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Moderator: Assalamualaikum and a very good morning I wish to all of you.

Welcome to our
forum for this week. As well we know, "Artificial Intelligence (AI)" is a current big issue,
which enable you to think about the topics that we had highlighted and we are trying to
discuss the issues together by sharing beneficial and interesting idea and though, which will
be delivered by our guests. Today, we would like to highlight a topic that is quite interesting
to be discussed on "How does Artificial Intelligence affect tertiary education students?". I am
sure that every one of us has our own opinion and though with this topic. Before we
proceed to our forum. I would like to introduce our panelists today. Our first panelist today is
Nur Najiha Al-Insyirah binti Khairuddin from A1. How are you, Jiha?

Jiha: I’m good, and glad to be here this morning.

Moderator: Next to her is our specially Panel 2, Nik Aiman Syazwan bin Nik Azman, and also,
we have Muhammad Hatim bin Hayat. Before we start our forum in details, let me explain
about our topic today. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of machines to perform
tasks that are typically associated with human intelligence, such as learning and
problem-solving. The aim of creating AI is to create technology that is able to imitate
human cognitive activities, such as learning, reasoning, decision making and self-
correction. As a result, devices that implement AI can do at least one of the following
four things, which is Acting Humanly, Thinking Humanly, Thinking Rationally and
Acting Rationally. There is some disagreement on AI so much so that some say there
are more disadvantages than advantages to education system. Without wasting
time, let's hear the opinion from the first invited Panel 1.

Jiha: *give her opinion

Moderator: Thank you, Jiha. From Jiha’s explanation, she starts our discussion today
by giving an example of an AI application and elaborate on it a bit. Interesting
explanation! Okay, let’s move to Nik Aiman Syazwan, what is your opinion.
Nik: *give his opinion

Moderator: Thank you, Nik Aiman Syazwan, that was a great point to be said. What
can you say, Muhammad Hatim with our topic today, is it good or bad?

Hatim: *give his opinion

Moderator: Thank you, Hatim for your opinion. Finally, we have come to the end of
our forum where we have shared a lot of knowledge which we don’t even know or
thought before. Well, from what all our panellist shared just now, AI have a good and
also bad effects on the students itself. So, it is everyone right to choose on how to
deal with it. Before we end our forum today. I would like to thanks to all of the
panellists and audiences for joining us. See you guys next time! Thank you and

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