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Hey, Juan, I have thought about it for a while and I don’t think this job is really the right

fit for you. While it may seem like a great opportunity from the outside, as a person that already
tried it out, I can’t recommend it to you.
Firstly, you mentioned that you would like to try skiing and snowboarding, but during my
time there, I was mostly busy with clients. I was running around, getting them equipment,
handling their complaints, doing a lot of paperwork. And when I finally got the time to try
skiing for myself, I was forced into buying my own ski pass, so I wouldn’t count on this job for
university savings.
Secondly, you probably won’t learn any other languages while you’re there. The clients
are of mixed nationalities, so the staff had to always use English when talking to them. The
closest I got to learning another language was when this Polish woman came to me asking for
directions, and I had to use a translator because she didn’t know any English.
Finally, even though I made it sound pretty bad, I have to admit that I had some fun with
this job. I have really fond memories of the day before I had to leave. It was a pretty quiet day,
without a lot of clients around, and the snow was finally good. I spent almost all day skiing, it
was fantastic.
In conclusion, I don’t think this job fits what you’re looking for, so I’d recommend
waiting for another opportunity. But if you do decide to go through with it, I expect to hear back
from you with details about your experience.

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