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Bridget’s Convent –Colombo 7

02 E II
// First Term Test -2022


Index Number………………………. Chemistry I 1hr

Answer all the questions.

 In each of the question 1 to 50 ,pick one of the alternatives from (1) , (2) , (3) , (4) , (5) which is
correct or most appropriate and mark your response on the answer sheet with a cross (X) in
accordance with the instructions given on the back of the answer sheet.

Universal gas constant R =8.314Jmol-1K-1 Avogadro constant NA= 6.022 x 1023mol-1

Plank’s constant h= 6.626 x 10-34Js Velocity of light c = 3 x 108ms-1

1. The atoms consist of electrons was first discovered by,

(1) Rutherford’s gold leaf experiment.

(2) Cathode ray experiment of J.J Thompson.
(3) Emission spectrum of atomic Hydrogen.
(4) Analyzing data of adjacent ionization energies.
(5) Bombarding α particles on Be material.

2. Which of the following statement is true.

(1) The smallest charge that any particle bears is 1.602 x 10 -19C.
(2) X rays are negatively charged.
(3) γ rays are deflected in the presence of a magnetic fields.
(4) A β particle which was targeted to the nucleus of an atom is strongly repelled.
(5) Naturally stable isotopes of a certain element are radioactive.

3. The group of ions/molecules with 3 repulsion units around the central atom is,

(1) BF3, IBr2-, CH4 (2) NH3, BCl3, H2O (3) SO3,H2SO3, SO2 (4) POCl3, H2S, SO42-
(5) NO2, NH2-, ClF3

4. The number of electrons in the outermost energy level of Pd ( atomic number =46)?

(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 6 (4) 8 (5) 18

5. The number of CO2 molecules given by heating 10.0g of CaCO3 is, (Ca=40, C=12, O=16)

(1) 1 (2) 6.022 x 1023 (3) 6.022 x 1022 (4) 0.1 (5) x

6. The shape of a molecule which has two bonding pairs of electrons around the central atom is,

(1) Trigonal planar (2) Linear (3) Angular (4) Linear or angular (5) Trigonal planar or Linear

7. The correct descending order of the energy of the atomic orbitals of main (n), and azimuthal (l) quantum
numbers given below which is followed by Aufbau Principle in electron filling patterns of an atom is

A) n=4, l=0 B) n=5 ,l=0 C) n=4, l=1 D) n=3, l=2

(1) A>B>C>D (2) B>C>D>A (3) D>C>B>A (4) C>A>D>B (5) C>B>A>D

8.Which of the following species forms the strongest Hydrogen bonds between them?

‖ ‖
(1) SiH4 and SiF4 (2) H2O and H2O2 (3)H-C-H and H-C≡N (4) CH4 and H2O (5) CH3-C-CH3 and CHCl3

9. Following reaction indicates the production of gaseous ammonia.

N2(g)+ 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g)

The number of moles of H2 required to produce 1.7g of NH3 is? (= 14, H=1)

(1) 0.05 (2) 0.12 (3) 0.15 (4) 0.3 (5) 0.6

10.Select the false statement relevant to CH 2Cl2 molecule.

(1) It is a tetrahedral molecule.

(2) There are 3 different bond angles which differ from each other.
(3) C undergoes sp3 hybridization in this molecule.
(4) It is a polar molecule.
(5) London forces are the only available secondary interaction forces among these molecules.

11. True statement relevant to an atomic orbital is,

(1) Maximum number of electrons available in an atomic orbital is 2.

(2) s orbital is spherical in shape and with a sharp margin.
(3) Electrons are filling into an orbitals always following Aaufbau Principle.
(4) The above 1 and 2 statements are true.
(5) All the above statements are true.

12. Mass of a C6H6 molecule in grams is, (C=12, H=1)

(1) 12.96 x 10-23 (2) 7.7 x 10-21 (3) 1.6 x 10-24 (4) 6.022 x 1023 (5) 78

13. Which of the following caanot be measured as a safety measure in laboratory experimental procedures?

(1) Using diluted solutions as possible.

(2) Using a fume cupboard when handling gases.
(3) Using an extra container when carrying corrosive substances.
(4) Diluting acids always by adding them directly to water.
(5) Removing all inflammable substances closer to by when using a Bunsen burner.
14. Which of the following molecules/ions does not contain a triple bond?

(1) BH2- (2) CN- (3) N2 (4) CO (5) C2H2

15. Mass of a 0.2 mol of a compound is 5.2g. The molar mass of the compound is,

(1) 2.6g (2) 2.6gmol-1 (3) 26g (4) 26gmol -1 (5) 0.026gmol-1

Instructions to answer question numbers 16-20 are given below.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Only (a) and (b) are Only (b) and (c) are Only (c) and (D) are Only (a) and (d) are Any or other number
correct correct correct correct of combination of
responses is correct

16. Which of the following pair has/have similar chemical properties?

(a) 11 H and 11 H + (b) 147 N and 147 N 3- (c) 126C and 136C (d) 146C and 14
7 N

17. Which of the following is/are true among the given statements.

(a) Vanderwaals radius of an atom is larger than the covalent radius of an atom.
(b) Nuclear charge affects on the first ionization energy of an atom.
(c) When the sizes of the cations become smaller its polarizing power decreases.
(d) Metals conduct electricity as free ions are available.

18. A very small scale for mass was introduced to present the mass of an atom which is called as “atomic mass unit”
(u) as they are tiny particles. Select true statement relevant to it.

(a) According to this scale the mass of 12C atom is 12.00g.

(b) Mean relative atomic mass of isotopic elements cannot be expressed using the above unit.
(c) 1u =1.66 x 10-24g.
(d) If molar mass of an element is expressed by atomic mass unit, the atomic mass of an element can be obtained.

19. The false statement/s relevant to the ionic species is/are

(a) They do not have a trend to dissolve in polar solvents.

(b) Ionic lattices are formed by dipole attractions between positive and negative ions.
(c) Conduct electricity in solid state.
(d) Have high boiling and melting points.

20. In which of the following ions, the unneutralized charge equals to 1.602 x 10 -19Cg?

(a) NO3- (b) CO32- (c) S2O32- (d) NH4+

Instructions to answer question 21-25

Response First statement Second statement

(1) True True and correctly explains the first statement
(2) True True but does not explain the first statement
(3) True False
(4) False True
(5) False False

First statement Second statement

21.Energy of a photon of an electromagnetic All electromagnetic radiations travel with the
radiation always give a constant value when same velocity in a vaccum.
divided by its frequency.
22. Generally a 0.05cm3 liquid volume can be When measuring liquid volumes reading should
measured accurately by a calibrated 10cm 3 be taken at eye level to coincides with the lower
measuring cylinder. surface of the liquid meniscus.
23. Boiling points of the hydrides ascending in the The size of the molecules only affect their boiling
following manner. points.
24. Shape of the H3O+ ion is pyramidal. This ion has four repulsion units.
25. The relationship between particulate and wave An electron does not show particulate and wave
nature of electrons is indicated by De-Broglie’s properties at the same time.

Part A
Structured Essay

Answer all questions. (Each question carries 100 marks)

01. a) Consider the following chemical species given in the list and answer the following questions.

SF6, NH4Cl, SiO2, HClO4, H3O+, CO32-

i) Identify the species which has a shape similar to the shape of NCl 3 (..………………….)

ii) Identify the species which has the highest number of lone pair. (…………………….)

iii) Identify the species which exhibits both ionic and covalent character. (……………………)

iv) Identify the species which has the highest melting point. (………..…..………)

v) Identify the species which has the bond angle 120°. (……..……..………)

vi) Identify the species which has the highest oxidation number +7 in the central atom. (…………………….)

b) i. Draw the most acceptable Lewis dot-dash structure for the molecule C 2H3O3N. Its skeleton is given below.




ii. The most stable Lewis dot-dash structure for the ion [HS 2O5]- is shown below. Draw three more Lewis dot –
dash structures (Resonance structures) for this ion.

:O: :O:
.. ‖ ‖ ꓺ
H−O−S− S−O:-
‖ ..

iii.Based on Lewis dot –dash structure given below. State the following regarding the C,N and O atoms given
in the table.

I. VSEPR pair around the atoms.

II. electron pair geometry around the atom.

III. Shape around the atom.

IV. Hybridization around the atom.

The atoms are numbered as follows:

C1 N3 C4 O5
I. VSEPR pair

II. Electron pair


III. Shape

IV. Hybridization

iv. Identify the atomic/hybrid orbitals involved in the formation of the following σ bonds in the Lewis dot-dash
structure given in part (iii) above.

I.C1−C2 C1………………………. C2…………………………..

II. C2−N3 C2……………………… N3…………………………...

III.N3−C4 N3……………………… C4…………………………..

IV. C4−O5 C4……………………… O5…………………………..

V. C4−O6 C4……………………… O6…………………………..

v. Identify the atomic orbitals involved in the formation of the following ꙥ bonds in the Lewis dot-dash
structure given in part (iii) above.

I. C1−C2 C1……………………… C2………………………….

II. C4−O6 C4……………………… O6………………………….

c) i. Select two polar species from the list given below.

I3-, CCl4, SF4, SO3, CO

…………………………………. and …………………………………..

ii. State the types of intermolecular forces that exist between the molecules in each of the following.

1. NaCl(s) and excess water ………………………………………………………………………..

2. Br2(l)/CCl4(l) ………………………………………………………………………..

3. KI(aq) and I2(s) ……………………………………………………………………..

4. Cl2(g) and water ………………………………………………………………………

2. a) i. A 1.500g sample of an organic compound containing only C, H and O was burned completely. The only
combustion products were 1.738g CO2 and 0.711g H2O. What is the empirical formula of the compound?
(C=12, H=1, O=16)

ii. Relative molar mass of the sample A is 152, Write the molecular formula of the sample A.

b) i. Consider the Lewis dot –dash structure of H 3PO4 to answer the following questions from I-IV.

Deduce the shapes around the following atoms using the VSEPR theory.


II. O attached to H

III. Sketch the shape of the Lewis structure given above (i) showing approximate bond angle.

IV. Calculate the charge of P in the structure H3PO4 given above (i).

c) i. A is an element of third period in the periodic table. Its first eight ionization energies in kJmol -1 are 1260,
2300, 3850, 5150, 6540, 9330, 11000, 33600 respectively.

1. Identify the element.


II. Write the electron configuration of the element A.


III. Write the common oxidation states of A in its compounds. (need not write compounds)


3. a. The following question is regarding the reaction between KMnO4 and FeC2O4 solutions in acidic medium.

i) Write half ionic equation for the reduction.


ii) Write half ionic equation for oxidation.


iii) Write the complete ionic reaction.


iv) Using the complete ionic reaction, write the chemical reaction between KMnO 4(aq) and FeC2O4(aq) using dilute




v) A solution was prepared by dissolving 0.948g of KMnO4 in dilute H2SO4. At proper temperature, calculate the
volume of 0.2M FeC2O4 solution needed to react completely with the above KMnO4 solution. ( K=39, Mn=55,

Note- Assume that Fe2+ in FeC2O4 solution does not get oxidized in the FeC2O4 solution at ordinary condition.

b) Balance the following equations and state which of the elements in the reactant underlined, changes its

i) H+ + IO3-+ I-→I2 + H2O


ii) Mg + HNO3 → Mg(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 +H2O


iii) NaOH + Cl2→ NaCl + NaClO3 + H2O


iv) H2S + SO2→ S + H2O


Part B


4. a) i) Give four evidences to show that cathode rays have energy.

ii) Give three observations in Rutherford’s gold leaf experiment.

iii) What is electromagnetic spectrum?

iv) State four types of quantum numbers and explain what each of them indicate.

v) State three characteristics of resonance.

b) i. Find the mole fraction of NaOH in a 10% of NaOH by mass? [Na=23, O=16, H=1]

ii. 4mg of Na3PO4 present in 2kg of sea water. Give the composition in ppm.

iii. Give four characteristic features of primary standard solution.

iv. Find the mass of O in 32g of Fe2O3. [Fe=56, O=16]

v. Using calculations, explain how 600ml, 2.3M Sulfuric acid solution could be prepared by using
concentrated sulfuric acid solution having 98%(w/w) by mass and density 1.84ggcm -3. (RFM of sulfuric acid
= 98gmol-1)

c) i. Boiling point of NO is higher than that of O2. Explain.

ii. State three factors that contribute to the strength of metallic bonds.

iii)0.48g Mg and 0.14g N2 reacts to form Mg3N2. Identify the limiting reactant with calculation. [ Mg =24,

iv. 100ml of Ba(OH)2 is added to 100ml of 20 x 10-3M HCl to react completely. To the resulting solution Cl -
ions were completely precipitated by adding AgNO3.

a) Write balanced equations for the reactions that take place.

b) Find the concentration of Ba(OH) 2.

c) Calculate the mass of AgCl formed. [Ag=108, Cl=35.5]

v. 1.25g of powdered limestone was reacted with 30ml 1M HCl. Then remaining HCl was reacted with 1M
NaOH. Volume of NaOH needed to completely react is 10ml. Find the mass percentage of CaCO 3 in
limestone. [Ca=40, C=12, O=16]

Hint : CaCO3 + HCl → CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O ( not balanced)

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