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Openers + Compliance Hoop`

Sub-communicati ons

1. Tone – Loud and deep sounding voice Social Dominance

2. Stand up straight – proximity
3. Touch Sexual Tension
4. Eye contact Sexual Tension Dominance


1. I am a sexual man Physicality, Tonality, Eye contact

2. I am a high value guy, you should be chasing me Pressure on/off

When responding to her, always frame yourself as the prize in response

3. I am willing to walk away Look like you are ready to leave

Break Rapport

Accuse her of hitting on you

Do you find me attractive? You have good taste in men

Must be fashionable and well presented

Calibrate the kind of girl she is (value/comfort) and then polarize


1. I saw your friend looking at me, so I decided to come in and say Hi

Indirect Opener: Excuse me quick question: Are you the type of girl to go for what you want?

You seem like the shy kind of girl, you would never approach a guy you were into, you depend on
guys to come to you.

Compliance hoops:

What’s your best pickup line then?

So, you’re telling me if the perfect guy came along, 6ft, Intelligent, Asian and wearing what I’m
wearing, you would just let that go by your life and miss out?!

Don’t worry, there’s a billion more.

Do you go after what you want?

Do you generally leave things to chance or do you like to take action?

I will tell a story about me taking action

2. You look funny, do your friends think you’re funny? You’re the boring girl and rely on guys to
make you laugh
Openers + Compliance Hoop`

Indirect opener: Quick Question, do you have a lot of guy friends in general? Who’s funnier your guy
friends or your girl friends?

Compliance hoops:

I’m curious about you, what do your friends like you for then, are you funny?

Tell me a joke

What did one saggy boob say to the other saggy boob? We better get some support before someone
thinks we’re nuts

3. You’re tall, you’re like a giraffe. Oh, I absolutely love giraffes they are just the coolest. (pull
out IG, subtly showing 5k Followers and show her giraffe pages)

Compliance Hoop

Do you use IG? What is the story behind this photo – only X amount of likes? I’ll tell you a secret hack
to get an extra like, but it’s secret, pinky promise not to tell anyone (double tap own photo)

Have you travelled a lot?

What is the craziest place you’ve travelled to?

4. I love your outfit, it would look so good if you had a real pair of heels.

Why do you think I’m talking to you?

I think you’re absolutely beautiful, on the inside, that’s where it counts though right? No but your
eyes are gorgeous, don’t look at me like that, I’m not that easy to seduce

You seemed like the low hanging fruit, an easy target. I’m just kidding. But you should have seen
your reaction (imitate her)

You’re the hottest girl I’ve seen in the last 3 minutes, you must be like a part time IG Model

You’ve taken photos in the gym, pop up that booty #healthy living #booty goals.

Compliance hoop:

Tell me something interesting about yourself

5. I’ve come to hit on all of you, except you (point at target girl) because you seem like an easy
target and I like a challenge – I’m kidding, you probably get the most attention so you don’t
need anymore.

How do you all know each other?

Is this a hens night, she about to get married? (point at her)

Okay, let’s try this – tell me something interesting about her.

Openers + Compliance Hoop`

6. Grab some Ice.

Excuse me, I came here to (drop the ice on the ground and step on it) break the ice
What’s your name?

7. You are (x) you must be (z) because (y)

8. You see that guy? He wants to know if you think I’m cute

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