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name : Lidya Angelika Situmorang

class : XI science one

Before I convey my speech, I want introduce my self. My name is Lidya Angelika Situmorang you can
call me Lidya. Im from class eleven science one.

Senior, miss and mam, and my friends. First we say thank to God who has given chance so that we can
stand in here. Now I will convey my speech about "bullying".

This speech about bullying. I'm so fed up of see people being bullying. My friends have been bullying.
Now, most of you have are probably like, who care about bullying. Everyone, maybe in here has been
bully. It's not the best feeling, right? It's makes one feel insecure, humiliated and very uncomfortable.
It has the power to destroy life, mentaly and physically.

There are the type of bullying:

1) Physical bullying
>> is being hit, kick, pinch or tripped

2) Verbal bullying
>> is being called names, tease, putdowns and insult

3) Phsychological bullying

>> is being threaten, stalked or manipulated

4) Social bullying

>> is being ignored, having spread rumours about you, or telling lie about you

5) Sexual bullying

>> is being unwanted touching or bushing against someone, picking on someone because of their

6) Cyber bullying

>> is insulting someone in chat rooms, sending cruel or threatening emails, textmassages, or spread
rumours using mobile phone.
You know something, may you call me loser but that doesn't make you at all smart. People don't
realize these things. Also, I'm sorry I love singing, I'm sorry I have close friends. But God made us who
we are today. He made us kind.

I'm not try to be mean, but every bully or bad talk those people jerks, and I mean jerks! That's all I
have to say about bullying. Bullying need to be extinct. That's all

have to say thanks. God Bless us.

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