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Title : Prambanan Temple

Genre text : Explanation
Rescue of wild animals in the current scenario requires co-ordination and co-
operation between people from different backgrounds and different agencies. Different
approaches and management techniques are required for different species of animals. It is one of
the most challenging and difficult tasks to rescue an wild animal and it is equally tough to
rehabilitate the rescued animals. Restraining wild animals is also a difficult job, both physical
and chemical restraining methods are used.
Opening: Showing slides content of opening with the identity of participant
Tell what picture
you show in this
Introduction Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.
In this section I will Hello, good morning. My name is Nurfitri Yana Romadhoni from class 12
show the video science 2 my number is twenty three.
about prambanan
What picture you Let's move together to preserve kawung batik
show in this part?
Indonesia is one of the countries that has abundant natural wealth, one
of which is animal uniformity. This animal diversity makes Indonesia a
beautiful country. Coupled with unique rare animals, one of which is the
Komodo dragon. This reptile animal native to Indonesia is so unique that
it has become one of Indonesia's icons. This uniqueness makes it one of
the seventh wonders of the world.
The abundance of animal diversity will also be wiped out if no
one preserves it. The lack of public concern for the animal wealth
around it makes some fauna rare, for example komodo dragons.
Although Komodo dragons can breed on their own, they still need
human help to maintain their population. The lack of maximum
preservation measures against komodo dragons makes komodo dragons
a rare animal. Coupled with the destruction of komodo dragon habitat, it
makes it difficult for Komodo dragons to breed.
What picture you Is it true that Komodo dragons are endangered?
show in this part?
Komodo dragons are animals that are vulnerable to extinction. Komodo
dragons are susceptible to infections and diseases caused by parasites,
and are not easy to breed. About 4,000–5,000 Komodo dragons are
estimated to still live in the wild. Even so, there is concern about this
population because it is estimated that out of all of them, only 350
females are productive and can breed. Contrary to these concerns, in
1980 the Government of Indonesia established the Komodo National
Park to protect the Komodo dragon population and its ecosystem on
several islands including Komodo, Rinca, and Padar.
Later, the Wae Wuul and Wolo Tado Nature Reserves were also
established on Flores Island to help preserve komodo dragons. But on
the other hand, there is evidence to suggest that Komodo dragons, at
least in part, have become accustomed to the human presence. These
Komodo dragons are used to being fed carcasses of farm animals, as an
attraction to attract tourists at several visiting locations
Volcanic activity, earthquakes, damage to the animal environment, fires
(the komodo dragon population on Padar Island is almost extinct due to
natural fires), reduced prey, increased tourism, and poaching, all of
which are thought to affect the scarcity of Komodo dragons.
The extinction of komodo dragons in Indonesia is caused by poaching
activities against the main prey of komodo dragons such as deer, wild
boars, and so on. Seeing the phenomenon of the extinction of komodo
dragons, all parties are asked to pay serious attention to the existence of
komodo dragons so that they remain sustainable throughout the ages
Conclusion So, what are we going to do?

What picture you There are many ways to prevent the extinction of komodo dragons, such
show in this part? as by making reservations and preserving natural conditions, then
continuing to pay attention to komodo dragon food so that there is no
further shrinkage becauseas has been said at the beginning of our
komodo dragon condition, currently 50% is not enough to eat, because
the main source of food is also hunted by humans.
Then provide understanding to the surrounding community to participate
in maintaining and preserving komodo dragon habitat. It is good to
prevent it from the deeds of people who will carry out the hunting of
komodo dragons and the destruction of komodo dragon habitat.

The government can also support the prevention of the extinction

of komodo dragons by making regulations on prohibitions and sanctions
for komodo dragon hunters, trading komodo dragons and rewarding
those who have successfully preserved komodo dragons.
Closing : the By protecting the komodo dragon habitat, all animal and plant
picture of … will communities can be protected together because of the ecosystem that
be performed goes hand in hand. Parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and open spaces that
breed Komodo dragons must be protected Komodo dragon breeding can
also be done in open spaces, because at the same time it gives us good
places to visit and enjoy. let's move the same to Support komodo dragon
habitat or open space protection in captivity

The process of making video:

I put several pictures and videos which I took using my own camera and also from You tube. I
mixed both to make it interesting. I got good experience in designing like a You tube content.

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