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(Group 1)

Outline for Reflective Writing

Our Favourite Movie

A. Introduction

- Thesis statement: Share our experience to the audience

- Introduce group members:Syafi, Harrish and Osman.

- Introduce our favourite movie:- The Hunger Games 1

B. Content

Main Idea I

- Topic sentence: Share our experience before making the video project.

-Make a group in online platform to make a group discussion.

-We are given some topics to make video group project in youtube.

-So, we found that explaining our movie experience is more interesting than others.

Main Idea II

- Topic sentence: Share our experience during making the video project.

-Make a group discussion

-Make outline of our video

-Make a storyboard of our video.

-Manage our time of each member to present for every scene respectively.
Main Idea III

- Topic sentence: Share our experience after making the video project.

-Share our feelings after completing our video.

C. Conclusion

- Values that we learned throughout the video.

- Thanks to lecturer to give opportunity for us to improve and get better in english language.

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