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Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah
Bahasa Inggris
Guru Pengampu : Arif Widagdo, S. Pd., M. Pd.

Oleh :
Wulan Raman Dhani (17/1401417134)
Uswatun Khasanah (1401417148)



Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writer for finishing the English paper
assignment entitled “Junior High School, Simple Past Tense, and Past Contious Tense”. The
writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guided in
completing this paper. This English paper contains some texts about junior high school in
Indonesia and example of Simple Past Tense and Past Continous Tense that can help the
students to improve their skill. This English paper can be used as the guidance for those who
want to learn English. Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge
about English.

Semarang, September 12th, 2017

A. Background
Junior high school is an educational stage which exists in some countries,
providing education between primary school and high school.
English is the international language. At this time the understanding of the
English language should be owned even mastered. Each language has its own grammar,
as well as with English, a lot of grammar that must be considered in its use, especially in
the field of writing. Therefore, the author tries to present some grammatical rules of the
many rules of English, in addition to fulfilling the tasks of college also aims hopefully
this short article can add our insight about the English language.
B. Formulation of the problem
1. What is the main points of each paragraph, conclution, and commentary about
the text?
2. What is simple past tense and past continuous tense ?
3. What is the differencess between simple past tense and past continuous tense ?
C. Goals
1. Can understand about Indonesian junior high school problem.
2. Can know Simple Past Tense and Past Continous Tense.
3. Can make example of Simple Past Tense and Past Continous Tense.
4. Can understand the differences between Simple Past Tense and Past Continuous
A. Text About Indonesian Junior High School
Text 1
Technology-Based Teaching: 2013 Curriculum for Junior High School in
Indonesia, JAKARTA – Globalization is coming. One of the effects of globalization

is the invasion of technology in every country in the world. One of them is Indonesia; the
globalization brings Indonesia to use technology in every aspect (Politics, Economics,
Infrastructure, etc.). At this time, we will bring up the issue of education in our paper.
Nowadays, the Government of Indonesia is talking about a new curriculum
named Kurikulum 2013 (2013 Curriculum). In this curriculum, Junior High School students
will not have any IT classes but all of the remaining classes will be technology integrated
teaching. In the Indonesian context, we are not ready yet to implement this method. There are
some causes that make the 2013 curriculum unable to be implemented yet. There are the
competencies of Indonesian teachers, the appropriateness of using technology in teaching
some subjects, and the lack of infrastructure to support this teaching method. (April 9th, 2013) entitled “Apapun Kurikulumnya, yang Penting

Gurunya” mentions that there is a lack of innovative Indonesian teachers and that they only
follow the curriculum and, they are frightened if they have done something that’s not
according to the curriculum. Until now, there is no training for teachers to prepare for this
curriculum (Kompas, April 10th 2013). In our Junior High School, some teachers still cannot
fully use technology for example they still do not know how to make (power point)
presentations. They do not even know about what are the IT products that can be implemented
in their teaching and learning situation such as video, music/songs, etc. Most of the teachers
only use Microsoft Office in their teaching and learning (Sumintono B., et al., 2012).

Before teachers implement technology in every lesson, they have to know what their students’
needs are. Their students will get the contents of the lesson if the teacher uses appropriate
technology and also authentic material which engages the students’ understanding. Besides
that, there are some lessons for which it is better not to use technology to engage their
learning. For example: Arabic, Physic, Practical Biology, and others lessons that need more
practice. In other words, on those lessons we have to focus on how the teachers make their
students achieve the goals by using the appropriate method.

The other crucial thing that we have to pay attention to is facilities of schools in Indonesia. As
we know to implement the Kurikulum 2013, the government will need a lot of funding to
carry out this curriculum, moreover for the IT facilities as (March
28th 2013) states: the total of curriculum fund is Rp. 2,4 trillion. Knowing that Indonesia is an
amend country that need much funding to develop itself we have to consider that the funds
will be more efficient (repetition of the useful, use) if we can use it wisely for developing the
school. For example, in Papua and some remote areas, they really need to build and develop
their schools. As For engaging IT facilities, we can do it after we offer the basic facilities like
rooms, books, etc. There are still many aspects that should get more attention which can affect
the learning/ teaching process in the classroom.

Teachers’, students’ needs. and infrastructure. Those are things that must be considered by the
government to implement this curriculum. However, those are not ready yet. Even though, the
curriculum has been set. Funding is another thing that must be considered. This is a concern
for the infrastructure. Technology cannot be learnt easily. It must have some steps and
practice to master the technology. We think that if the government wants to delay the
implementation and focus for the preparation, it will be much better. Thus, this is for the
future of Indonesia.

 Main point of paragraph 1 : Implementation of 2013 curriculum as the one of the

globalization effects.
 Main point of paragraph 2 :
Text 2
May 2, 2009
By Ana Bachrun


Since the independency of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17th 1945 the
founders had realized the importance of developing the mentality of nation’s mind. It was
proved by the reality of the 1945 constitution on section 31 which emphasized that each
citizen has a right to get the education. Therefore, the government set a national education
system in the constitution and formed an institution which in charge of it. The name of the
institution has changed six times, whereas since the year of 1999 up to now the institution is
called The National Education Department (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional).

The implementation of national educational system is based on the Five Principals

(Pancasila) and the 1945 Constitution of Indonesian Republic. The national education works
to develop national capacity and form character and dignity of the nation in order to achieve
the life of a nation that aims to the development potential of students to become people who
believe in God and the omniscient one, have a certain noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled,
creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible (Depdiknas

To realize the aim of the national education the government set curriculum as the
implementation of the educational system. This paper will discuss about the definition of
curriculum, factors influencing curriculum, English curriculum in Indonesia, and the
condition of education in Indonesia related to the English learning process.


The term of curriculum is open to a variety of definition; in its narrowest sense it is

synonymous with the term syllabus. It contains of what is to be taught, in the wider sense it
refers to all aspects of planning, implementation and evaluation of educational program, the
why, how and how well together with what of the teaching-learning process. English, as one
of the subject the student have to learn has its own curriculum. There are some factors which
influence the curriculum development of English, among others are the objective, the teaching
materials and media, class procedures/teacher’s conduct of teaching and learning process (i.e.
techniques), facilities of the learning process, students’ exposure to English, students’
opportunities to use English, the English proficiency of teachers, the Teachers’ knowledge
and practice of teaching, and so on.

Based on the theory stated by Brown (1995), English curriculum for High school of
Indonesia uses the Mixed Syllabus; it combines Functional Syllabus, Task-Based Syllabus,
and Skills-Based Syllabus. The first type of syllabus focuses in “semantic”. It is used in
learning English on the skill of listening and speaking such as: greeting people, saying good-
bye, introducing oneself, giving information, asking repetition, asking and giving opinion, etc.
The second type of syllabus organized materials around different types of tasks that the
students might be required to perform in the language. The use of Task-Based Syllabus is in
learning English on the skill writing. For instance, writing notes and memo, writing personal
letter, writing description and reporting experiences. The skill-Based syllabus is used in the
process of learning English which focus on reading skill. The skills include skimming reading
for a general idea, scanning a reading for specific information, guessing vocabulary in
context, etc.

In Indonesia the implementation of the curriculum is still far from what is expected.
Even though the government states that by designing the curriculum the learners will be able
to use the English as the native speakers do, the government does not provide the facilities
used in English learning process, especially the process of developing the students skill of
listening and speaking. To be able to speak English as the native speakers do, the students
should be accustomed to listening the conversation or utterances used by the English
speakers. Most of schools do not have the language laboratory to practice speaking English.
The teachers only teach the listening and speaking based on the written text. There are no
models of speaking for the students; there is no opportunity for students to speak English.
Even, there are still a lot of English teachers who do not speak English in the classroom, they
do not improve their knowledge, but still use the traditional methodology of teaching which
focus in teaching grammar. They do not realize that their English proficiency is needed to

The other reason of why English language teaching in Indonesia is still low is the
implementation of The National Final Examination. The Examination, especially in Junior
High School, consists of reading and passive writing test. It causes the teachers focus the
English instruction on the teaching reading and writing only, because if the students got the
score of under the minimal standard, they will not pass the exam, means they remain in the
third grade. That’s why most of teachers give the most portions on teaching reading and
passive reading. The result is the disability of the students to use English in the daily oral


The English language teaching in Indonesia is still far from what actually expected.
This does not due to the weakness of the curriculum, but the unavailability of the facility of
teaching, such as English laboratory. The low proficiency of English teachers and the
National Final exam are the other factors of the failure of the English teaching.

In this conclusion I would like to give some suggestion not only to the teachers but
also to the government and the students as well. To the government I suggest them to provide
the facility used in language learning process. In order to be able to speak English the students
need much listening of how English speakers speak. It can be gained by using multimedia
instruments. By much listening native speakers speak the students will be able to imitate and
have opportunity to speak.

To the English teachers I hope them to improve their proficiency by reading a lot of
English text books and developing their skill of speaking by practicing speaking English with
their friends. I also suggest the students to improve their English by watching western film
and try to understand the conversation in the film. Reading English text book is also
recommended to increase their English skill. Environment is also can be used to be source of
learning English, such as advertisement, newspaper, magazine and so on.

 Main point of paragraph 1 : The decision a national education system in the constitution
(Departemen Pendidikan Nasional) since the independency of the Republic of Indonesia.
 Main point of paragraph 2 : The Five Principals (Pancasila) and the 1945 Constitution of
Indonesian Republic as the basic of national education system implementation.
 Main point of paragraph 3 : The discussion topic of the paper.
 Main point of paragraph 4 : The definition and the factors which influence English
curriculum in Indonesia.
 Main point of paragraph 5: English curriculum types in Indonesian according to Brown
 Main point of paragraph 6 : Unavailability of facilities in English learnimg process.
 Main point of paragraph 7 : Other reasons of the low English learning in Indonesia.
 Main point of paragraph 8 : The factors of English learning failure.
 Main point of paragraph 9 : The suggestion for the government to provide some fasilities
in learning process.
 Main point of paragraph 10 : The hopes about the English teachers skill improvement.
 Conclution : The government set a national education system called The National
Education Department (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional). The implementation of
national educational system is based on the Five Principals (Pancasila) and the 1945
Constitution of Indonesian Republic. Based on the theory stated by Brown (1995), English
curriculum for High school of Indonesia uses the Mixed Syllabus; it combines Functional
Syllabus, Task-Based Syllabus, and Skills-Based Syllabus. In Indonesia the
implementation of the curriculum is still far from what is expected because the
government does not provide the facilities used in English learning process.
 Commentary : Not only national education system, but also the teachers skill is very
important in learning process. And then the fasilities are very needed so the learning
process can ongoing effectively.


B. Simple Past Tense and Past Continuous Tense
1. Simple Past Tense
Simple past tense is used to describe a completed activity that happened in the past.
In other words, it started in the past and ended in the past.

Forming the Simple Past Tense

Here is an infographic explaining the simple past tense:

Uses of the Simple Past Tense

Here are some examples of the simple past tense (shaded):
 The Martians landed near the aqueduct.
 The burglar considered using the fire escape.
Of course, you can also have the negative version, which is formed "did not" +
"[verb in base form]":
 The Martians did not land near the aqueduct.
(We could have used didn't instead of did not.)
 The burglar did not consider using the fire escape.
And the question versions:
 Did the Martians land near the aqueduct?
 Why didn't the burglar consider using the fire escape?

The Simple Past Tense with Time Expressions

The simple past tense is often seen with a time expression explaining when the
activity took place or how long it lasted.
Examples of "when an activity took place":
 On Tuesday last week, the Martians landed near the aqueduct.
("On Tuesday last week" tells you when it happened. It's called an adverbial phrase
of time. Other examples are"Yesterday," "Last year," "Before breakfast,". They are
really common. When any adverb appears at the front of a sentence, it is usual to
follow it with a comma. A comma is not usually used when the adverbial phrase
appears at the back of a sentence. NB: This is not a strict rule. Use a comma if it
helps your reader.)
Read more about commas with adverbial phrases.
 The Martians landed near the aqueduct on Tuesday last week.
(Note: No comma)
 Just before he was caught, the burglar considered using the fire escape.
("Just before he was caught" tells you when the activity took place.)
Examples of "how long an activity took":
 Last week, the council inspected the drains.
("Last week" tells you when it happened and for how long.)
 Her daughter hid under the bed for three hours.
(Using "for" is a common way of describing how long an activity lasted.)

2. Past Continous Tense

Past continuous is most often used when two past actions, one interrupting the
other and one longer than the other, happened at the same time. In this situation, the
simple past tense is used for the shorter action and the past continuous tense is used
for the longer action. The past continuous tense in English is used quite often,
especially when telling stories. We use the past continuous tense to describe a past
action over a period of time.

FORMULA : S + Aux verb + Ving + C

C. The Diferencess Between Simple Past Tense and Past Continous Tense
S+ V2 + C S + Aux Verb + Ving + C
Used to talk about a finished Used to express an action in
action in the past, often with progress at a partivular time in
time expression like yesterday, the past.
just week, a year ago etc.
Used when one action happens To give background
after another information
For an interrupted action in the
1) We went to Mexico two 1) I was having dinner at 7
years ago. o’clock last night.
2) When Tom arrived, we went 2) I was cooking when the
to the cinema. phone rang.



Past continuous tense is used quite often, especially when telling stories. We use the
past continuous tense to describe a past action over a period of time. Past Continous Tense
Used to express an action in progress at a particular time in the past.

Simple past tense is often seen with a time expression explaining when the activity
took place or how long it lasted. Simple Past Tense Used to talk about a finished action in the
past, often with time expression like yesterday, just week, a year ago etc.

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