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Today young people have health problems, due to lifestyles. These are the

most common diseases: Headache, stress, cold, diabetes, addiction to alcohol

and tobacco, and depression.


You should take aspirin to help you to relieve the headache. Do relaxation

exercises and meditation to help you manage stress. You should wrap up warm

and drink hot things if you have a cold. If you are with diabetes, you should

control the level of glucose in the blood. Seek help in rehab centers to help you

with your addiction. Seek help from a psychologist.

Avoid triggers that seem to cause a headache. Avoid sources of stress. You

shouldn’t drink cold drinks. You shouldn’t eat sweets, fried foods, and flour.

Avoid contact with alcohol and tobacco. Don’t stay alone if you are with severe

depression, try to be always with another person.


In conclusion, I think parents should listen to their children when they have

health problems since many times parents leave their children aside without

listening to them.

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