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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

In this speech, I will tell you the topic of calling friends. Have you ever
heard your friends call people by bad names? such as animal names, body
shaming, and others. In Islam, Allah SWT forbids us to call people with bad
names, even the Prophet Muhammad SAW called it a big sin. Allah SWT says in
Surah Al Hujurat number 11: Auzubillahiminassyaitonirrojim,
bismillahirrohmanirrohim, bi'sa ismul fusuku ba'dal imani wamallam yatub
faulika humuzzolimun, which means that the worst call is the bad call after
faith, and those who do not repent, they are despotic person. Why is it
forbidden to call bad people, because there are 2 reasons, firstly it's a lie, if we
call people by animal names even though they are humans, then it's a lie. The
second reason is because it will hurt the person who was summoned, of course
the person who was called like that would be offended when he heard it. In
addition, we may damage our relationship with that person. Every word we say
is a prayer, so when we say a bad word it will come back to us. For example,
when we call people stupid, it could be that stupidity comes back to us. We
may think that calling a friend badly is just a joke, but have you ever known
how your friend feels after being called by you? he may be smiling but in his
heart he is hurt because of you. We all know the name Everyone wants to be
respected, so if you want respect, respect other people first, especially your
friends, like calling them nice, not hurting them, and helping them when they
need help. Let's start from now, let's get used to calling people by good names.
Maybe that's all I can say, thank you for your attention, sorry for the mistake.

Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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