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Khiem Le

Question 1:

Form of Delta G Ideal Ideal Ideal Carnot

Water Temperature Formation (kJ Efficiency % Efficiency % Cycle
Product (Celsius) mol^-1) Max EMF (V) (HHV) (LHV) Efficiency %
Liquid 25 -237.2 0.61 82.99 98.09 20.10
Liquid 80 -228.2 0.59 79.84 94.36 5.36
Gas 80 -226.1 0.59 79.10 93.50 5.36
Gas 100 -225.2 0.58 78.79 93.12 0
Gas 200 -220.4 0.57 77.11 91.14 21.13
Gas 400 -210.3 0.54 73.58 86.96 44.57
Gas 600 -199.6 0.52 69.83 82.54 57.26
Gas 800 -188.6 0.49 65.98 77.99 65.23
Gas 1000 -177.4 0.46 62.06 73.36 70.69
For T over 100 Celsius, the Carnot exhaust temperature becomes Tc, and the Table 2.1
temperature becomes Th. This information is applied to the example calculation where only 1
scenario is calculated for below 100 celsius.
Khiem Le
Khiem Le

The temperature at which the Carnot and HHV efficiency intersect is 800 Celsius. The LHV and
Carnot do not intersect. The corresponding efficiency % value is at approximately 65%.

Note*. The Carnot IC efficiency (practical) is calculated by multiplying the ideal Carnot % value
by 0.5. The Practical efficiency % (HHV) is calculated by applying an 0.8 multiplier to the ideal %
HHV efficiency.
Khiem Le

Looking at the more practical analysis. The plot for the practical efficiencies no longer intersect
with one another. It is also important to note that the practical efficiency (in real life) would
always be lower than what the ideally calculated efficiency would be. The coefficient of decrease
would also be a factor of a variety of environmental conditions.
Khiem Le

Question 2:
Khiem Le

Question 3:

In order to make and engineer the corresponding parts and systems, then there are lots of
factors to consider.

In Figure 1.11 and Figure 1.14, the major components for the major parts listed above
Membrane, Clamping mechanisms, fluid connections, parts manifolds, humidifier, layers of
catalysts parts, gas diffusion layer, gasket, corresponding frames, catalyst support, catalyst
layer, cooling plates arrangement parts and support, bus plates and terminals, and end plates.
Khiem Le

For a gasoline engine, the major components for the major parts are potential:
Combustion chamber, crank case, oil pan, flywheel, gear drive, intercoolers, aftercoolers, rocker
arms, push rods, oil filter, catalytic converts, wrist pin, piston rings, connecting rods, muffler,
timing chain tensioner, oil galleries, needle valve, float, chain drive, etc…

Since these are not even all of the parts of a gasoline engine since there could be much more
parts that are involved in building a full or more powerful gasoline engine. As such, I could now
understand why it is difficult for these motor companies to embrace new engines and invention
since this could cost them millions or even billion of dollars and end up failing because a simple
new part failed to work properly.

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