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Dear Ms.

I have read your most recent article in my local newspaper, the one in which you chose to criticize students’
behavior outside of school hours, and I was so impressed that I couldn’t help myself from immediately writing you this
letter, expressing my opinions towards the subject.
In your article, you’ve told readers about how badly students behave when they’re outside of school, however I
believe that all your points lacked any scientifical, psychological proof. They were only superficial comments intended on
invalidating and demoralizing both the students you decided to talk about and their families, and it is more than clear to
me that you have not done any sort of research whatsoever, but instead wasted an entire sheet of paper with your
completely biased opinions.
You’ve started by talking about how badly mannered these students are, calling them stupid and undisciplined.
Not only did you generalize this behavior, making the classic close-minded assumption that all people in a social group
are the same, because I can tell you with actual proof that not even a majority of the students in this town would act as you
have described them to do, but you’ve also not even bothered to ask yourself what the real reason behind those few
students’ bad behavior is. Most, if not all of them have been shaped into acting this way by their families and friends, by
their varied social environments, so if you are so personally bothered by their way of living, you should write an article on
those factors instead, adressing the actual cause, instead of just complaining about a simple consequence that benefits no
Furthermore, you’ve continued by stating that students should be punished for their ill behaviors. I can’t even
comprehend the reason why you’d say such a thing. If you would’ve consulted with any kind of therapist or informed
parents prior to publishing this article, you’d know that most people won’t ever evolve from having their mistakes
punished, but instead they’d only be compelled to repeat the same kind of behaviors. You could’ve proposed a
constructive way for them to learn the consequences of their behaviors, like designated classes at school, or just better
communication between them and their parents, but you’ve chose to take the most conservatist path you could find.
To conclude, I consider your article to be a communist close-minded waste of paper and I will be compelled to
formally report you to your superiors if you keep producing such unconstructive, debilitating statements.

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