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POLITICAL SCIENCE I-Semester Online Exams 2K20


1. Definition OF Scope and Nature of Political
2. Political Science and Other Social Sciences
3. The STATE , Its Historical
4. Background Kinds And Elements.
5. SOVEREIGNTY And Islamic Theory Of
6. LAW and Its Kinds And Morality SHARIAH.
9. Fundamental Rights,
10. Islamic Concept of Fundamental Rights.
11. Rights of NON-MUSLIMS in ISLAM.

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POLITICAL SCIENCE I-Semester Online Exams 2K20

SOCIAL CONTRACT ‫سماجي معاهدا‬

Rights Duties

STATE )‫(سياست‬

The Social contract is the concept that human beings have made an
agreement with their Government , the Government and people have roles and

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POLITICAL SCIENCE I-Semester Online Exams 2K20

Four Element of State: T – P – G – S

T- Tertiary ‫زمين گارفيائي‬
P- Population ‫ عوام‬، ‫ ماڻهون‬، ‫قوم‬
G- Government ‫حڪومت‬
S- Sovereignty ‫رياست‬
‫جڏهن زمين هوندي جاگرفائي هوندي زمين تي ماڻهون رهندا قوم رهندي ته حڪومت ٿيندي ۽ رياست به هلندي‬

CURRENCY- (Guarantee Any thing)

NATIONAL ASSEMBLY: it means that `to make laws` . it is Meeting in Proecess ( ‫مجلس‬
FAMILY: basic unit of Society.
POLITICS: drived from word `Polls` ancient Greek Language . The word `Polis` means a
ARISTOLE : Sovereignty is the Supreme Power of the STATE.
Two Terms. Politics & Science
SCIENCE: Observations, Experiments and Knowledge
POLITICS: An Activity, An Event, A Process (Study of Phenomenon of Power in Human
POLITICAL is a Universal phenomenon in Human life and society . Every man and
Woman and child has a need , desire or a want , which makes him or her to do something…

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POLITICAL SCIENCE I-Semester Online Exams 2K20

Definition Of Political Science:

 POLITICAL SCIENCE, its is the branch of social science that control people ,elect
leaders opinion their voters , and also help citizens to know their Responsibilities in
the society is called POLITICAL SCIENCE.
 Study of the political institution the state or government ,
 Study of the phenomenon of power or force in human society
 Political Science deals with government
 Political Science begins and ends with the state.

Scope of political Science is to study the past things that happened and use it
correctly in the present and determine what the future will say about..

Political Theory: Fundamental concept of political Science i-e State,

Government, Law , Liberty, Equality, Justice, Sovereignty .
Political Institution: State & instrument which it runs the government,
Political Dynamic: Forces & Process at work in Government and Politics.
International Relation: Relations among another countries.

 Maintenance of orders and justics.
 As a community of families and villages aving for its end a perfect and self-sufficing
life by which we mean a happy and honourable life.
 Four Elements T-P-G-S
Tertitory: Fixes area, it should permanent
People: Make state.
Government: Agency force of state.
Sovereignty : Supreme and final authority which no legal power.

International Sovereignty: Supreme power over all cities

External Sovereignty: independent free from foreign , outside countries

Political Science is that branch of Social Science that is concerned with the
working of the global political economy and hence shares a symbiotic relations with
the other social Science. Ex: Sociology – Philosophy – Psycology

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POLITICAL SCIENCE I-Semester Online Exams 2K20

Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over

successive generations , these characteristics are the expressions of genes that are passed ofn
from parent to offspring during Reproductions.

Democracy Dictatorship
Power shared between two parties Only one Political party allowed
Every one in community can help to Dictator can change laws any time
change the laws
Peoples opinions Controlled/ not really
Differnce opinions are allowed allowed your own opinion

Traditional Theory Modern Theory

Everyone has the right to participate in Making an assessment of the achievement
Government , The Participation can occur and limitations of the behavioral
either by Direct or Responsbilities vote. Revolution
Primarily concerned with the study of
organization and Activities of the State.

Secularism: concept of the state is meant that the state is separate from religion
Nationalism: a nation is a people by the bonsds of common language , religion , culture etc
Legalism: based upon laws,law means General rules

Traditional Theory
The first people in world history who had systematically thought about the nature
and athe purpose of the state.

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POLITICAL SCIENCE I-Semester Online Exams 2K20

Great power brings great responsibilities.

Rights and duties play an important part in the development of a nation or the
growth of an organization. Rights on the one hand give an individual an
opportunity to be a part of development process while duties on the other hand
make an individual obliged to play a part in the development.

 Stop for Red signal

 Start only when Green signal is on
 Using seat belts while driving
 Parking our cars only in the designated area
 Not overtaking on bridges or wherever it is mentioned not to.
 Wear a helmet when we drive a two wheeler.
 Don’t use mobile phone while driving
 Don’t drink and drive(so that you save your life and other’s life as well)
 Avoid overloading or riding three persons on bikes

Sovereignty of Allah : the
basic tenet of Islam is the
sovereignty of Allah .
Islam teaches that
sovereignty or supreme
power belongs to Allah
and Allah one.

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POLITICAL SCIENCE I-Semester Online Exams 2K20

Law is a rule of conduct. Conduct is behaviour. Behaviour is on the earth, between

human beings for the sake of maintaining peace and order. The growth,
development and further progress of mankind requires it every where. Law
regulates almost all aspects of human life. Terms like human rights and
fundamental rights are of great use when there are laws behind them to define,
execute and implement them. They are of no use if there is no such law in any

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