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‘1117122, 1003 AM 2.2. 2 Darwin: GEC 007-ARCHES2 - Science, Technology and Society 2.2. 2 Darwin TIP Introduction Hello! Let us move on to another intellectual revolutionist. He is a well-known personality in the field of science and history. His contributions greatly impact society nowadays. Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of the discussion, you are expected to 1. articulate the ideas postulated by Copernicus, Darwin, and Freud; 2. question the theories of the revolutionists in order to fully understand them; and 3. write a short reflection on the ideas postulated by Copernicus, Darwin, and Freud. articulate the ideas postulated by Charles Darwin Discussion Charles Darwin Famous for his theory of evolution, which posited that populations pass through a process of natural selection in which only the fittest would survive. He published his book The Origin of Species in 1589. His book presented evidence of how species evolved over time and presented traits and adaptations that differentiate species. In his book The Descent of Man, he introduced the idea of all organic life, including human beings, under the realm of evolutionary thinking. His unorthodox way of pursuing science gave more value to evidence-based science. It is a science marked by observation and experiment,|6=3614152 483 ‘1117122, 1003 AM 2.2. 2 Darwin: GEC 007-ARCHE1S2 - Science, Technology and Society Natural Selection 1) Each species shows variation: 2) There is competition within each species for food, living space, water, mates etc ( Shutit-shorty 1 Get of f my land, you lanky git 3) The “better adapted” members of these species are more likely to survive - "Survival of the Fittest" 4) These survivors will pass on their = better genes to their offspring who will also show this beneficial variation C Yum | ( Guttedl | Keys in Natural Selection = Natural Selection is... * The evolution of the population, not the evolution of the individuals + Dealing with heritable traits, not acquired characteristics + Based on the environment: being favored in one place does not mean it is also favored in a different place BKSEEF|d=3614162 28 ‘1117722, 1003 abt 22.2 Darin: GEC OOT-ARCHEIS2- Science, Technology and Society The above picture shows how the natural selection process transpired. Charles Darwin sets out his theory of evolution by natural selection as an explanation for adaptation and speciation. Summary In summary, the mechanism that Darwin proposed for evolution is natural selection, Because resources are limited in nature, organisms with heritable traits that favor survival and reproduction will tend to leave more offspring than their peers, causing the traits to increase in frequency over generations. Sources Nieva, A. and Quinto E. (2019). Science, Technology, and Society. C and E Publishing House, Quezon City. NaturalSelectionbyDarwinZM © (htt q=natural+selection*by+darwin&tbm=isch&source=lu&ictx=1 &fir=RK)1TAcdUrviZM%252CD7Ymsagajik lahUKEwi03Miwk- ver|d=3614162 318

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