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Name : Ni Made Indah Grace A.

Number : 35

Class : X SCIENCE 2

1. Yes, I think so. It’s definetly right for the argument about bullying is a serious issues in my
school, actually not only my school but every school. We all know that bullying causes long-term
harmful effects for victims, starting from their physical and especially psychological. There is no
benefit to be gained from bullying and it only leaves trauma.

2. For sure it is. To be honest I often see news stories about bullying and I'm sure everyone else
does too. This bullying thingy makes me to think lengthy before saying or doing something,
because if I’m rash, some people may feel hurt and I don’t want to hurt somebody’s heart, not
even a little bit.

3. Absolutely yes. Even those who are matured sometimes still do bullying, what if not at all?
However, we must always speak out about bullying.

4. We live in a state of law where the state upholds the rule of law to uphold truth and justice.
Victims deserves justice, bullies also deserves to be punished for what they have done and of
course we don't want criminals roaming freely out there.

5. My own perspective on bullying is always same. The strong oppress the weak, those with high
social status oppress the lower classes, the affluent oppress the poor. It’s only because they are
more capable that they act as if the world is beneath their feet and because the weak don’t dare to
do anything then they become more visible in doing things. The world doesn't just revolve around
one or two people, so don't be too selfish.

6. According to my way of thinking, cyber bullying or physical bullying just as bad. Bullying will
still be bullying, there is nothing better between cyber bullying or physical bullying, both can hurt
someone. Example, cyber bullying hurts victims by typing it on social media but there is no
physical violence. If it's physical bullying, bullies will hurt victims with words or with physical
violence. Cyber bullying physical bullying are equally traumatizing and of course attack the
victim's mentality.

7. First, I want to be a positive role model. Because if I can’t show them a positive thing in my daily
life then all of my positive words will be useless. Second, the importance of communication
between each other so that there is no misunderstanding, talk about anything with a mature
attitude instead of instilling a grudge. Last but not least, that is about our point of view, as much
as possible we have to view all people as the same. Everyone has their own portion, everyone is
given their own intelligence, talent, and greatness. We must be aware of all these things so as not
to trigger envy to others. This is all from my standpoint, I believe that other young people have
different point of view that is more extraordinary.

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