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IELTS test Speaking Questions

1. What do you do to relax?

2. Attending classes and learning from school is better than getting information outside the class. Do you agree
or disagree?
3. tell about a book you have read
4. parentral control in tv and internet .. your opinion
5. important event in your childhood
6. Do you agree or disagree "we can learn about a new city by visiting it's historical place & landmark"
7. essay- class mates / parents have more influvence on a child's success in education. your opinion.
8. What kind of movies do you like? (action, comedy etc)
9. Physical activity should be required in school? (agree/disagree?)
10. Where is the best place to meet and have fun with your friends?
11. Eating out and eating at home, which do you prefer?
12. What is the most memorable challenge you faced and how did you over come that challenge?
13. Do you prefer classes that is useful in school or useful for your career?
14. What is the characteristics of a good parents.
15. Which do you prefer, work on your assignments alone, or in groups.
16. Tell me about an interesting career or a job you want.
17. Do you prefer long vacation or short vacation?
18. Are games necessary in schools?
19. What subject/class that you took in high school paid you back?
20. Describe a social/political event that people celebrate your country ?
21. Government should spend money towards arts and art classes. Do you agree/disagree?
22. What is your favorite place in your city?
23. You have extra amount of money. Would you save it or spend it?
24. an important accomplishment in your life?why was it important how did u achieve it ? What was the result
25. Students should attend full time course or part time ? which one do u agree with and why ?
26. . an important accomplishment in your life?why was it important how did u achieve it ? What was the result
27. Students should attend full time course or part time ? which one do u agree with and why ?
28. What is the Characteristics of a good friend?
29. Do you prefer to spend your free time on indoor activities or outdoor activities?
30. What is the most popular activity or sports in your country?
31. What do you prefer, getting information from the internet or from published materials?
32. Who had the most influence in your life?
33. Do you prefer to be a leader of a group or be part of a group?
34. If you had to live in a deserted island, things you would bring with you.
35. If you have chance to learn one new thing, what will you learn?
36. What is the most challanging thing that you have faced in your life?
37. some go to college for improve knowledge. other will go for job oppertunites in their future life. what is
your opinion?
38. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
39. In your opion, who might be a good model for the youth today?
40. an special opportunity in your life
41. agree or disagree that students should not have cells phones in class.
42. what do you do to relax?
43. attending classes and learning from school is better than getting information outside the class. do you
agree or disagree?
44. tell a person you admire? what are the qualities of that person you admire
45. do you agree or dis agree " all students should provide opportunities for college & university studies".
46. what do you miss most when away from home?
47. online and on campus study, what is better?
48. studying abroad is good or bad?
49. human inventions are good for mankind?
50. what object is important for us ? why
51. .its is better to judge to any person with first look or long term relation ship is required to know that
person. agree or disagree
52. What are you good at? (sports, studying etc.)
53. Do you plan everything for your free time or don't plan anything. I think it was what do you prefer.
54. something about food, not exactly but a main idea: What food will you offer your guests which came to
your home?
55. Do you prefer to get information from books or the Internet? Why?
56. Your favourite pet
57. Your dressing style
58. What do you do in your free time? (Your most favourite hobby)
59. How do you learn English?
60. Which sport do you like best?
61. Which dish do you like best?
62. Your most favourite/important subject
63. You future plan
64. Your best scholastic achievement
65. What kind of music do you like best?
66. What do you expect in your parents?
67. If you had a wish, what would you wish?
68. If you can change one thing in your university, what would you change?
69. Your best friend
70. The person you like best
71. Your unforgettable day
72. What is unforgettable in your school life?
73. Your idea of a happy life
74. A type of book you enjoy reading
75. The fruit you like to eat most
76. the most efficient transportation system in your country
77. Is music education necessary ?
78. Which place u want to see in the world and why?
79. People think childhood is very u think its grt and why?(sorry if I am interpreting wrong....)
80. talk about a gift u received
81. is our lives easier than our grandparents, discuss with examples
82. Famous person and why?
83. Student is living in a dormitory and her roommates are having a party. She is to decide whether to stay in
another friend's apartment where she can study better or just stay in the dormitory.
84. The day..which you enjoy and celebrate well..
85. Do you prefer taking classes during the day and work in the evenings&weekends or taking classes in the
evenings and work during the day times?
86. Your favorite movie
87. Compare Television and Newspaper as information resource for current news
88. Your favorite sport
89. Should we put animals into zoo or return them to natural environment.
90. What trip u like to take in future? Give examples and explain?
91. DO u like to take off before joining university classes.
92. Explain a situation in which someone(friend,relative) adviced you?
93. What has your friend ever done that surprised you (something like that).
94. Do you prefer active vacation (playing sports, going hiking) or more passive one.
95. The most important influence on young adults is their family.

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