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To access certain information in SAM.

gov entity records after May 24, 2021, federal users will need to obtain a FOUO Entity
Management Data Viewer role. This role provides access to an entity's TIN information, size metrics details such as revenue or
number of employees, and point of contact details. Agency administrators need to grant permissions for federal users to view For
Official Use Only (FOUO) and sensitive data elements. A user must be assigned the role of FOUO entity management data viewer to
gain access to FOUO entity data. Follow the process below to request a role: Within your Workspace,

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and, on the right side, locate "Add A New Role." Select "Add a New Role" and complete the
required fields including your supervisor's name and email, organization, role, domain, any additional details about your position,
and why you need the requested role. Select "Submit." Note: Only federal users can request a federal role. As a sensitive entity
management data viewer, you will gain access to all public, federal authenticated, FOUO, and other sensitive data. Taxpayer
Identification Number (TIN) and banking information are privileges that can be assigned to the FOUO or sensitive role. To request a
sensitive role, you must agree to terms of use, self-certify to agency policies, and state a business need. Only federal users can make
a role request for sensitive entity management data viewer.

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