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October 6, 2021


Leoncia Daniela F. Panes
BSN 1-A-16
Ms. Lucila B. Diesta
Discussion #1:
Problem solving
in real life
Do you think problem solving techniques learned in Mathematics could used to
solve real world problems? You may cite specific example to justify your answer.

- Yes, problem solving techniques learned in Mathematics are evidently applicable

in real life situations. We can use the Polya’s strategy as an example. In Polya’s
strategy, we follow a four-step guide and these are: (I) Understand the Problem,
(II) Devise a plan, (III) Carry out the plan, and (IV) Review the Solution.
Problem Solving Strategy (Working Backwards)
This is considered a strategy in many schools. If you are given an answer, and the
steps that were taken to arrive at that answer, you should be able to determine
the starting point.
Problem: Karen is thinking of a number. If you double it, and subtract 7, you obtain
11. What is Karen’s number?
1. We start with 11 and work backwards.
2. The opposite of subtraction is addition. We will add 7 to 11. We are now at 18.
3. The opposite of doubling something is dividing by 2. 18/2 = 9
4. This should be our answer. Looking back:
9 x 2 = 18 -7 = 11
5. We have the right answer.

Problem Solving Strategies. (2019, June 3). Retrieved October 7, 2021, from

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