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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region __
School Division of _________
_____________ District ITEM
_____________________________________ OF



1. Demonstrate the ability to sing, read and write simple musical notation
3 7% 4 1-4
in the key of C major, F Major, and G Major

2. Creates simple melodies 3 7% 4 5-8


3. Reviews the concept that art processes, elements and principles still
2 4% 2 9-10
apply even with the use of technologies

4. Explains the elements and principles applied in digital art 2 4% 2 11-12

5. Applies concept on the use of the software 2 4% 2 13-14

6. Utilizes art skills using new technologies in digital painting. 3 7% 4 15-18

7. Discuss the elements and principles applied in layouting 3 7% 4 19-22

8. Applies skills in layouting and photo editing using new technologies in

3 7% 3 23-24
making a poster

9. Create an advertisement/commercial or announcement poster. 3 7% 3 25-27


10. Assesses regular participation in physical activities based on the

2 4% 2 28-29
Philippines Physical activity pyramid

11. Observes safety precautions 2 4% 1 30

12. Executes the different skills involved in the game 3 7% 4 31-34

13. Displays joy of effort, respect for others and fair play during
2 4% 2 35-36
participation in physical activities.


14. Describes healthy school and community environments 2 4% 2 37-38

15. Explain the effect of living in a healthful school and community 2 4% 2 39-40

16. Demonstrate ways to build and keep school and community

3 7% 3 41-43
environments healthy

17. Practices proper waste management at home, in school, and in the

3 7% 3 44-46

18. Advocates environmental protection through proper waste

4 47-50
TOTAL 45 100% 50

Prepared by:



School Principal
2nd Grading Period

NAME:____________________________________________________ SCORE: _________


I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The key that does not have any sharp or flat in key signatures is____________.
a. Key of D
b. Key of C
c. Key of G
d. Key of F
2. What is the interval pattern of the major scale?

3-5. Draw the so-fa syllable of C Major.

6-8. Draw the so-fa syllables of G Major.


9-12. What elements and principles of art are observed in the following digital





13. What digital tool is used to apply color to your work?

a. Burn tool
b. Brush tool
c. Eraser tool
d. Hand tool
14. What tool is used to highlight a color and make it fade from dark to light?
a. Paint bucket tool
b. Pencil Tool
c. Pen Tool
d. Gradient Tool
15. Which of the following is not included in the basic pieces of hardware in digital
a. Scanner
b. Computer
c. Digital tablet and stylus
d. Printer
16. It is a watercolor paint brush technique when water is added to an already wet area
of paper.
a. Dry Blending
b. Dry Brush
c. Wet-in-Wet
d. Hard and Soft Edge
17. It is a painting technique in which paint is applied to the paper, with very little liquid
on the brush.
a. Dry Brush
b. Dry Blending
c. Wet-in-Wet
d. Hard and Soft Edge
18. The following is a list of computer software you can use to create a digital painting
except one. Which is not?
a. Gimp
b. Photo Editor
c. Paint 3d
d. Cap Cut

19. It is a kind of placard or announcement that has as its goal the communication of
information through words and pictures or symbols.
a. Poster
b. Painting
c. Graphic Design
d. Lay-out
20. Which of the following is a poster?

a. b. c. d.
21. Which of the following tells about a good poster layouting.
a. There are no text, pictures or graphic images covering the white space. The
viewer’s eye will be overwhelmed if you have too little and wander if you have too
b. Play with facial features. Zoom in on part of the picture for closer editing.
c. Copy and paste your source photo nine times. Use the computer and software to
manipulate and make each image different from each other.
D. Transform your picture into a 3d portrait.
22. What basics of Lay outing is shown in this poster?

White Space

23-27. Create a poster with the Theme “ Covid and Health”.

28. To be physically fit, how many times should you do exercise like stretching and
Yoga, based on the Physical Pyramid Activity Guide?
a. 3-5 times a week
b. 2-3 times a week
c. 4-5 times a week
d. Daily
29. How often should you engage in recreational activities such as playing sipa, tennis
and basketball based on the Physical Pyramid Activity Guide?
a. 3-5 times a week
b. 2-3 times a week
c. 4-5 times a week
d. Daily
30. Which of the following is not included in the safety precautions of playing games?
a. warm up and cool down
b. Know the rules of the game.
c. watch out for others
d. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from sunlight.
31. This is a game where players play ina drawn rectangular-shaped box with usually 10
a. Piko
b. Sungka
c. Patintero
d. Kickball
32. This is a game which is played by two players by using a solid carved wood with two
Rows of seven circular hole and two large holes at both ends called house (bahay).
a. Patintero
b. Sungka
c. Dodge ball
d. Archery
33. This is a game played in school yard, court or even in a baseball diamond field using
Inflated rubber or plastic ball.
a. Sungka
b. Kickball
c. Basketball
d. Badminton
34. Which skill is involved in Playing Kickball?
a. Footwork
b. Flexibility
c. Muscular Strength
d. balance
35. Which of the following is a benefit of participating in sports?
a. You are always happy.
b. You feel strong and energetic
c. You have a positive outlook in life.
d. All of the above
36. Which of the following skills is developed by engaging in sports activities?
a. Leadership
b. Teamwork
c. Time Management
d. All of the above

37. Which of the following shows a healthful school and community environment?
a. Clean with good air and water quality
b. Improper waste management
c. Unavailability of safe drinking water
d. poor hygiene practices
38. Which of the following is important in achieving a healthy school and community
a. proper waste management
b. Cooperation and Unity
c. Proper Leadership
d. Availability of cleaning materials
39. Which of the following is not an effect of a healthy school and community
a. Improves Academic achievement
b. Improves student success and well-being
c. Poor health and absenteeism
d. Empowers students to be more involved in school life and part of the positive
Direction: Write T if the statement is True and F, if it is false.
_____ 40. The physical environment of a healthful school and community should be safe
and clean with good quality of air and water.
_____ 41. The pupils should be provided with an environment where they are free from
Harm and injuries that could be avoided.
_____ 42. The classroom should be a place where pupils could move freely and can
Interact with classmates and teachers freely.
_____ 43. The place where children could develop their potential is one where they
Would not experience bullying and discrimination.
_____ 44. One of the effective ways to keep your school and community clean is through
Burning of waste.
_____ 45. When we recycle, used materials are converted into new products, reducing
the need to consume natural resources
_____ 46. Proper disposal of hazardous waste could be done by means of landfills.
_____ 47. Trashes or waste should be thrown in an open area where they pose health
Threats because of insects and rodents.
_____ 48. Store your waste in tight-fitting storage containers after the separation of
Biodegradable from non-biodegradable.
_____ 49. Avoid unnecessary use of motor vehicles. It burns more fuel and produces
More pollutants into the air.
_____ 50. Inorganic materials such as metals, glass, and plastic, can be reclaimed and

Prepared by:


School Principal

Key to correction:

1. B
2. A
3. .
4. .
5. .
6. .
7. .
8. .
9. B
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. B
14. D
15. D
16. C
17. A
18. D
19. A
20. C
21. A
22. C
23. .
Answers vary
24. .
25. .
26. .
27. .
28. B
29. A
30. D
31. A
32. B
33. B
34. A
35. D
36. D
37. A
38. A
39. C
40. T
41. T
42. T
43. T
44. F
45. T
46. T
47. F
48. T
49. T
50. T

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