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Name __________________________________ Class _______ Date _______

Populations Pt. 1
Wolf and Moose Population Over a 30-Year Period



Isle Royale in
Lake Superior

The relationship between the wolves (Canis lupus) and moose (Alces alces) on Isle Royale off
the coast of Lake Superior is unique, and has been the subject of detailed study for over 55 years.
The moose are the primary (most common) food source for the wolves.

Use the graph and information above to answer the following questions:

a. In which years (from when to when) is the population of moose decreasing?


b. What could have caused the population size of the moose to decrease? Explain.

The increase of the wolves population must have caused the moose population
to decrease (overcrowding)
a. In which years (from when to when) is the population of wolves increasing?

b. What could have caused the population size of the wolves to increase?
The birth rate must have increased

3. In which part of the graph (I, II, III) is the birth rate greater than death rate?

The Third point on the graph "|||"

4. In which part of the graph is the population at carrying capacity (I, II, III)? Explain.
the population is at its carrying at "|" because both populations are around
the same number and lines almost meet on the graph.

5. In which part of the graph (I, II, III) is death rate and emigration greater than birth rate and

The death rate and emigration is great her than the birth rate and
immigration on the " || " dash on the graph
Populations Pt. 2
Rabbit Population Over a 3-Year Period

6. In what Year (1, 2 or 3) and season (spring, summer, fall or winter) is the rabbit
population decreasing?

Year 2 of spring

7. In which part of the graph (I, II, III, IV, V) is the birth rate equal to the death rate?

" IV "

8. In which part of the graph (I, II, III, IV, V) is immigration equal to emigration?

" |||"

9. In which part of the graph (I, II, III, IV, V) is birth rate greater than death rate?

" ||"
10. In which part of the graph is the population at carrying capacity? Explain.
its in its carrying capacity during spring through summer during year 3 because once the population
started growing more then it finally came to a stop for a long peroid of time

11. In which part of the graph (I, II, III, IV, V) are death rate and emigration greater than birth
rate and immigration?
" ||"

Populations Pt. 3
Lake Superior is on the northern border of the continental United States. The graph
below shows changes in the size of the moose population on an island in Lake
Superior from 1960 to 2005. The island is in an isolated location several miles off
the northwest shore of the lake.

12. Describe what happened to the size of the island’s moose population from 1995 to 1997,
and describe how the birth rate and the death rate must have compared during this

The moose size population decrease rapidly. The death rate must have decreased
while the birth rate was slowly decreasing.

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