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1. What was your task and how did you contribute to the group work
Ans. Kushal response: AS a group leader I use to keep record of the work and if needed i use
to collect information about topic and sent it to editor for the file purpose.
Arfat response: As an editor I Made document and sent it to e- editor.
Adarsh Response: As an E-editor I check the shortcoming and modified the file and upload it
on weebly.
Om response: As an interviewer i took the interview and help other group members for their
Yadnesh Response:As an photographer i work with e- editor about attractive photos and
helped him in making the website beautiful.
2. What was your most memorable learning experience? Which competencies did you develop
Ans. Kushal response: According to me the best learning experience which got is team work.
Adarsh response: According to me the best learning experience is to know about other
country and their culture.
Arfat Response: According to me the best learning experience is that to be interactive.
Om Response: According to me the best learning experience is to know the tradition of
other country.
Yadnesh Response:According to me the best learning experience is to know about the
beauty of other country.
3. What went well? What would you have done differently? Think about: methods, group
work, technical aspects, collaboration with the partner school.
Ans . All Response: According to use the other school students were not prepared and due
to internet issue they were not communicable to us .

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