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The creators intend to develop a product, a solar panel, which aims to provide

efficient power to a variety of portable devices that can be used outside by using

sunlight as a power source.


Energy, one of the paramount needs of every living thing on Earth, comes

directly or indirectly from its main source – the sun. For instance, chemical energy, an

ingredient used by plants to make glucose, was converted from the energy that comes

from the sun. Another, in order for solar panels to efficiently generate electricity, they

require electrical energy, which is converted from the energy that comes from the sun.

In short, without the sun, life will be undeniably considered as defunct.

The Philippines is considered as a tropical country due to its geographical

location, experiencing only two seasons: wet and dry (Lin, 2021). However, the latter is

more discerned due to the fact that winter is absent. Nevertheless, some Filipinos take it

as an advantage in order for them to effectively accomplish their personal goals. For

instance, Carvey Maigue, an electrical engineering student from Mapua University,

bagged the first-ever global sustainability prize at the James Dyson Award for his

astounding invention, the AuREUS system. It is derived from rotting fruits and

vegetables and its purpose is to absorb UV light from the sun and convert it into

electricity (Chua, 2020).

The creators intend to develop their product for three reasons. The first is that

some places in the Philippines, especially in rural areas, suffer from electricity-related

problems, such as sudden power interruptions, that disrupt people’s daily activities. The

second is to be able to help future researchers or aspiring inventors who would develop

a similar invention that will benevolently help the Filipinos in the future. The third and the

last is to spread public awareness that our main sources of energy will be depleted at a

later time, and that implementing alternative sources of energy will be a life-changing

innovation. In short, by means of their product, the creators want to minimize real-world

problems and implement an effective innovation that will benefit people’s livelihood.

In addition, the product aims to help their corresponding beneficiaries. Firstly, it

will help the Filipinos who mostly rely on efficient sources of energy for their personal

devices. Secondly, it will help other creators who are willing to take risks and explore

new knowledge regarding the sources of energy and use it in order for them to be able

to create their own inventions. And lastly, it will help our economy to become stable,

since the creators believe that, in spite of its simplicity, its purpose and value are

propitious and may bring a recognizable life-changing innovation not only in the

Philippines, but also in other countries. As stated by Leon Kass, an American physician,

“Technological innovation is indeed important to economic growth and the enhancement

of human possibilities.”

In essence, the creators claim that their product may tackle real-world issues

such as finding a sufficient source of energy when outside or far from an electric source.

Development of the Design

The creators begin to undertake the process of developing the design of their prototype.

Also, they are looking forward on making their design similar to a CPU case, but compactly


In the perspective of the creators, the Fantech Pulse CG71 is the most suitable

framework for the mainframe of their whole prototype. It possesses all of the main physical

features that are beneficial for the development of their prototype. For instance, it is thoroughly

designed to allow the permeation of sufficient ventilation through the mainframe by the

embedded fans inside so that the amount of heat that will be generated is limited. Also, it

possesses an RGB lighting, since it is essential for creating a serene ambience (Fantech, 2019;

Davis, 2021). However, for the creators, buying the aforementioned CPU case is not cost-

effective, since it costs approximately P2000.00. Instead, the creators improvise by redesigning

it to make it smaller, compact, and portable.

In addition, the creators ensure that their prototype will not get easily overheated in order

to prevent the occurrence of terrible incidents. By doing so, firstly, it will possess an insulator

that will be placed beneath the top part of the actual mainframe so that it can promptly absorb

and minimize the amount of heat that will be generated. As a result, the cables that are

embedded inside will not get easily damaged. And secondly, it will possess small fans in order

to allow proper air flow inside, which, along with the insulator, can promptly limit the amount of

heat that will be generated.

Moreover, since wet season is also perceived in the Philippines, the creators ensure that

their prototype is also water-resistant, since water can immediately damage it. By doing so, it

will possess a support made of fabric that will be placed inside to prevent the permeation of

water through the mainframe. However, there is a downside, because, firstly, in spite of

becoming resistant from water, the permeation of sufficient ventilation will be reduced, since the


Figure 1. The design of the prototype (Tan, 2021).

is only made of fabric, and secondly, it will be vulnerable to heavy rains due to the fact that it is

unable to withstand excessive amounts of water for a long period of time. Nonetheless, as an

alternative solution, regular monitoring is a must. For the former downside, checking the

prototype regularly in terms of its temperature is essential, whereas for the latter, relocating the

prototype indoors is also benevolent for the sake of its safety and security, especially if a heavy

rain is anticipated to occur. In essence, water resistance will be adequate in order for the

prototype to be considered as “functional” during wet season.

Gathering of Materials

After the process of developing the design, the creators will proceed to the gathering of

materials that are needed to create their prototype.

The pictures of the materials that are used by the creators in creating their prototype are

indicated below:

Figure 2.1. Illustration board.

Figure 2.2. Styrofoam

Figure 2.3. Art materials (e.g., scissors, glue

sticks, pencil, double-sided tape, ruler, acrylic

paint, paintbrushes, cutter, and glue gun).

Figure 2.4. Solar panel and wires.

Building Process

Once the needed materials were gathered, the creators began to build their prototype.

The building procedure is indicated below:

1. Gathering of Materials. Initially, the creators gathered the materials needed for

building their prototype. The pictures of the materials are indicated above.

2. Making of the Mainframe. Using some of the art materials, the creators measured

the exact sizes of the mainframe using a ruler, pencil, and an illustration board, cut the

placements of the measurements using a cutter, and added additional support using a glue


Figure 3.1. The developed


3. Planning of the Interior. Once the making of the mainframe was finished, the

creators collectively planned regarding the design of the prototype’s interior.

Figures 3.2 and 3.3.

4. Finalizing of the Whole Mainframe. Afterwards, the creators finalized the design of

the prototype’s interior. Moreover, the creators decided to put the Styrofoam below the solar

panel, since it acts as an insulator, and it will be placed above the mainframe. They made a

hole under the Styrofoam in order for the solar panel’s wires to go through the mainframe.

And lastly, in order for the solar panel to be adequately supported, the creators cut some

ample pieces of illustration board using a cutter and glued them underneath the Styrofoam

using a glue gun.

Figures 3.4 and 3.5.

5. Painting of the Mainframe. The creators painted the whole framework of the

mainframe using a black acrylic paint and two paintbrushes. The color black, for the

creators’ perspective, gives a simple yet enticing ambience for their prototype.
Figures 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8.

Figures 3.9 and 3.10.

6. Testing of the Solar Panel. Once the mainframe was painted, the creators began to

test the solar panel, which is placed above the mainframe. Also, they thoroughly checked for

unnoticed flaws in and out of the mainframe.

Figures 3.11 and 3.12.

7. Polishing of the Prototype. For the polishing, the creators sturdily glued the

Styrofoam through the mainframe. Then, they proceeded on the process of making a

permeation of sufficient ventilation and proper air flow within the mainframe by putting a
fabric cloth inside, which filtrates dust and other small particles. Next, they also made a

door-like structure which has a lever-magnet for good closure of the prototype. And lastly,

they painted the edges situated on the topmost part of the Styrofoam with a black color to

achieve consistence in appearance.

Figures 3.13 and 3.14.

Amidst the process of building and developing their prototype, the creators encountered

some obstacles. Firstly, they only had a limited budget. Some of the materials they needed are

not cost-effective. Instead, they improvised by utilizing common materials that are cheap,

affordable, and suitable for their prototype. Secondly, since the economy of the Philippines is

regressing due to the impact of the current crisis, inflation became apparent. For instance, the

fare for using a public transport system has elevated, which was encountered by the creators.

Since there is only a limited budget, the creators decided to walk for a long distance. However,

in spite of being exhausting, it served as a simple exercise for the creators. And lastly, the

choice of food became an obstacle for the creators; however, believing that practicality is

essential, the creators chose pancit canton, rice, and pizza as their food for the whole period of

End Result of the Prototype

The pictures of the end result of the prototype are indicated below:

Figure 4.1. The prototype, captured in

aerial view.

Figure 4.2. The interior portion of the


In the long run, the creators have learned the importance of three core values:

unity, simplicity, and faith. For the first case, it was unexpected for the creators to

finalize the development of their prototype in a day. For the second, despite only having

common materials as a foundation for the development of their prototype, the creators

still successfully managed to develop and finalize it. And for the third, even though the
prototype is not as grand as the modern inventions that people enjoy at the present

time, it successfully managed to work in the end.

Nothing is truly impossible.

Figures 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3. The creators and their prototype.

Chua, K. (2020). Filipino wins sustainability award for solar panel made from waste

crop. Retrieved November 16, 2021, from


Davis, B. (2021). Are RGB lights important? Retrieved November 23, 2021, from

Fantech. (2019). CG71 Pulse. Retrieved November 23, 2021, from

Lin, S. (2021). Philippines – A country that is prone to climate change. Retrieved

November 16, 2021, from

Quote Master. (n.d.). Quotes about economic growth. Retrieved November 16, 2021,


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