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const isRaining = true;

Array & it's methods
const isAuth = false;
An array

JavaScript Basics
let ourArray = [“ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”];
let user = { Access array elements
CHEAT SHEET fullname: “Bucky Barnes”,
age: 40,
ourArray[0]; //

gender: “male” Push

} ourArray.push(“ ”);

Console.log // output: [“ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”,“ ”]

console.log(“JavaScript Cheat Sheet”);

Conditional Statements Shift
if statement
// output: [“ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”] --> “ ” removed

Variables & Constant if (isRaining){

wearRainCoat(); UnShift
} ourArray.unshift(“ ”);
// output: [“ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”]
var variable_1; // global scope if else statement
let variable_2; // block scope
if (isRaining){ Combine two array - concat()
wearRainCoat(); const combine= [“ ”, “ ”, “ ”].concat([“ ”, “ ”, “ ”]);
} else { // Output: [“ ”, “ ”, “ ”,“ ”, “ ”, “ ”]
const constantVariable; // block scope
} forEach
Data Types else if statement
ourArray.forEach((elm) => console.log(elm));

Number if (isRaining){

let num = 3;
wearRainCoat(); Function
} else if (isRainingHeavy){
let floatData = 3.3;
sample function
function sayHi() {
Strings } else {
console.log("Welcome to this Earth!");
const stringVaribale = “hello”; doNotWearRainCoat();
call a function
let fruit = ["Banana", "Apple", "Orange"];
Scope Object.freeze(user);

JavaScript Basics Global Scope

The greet variable is accessible everywhere.

CHEAT SHEET 02 let greet = `hello`; Object.keys(user);

function sayHello () { // output : [“fullname”, “place”];
} values
Arrow function sayHello(); // hello Object.values(user);
const sayHiAgain = () => // output : [“Thomas shelby”, “birmingham”];

console.log("Welcome to this Earth!");

Local Scope
The greet variable is accessible only inside sayhello function.
function sayHello () { Assignment Operators Arithmetic Operators
call an arrow function let greet = `hello`;
= Assignment operator + Addition
sayHiAgain(); console.log(greet);
+= Addition assignment - Subtraction
-= Subtraction Assignment * Multiplication
sayHello(); // hello

Loops *=

Multiplication Assignment

Division Assignment %
/ Division


for loop
Objects & it's methods %=

Remainder Assignment

Exponentiation Assignment

Exponentiation (Power)

Increment (increments by 1)

-- Decrement (decrements by 1)
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
The Object
console.log(`This is for loop.`);
let user = { Comparison Operators Bitwise Operators
fullname: “Thomas shelby”,
== Equal to & Bitwise AND
place: “birmingham”
while loop != Not equal to | Bitwise OR
} === Strict equal to ^ Bitwise XOR
while (i <= 3) {
!== Strict not equal to ~ Bitwise NOT
console.log(`This is while loop.`);
Access properties > Greater than << Left shift
i += 1; >= Greater than or equal to >> Sign-propagating right shift
} < Less than >>> Zero-fill right shift
// Thomas Shelby
<= Less than or equal to
do while loop
// birmingham
do {
console.log(`This is do while loop.`); Logical Operators
i++; && Logical AND
} console.log(Object.entries(user)); || Logical OR

while (i < 5); // output ! Logical NOT

// [ ["fullname", "Thomas shelby"],
// ["place", "birmingham"]]

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