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Abstractionism: Emerged at the same time as the expressionist movement.

Same spirit
of freedom of expression and openness that characterized life in the 20th century, but it
differed from expressionism in certain ways.

The abstractionist movement arose from intellectual points of view in the 20th century.

Intellectualism: Reelected even in art

Expressionism: Emotional
Abstractionism: Logical and Rational

Oval Still Life (Le Violon) by Georgess Braque

Grouped under abstractionism are the following art styles:

● cubism
● futurism
● mechanical style
● non objectivism

Cubist: Pablo Picasso
● Cube. Cubist artworks were, therefore, a play of planes and angles on a flat surface.

Three Musicians
Pablo Picasso

Futurist: Gino Severini
● Began in Italy in the early 1990’s fast-paced, machine-propelled age.
Armored Train
Gino Severini

Artist: Fernand Leger
● Result of the futurist movement
● Basic forms such as planes, cones, spheres, and cylinders all fit together precisely
and neatly in their appointed places.

The City
Fernand Léger

Non Objectivist: Piet Mondrian
● works in this style did not make use of figures or even representations of figures.

New York City

Piet Mondrian


● “Color field painters” used different color saturations (purity, vividness, intensity) to
create their desired effects.
● ARTISTS: Mark Rothko and Barnett Newman.
Magenta, Black,Green on Orange
Mark Rothko

Vir Heroicus Sublimis

Barnett Newman

The movements they brought about have come to be called:

● neo dadaism and pop art
● conceptual art
● op art
● the new realism


● make reforms in traditional values
● enjoy nonsense for its own sake and simply want to laugh at the world.

These made use of easily recognizable objects and images from the emerging consumer
society—as in the prints of Andy Warhol

Twelve Cars
Andy Warhol

Roy Lichtenstein
● Arose in the mind of the artist, took concrete form for a time, and then
disappeared (unless it was captured in photo or film documentation).
● Made to be destroyed

One and Three Chairs

Joseph Kosuth

● precisely planned and positioned to give the illusion of movement

Bridget Riley

Contemporary Arts Forms: Installation Art and Performance Art

Installation art is a contemporary art form that uses sculptural materials and other media
to modify the way the viewer experiences a particular space.

Cordillera Labyrinth
Roberto Villanueva
Performance art is a form of modern art in which the actions of an individual or a group
at a particular place and in a particular time constitute the work. It can happen anywhere, at
any time, or for any length of time. It can be any situation that involves four basic elements:
● time
● space
● the performer’s body
● a relationship between performer and audience

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