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Lesson Plan

Grade(s): 5 Unit: Kicking at Targets

Lesson: 3 of 3

H&PE Curriculum Expectations

2015 H&PE Curriculum Expectations: A1.1, A3.1, B1.4, B2.3

2019 H&PE Curriculum Expectations: B1.1, B3.1, C1.4, C2.3

Learning Goals

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

use the tactical solutions of proximity and force to successfully send objects to a target using a kick

demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures to maximize safety

actively participate in small-group and large-group tasks.

Safety Requirements

Refer to the Ontario Physical Activity Safety Standards in Education .

Equipment List
1 soccer ball per student

4 soccer nets (or pairs of pylons)

30 – 45 pylons

Teacher Resource: Rubric

Appendix: Stretches

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Students will gradually increase their heart rate by participating in the following activity.

In the Middle

Have students find partners.

Each pair of students stands about 20 metres away from each other with a pylon halfway between
them, forming two lines of students facing each other and a row of pylons in the middle. Also place a
pylon beside each student to mark their space on the line.

On a “go” signal, partners jog around their pylons while dribbling their soccer balls with their feet.

On a “stop” signal, partners go back to their own pylon. They then take turns kicking their soccer balls
toward the pylon between them, attempting to knock it over.

A point is scored for each knock-down.

Each time a student scores a point, they take one giant step backward and moves the pylon beside
them back as well to mark the new starting point.


Consider providing students with a variety of ball sizes and giving them options for what distance to
kick from so they can choose the best combination based on their abilities

Minds On

Share and clarify the lesson Learning Goals with students using student-friendly language.

Using group discussion, students recall the Success Criteria for Kicking an Object to a Target (see
Notes to Teacher), as well as the tactical solutions. They then share with the class how they applied
these criteria during the Warm-Up.

Briefly play In the Middle again, so students can focus on applying the tactical solutions discussed.

A&E - Minds On

Teacher observation of students’ demonstrated knowledge and application of kicking skills and strategies
using Teacher Resource: Rubric.


Divide the class into four teams.

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Two teams play in each half of the activity area. Establish a goal (soccer nets or pairs of pylons) at
each end and place a pylon in the middle of the goal.

The object of the game is to kick the ball so it hits a pylon.

Play begins with a kick-off in centre of the activity area.

Students advance the ball by passing it to each other.

Students earn one point for every complete pass to a team mate, three points when a goal is scored,
and five points if the target (the pylon between the goal posts) is hit.

Students in possession of the ball may not move with the ball. They must pass it to someone else
before they can move.

Add rules as needed. For example,

Consider adding a goalie and a crease.

Consider adding rules about the number of passes that are required before a shot on goal may
be attempted.

Circulate throughout the activity area to observe students’ use of tactical solutions (proximity, force and aim)
during the activity.

A&E - Action

Teacher observation of students’ demonstration of safe and active participation, as well as students’
application of kicking skills and tactical solutions, using Teacher Resource: Rubric.


Students gradually decrease their heart rate to a resting rate by participating in the activity below. Students
should also stretch the body parts that have been active throughout the lesson. See Appendix for stretches.

Body-Part Stretch

Call out different body parts, one at a time.

As each is called, students do a stretch for that body part.

Encourage students to look at their peers for ideas if they are not sure of what kind of stretch to do.


Review the Learning Goals with students and indicate what those goals would like based on the Success
Criteria for Kicking an Object to a Target.

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Using the Thumbs-Up Strategy, students complete a self-assessment regarding their ability to meet the
Learning Goals of the lesson.

A&E - Consolidation

Teacher observation of students’ responses during the Thumbs-Up Strategy.

Ideas for Extension

Play Kickball again, with these variations:

Add a rule that students must pass the ball three times before taking a shot.

Remove the stopping rule if a student has possession of the ball.

Add more pylons as targets.

Notes to Teacher

Success Criteria for Kicking an Object to a Target


Step beside the ball with the non-kicking foot.


Keep the ankle firm (no floppy feet) when contacting the ball. Strike the ball with the instep of the foot.


Perform a pendulum swing with the foot (i.e., swing the kicking foot straight to the target, like the
pendulum on a grandfather clock).

Possible Tactical Solutions

Send and aim for accuracy toward a target of appropriate size and distance.

Send with appropriate force and speed.

Use proximity to target to be able to place object along pathway required.

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