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Leoncia Daniela F. Panes

BSN 1-A-16
Mr. Jefferson Lerona

Indicative Mood
- The mood in a sentence which conveys an assertion, facts, or opinions; the
“normal” verb form.

Maria Ressa is awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize.
Leni has the highest COA rating for 3 consecutive years.
Have you registered for the Election 2022?

Imperative Mood
- Conveys a command, a restriction, an entreaty, or a suggestion. This mood is
used to make requests or make demands. This mood is frequently implied rather
than stated.

Don’t vote for corrupt politicians.
Visit the COMELEC website to apply for registration.
Shade the circle with black ink.

Subjunctive Mood
- When a verb indicates a condition that is uncertain or untrue, it is in the
subjunctive mood. It's most common in a clause that starts with the word if. It's
also encountered in sentences after verbs that show doubt, wish, regret,
request, demand, or suggestion.

If I were you, I will vote for the candidate, who actually cares for the
I suggest that you examine the background and history of candidates you
I doubt that he will win with his evil plan.

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