that he ts happtest in a career which calls for precision
-for instance, as a draughtsman, m all kmds of checkmg work,
factory inspectors, m research as chemist or sctentist and so on.
Being a chitd of Metcury, he i~ also interested in communi-
cations and will make a good teacher or writer, book reviewer or
drama c.ctttc. Offtce work, wtth its ngtd routmes and set hours t"S
enJoyed by the practical V trgoan and the women of this sign are
often found as secretanes and personal asststants In typmg jobs,
hke the Gemmian, they are mclined to suffer from stram m the
shoulders and upper arms.
They are not really suited to being in charge ofstaff, as they, find it
difficult to delegate work,-being convinced that no one will do it as
well and as thoroughly as themselves They can be highly crit1cal
and hard taskmasters. They seem to have abundant energy for work
and often they do not apprectate that other people are not so lucky
and are not JUSt being lazy. They tend to take on more work than
they can comfortably do-and then do it.
This attitude can spill over mto the private ltfe and it JS perhaps
for thts reason that the V1rgoan is often a batchelor or spmster and
sometimes a rather lonely person, desp1te hts deep destre to be of
servtce to others
The stgn ofVtrgo is also much associated with health, work and
service. Vrrgoans tend to be mterested m health and take Jobs in
connection with thlS. As they also hke to feel that they are giving a
service to others they are very often found in jobs such as that of
social worker.
One of the reasons for his great interest m health is that the
Virgoan cannot bear to have anything at all wrong with him
Someone with a blemish on his skin wdl not leave it alone to get
better-it niggles at h1m and his mind will concentrate on it to the
exclusion of all else.
Virgoans fmd it extremely difficult to relax as they are always
conscious of some little detail which needs to be fixed, some more
work which they feel they must do. They are not happy m Jobs
where thetr work is likely to accumulate at tunes, so that they
cannot get a day's work flnished m a day This situation worries
them very much and 1t is m thetr own interests to make sure that
they do not get mto such a pos1t1on.
Their great need is to learn to accept somethmg less than thetr
very high standard, which 1S often not possible to achieve. Both for
themselves and for other people they are often much too hard m the
standards which they set ThlS can lead to all sorts of tensions
which may result in many types of ill health.
The part of the body assoaated with V rrgo is the intestines and
the abdomen as well as the hands. They are hable to suffer from
digestive troubles, diarrhoea, pentonitis, colitis and hernia. All of
these are troubles which can be avoided by the right type of life style
for the Virgoan.
Natural foods are especially indicated in the diet of the sign whlch
represents the com goddess, and in particular~ of course, whole
grains. Virgoans can be extremely fussy about their food almost to a
point of crankmess, but if this can be avoided there is no doubt that
they are sensible in taking particular care that they eat unrefined
foods and in general they hke a natural, healthy diet.
Among the homoeopathtc remedies, the Vtrgoan should keep
Nux Vom 6 avatlable for nervous indtgestton and nervous head-
aches caused by anxiety and Arsen1cum 30 as a standby for times
when they are particularly tense and under pressure of work
Homoeopathy ts specially mdtcated for Vtrgoans, as they like the
precis10n necessary to f111d exactly the nght remedy
The tissue salt for Vtrgo ts Potassmm Sulphate (Kalz. Sulph )
whtch prevents the cloggmg of pores and rebuuds the nerve cells.
Several herbs are helpful and, betng an Earth stgn, the Virgoan is
hkely to react well to these They are as follows:
Angehca which stimulates the digestive tract
Balm which soothes 1t and 1S good for nervous troubles.
Borage whtch has a stmdar react10n.
Caraway whtch sttmulates the dtgestton and ts also very versattle
(see Herbs) and this should always be avatlable to the
Cloves are soothmg and anttsepttc and will help to clear stomach
Dill ts espectally a herb of Vtrgo and ts noted for cleansmg the
dtgesttve tract
Fennel is also a herb of Vtrgo and it wdl relieve flatulence and 1s a
good dtsinfectant
Fenugreek will be found useful for mflammatton of the
Sage ts also a digestive.
There are several Bach flower remedtes whtch may be appro-
priate to the V trgoan and the nattve is advtSed to choose between
them after havmg read the descripttons under that headtng. These
are Centaury, Impatiens and Vervam
As regards exerose, the Virgoan should be concerned to
preserve movement. Bnsk walkmg or anythmg fatrly strenous
which gtves good exercise to all the muscles concerned with
movement will be benefictal
In order to help htm to relax and also tc. overcome psychological
difficulttes, the Vtrgoan would beneftt from medttatlon. Although
his standards are so high and he eastly finds fault with people, he is,
nevertheless, a basically shy and retiring person and tends to lack
self-confidence. This, of course, ts partly because of the very high
standards whtch he sets himself and which can mean that he 1s
foredoomed to fatlure The type of medttation that he needs, would
help hun to discover, appreciate and truly become what he really lS.
He tends to be hedged about with 'oughts and shoulds' and he
needs to accept and forgtve both htmself and others and love them
as they are 'warts and all'. Hts servtce to others tends to be judge-
mental and ts given only to those whom he constders worthy.
Psychologtcal and spmtual progress for this sign depends on hts
commg to terms with hts own humaruty and that of others, and
ceasing to expect the tmpossible .
The Sun is in thlS sign from about 24 September to 2 3 October, but
you may also be a Llbra type if you have the Moon or Venus in th1S
stgn or uit is on the Ascendant. It is an Ali- stgn and 1t 1S ruled by the
planet Venus the goddess of love and of beauty. Th1s makes the
L1bran a commurucative person, much concerned with personal
H1S urge 1S to fmd the life-partner and this needs to be someone
With whom he can commumcate. A marnage that does not satisfy
hun mentally, as well as physically, will not be at all satisfactory to
the Libran
Tradit1onally, he 1S a charmmg, easy-going person, who likes hfe
to be pleasant. Like theTaurean(theother stgnruled byVenus)he
also appreciates all the luxunes of hfe. He has a reputation for
laziness, but, although he is quite willing to let other people do
things for rum, he is very capable of assertmg himself in hlS own
The sign for Libra is that of the Scales (or balance) and he uses his
mind to 'weigh up' arguments So good is he at seeing both stdes of
a question that he f:requendy fmds it difficult to reach a conclusion.
This dithering can affect his nervous system (as with most Air
subJects) and he can take refuge in psychosomatic illnesses in order
to avoid reaching decis10ns m matters which are cruaal.
His obsession with justice is such that anything unfair distresses
him enormously. He likes to nght wrongs whenever possible and 1S
often cast in the role of a peacemaker. Consequendy, he does well in
diplomatic circles, or m jobs where he acts as agent for two groups
of people, such as an auCtioneer, recept1onist or solicitor. He may
also be happy many career where he is handling beautiful objects or
in the artistic trades, such as hairdresser. It is most important that
he should not be forced to work in surroundings or with people who
are not congenial to him. He cannot cope with tfus situation and
may quickly become 111 m such circumstances
The Libran has a very sensitive nature, and perhaps more than
any other zodiacal type, can eastly become physically Ill (though the
reason IS certamly psychological) through pressures which other
people would take m their stnde He Is especially resentful of
anythmg which appears to be unfarr and which affects hun
personally and can brood upon his wrongs (real or lffiagined) long
after the perpetrators of the lnJUStlce have forgotten about them
For trus reason, he often makes enemies, whtle feehng that the
other person must be wrong, smce he himself would rather make
Smce he 1S mtelhgent and shrewd, he often makes a good
busmess man and does well at runnmg his own busmess etther by
himself or wtth a partner This Is m many ways the Ideal solution to
his problem of mJustice smce he IS not m a posit1on where supenors
can put him down or make him feel small However, this is not
always posstble and the Ltbran really needs to cultivate a more
phuosophical attitude and to reahze that he 1s not the only one who
IS affected by the fact that hte Is not always fair.
The parts of the body said to be ruled by Libra are the kidneys, the
renal system and lumbar area, and consequently Librans are hable
to suffer from lumbago, kidney and bladder troubles, ulcers,
diabetes and ovanan cysts However, as they are good at balancmg
therr actiVIties and their diet they are usually one of the healthiest
stgns of the zod1ac They are hkely to respond well to rad10nics
treatment and to the Bach flower remedies
Llke all the A1r signs, they must move and they need exercise
every day. They wdl probably be mterested m all types of team
games and, hke the Gemmtans, they are often attracted to fenang
which IS an exerase m balance For relaxation, any artistic pursmt
(provided It 1s not their full t1me job) IS likely to attract them and
they w1ll also respond well to aromatherapy
As regards diet, the mam thing IS that they should watch the
balance between the acids and the alkahs For thlS reason the tlSsue
salt for Librans IS Sodmm Phosphate (Nat. Phos.) which does th1s
and thereby helps to prevent acidity. The tissue salt of Capncorn
which 1s Calc Phos can help to prevent kidney troubles. The
planet Saturn is said to be exalted m Ltbra and th1s is one of the
applications which can be useful to the Llbran.
As regards the homoeopathic remed1es, the one which is
particularly mdicated for Libra is Chamomilla 30, whtch is
especially suited for restless and mdeclSive natures
Several herbs are useful to the Ltbran and these mclude
Bllberry whtch 1s dmrettc and promote~ ktdney acuon
Borage activates the ktdneys and cures 1aundtce
Dandehon has many advantages for the Libran (.~ee Herbs)
Parsley 1s a recogmzed kidney tontc
Horseradish 1s a L1bran herb whiCh helps all ktdney troubles
Thym@ whtch IS cleansmg and antisepttc, helps to relieve head-
aches caused by ktdney dtsorders and ts especially a herb of
Libra This should be grown by all Librans and should never be
picked wild as It accumulates lead and can bt affected by car
As regards the Bach flower remedtes, there are four whtch may
-apply to the Ltbran and the descnptwn of these should be read and
the appropnate one selected These are Agnmony, Cera to,
Scleranthus and Mtmulus
Psychologtcally the Llbran needs to be aware that he ts mchned to
carry a sense of gnevance to unJustifiable lengths If he ts not to
become the type of disgruntled person whom other people don't
want to ,know he needs to come to terms With thts and to cultivate
the type of self-sufftctency whtch accepts that ht<> hfe IS largely m hts
own hands and that other people cannot do thmgs to him unless he
allows them to For this reason, I would suggest that some of the
encounter groups may be helpful (see page 123) tfyou are a typtcal
- Ltbran, you are likely to be hornfted by this suggestion but I would
remind you that the therapy to which we are most resiStant 1S the
one which we usually need most
Ltke the V 1fgoan, the Ltbran can be very cntical of other people
and for thts reason he often tends to clmg to the one partner and not
make the close friendships wh1ch he would destre. From a sptritual
pOint of view, he needs to be more out-reachmg to other people and
to show a generosity of sptrit m acknowledgmg that he too has his
HI seem to have been rather hard on the Ltbran, who IS umvers-
ally acknowledged as being a gentle, peace lovmg, friendly person,
this ts because m a book such as thiS I need to emphastze the
difftculties in the psychologtcal make up which can cause Illness
and not because I do not appreciate the fme characteristics of all of
the zodiacal signs Every stgn has 1ts strength and its weaknesses
but, unfortunately, it is the weaknesses usually that cause illness or
The Sun ism thisstgn from about 24 October to 22 November, but
you may also be considered a Scorpio type if tlus sign tS m the
Ascendant (rtSmg at the tune of btrth) or tf 1t contains the Moon or-
Before we knew of the outer planets, Scorpto was thought to be
ruled by Mars, and you will see that tt does share some character-
istics w1th Aries, of whtch Mars tS the ruler There is the same
passton and drivtng force in the nature of the Scorpton However,
this is a Water stgn, and, so there is also an emotional and intuitive
quality whtch was lackmg m Anes.
The Pluto rulership is also confirmed, I believe, by a 'refirung
and ll'egeneratmg' influence which is so often a part of the
Scorpton's life pattern. The charactenstic of Pluto seems to be to
extenonze things (some of which we would rather keep hidden) and
so to enable us to deal with them, often by discarding attitudes
whtch are no longer helpful if we are to obtain our goals. So we often
find the Scorpio native makmg complete changes in his way of
life-usually to the surpnse of his mends, as he will have given no
previous indicatlon of thiS. Like his ruler, Pluto (the god of the
underworld in mythology), he works in darkness-which 1S to say,
in secret, until the ttme is right to reveal his plans. Because he is
also an intUttlve (Water) type, a great deal goes on under the
surface, and as he is also sensitive to the opiruons of others, he has
every reason to be secretive. The phrase 'still waters run deep' ...
might have been written of the Scorpion. In the same way, he will
respect the confidences of other people.
The great mtenstty of htS feelings is best expressed in the way he
puts his whole heart into everythmg-work, play, love, hobbtes
-he feels passionately about them all. Obvtously such a nature can
cause havoc and even erupt into v1olence if it takes that road, and for
this reason the old astrologers often labelled Scorpios as the bad
boys of the zodiac. Nothing could be further from the truth for the
majority of them, as many feel passionately about their fellow man
and will do all in their power (which is to say a great deal) to help
Being a Water sign, they ::tre involved wtth other people and
empathize with them. They are easily hurt by others and, in
particular, tend to be too concerned about other people's opmions
of them. This often stops them from making those changes in their
lives which they instinctively know are right for them (even though
such changing might make no sense at all to other people). This is
not a thmg of the mmd, or of Judgement, but a deeply felt
psychologtcal need Thts attttude to others wtll also explam the
tradittonal secrettveness of th1s stgn
. However, ltke the other Water stgn, Cancer, he htdes his hurts
and on the surface Scorp1o appears calm and controlled Hts 1s, tn
fact, a very strong personahty He has a great deal of personal power
and although hts ts a Water stgn, relattng to the emottons, he has
great strength of purpose, courage and perseverance. Hts
tremendous wtll can be used to control others, and tf he chooses to
use it m thtS way, he wtll accept personal respons1bthty for hts
He fmds 1t dtff1cult to comprom1se as h1s att1tude ts never
amb1valent He e1ther loves or hates-unless, of course, he ts 1aly
md1fferent H1s stgn 1s f1xed water wh1ch can only be tee, and thts
can be mamfested by the Scorpion at t1mes
Ltke hts oppostte stgn, Taurus, the Scorp1on nattve has a sensual
nature and can qutckly get jealous and possesstve. The sung m the
Scorpton 'stall can also be shown m a sarcasttc, b1ttng wtt, wtth the
mtent1on of 'sconng off' other people. He can also be qutte ruthless
1f he feels he has been explotted or if others are thwarttng hts plans
The smgle-mmdedness of Mars as shown m Anes, also has its
counterpart m Scorp1o and he will not be sattsfted w1th casual
affatrs Hts ernottons must be deeply engaged and then he wtll be
fatthful to hts chosen partner.
The evolved Scorpton ts aware of both hts power and hts respons-
.., tbtbty He has learnt how to enJoy wtthout wanting to possess. He
understands when to stop and let go and can put behmd htm-and
forget about-past expenences which are no longer relevant to his
growth. He has also learned to respect the nghts of others
He 1S shrewd and logtcal, yet he defmitely has a sure tnsttnct for
sumrnmg up people and knows who he can trust. To them he will be
a wtse counsellor and a loyal friend.
Because ofhts mtensity, the Scorpion needs rest and m parttcular
mental relaxat10n, tf he 1S to remain healthy. Although he meets
• difftculttes wtth courage, he can get very depressed and th1S is partly
self-induced since he can be unreasonably suspiaous.
Scorpto rules the throat and nasal passages (Taurus polanty), the
pelvis, sexual organs, generative system, bladder, rectum and
prostate gland, and thts sign tends to suffer from troubles m these
areas of the body, also from eptlepsy, hernia, painful menstruation
and constipation. They tend to catch infections easily, especially
those of the nose and throat.
The natlve wlll respond to healmg and acupressure Bio-feedback
may help htm to relax hiS mind but he also needs to fmd a creative
hobby for thts purpose Relaxmg massage IS usually enjoyed by
Any exerase whtch he en)oys wlll be beneftctal, and he wth
probably hke competitive sport where he can set hts own goals.
Walkmg is most benefiaal to him, especially to prevent
Agam, like Taurus, he beneftts from contact With nature Hts
dtet should not contain htghly sptced foods or stimulants. Leeks,
oniOns, kale, prunes and coconut are all valuable to hun
Among the homoeopathic remedtes, he wtll probably fmd Nux.
Vom. 6 useful for haemorrhOids, and consttpatton, and he should ,
take Pulsattlla 30. when appropnate
Tissue salts are espectally mdtcated for the Scorpton, and tn~
particular Sulphate of Lime (Cak. Sulph) A full descnption of
these are given elsewhere m this book
Among the Bach flower remedtes, Impatiens may be appropnate
at tunes
There are many herbs to help Scorpto's tllnesses:
Bastl is useful as a stimulant and for the healtng of wounds.
Gmseng IS also a stimulant and ts particularly considered to be
'ruled' by Scorpio
Bilberry helps to overcome water retention
Elderberry has the same effect and also soothes bums and scalds.
Chicory is a good laxative
Witch Hazel is helpful for haemorrhoids
Sage will staunch bleedtng and 1S also good for throat atlments.
Olive IS also a good laxative.
Lovage IS a good general tonic whtch will benefit Scorpios
Kelp should also be taken by them to provtde uon and to reduce
the chance of goitres
Psychologically, the Scorpio native has to battle with his own
intensity and needs to seek peace withtn himself. He has to learn to
be unconcerned about the opinions of others, as long as he knows
where he is going. He needs to be less secretive with others if they
are upsetting him, as he can 'bottle up' these feelings unt11 the
inner tension suddenly erupts and relationshtps are destroyed.
Psychosomatic illnesses can come from repressing the urge to do
what the Scorpio instmcttvely knows is rtght for htm Like ~11 the
Water SI~, he needs to cultivate a sense of detachment from
others, and become aware of hts own umque values
He ts interested m obscure and occult matters and has a great
urge to get to the bottom of hfe 's mystenes so he ts often attracted
to the study of psychology and tf he can be detached enough to apply
thts knowledge to htmself, he wtll be able to culttvate the nght
chmate for hts own growth and health

The Sun ts m thts stgn from 2 3 November to 22 December approx-
imately You would also share some of the Sagtttanan character-
tsttcs tf thts stgn was nsmg at the ttme of your btrth or tf the Moon
or Juptter was m Sagtttanus then
Thts ts a Ftre stgn, ruled by Juptter, so the nattve ts outgomg and
opttmtsttc Sagtttanans show the expanstveness of Juptter m thetr
relaxed att.ltude, thetr wtde-rangmg mterests and thetr broad
tolerance towards others They are on fnendly terms wtth most of
mankmd, and many of thein work m other countnes or travel to
other countnes m the course of thetr work So one gets the ptcture
of the free-rangmg mdtvtdual who~e hfe ts ftrmly m hts own hands
and who pleases htmself m what he does, and ts usually contented-
a happy-go-lucky fellow
Thts attitude makes the Sagtttanan less 'ftery' than the other
Ftre stgns-Anes and Leo-but he does share t."letr self-sufftctent
attttude He cannot bear to be fenced m and he expects other people
to respect hts need for freedom, JUSt as he respects thetrs He wlll
qUtckly dodge any attempt to coerce htm Ltke the Gemm1an (hts
opposite sign) he is best m a JOb whtch he can run htmself, wtthout
too many ngtd restncttons He does, however, need dtosctphnes, or
he can be over-expanstve to the extent that his tdeas may be too
grand01se, and mcapable of reahzat.lon Tune can cease to matter to
him to such an extent that appomtments are not kept and so on
People fmd tt dtfficult to tte htm down to any ftrm commitments, so
that he may get the reputation of bemg unrehable.
However, tf he can avotd falhng mto the trap of over-
expanstveness, lus Ftre attrtbutes gtve him plenty of vttahty and a
great urge to explore, both phystcally and mentally. Hts greatest
enemy ts boredom and he needs the stimulatton of a challenge His
stgn, Sagtttarms means 'the Archer' and he 1s constantly atmmg at
somethmg He needs to cultivate practtcahty. Just as Ftre needs to
move in order to bum brightly, but needs to be kept tn bounds 1f 1t is
not to become dangerous, so the Ftre sign natives need the utmost
freedom compatible with the demands of everyday ltvmg.
Within the marriage bond, the Sag1ttanan needs a partner who
will appreciate this and not make him feel 'fenced m'. He also needs
someone who can meet hun on a mental level He has interests in a
wide number of subjects (often in a rather superf1cial way) but he tS
capable of deep study and can become completely absorbed m
anythmg which really appeals to h1111
He ts a philosopher and knows better than to take hfe too
senously, so he does not usually suffer from psychosomatlc
illnesses (all of the Frre signs are fairly free from these) The
exception 1S when he really feels trapped by condttions about whtch
he can do nothing illness ts then a way of 'opting out' Thts does
not often happen, as Sagtttanans can usually see these condtoons
coming a mile away and take evastve actton at the ftrst runt of
Basically, the Sagtttarian is a trustmg person-not merely
optimiStic, but feehng m his bones 'God's m Hts heaven, all's nght
with the world'. Camed to extremes this attttude can result m the
playboy type who expects everythmg to come hts way wtthout any
effort on hts part.
Jupiter tS reputed to be the planet of good fortune and tt 1S true
that the Sagittanan often seems to have a happy ltfe wtthout a great
deal of misfortune How far h1S own optimistic nature contributes
to this ts imposstble to say. Certainly we know that much stckness ts
caused by tens1on and worry and both of these gtve nse to
psychologtcal problems whtch m tum cause other miSfortunes, so
it seems hkely that the Sag1ttanan's own relaxed attitude
contributes to his well-bemg
Like his opposite sign Gemmt, he dtShkes bemg tied down to
routine conditlons Suttable careers for htm can be found in
profess10ns m which his wtde rangmg intellect can be used. These
are teacher, lawyer, pnest, philosopher, and wnter. He ts also
happy with outdoor work especially if it is connected wtth animals,
and in particular horses, and in all forms of sport and exploranon
(including space-travel)
When he suffers from ttredness, it ts usually mental and ts often
caused by boredom. As long as he is engrossed by something, the
Sagittarian 1s rarely conscience of mental (or phystcal) fatigue Such
vttality must have outlets, and for many nanves of this sign this 1S
found m sport of all types-almost anything active appeals to them
and wtth their 'hail-fellow-well-met' attitude. to life, they enjoy
playing m a team. Rugby football with its strong sOCial side often
appeals to them. They can get completely obsesstve about thetr
particular sport and thts ts a great ptty smce tt not only bores other
people, but also hmtts the nattve whose true nature tS to be
extremely versattle
The parts of the body ruled by Sagtttanus are the lower back,
htps, thtghs, hver and hepatic system Jupiter's children can over-
mdulge thetr bodies and become 'hvensh' and they need to hmlt
thetr mtake of nch foods
They tend to suffer from acctdents to the htps and legs, sctattca,
entenc fever and resptratory troubles, as well as tmpatrment of the
liver function
Sagtttanans respond well to bnsk massage, and deep remechal
massage for muscle strams, but they have a wtde tolerance of
heahng methods and are able to accept most types of treatment.
They must have outdoor exerctse and, apart from all the sports,
walkmg and ndmg are typtcally Sagtttanan pursmts as are all
acttvlttes whtch exerctse the htps and thtghs They need to get mto
the open atr and should not pursue sports whtch are only played
mdoors to the exduston of the others
For relaxatton, massage ts also a good way to 'wmd down' so a
bnsk massage followed by a relaxmg one would be excellent
therapy for the Sagtttanan Medttatlon may also appeal smce the
Jupttenan ts also a phtlosopher and often has an urge to look deeper
tnto thts subJect
In hts dtet, the Sagtttanan needs to avmd nch foods and wtll
beneftt by ensurmg that hts meals contam green vegetables, hver,
bran and oats
Among the homoeopathtc remedtes he should keep Nux Vom
6 for hver upsets, Rhus Tox 6 for stratned muscles, and Hepar
Sulph 6 to asstst botls to burst The ttssue salt, sthca also helps to
prevent, and to get nd of, styes and boils
Herbs whtch should be useful to the Sagtttanan are as follows
Bay to stimulate the appettte and diSsolve obstructtons m the
hver and spleen.
Borage ts good for jaundtce, and acttvates the dtgesttve system
Chicory ts good for all hver conditiotlS and ts a herb of juptter
Dandelton 1s a useful general tome as well as helpmg the hver and
Hyssop ts a great cleanser and helps jaundice. It also reheves
Sage will staunch bleeding and helps the dlgesuve system
Thyme is cleansing and antiseptic It ts a good hver tome and
Rosemary ts also a good hver tontc and reduces blood pressure.
Fenugreek tS valuable in the dtet for nutnttonal purposes
Lovage ts carmmauve and reduces fevers.
Psychology, the Sagtttanan has few problems. His relaxed
attitude to hfe keeps him largely free of the psychosomattc illnesses,
but he needs to disciphne hJlTiself to ensure that hts expanstve
nature does not become over-expanstve so that nothmg tS ever
accomphshed. He also needs to accept the closer ttes wtth others
and to feel free wzthtn the restncttons of normal hvmg His
tolerance for others tS often because they do not matter very much
to him, and thts attitude can leave hun lonely tf all hts relattonshtps
are on a superbcial basts

The Sun is m thts stgn from about 23 December to 19 january, but
tf Saturn or the Moon are tn Capricorn, or tf 1t ts nstng at the ttme of
birth, the native wlll share some of the Capncom characteristtcs
This ts an Earth sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of responstbllity
and practtcahty. Since all the Earth signs are like this Capncorruans
have a 'double dose' and are very rehable and firm (often to the
pomt of obstmacy). Like all Earth stgns, they have a great need for
security and need a stable job.
They are always wilhng to help others m practical ways, but hke
their opposite sign of Cancer, they worry and eastly become tense.
Capncomtans are usually ambitious people, but they are also
very patient and are wllhng to work and watt for results. People
tend to underrate them because they are often rather slow and
plodding, but the one characteristtc that beats all oppositton ts that
they never give up. Even more than the Cancerian, they are the
most tenacious and persevenng of the zodiacal signs. They often
achieve positions of power even though the results of theU' hard
work may come rather late in life. Their ambitton is for power,
rather than for glory and they do not seek the lunelight.
Like the Cancerians, they appreciate a happy home ltfe, seeing
themselves as the provider and father of the family and takmg their
duties and responstbilities seriously. They have a dry sense of
humour and are by no means lacking a sense of fun. After all, the
Roman Saturnalia was a great festival, celebrating the lengthenmg
days as the year turned from Winter to Spring.
The Capricomtan mother, like the Cancerian, can be guilty of
'smother-love' and tends to be over-fussy, though always generous
and helpful.
The maJor cause of illness for the Capricorruan 1s that he tends to
'bottle-up' emouons-m fact, he often gives the unpresston of not
havmg any. His innate sense of dlgnity and propnety mhtbtt him
from expressmg his feehngs. If, m add1tton, he has had the type of
parents who have brought hun up to 'keep a sttff upper lip' and to
beheve that 'b1g boys don't cry', they have laid the found~ttons for
psychomatic tllnesses, wruch may mantfest m later hfe m nervous
breakdowns or m dtSeases whtch restrict movement It ts,
therefore, most unportant that Capncomtans should learn to
release tensions It ts also important that parents should reahz.e
what damage they can do to chlldren by tlus ngtd upbringing
Most Capncomians have a built-m sense of ttmmg. This ts often
rather slower than for most people, and many an Arian mother has
battled wtth a Capncomtan chlld, takmg his time to get ready for
school However, they do get there m their own good ttme, and
rather hke the tort01se and the hare, they achieve thetr goals when
others have exhausted themselves and fallen out of the race For
thts reason, they do not suffer from the feverish condtt10ns whtch
attack the more energetic types, but they can sometimes neglect
thetr own health Capncorruans are durable types, however, and
most of them hve to a npe old age
The Saturn 1nfluence often gtVes 'an old head on young
shoulders' and many Capricorruan chlldren get on better wtth
older people than wtth their own contemporanes. The best tme of
ltfe for them 1S often when they are mature By that tune they have
usually achteved their auns and they settle down mto a contented
later hfe
Practtcal routine work, whtch provides secunty, wtll smt the
Capncom1an, but 1t needs to have prospects for promotion to the
top rank Careers in Government, the Armed Forces and politics
wlll appeal. Capricorntans are also found m teachmg, osteopathy,
dentistry, sctence, engmeenng and budding They make good
admintStrators of all types
They can be over-consctentious and rather dogmatic. Their
attttude can be rather mflexible and ngtdity of mind ts often found
in a ngid body. H they wish to avotd restnction of movement (whtch
is common m many of the Capricorn aliments) they must culttvate
fle.xtbllity ·and tolerance and learn not to take themselves too
The parts of the body 'ruled' by Capncorn are the knees, bones,
teeth, skin and the skeletal system. The nauve tends to suffer from
sluggtsh circulation causing colds, rheumatism and arthritis
Neuralgta and dental troubles sometunes occur. The Capricomian
tends to build up toxms which cause skin troubles and related
ailments and like Cancer, they can suffer from digestive troubles
Nature Cure treatment will remove toxicity, with careful
attentton to dtet Reflexology to prevent tnhtbition of movement
and osteopathy to treat specwc tllness of thlS nature are also
As regards exerClSe, anythmg which helps to keep movement
flmd ts valuable Swliilmmg ts excellent and competitive sports are
usually enjoyed but football and related sports where joints can go
out easily are best avotded
For relaxation, the Capricomian needs massage, and deep-
breathing exerctses. Any creattve acttv1ty which w11l release
mhibition of emotion wlll be helpful H the Capncomian can dance
or act (even tf the pnvacy of his/her own room) this wtll be a great
release of tension Relaxation needs to be fun-there 1S already
enough senous purpose m the Capricomian's dally hfe.
Most datry foods, yogurt, c1trus fruits, nuts and bran should find
a place m the Capncomtan 's dtet Like Cancer, he should never eat
when upset Sprouts of alfalfa are strengthenmg and wetght addmg
and wul help to prevent arthntts.
Hts ttssue salt 1S Caloum Phosphate (Calc Phos.)whtch helps to
budd bones and teeth and overcomes a deftoency of albumen
Tension wtll mhibit the absorbtton of this salt
Among the homoeopathic remedies, Calendula tmcture should
be kept handy for acctdents and for dental use Aconttum 6 is useful
for muscular pams caused by chtlls and Nux Vom 30 should be
taken when apphcable
A great many herbs wtll be found useful to the Capricomian:
Bay IS valuable for skm troubles
Blackberry IS good for psoriasts
Chamomlle can be used externally for neuralgia and toothache
Cloves are a well known remedy for toothache The tea is
warmmg and sttmulatmg
Camphor eases chtlls, rheumatiC and neuralgta pams
Chtcory 1s a help for rheumatic cond1t1ons
Comfr~y strengthens bones and helps the skm
Elderberry IS a mtld astrmgent for the skm and helps rheumauc
Mustard helps to prevent chtlls and eases rheumatic pams
Pennyroyal 1s warmmg and makes a good tea for soothing
teething mfants
Yer ba Mate 1s also taken as a tea and 1s excellent for rheumatism.
Vervain is the Bach flower remedy which 1s likely to be
appropnate for Capncormans, at omes
Psycholog1cally, the Capncom1an tends to be over-concerned
w1th the matenal world. If he ach1eves power, he can fmd 1t a lonely
pos1t1on, and he needs to handle 1t w1sely, 1fit1s not to corrupt If he
does not ach1eve h1s a1ms, he can become emb1ttered, and he needs
to realize that this can, hterally, p01son h1m by releasmg toxms into
the blood stream He may need to set his s1ghts lower and be
content w1th achievmg a more domestlc happmess.
However, there 1s no doubt that hlS mam dlfflculty stems from
the mability to release emot1ons He appears to be scared of
knowing hlS true nature and would probably shrmk from explormg
it, yet thlS 1s precisely what he needs to do, m order to realize hts full
potenoal Feehngs wh1ch are controlled to freezmg pomt hterally
freeze the limbs, and tens10ns are often shown by the way that hmbs
are held tensely and ulnmately, movement becomes restncted. All
t1us can be av01ded 1f the Capncom1an 1S w1lhng to follow the hints
g1ven here.

The Sun lS in th1s s1gn about 20 January to 19 February The
planet Uranus 'rules' Aquanus and 1f it, or the Moon, is in trus s1gn
at the nme of birth you will also be an Aquanan type Thts will
apply, as well, 1f Aquarms 1s on the Ascendant (nsmg) m your birth
This is an A1r sign, and m common with the others (Gemin1 and
L1bra) the Aquarian lS interested in the world of ideas The
influence ofU ran us 1s to make hun mvennve, so he 1s drawn to new
or unusual subJects. He lS usually extremely mtelligent, though
this is somenmes only apparent m his own speoal field.
In common w1th 'the Age of Aquarms', the nanve demands a
great deal of personal freedom and is willmg to go to revolut1onary
lengths to retam 1t Unhke the Sag1ttanan who took hlS freedom for
granted, the Aquar1an always feels that h1s is threatened and he is
prepared to fight for it. Yet, he 1s also a great humarutanan and
would like to see everyone shanng in the good thmgs of hfe. In
order to achieve thlS, 1t lS necessary to g1ve up some of one's
personal freedom for the good of all, and here we have the dilemma
of the Aquarian age perfectly mirrored m the character of the
typical Aquarian. No wonder that he 1s a restless person with a
great desire to change everything. He has a fascmating and
dommating personahty and he holds to hts own opm10ns
stubbornly, not caring 1f he IS 'the only one m step' Hts ongmahty
and mventiveness together with hts freedom of thought may be well
ahead of hts own generatiOn, so that he may appear rather 'cranky'
to other people.
Ltke all the Atr types, his emotions tend to be cool and feelmgs
are expressed with difficulty Such IS his obsession for freedom that
even h1s closest friends may feel that they do not really know him
He seems to thmk that revealmg h1mself to others IS an mvas10n of
hiS pnvacy-hke a rape of the essential self On the surface, he 1S an
extremely fnendly person, very greganous and always wtlhng to
help others He often JO:tns clubs and associations, especially those
formed for humamtanan purposes
He needs to have a certam amount of freedom m h1s career and IS
often attracted to scienti:&c and mventive work Many Aquanans
are found m the world of televis10n, presenting their own
programmes, reportmg news or getting mto some other n1che
where they can 'do the1r own thmg', espeoally If th1s means
breaking new ground
Aquanans need marnage partners who are cool-natured like
themselves, or one of the Ftre signs who are very self-contamed and
not over dependant on the partner, emot1onally. They will be loyal
and fa1thful once a partnership IS formed, but will not tolerate
possessiveness in the partner
In the days when astrologers thought that the planetary system
only extended to Saturn, they gave this planet the rulership of
Aquarms, and it IS true that, with all his Uraman quahtles of rest-
lessness and destre for change, the native does combine the
Saturnine qualities of caution and recogmtion of the need for
discipline It 1S this that stops many Aquarians from becoming
passionate revplutionaries and !units their activities to an exchange
of ideas on the subJect. They also show the stubborn qualities of
Saturn m matntaining their own opiruons m the face of all
Where the need for discipline is not recogmzed, psychological
difficulties often arise if the Aquarian Is m confining condttions, as
these are incompatible with his destre for freedom. He needs to
learn to feel free withm the hmttations imposed by normal life.
Aquarius is also a Fixed sign, which again expresses the Idea of
control, but Fixed Air can stagnate and some Aquanans express
this, being full ofideas which are never put tnto pract.lse. In the best
type, however, this manifests as 'controlled expression' as shown
bv the careers susuzested.
Aquarians are always interested m new knowledge and are
usually tolerant and open-mmded so that they also make good
researchers They are very attracted to the unusual and theirs 1S
said to be the stgn of the Astrologers They soak up knowledge and
then· power of concentration 1s formtdable
They can be completely unconventional and while thlS can be a
valuable tratt tt can also lead the Aquanan into the pursmt of the
'way out' for 1ts own sake 'Free love' can become hcense w1thout
responstbt.hty, whtch is a far cry from the Aquanan 1deal of the
freedom of brotherhood of all
As h1s opposttton, Leo ruled the heart, so Aquanus rules the
circulatory system, and 1t also rules the shins and ankles
Aquanans tend to suffer from h1gh blood-pressure, hardenmg of
the artenes, varicose vems, swollen ankles and muscular cramp
Acctdents are hkely to affect the ankles and sprams, m parttcular,
are common
Wtth the mterest m unusual things, the A quartan often responds
well to Radtomcs and will also accept heahng of all kmds For those
who are still obsessed wtth the tdea of freedom and who feel
restncted, Encounter Groups may be helpful
For exerctse the Aquarian needs somethmg fatrly strenuous, and
m the open atr, to help the crrculat10n, cychng, sktppmg and so on,
and for the same reason tt ts very tmportant that he learns to breathe
properly Th1S wtll oxygenate the blood and prevent tt from being
For relaxatton, the mmd needs to be sttlled and yoga or
sornethmg s1mtlar 1s mdicated Relaxmg massage ts also helpful
The Aquanan usually needs lots of sleep but often ts unable to get tt
because his mmd ts so act1ve He should, therefore, avotd anythmg
whtch ts mentally sttmulating late m the evenmg
The Aquanan should mclude honey, lemon, apples and cheese
m hlS dtet
H1s tissue salt 1s Sochum Chlonde (Nat. Mur) which balances
the water content of the body, but the Cancer ttssue salt, Fluoride of
Ltme ts also mdicated for vancose vems
As regards homoeopathy, the most useful remedy 1s hkely to be
Rhus. Tox. tincture for sprains
Among the herbal remedtes, the followmg w1ll be found useful·
Bergamot for relaxauon Both the tea and the pot poun wtll help
to cure tnsomma
Borage will cleanse the bloodstream and is useful for sprams It ts
also a heart sumulant
Caraway is also a strengthenmg agent for sprained hmbs.
Dandelton cleanses the blood stream and is a tonic.
Hyssop regulates blood-pressure and wJ.ll reheve brmsmg
Nettle unproves the ctrculauon and ts a blood punfier.
Rosemary reduces high blood-pressure and sttmulates the arcu-
lation. Thts ts a valuable herb for the Aquanan and should
always be avallable.
Yerba Mate is useful as a stimulant when necessary
One of the Bach flower remedles, Water Vtolet ts hkely to be
appropnate for many Aquanans.
Psychologtcally, the Aquanan needs to recognize that he ts sub-
consctously fearful of hfe Itself. He ts only wilhng to get involved on
the surface. Thts results m some represston of the feehngs and leads
to chfficulttes in makmg deep relauonshtps In a sense, this is a
denial of hts own inchviduality. Even though the Aquarian may feel
that hts freedom ts threatened by others, m truth he ts not free to
express htmself fully because of tlus atntude, so he ts really
thwartmg hts own instincts whtch urge htm to be his own man A
wtllingness to share hlfilself with others at a deeper level gives the
evolved nattve a deep satisfaction that is not achieved by most of his
fellow Aquanans.
In order to be free, the A quartan must recogn1Ze that he hunself
needs to break out of the confinmg condttions which hamper him. If
he is truly hts own man he will feel free and mdependent It is hts
own fears whtch shackle hlfil. Freedom of the spint ts the only true

The Sun 1S m this stgn from about 20 February to 20 March, but rl
PISces ts rtsmg, or if the Moon or Neptune are in it at the tune of
your birth, you will probably have some of the PIScean charac-
Thts 1S a Water sign, so Ptsceans are emotional and receptive, and
their ruler, Neptune, adds a quabty of intmtion and elusiveness
With Neptune bemg the god of the sea, it is hardly surpnsing that
Pisces is the most 'watery' of the signs, so that the native ts very
sensitive indeed. Ptsceans are very adaptable (just as water takes the
shape of 1ts contamer). They have a great need to feel loved and like
to get on wtth everyone, so they can tend to 'run with the hare and
hunt wtth the hounds'. Bemg ultra-sensttive, they try to stay out of
trouble as much as possible, so they have the elusive quality of
being elsewhere when the storms break. Nevertheless, they are
sympathetic and are always to be found helping and supporting
other people in their troubles. Normally optimisttc and happy
people, they can become a prey to apprehensions-sometunes
because they do sense commg eventb, but often because they tend
to anticipate things which may never happen
Their love hfe is usually happy, partly because they are so
adaptable but also because they like to make other people haPEY and
take pleasure in giving practical help as well as thelf own generous
affection. They need the reassurance of love and appreciatlon and
will become very unhappy if this ts not forthcommg They are good
lovers but tend to ideahze the loved one
Pisceans are often found in careers hke nursmg where service is
given and they tend to feel that their hfe is being wasted tf they are
not domg somethmg for others Ideas and msp1rat1on are plenttful,
· but tend to lack shape, unless other parts of the buth chart show
Such sensitive and lovmg people are devastated by criticism and
unkindness. They have a need for privacy as they can become
mentally and emotionally dramed by others Thetr way of avoiding
unpleasantness 1S to retreat or escape and for th1S reason some of
them tum tv drugs and alcohol. However, many of them, with their
unique sensitivity, seem to reahze thlS danger and wtll not touch
either. In tltis, they are very WlSe as Pisceans are particularly prone
to drug or alcohol poisonmg-also to fish poiSoning and to water
wluch contatns any 1mpunnes.
Pisceans are mtelligent and inventive, but they tend to escape
into afantasy world and can spend too much ttme day-dreammg (or
becoming T.V. adchcts! ). But although his mner ltfe is the real life
to the Piscean, many live richly and fully by following their own
intuition and channelling it in constructlve ways.
They have a unique sense of rhythm and can actuahze their
fantasies as poetry, fiction-writing, danc~dramas etc. Acting also
appeals to them as they can then live m a' make-beheve world.
They are very susceptible to beauty and many Pisceans can
create it, so careers m all the arts appeal to them, together with
those that give service to others, and those connected wtth the sea.
The polarity with thetr oppoSite s1gn, Vugo, is shown in thetr
adaptability and their desire to serve others. Both suffer with the
stomach and 1ntestines when upset or worried (and all the Water'
signs worry).
The old ruler of tlus stgn was thought to be Jupiter and it is true
that the Piscean has much in common w1th the Jupiterian sign,
Sagtttarius Both are naturally cheerful and phtlosophtcal and both
realize the value of detachment from the things of this world.
Pisceans willtgnore difficulties as long as possible and then try to
get round them or away from them-to get over the ground as
lightly as possible is thetr aim. Their motto might be' Anything for
a quiet ltfe'. They easily become over-anxious and fearful, and the,
can then be very secrettve, making efforts to conceal things which
they feel might attract crittctSm from others. Often other people are
not interested at all, but the Piscean is taking no chances. Self-
deceptton is common and so is the deliberate deception of others, if
it will make life easter for them.
Many are mediumistic and almost all of them have a nch inner
life They recognize the essential uruty of all life, even though its
expressions are so varied and they often feel a sense of unity with all
forms of life-hence thetr deep compasston for others.
In livmg so much mside their own heads and with their
emotional nature, it is not surprismg tf some of them become
confused wtth what ts realtty. Indeed, m one sense, therr view of it
may be more valid than the usually accepted view that reality is
what IS percetved physically.
Ideally, all Pisceans spould live near water and in natural
The parts of the body ruled by Pisces are the duodenum, the feet,
the pituitary and pmeal glands and the lymphatic system. They
suffer from glandular disorders, mucus in the lungs, conjunctivitis,
duodenal troubles and foot disorders. They tend to be overweight,
chiefly because they retain water. They also suffer from nervous
stress and drug allergies
For treatment, they are parttcularly sympathetic to healing and
herbal treatment and to reflexology (except for foot ~oubles)
They need rhythmic exercise-danctng, swimming and
eurythmy are parocularly suttable
They can relax easily, but mec:htation wtll usually be a way of life
to them Most Pisceans enjoy fishing and satlmg.
They should include liver m thetr dtet~ as a good source of the
iron they so badly need. Also cucumbers, almonds and melon.
Homoeopathic remedies should include Arsefl. Alb 6 for food
poisoning and Ruta tmcture for corns. Arsenicum 30 should be
used for the tunes when they are feelmg apprehensive, and
Pulsattlla 30 can also be appropriate for the Piscean.
The tissue salt needed is Phosphate of Iron (Ferr. Phos.) to
oxygenate the blood
Among the herbs which are helpful to Pisceans are the following:
Kelp which is especially mdicated as a good source of iron-as
this is denved from seaweed it seems particularly applicable to
Father Neptune's child.
BJ.lberry to counteract water retention.
Bergamot which is relaxant and sleep-inducing.
Arrowroot to calm the stomach.
Balm for its soothmg properties and for digestlve troubles.
Borage for its qualities and for courage
Chicory to eliminate mucus.
Elderberry to mduce sleep.
Eyebrtght for conjunctiv1tis.
Ginseng as a toruc for the nervous system.
Horseradish for glandular troubles.
Several Bach remedies may be helpful to the P1scean and the
descriptlons should be read to decide wh1ch 1S most applicable.
These are Clematis, Mimulus, Cerato and Water V1olet.
Psychologically, the Piscean is inclined to under rate himself and
to be overconcerned with others. He needs to recogruze this, as he
tends to carry other people's burdens, hke Cancer, and fear their
cntiosm, like Scorpio (the other water s1gns). He should guard the
privacy that he really needs in order to renew hlmSelf and to fmd the
peace w1thin, otherwiSe he 1s at the mercy of every harsh wmd that
blows and may decide to 'escape' into illness. He is the most
impress1onable of the zodiacal signs and can become a hypo-
chrondriac if life gets too much for him.
I would remind you that we all have a mixture of zod1acal s~.gns
emphastzed in our blrth charts, so 1t is unusual to find marked
characteristics so strong that there 1s nothing to counteract them. It
rs for this reason that I have used the phrase 'tends to' all through
this sectton.
I would also like to remind you that no one needs to be ill just
because the constitution gives a tendency to a certain disease.
Awareness of this and the following of a healthy regime is a better
remedy than an apple to keep the doctor away.

The Zodiacal Signs as Healers

It has been said that many people could transmit a form of healing-
perhaps all of us-if we tned. The theory 1s that it is a faculty that
was available to man and which has been lost through neglect-Just
as a muscle will atrophy, if not used.
Whether this is true or not, it is certain that each_ of the zodiacal
types has something to contribute to the health of t;nankind. It 1S
equally certain that we can all improve our own health and the birth
chart gives important clues as to_how to do this, as we have already....,
We are not slaves to our physical makeup as indicated by our
birth charts I most strongly refute the idea that we are all con-
ditioned by what the charts show and can do nothing to help
The Arlen, for tnstance, need not be dommated by the
destructive Martian tnstmcts, but can harness the vitality and dnve
by learning control. Such a person can make a fine surgeon
(perhaps speoahzmg in brain troubles) or a psychiatrist, but even
on a more mundane level his posttive outlook and personal courage
can set a good example to the hypochondriacs of th1s world .....,
The other Ftre stgns, Leo and Sagtttarius can also contribute the
positive and optimisttc spmt that helps so much to make people feel
better-a powerful regenerator In addttJ.on, Leo types often
become mterested (perhaps because of their love of drama and
makeup) in beauty therapy and cosmetic surgery. Sagittarians
somet1mes find a niche 10 connectJ.on with sport-muscle building
by weightlifting training or organizing sports for the physically
Taureans need to educate thelf fme palates to appreciate whole-
some foods, rather than the rtch and luxurious meals which they so~,
much enJoy. Their interest in the subject makes them good ·
dieucians, wht.le the many who enjoy gardening can ensure that ,
they get fresh frutt and vegetables. Taureans are also often attracted
to herbahsm. If a more direct career tn medicine appeals, they
might consider that of almoner
Virgo and Capncom, the other two Earth signs, are both
practical types who are drawn to service for others. V1tgo has
particular feeling for natural foods and 1S also willing to take the
trouble to search out the precise remedy required, so that
homoeopathy is a likely career. Capricornians make good..
paediatricians (children's doctors) and some have skill in skin-
grafting. Denttstry and osteopathy both have an obvious
connotation with this sign.
Geminians have operative hands and can use them in the service
of the s1ck in many ways. Massage and Reflexology are two obvious
indications. If they wtll be bothered to do stck visiting, their
cheerful chatter and wtde mterests can bring a real breath of fresh
air to those in confined conchtions They also make good speech
The other Air stgns of Libra and Aquarius are often found
'1ielping in the service of the sick. Librans, in particular, make fine
dtagnostioans as they have a feeling for what is out of balance and
usually know how to adjust it. Aquanans can work well wtth the
mentally sick, being humanttanan but detached. Thetr particular
skill m this field however, is for medtcal research.
An the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) are, as one
would expect, very suggestible, and they ought to run a mtle from
anyone who is inclined to tell others that they have something
wrong with them, or that they look ill and also from those who
insist on describing thetr own symptoms in detatl When they
-..recognize this tra1t m themselves and can control it, the water signs
are usually able to help others tn a sympathetic, but bractng way
and make good nurses and theraptSts especially the Cancenans and
Pisceans The Scorpio natlve is more likely to be attracted to
psychiatry and psychotherapy. All are excellent at using 'mtutttve'
It is of course unhkely that all zodiacal types would be drawn to a
career connected wtth health in preference to other callings, but the
scope is so wide that all could find the1r niche, if they so wished.

Charts of Healers
The birth charts of intuttive healers, of all types, often seem to
feature a Grand Trine m Water, or significant planets m that
element This, of course, would indtcate the ease with which they
work on an emotional/intuittve hnk. Virgo is often prominent and
this is trachtionally the s1gn connected with health and service and.
of course, the use of the hands. Libra is another sign which often
features prominently and thiS would appear to be connected with
balance. After all, 1£ someone is ill it is because something 1S out of
balance and Ltbra, apparently, has the ability to put it right. This is
also an mtuitive s1gn though many astrologers seem to tgnore the
fact. Good mtuitive healers need to be 'earthed' so expect to see an
Earth stgn prominent even 1f Virgo is not one of them.
What the Planets Tell Us
It is, of course, true that each of the planets) in so far as they have
rulership over various parts of the body, should be considered in
assessing the health of the native. However, apart from the natal
Sun and Moon, the most important ones are Mercury, Mars and
Mercury is particularly important in showing the mental
attitude of a patient and of the type of nervous system with which
we are deahng. The obviously 'nervy' types-the Air signs-can
vary from Gemin1 (always on the go) to Libra (apprehensive of
anything unpleasant) and Aquarius who tends to worry over health
difficulties. The Mercury-ruled Virgoan may be a victim of his own
fussiness and strain the nervous system by trymg to accomphsh too
much. But even the more stolid Mercury in Capricorn, whtle not
stressing the nervous system will in<hcate the attitude of mind
towards health, and this will tend to be in the form of suppression of
symptoms-a reluctance to acknowledge that they are there. Thus
Capricomians often neglect their health and are reluctant to seek
treatment The Fire signs tend to ignore it for another reason they
want to get on with life and will tell you that they 'can't afford to be
ill'. The Water stgns can be the most senstble in seekmg early help
for disorders, though they can eastly. become too obsessed with
their health.
Mars, of course, indtcates the vitality and here the posttion in the
birth chart seems to be as important as the zodiacal stgn. To express
his principle fully, Mars ought to be 'out in the world' and tf he ts
near the I.C, the vitality may fluctuate considerably, espeoally tf
he is also recetving stressful aspects from other planets. A well-
aspected Mars in the slXth house usually ensures plenty of vuahty.
Stressful aspects between Mercury and Mars wtll mcbne the
subject to be acadent prone These people can also be reckless
drivers and would do well to decide not to dnve themselves The
aspect implies an impatrment in Judgement or sheer thoughtless-
ness. Mars also correlates with fever and tts good apphcation is to
burn up impurities.
Saturn imposes limttations and it is not always posstble to tell
from a btrth chart whether these will be ltmitattons to health, but
they are likely to be so if this planet 1S makmg stressful aspects to the
Sun or Mars, or is in the third house of movement or the sixth
house of health. Dtfftcult aspects to Mercury, Moon or Venus may
indicate depression, wtth due respect to the houses tenanted
Infenority complexes are affhctions of a Satumme nature and these
are sometimes triggers for psychosomatic tllness.
I have found the qumcunx to be more stressful than the square,
while opposittons often seem to work qmte well in health

Other Considerations
It hardly needs saying that there is no method by whtch one can tell
whether a difficult aspect will apply to the health of the native rather
than to any other aspect of his life. Charts of quite severely handi-
capped people will be exactly the same as those of their astrological
twins, even though the others may be quite healthy and may
experience their difficult aspects in totally different ways.
An astrologer who has access to the charts of the parents will be
able to deduce the kind of upbnnging the child has had, and may
also see where hereditary traits are likely to occur
The Moon sign often shows the type of life decision a person has
made as a result of their childhood upbringing. For tnstance, I once
remarked in a lecture that I had met several people with Moon in
Cancer who had decided at an early age that they must look after
themselves, since they had formed the opiruon that their parents
would not do so. In the lecture hall were f1ve people who had this
placing and four of them agreed that this also applied to them. Most
of them had become children of broken mamages or had lost a
parent shortly after making the decision. Where chtldhood
decisions have been earned into adult life and are no longer
applicable, there will be psychological difficulties which may
exteriorize as illness.
Great care is necessary when dealing with any such tllness, as the
cure may be worse than the disease from the patient's point of view.
A change tn a life-style may be too painful to contemplate, and the
dedstons and feelings of the patient should always be respected.
A woman who was agoraphobic became aware, through
counselling based on 'her b1rth chart, that she was using her phobia
as a protection against her own sexual feelings. Her husband did
not sattsfy her, etther as lover or partner. She came to realize that
she did not regard him as a man, but as another of her children. As
an agoraphobic she could cope, in the privacy of her home, with
looking after all her cluldren (including her husband) and she ran
no risk of meeting other men and having extra·marital affairs.
Her first instinct after she had faced the truth about the situation
was to continue with psychotherapy and emerge as a whole person.
But second thoughts prevailed and her ultimate decision was that
she would keep her marriage intact for the sake of everyone con~
cemed-and remam an agoraphobic if that was the necessary
It is, of course, extremely important, that we should not be too
rigid over the interpretation of charts. Having said that most
illnesses which include restriction of movement will show up in
Earth signs, I set up a chart for a lady who had an artificial hip. The
chart showed no planets in Earth and not much in Fixed signs, but
Mars-the vitality-was in the sixth house of health in square t<l
Pluto in the sign of Sagittarius, which rules 'long journeys' and the
hips and thighs
Most often, tt is t.'le psychological difficulties, together with the
life style of the native whtch predisposes him to certain ailments.
With all thts infonnatlon the best way in which an astrologer can
help patients is firstly, to make them aware of how they themselves
contribute to thetr own tllnesses and secondly, to forecast by means
of progressions and transits the likely pertods when health will be
threatened, so that special precautions can be t«ken in good time.
These may range from merely taking a holiday (if the prime cause-
the trigger-is likely to be overwork} to findmg a new interest or
even embarking on a course of.narure cure to detoxify the system.
I am very much agaiast astrologers putting negative thoughts -
into patient's mmds by specifymg that they have a named illness
(we all have cancerous cells-we don't all-or even most of us-get
cancer). Let us keep our rightful role of encouragmg people to
realize their full potential and to do all they possibly can to keep
themselves healthy, and leave the treatment of chronic or acute
illness to the expertS.

Bntish Acupuncture Assooatton
34 Aldemey Street
Informaaon book avatlable 1ncludes l~t of quabfied practitiOners (pnce £1 25) Wnte for
Aroma therapy

Aromatberrrpy The Use of Plant Essences m Healmf, by Raymond Lautu'~ and Andre
Passebecq (Thorsons).
Thf Art of Aromatherapy, by Roben B Tssserand (C W Danae!)

&;61111 0:/s From

A tx Od Company
12 ttle~te Street

Ths Art of Anro/Qgy, by Sheila Geddes (Aquarian Press, 1980).
Bach Flower Remedtes

Suppl:ed by
The Dr Edward Bach Centre
Mount Vernon
Oxfordshtre OX!O OPZ

The Bach Remed:es Repertory (C W Daruel)


Aleph One Ltd
61 Beechwood Avenue
Cambndge CB5 9BG

Weekend tratnmg
Arranged by theW relan Trust (whtch see)

Cancer Help

Dr Alec Forbes
7 Downfleld Road
Churchill Centre

Wtde vanety of courses, mcludmg massage, relaxatton and psychology, encounter groups,

The Churchtll Centre

22 Montague Street
London Wl

Colour Healing

Mrs Ahce Howard

7 Rtffel Road
Wtllesden Green
London NW2 4NY

Brittsh Soc~tty of Dowers
Court Lodge Farm
Secretary Michael Rust
Dowstng, by Tom Graves (Turnstone Press)
The Power of the Pendulum, by Robert LeftwiCh
Courses arranged by the Wrekm Trust (whtch see)

Heahng Research Trust

24 Melrose Road
Secretary E S Htggtns 0 B E


The Herb Sooety
.34 Boscobel Place

Suppbers of herbal preparatwns

Frank Roberts Herbal DISpensanes Ltd
91 Newfoundland Road
BmtolBS2 9LT
21 Bruton Street
London WlX 7DA
(also tn Notw1ch, Cambndge, Northampton and Bnghton)


Fwst AzJ, by Dr D M. Gtbson

Ainsworth •s Homoeopathtc Phannacy
.38 New Cavendash Street
London W1M 7LH

Bnan H Butler B A , L.C S P (Phys ), M B E 0 A
42 Worthtngton Road
Surrey KT6 7RX

ThB Massage Book, by George Downmg (Pengum).

Massage Therapy, by Rtchard jackson (Thorsons)
Trtnnmg Courss.
W. E Amould·Taylor PhD
Orgaruzed by the Churchill Centre (wluch see).
Geddes Pos1ttve Health AssOCiates
89 woodfield Road
Tl1ames Ditton
Surrey KT7 ODS

National Fe<leratlon of Sp1ritual Healers

Old Manor Farm Stud1o

Church Street
Middlesex TW 16 6RG

Nature Cure and Osteopathy

Nature Cure zn a Nutshell, by Tom W Moule (Thorsons)

The Bnt!Sh Naturopathtc and OsteopathiC College
6 Netherhall Gardens
RegtSter of practtttoners available (pnce £1 00 please send large self-addressed envelope)
College of Osteopaths
Hon. Sec
21 Manor Road North
Dean of College• Joseph Goodman Dr Ac


Centre for Transpersonal Psychology

26a Gtlston Road
London SWlO 9SS
See also Chutclull Centre and Wrelan Trust
I'm 0 K -You 're 0 K, by Thomas HarriS, publtshed as The Book of Cho~&e {Jonathan
Gimes Peopk Plizy, by Eric Berne M D. (Andre Deutsch).
Bom to Wm, by James and Jongeward (Ad<hson-Wesley)

The Itachonsc Assoctation
16a Notth Bar
Oxfordshire OX16 OTF
Seo'etary· MISS A. J, Dunn.

Hu/mg With &titofl~&s, by Ehubeth Baerlem and Lavender Dower (Thorsons)

Mrs J. VukoviC
3o Norfolk Square

Geddes Pos1'bve Health Assoaates (see Massage)

Reflexology. by Anna Kaye and Don C Matchan (Thorsons).

Sound Therapy

Dr Peter Guy Manners
Bretsorton Hall Cltruc
Nr. Evesham

Touch For Health Foundatton

1174 North Lake Avenue
USA (Charitable Trust)

Txssue Salts

Remec:hes available from most he-alth shops

About Bwcbemte Salts, Esther Chapman (Thorsons)
H()UJ To Uss The Twe/ue Twue Salts, Esther Chapman (Thorsons)
Wrekin Trust

Dove House
Hereford HR2 SBB
Weekend counes on a wsde range of subJects

Note. a/J addresSts correct at tnne ofgomg to


Abscesses 48, 49 Cohc 31, 44, 48, 65

Acadents 38, 79 Consupatton 27, 38, 41, 46, 50, 102
Aches (mtld) 27, 31 Coms37,114
Aachty 27, 41, 98 Coughs31,38,40,42,48,50,51,83
Acne4l Cramps 26, 41, 111
Allergtes 65, 114
AnaeJrua 42,45 Deodorants 32
Anttsepttcs 32, 48, 49, 51, 93, 96 Dental troubles 38, 42, 46, 108
Arwety 33, 39, 96 Depressaon 30, 32, 33, 45, 65
Artenes (harderung) 42, 92, 111 Dtarrhoea 38, 44, 45
Arthratas 18, 25, 35, 42, 44,47 Dagesuve troubles 26, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46,
Asthma 31, 35 48,49,50,51,96
Astnngents 32, 47, 50, 51, 108 Dasmfectants 48, 96
Daureb.cs 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51,99
Back troubles 35, 50 D~.tzaness 49, 51
Baldness 51 Dropsy 40, 45, 47, 83, 102
Biliousness 40, 51
Bates 38, 47 Earache 46, 80
Bleechng 42, 80, 93, 102 Eczema 42, 65
Blood Exhaustion 41, 48, 85
diSorders 40, 41, 42, 45 Eye troubles 37, 47, 48,80
pressure 32, 49, 51, 72, 111
punfiers 26, 45, 47, 50, 87, 93 Famting 38, 49
Botls 38, 41, 46, 48, 105 Fear 39,55
Bones 25, 47, 80, 108 Fevers 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50,
Bronduus 31, 49, H, 83, 86, 87 51,80,93
Bruases 32, 37, 38, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, Flatulence 38, 41, 48, 50, 90,96
105 Food poasonang 38, 113
Burns 26, 32, 37, 38, 39,4 7, 50, 80, 93 Fng1daty 27, 29, 33

Cancer 18, 47,58 Gallstones 46, 48

Catarrh 40, 41, 42, 45, 47, 49, 83, 8b Gastnc pams 48
Clulblaans 42 Gland$ (swollen) 40, h5
Challs 38, 40, 46, 50 Goatre 45, 49, 83
·carculauon 30, 31, 32, 40, 50 Gout 32, 46, 51
Colds 31, 38, 40, 42, 46, 47, 51,83 Gravel45

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