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Doc. No.

: FMS-FOM-E-QA-926
Suplier Assessment Form
Rev. No. : 01
Department : Quality Assurance Eff. Date : 18/10/2022
Company : PT. JeBeKOKO Page No. : 1 of 4
Give a brief description of the process identifying any points that must be controlled to ensure the safety of the product
(critical control points). Attach a current process flow diagram to illustrate the process.

Process Step Significant Hazard Control Device Control Limit Frequency of


1. Extrusion Nonmetallic physical checklist room cleanliness No foreign objects on

contamination the product Every day

2. Weaving Nonmetallic physical checklist room cleanliness No foreign objects on

contamination the product Every day

3.Coating Nonmetallic physical checklist room cleanliness No foreign objects on

contamination the product Every day

4. Cutting Nonmetallic physical checklist room cleanliness No foreign objects on

contamination the product Every day

5.Sewing Nonmetallic physical 1. Personal Hyigene No foreign objects on 1. Before and

contamination 2. Checklist room cleanliness the product After Work
2. Every day

6. Folding Nonmetallic physical Blower No foreign objects on All products

(OPRP) contamination the product every shift

7.Metal Detector (CCP) Physical contamination Metal detector No foreign objects on All products
of metals the product every shift

8.Packing Nonmetallic physical checklist room cleanliness No foreign objects on

contamination the product Every day

8.Shipping Nonmetallic physical Vehicle checklist No foreign objects on every shipment

contamination the product

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