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Moderator Script

Assalamualaikum and good morning fellow panels and audiences. Welcome to the
Group …… for forum today, where the topic “are technology making people smarter or
dumber?” will be discussed. First of all, let me introduce myself my name is
…………………………….., and I will be serving as your moderator today. Technology has
greatly impacted our daily lives, from the way we communicate to the way we access
information. It has made many tasks easier and more efficient. However, a debate exists on
whether technology is making people smarter or dumber. Are technology make people
smarter or dumber? Before we get started, I would like to introduce each one of the
panels which are Panel 1 Muhammad Miqdad Bin Nor Ezman, Panel 2 Muhammad Fateh
Bin Fakhruddin, Panel 3 Hilmy Bin Mohd Nasir and panel 4 Kamal Aizat Bin Kamal Hisham.
Alright so for not wasting our time, let us hear from the first panel, Miqdad.


Thank you for that informative speech about the potential positive effects of technology in
improving information and studies. Now we move on to our second panel Fateh, looks like you have
a different opinion.


Thank you Fateh for your opinion that Technology cause people to be complacent. Okay our third
panel Hilmy, are you agree with Fateh’s opinion?


Alright, thank you Hilmy. So, are technology really make people dumber with decrease their
productivity? What do you think about this, Kamal?


Thank you for that enlightening speech on potential solutions to mitigate the negative effects of
technology on cognitive development. We have heard from our panelists about the potential
positive and negative effects of technology on cognitive development, as well as potential solutions
to mitigate the negative effects. As we come to the end of our discussion, I would like to ask our
panelists to share their overall conclusion on the topic.

Thank you for sharing your conclusions. It is clear that technology has both positive and negative
effects on cognitive development and it's important to strike a balance, be aware of the potential
negative effects and take steps to mitigate them. We would like to remind the audience that this is a
complex topic and it's important to continue to have open discussions and explore the issue in
depth. Thank you again for joining us today, and we hope you have a great day.

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