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Checklist to issue (Vaccination Certificate of COVID-19)

Please check that the following documents are prepared before sending

In the case of application for Certificate of both international travel & domestic use in Japan

① 新型コロナウイルスワクチン予防接種証明書発行申請書

□ Application form to issue Vaccination Certificate of COVID-19

パスポートの顔写真・氏名記載部分の写し ※有効期限切れの場合、発行不可
② ※旅券に旧姓・別性・別名の記載がある場合のみ ⇒ 旧姓併記のされたマイナンバーカード、運転免許証、

Copy of passport (face photo and name description) ※expired passport is not acceptable

※1・2 回目接種分と 3 回目接種分で別の書類になりますが、両方の写しを提出してください。
が記載されたページのみ) 」の写しを提出してください。

□ Copy of “Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19” or “Record of Vaccination for COVID-19”
or “Mother and Child Health Handbook (boshi kenko techo)”
※Please do not send the original
※If you have lost “Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19”or“Record of Vaccination for COVID-19”, please fill in
the column of the application form for describing information about vaccination.
※Certificate for “1st/2nd dose” and “3rd dose” are different documents. Please submit copy of the both.
※If you were certificated by Mother and Child Health Handbook at the vaccination, please submit Copy of “the Cover
page (where the name of child and parents is written)” and “the Page of the Immunization Record (only required the
page where the record of COVID-19 vaccines is written).

返信用封筒 ※宛名の記載及び切手の貼付をお願いします。同時に複数枚申請している場合は適切な料
④ 金の切手を貼付ください。

□ Envelope for reply ※Please write your address and attach a 84-yen stamp. If you have multiple applications
at this time, please attach a stamp with the price needed

※同一世帯員が申請する場合も必要です。ただし、申請者が 18 歳未満の場合、同一世帯の保護者が申請す

【Required only in the case of application by an agent】Power of attorney and the Copy of identity
□ verification documents of the Agent
※Also required in the case of application by a person of the same household.
However in the case of application by “the parent (whose child is under 18 yers old) of the same household”, Power of
attorney is not required(only “Copy of identity verification documents of the parent” is required).

In the case of application for Certificate of domestic use in Japan

① 新型コロナウイルスワクチン予防接種証明書発行申請書

□ Application form to issue Vaccination Certificate of COVID-19

② ページ)など

□ Copy of identity verification document

※For example:Your My number Card(face photo side),driver’s license,health insurance card,or Mother and Child
Health Handbook(the cover page)

※1・2 回目接種分と 3 回目接種分で別の書類になりますが、両方の写しを提出してください。
保護者の名前が書いてあるページ) 」と「予防接種の記録のページ(新型コロナワクチンウイルスの記録
が記載されたページのみ) 」の写しを提出してください。

□ Copy of “Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19” or “Record of Vaccination for COVID-19”
or “Mother and Child Health Handbook (boshi kenko techo)”
※Please do not send the original
※If you have lost “Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19”or“Record of Vaccination for COVID-19”, please fill in
the column of the application form for describing information about vaccination.
※Certificate for “1st/2nd dose” and “3rd dose” are different documents. Please submit copy of the both.
※If you were certificated by Mother and Child Health Handbook at the vaccination, please submit Copy of “the Cover
page (where the name of child and parents is written)” and “the Page of the Immunization Record (only required the
page where the record of COVID-19 vaccines is written).

返信用封筒 ※宛名の記載及び切手の貼付をお願いします。同時に複数枚申請している場合は適切な料
④ 金の切手を貼付ください。

□ Envelope for reply ※Please write your address and attach a 84-yen stamp. If you have multiple applications
at this time, please attach a stamp with the price needed

※同一世帯員が申請する場合も必要です。ただし、申請者が 18 歳未満の場合、同一世帯の保護者が申請す

【Required only in the case of application by an agent】Power of attorney and the Copy of identity
□ verification documents of the Agent
※Also required in the case of application by a person of the same household.
However in the case of application by “the parent (whose child is under 18 yers old) of the same household”, Power of
attorney is not required(only “Copy of identity verification documents of the parent” is required).

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