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‘1117122, 1005 AM 2.2.3 Freud: GEC 007-ARCHE182 - Science, Technology and Society 2.2. 3 Freud TIP Introduction Hello! Another prominent personality during the intellectual revolution is Sigmund Freud. He is well known in the field of psychology. His theories impacted various fields such as medicine, biology, humanities, and the like. This time, we will explore his ideas and how his ideas influenced society. Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of the discussion, you are expected to. 1. articulate the ideas postulated by Copernicus, Darwin, and Freud; 2. question the theories of the revolutionists in order to fully understand them; and 3. write a short reflection on the ideas postulated by Copernicus, Darwin, and Freud. Discussion Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud is known for his school of thought known as "Psychoanalysis." This school of thought is a scientific method of understanding inner and unconscious conflicts embedded within one's personality, springing from free associations, dreams, and fantasies of the individual. Below is Freud's comparison of the mind to an iceberg. M4 ‘1117122, 10.05 AM 2.2.3 Freud: GEC 007-ARCHE182 - Science, Technology and Society The Unconscious Mind The conscious. Thesma amount mental acy we Thoughts know about : Perceptions The sboonedous, Things — we could be awareof f we res wanted or tied Stored knowledge Psychoanalysis immediately shot into controversy for it emphasized the existence of the unconscious where feelings, thoughts, urges, emotions, and memories are contained outside of one’s conscious mind. Psychoanalytic concepts of psychosexual development, libido, and ego were met with both support and resistance from many scholars. Freud suggested that humans are inherently pleasure- seeking individuals. These notions were particularly caught in the crossfire of whether Freud's psychoanalysis fit in the study of the brain and mind, Scientists working on biological approaches to studying human behavior criticized psychoanalysis for lack of validity and bordering on being scientific as a theory. Particularly, the notion that all humans are destined to exhibit Oedipus and Electra complexes (the sexual desire towards the parent of the opposite sex and exclusions of the parent of the same sex) did not seem to be supported by empirical data. In the same way, it appeared to critics that psychoanalysis, then, was more of an ideological stance than a scientific one. Amidst controversy, Freud's psychoanalysis is widely credited for dominating psychotherapeutic practice in the early 20th century. For further information on psychoanalytic theory, please click the video below. 28 ‘1117122, 1005 AM 2.2.3 Freud: GEC 007-ARCHE182 - Science, Technology and Society PSYCHOTHERAPY - Sigmund Freud The video explains Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis. He discussed the three mental structures of the mind which are the id, ego, and superego. These three structures are continuously in conflict with one another. Also, he mentioned the stages of psychosexual development of individuals. The first is the oral stage where the child gets its satisfaction from the mouth; the second is the anal stage, the child undergoes toilet training; the third stage is the phallic stage where the child develops complexes, the Electra complex (the girl is attracted to the father) and the Oedipal complex ( the young boy is attracted to the mother); the fourth stage is the latency stage where the child's focus is on education or learning, and the last stage is the genital stage where there is a recurrence of the sex organs as the source of satisfaction Summary In summary, Sigmund Freud's contribution to the area of science is his "Psychoanalysis" school of thinking. He proposed that numerous conscious and unconscious variables impact behavior and emotions, and that personality is the result of three opposing elements: the id, ego, and superego. Despite the fact that his school of thinking was widely condemned, psychodynamic treatments, which treat a wide range of psychological problems, are stil heavily influenced by Freud's work on psychoanalysis Also, we may deduce that the three revolutionary theories are just a few of the numerous scientific concepts that have shaped and altered civilizations and beliefs. The shifts in the scientific community's and the public's viewpoints and perceptions are proof of science and technology's!2-dot2-2-treue?module_tem_4=3514183 ie ‘1117122, 1005 AM 2.2.3 Freud: GEC 007-ARCHE182 - Science, Technology and Society connection to mankind. Through scientific research and experimentation, people will continue to deepen their understanding of the world and the universe. Sources ieva, A. and Quinto E. (2019). Science, Technology, and Society. C and E Publishing House, Quezon City. UnconsciousMindsigmundbyfreud (> ( qzsigmund+freud%27s+i 6-vM%252C_&vet=1&usg=Al4_-kQUWWDdSbESk6mRJThw3T- af2suYw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEIJCW4pfrAhWIOnAKHezcCQsQ_hOwAnoECA0QBg&biw=1366&bIh=608 #imgre=Aq2BL-YgLXpJ2M) Please click "next" to continue. module, x= &fir=MvXTjnE4Jugq3qM%252Cq8QYC3HPfb 48

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