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Exam Correction

Reading 1
4. Its Hannah because she says that like stay at his bedroom.
5. Its Laura because she says that walking in the beach with a storm day help, she
to feel better.
6. Its Laura because she says loves walking I the storm and go outside.
7. Its Ben because when he is in the Airports, he makes happy when the other
persons were happy.
8. Its Hannah because she like hear the sounds of the rain.
9. Its Laura because she says love the rain and the heavier weather.
10. Ben because he loves the face of the people to return the Holiday
11. Its Hannah because she makes happy the Autor.
12. Yes, its not necessary a lot of things to feel happy
13. False because she is no sure.

Listening 1
15. 395
16. Pass
17. Return
18. 20
19. 1 Month
20. 28
21. Half
22. 9
23. Gaits
24. Flights

Grammar A
25. How is it going? Because have the grammatical structure of a question.
26. This is your first time here in Rome? Because he is asking if this is the first time
that she visit Rome.
27. Where is your family? This is with the other grammatical structure WASV
28. Does she enjoy athletics? Because is asking if she like the athletics or no
29. What do you like the most of this country? In the first we need the W question
and then the auxiliar do and the complement like the most of this country
30. Are your opponent worried about you? In this case we don’t have the W
questions, so we put the Are in first position
31. Where did you meet him? We have the W question, so we put it with the
auxiliar in past Did and then the Subject and the complement.
32. What was your first impression oh him? The W question What and the auxiliar
was and the subject you.
34. Do you have any advice for young athletes? So, in this we don’t have the W
question, so we put the auxiliar Do and the subject. Then the complement young

Grammar B
35. Contacted because is simple past
36. Is got because geted is not a verb and didn’t get is in negative
37. Started because is simple past and is not in negative
38. Became because is the past of become
39. Lived is the past of live
40. Had the simple past of have
41. Talked
42. Told simple past of tell
43. Made
44. did propose

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