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‘nit7i22, 1002 AM 2.4.4 Copemicus: GEC 007-ARCH41S2 - Science, Technology and Society 2.1.1 Copernicus TIP Introduction Good day! For this day, we will be focusing on the ideas postulated by the three scientists namely: Copernicus, Darwin, and Freud. Let me start with the intended learning outcomes. Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of the discussion, you are expected to 1. articulate the ideas postulated by Copernicus; 2. question the theories of the revolutionists in order to fully understand them; and 3. write a short reflection on the ideas postulated by Copernicus, Darwin, and Freud. Discussion Intellectual Revolution The intellectual revolution changed the way people perceive the influence of science on society in general. It focuses on three of the most important intellectual revolutions in history: Copernican, Darwinian, and Freudian. By discussing these intellectual revolutions in the context of science, technology, and society, the attention of students is drawn again toward the complex interplay of the various social contexts and the development of modem science. Now, let us proceed to the three prominent scientists who contributed to the field of science and technology.|d=3614143, M4 ‘nit7i22, 1002 AM 2.4.4 Copemicus: GEC 007-ARCH41S2 - Science, Technology and Society The picture above is Nicolaus Copernicus, one of the three famous scientists. He postulated a model, known as the "heliocentric model.” To give you a little background about the biography of Copernicus and his model, please click the video below. h2v=MOp6NKANE08) The Copernican Revolution The Copernican Revolution refers to the 16th-century paradigm shift named after the Polish mathematician and astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus. Copemicus formulated the heliocentric model of the universe. At the time, the belief was that the earth was the center of the solar system based on the geocentric model of Ptolemy. Copernicus introduced the heliocentric model in a 40-page outline entitled Commentariolus. He formalized his model in the publication of his treatise, The Revolution of Celestial Spheres in 1543 In his model, Copernicus repositioned the earth from the center of the Solar System and introduced the idea that the earth rotates on its own axis. The model illustrated the earth, along with the other heavenly bodies, to be rotating around the sun The idea that the sun is at the center of the universe instead of the earth proved to be unsettling to many when Copernicus first introduced his model. In fact, the heliocentric model was met with huge resistance, primarily from the church, accusing Copernicus of heresy. At the time, the idea that|d=3614143, 28 ‘11772, 1002 AM 2.4.1 Copemieus: GEC OOT-ARCHA1S2 - Science, Technology ane Solely it was not the earth, and, by extension, not man, that was at the center of all creation was unthinkable, Copernicus faced persecution from the church because of this. However, despite the persecution and the problems with the model, the heliocentric model was soon accepted by other scientists of the time, most profoundly by Galileo Galilei The contribution of the Copernican Revolution is far-reaching. It served as a catalyst to sway scientific thinking away from age-long views about the position of the earth relative to the position to an enlightened understanding of the universe. This marked the beginning of modern astronomy. Although very slowly, the heliocentric model eventually caught on among other astronomers who further refined the model and contributed to the recognition of heliocentrism. This was capped off by Isaac Newton's work a century later. Thus, the Copernican Revolution marked a turning point in the study of cosmology and astronomy making it a truly important intellectual revolution. Below is the Copernicus Theory. COPERNICUS THEORY By: Marcos Arellano, Alberto Torres and Jestis Baos * + Saturn > Jupiter. Mars Moon = “Venus / werasy> ne , \ | Fhoed Stars + | | (2) }} " ° > THE COPERNICAN UNIVERSE = As you can see from the image, the sun is at the center of the solar system instead of the earth as postulated by Ptolemy.|d=3614143, ie ‘111722, 1000 AM 2.11 Copemicus: GEC 007-ARCHEIS? - Sconce, Technolgy ané Soy Summary In summary, astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proposed the heliocentric hypothesis. The planets orbit the Sun, according to this concept; Earth is a planet that, in addition to circling the Sun yearly, also rotates once daily on its own axis; and the precession of the equinoxes is caused by extremely gradual changes in the direction of this axis. Sources ieva, A. and Quinto E. (2019). Science, Technology, and Society. C and E Publishing House, Quezon City. Coy icanTheoryTuM (>_( g=copernicus+heliocentric&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=z_uheppg5lgTuM%252CPde15jp8kMcjiM% 252C_&vet=1&usg=Al4 -kTehD3EcabMMXSm35MAW- BkHHZ_dw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEw/I8umokujqAhUHw4sBHdSSAFcQ_h0wA30ECAIQCg&biw=1099&bih=6 40Himgre=z_uheppaSloTuM) ries ©_(https:/ g=summary+of+copernicus+theories&oq=summary+of+copernicus*theories&aqs=chrome..69157.19263) 0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) Please click "next" for the continuation. *module_ tem. 48

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