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Marine Environmental Research 119 (2016) 156e160

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Isolation and characterization of agar-digesting Vibrio species from the

rotten thallus of Gracilariopsis heteroclada Zhang et Xia
Joval N. Martinez a, *, Philip Ian P. Padilla b
Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, University of St. La Salle, 6100 Bacolod City, Philippines
Division of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas, 5128 Miag-ao, Iloilo, Philippines

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Gracilariopsis heteroclada Zhang et Xia (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta) is one of the most studied marine
Received 4 December 2014 seaweeds due to its economic importance. This has been cultivated extensively on commercial scale in
Received in revised form the Philippines and other Asian countries. However, sustainable production of G. heteroclada in the
17 May 2016
Philippines could not be maximized due to the occurrence of rotten thallus disease. Thus, isolation and
Accepted 23 May 2016
Available online 27 May 2016
characterization of agar-digesting bacteria from the rotten thalli of G. heteroclada was conducted. A total
of seven representative bacterial isolates were randomly selected based on their ability to digest agar as
evidenced by the formation of depressions around the bacterial colonies on nutrient agar plates sup-
plemented with 1.5% NaCl and liquefaction of agar. Gram-staining and biochemical characterization
Gracilariopsis heteroclada revealed that isolates tested were gram-negative rods and taxonomically identified as Vibrio para-
Rotten thallus haemolyticus (86e99.5%) and Vibrio alginolyticus (94.2e97.7%), respectively. It is yet to be confirmed
Vibrio whether these agar-digesting vibrios are involved in the induction and development of rotten thallus
Agar-digesting bacteria disease in G. heteroclada in concomitance with other opportunistic bacterial pathogens coupled with
adverse environmental conditions.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the environment where they grow have depleted the wild stocks
thereby lowering the number of strains of some marine
Seaweeds provide a large amount of oxygen in the marine macroalgae.
environment that sustains the growth of many organisms in the The relationship between the seaweeds and the pathogen
sea. These are being used in biomonitoring and bioremediation affecting the seaweeds (Correa, 1996) has been given much atten-
because of their ability to absorb heavy metals from the water (Stirk tion these days due to the greater demand in the market especially
and Van Staden, 2000). They also have the high capacity to with- in the Philippines. Many etiological agents are being considered by
stand extreme conditions and other environmental stresses (Chan most experts in order to better understand the occurrence of dis-
et al., 2006) thus, they are widely used in farming. Seaweeds eases in seaweeds. The presence of bacteria, fungi, endophytes and
have been used as a source of food for both human and animals. nematodes has shown to affect many seaweed species such as the
These are also used by many industries as raw materials to fronds of Chondrus crispus (Craigie and Correa, 1996), branches of
manufacture different products such as cosmetics, toothpaste and Kappaphycus alvarezii and Eucheuma denticulatum (Largo et al.,
other seaweed-containing products. 1995), Gracilaria spp. (Lavilla-Pitogo, 1992; Weinberger et al.,
With the rise of ecological and economic importance of sea- 1994; Musa and Wei, 2008) and some other seaweed species.
weeds, world-wide interest in harvesting seaweeds from the wild Gracilaria spp. (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta) is one of the most
has also been rapidly increasing. This has prompted many scien- studied taxon in Asian countries due to its economic importance.
tists, researchers and even farmers to develop farming methods to Better known as “gulaman” in the Philippines, this species is the
improve the quality of the products. However, the occurrences of source of natural products such as fatty acids, pigments, poly-
seaweed diseases (Largo, 2002) arising from the plant itself or from saccharides and protein. Raw gulaman is used for human con-
sumption and also used as fertilizer, animal feed and processed as
medicine. Agar yield and gel strength of Gracilariopsis heteroclada
* Corresponding author. Zhang et Xia were investigated to determine the seasonality of the
E-mail address: (J.N. Martinez).
0141-1136/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.N. Martinez, P.I.P. Padilla / Marine Environmental Research 119 (2016) 156e160 157

biomass of this species (Luhan, 1992; Hurtado-Ponce, 1995). How- 2.3. Bacterial isolation and characterization
ever, due to the effects of deteriorating agents to the quality of
seaweeds, a thorough investigation of bacteria present on seaweed 2.3.1. Bacterial isolation
thalli should be done. Bacteria showing agar-digesting characteristics (liquefaction of
In the present study, bacteria associated with ‘rotten thallus’ of agar) (Goresline, 1933) were considered in this study. Bacterial
G. heteroclada Zhang et Xia were investigated to isolate and char- growth was examined after 24 h incubation of plates containing
acterize bacteria from the ‘rotten thallus’. Specifically, the current bacteria from healthy and unhealthy seaweed thalli. Various col-
study aimed to: (1) isolate bacteria associated with rotten thallus of onies showing different morphological characteristics were classi-
G. heteroclada; (2) characterize and identify the isolates based on fied and marked for reculturing. Only bacterial isolates that liquefy
their morphological characteristics and biochemical activity. agar were selected and recultured in a new set of media (NAþ) to
obtain a pure culture. Representative colonies were randomly
picked and were subsequently streaked on new set of agar media
2. Materials and methods

2.1. Culture media preparation 2.3.2. Gram-staining

Pure culture of each isolate was subjected to Gram-staining.
Nutrient Agar (NAþ) with 1.5% NaCl was used to culture and Briefly, a loopful of bacteria from pure culture was smeared in a
isolate bacteria from thallus of G. heteroclada. These were prepared sterile glass slide containing a drop of sterile distilled water. The
by dissolving 23 g of nutrient agar powder in 1 L sterile distilled smear was covered with crystal violet, which served as the primary
water containing 15 g of NaCl. The media was then autoclaved at stain for 1 min, and Grams iodine was added as a mordant. This was
121 C at 15psi in 15 min. After autoclaving, the NA þ medium was then decolorized using 95% ethanol and was counterstained with
cooled to 50  C. About 25e35 ml of this medium was poured to safranin for about 2 min. This was briefly washed with distilled
each sterile petri plates and solidified prior to culture and isolation. water and blotted-dry for microscope examination. Gram-stained
Three (3) replicates of petri plates containing NA þ medium were isolates was viewed under the microscope (Olympus BX51) at
prepared to culture bacteria from both healthy and unhealthy 1000  magnification and photographed using Digital Camera
seaweed thalli separately. All procedures were performed (Samsung).

2.2. Preparation of seaweed materials and bacterial culture

Healthy and unhealthy G. heteroclada showing ‘rottening

thallus’ (Fig. 1) were taken from the seaweed tank cultures at the
Seaweed Wet Lab, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center-
Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC-AQD). These seaweed mate-
rials were freshly collected from Carles, Iloilo. These were placed in
a sterile plastic bag and immediately brought in Algal Production
Laboratory of SEAFDEC-AQD for processing. About 1 cm of wet algal
materials from both healthy and rottening thalli were separately
cut using a sterile scalpel and directly rubbed on prepared
NA þ plates for growth and isolation of bacteria. Cultures were
incubated at ambient temperature (28  C) for 24 h.

Fig. 1. Samples of Gracilariopsis heteroclada with rotten thalli (red arrow).(For inter- Fig. 2. Bacterial isolates coming from rotten G. heteroclada thalli grown on NAþ plates.
pretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the (A) whitish small irregular colonies of isolate 01 (V. parahaemolyticus) and; (B) whitish
web version of this article.) circular colonies of Isolate 02 (V. alginolyticus).
158 J.N. Martinez, P.I.P. Padilla / Marine Environmental Research 119 (2016) 156e160

2.3.3. Biochemical characterization through extracellular enzymes. These were the basis of character-
API 20E kit (BioMerieux) was used for the characterization of ization of the isolates in this study.
bacteria based on biochemical activity and identified using the
programmed software for identification. Pure culture (24-h culture)
of bacterial isolates was prepared for biochemical tests mentioned 3.2. Characterization of isolates
above. Each of the isolate was inoculated in 5 ml of sterile saline
water separately and transferred in the cupule following pro- Morphological characterization of the isolated bacteria was
cedures in the kit. Color change was observed after 24-h of incu- done based on colony and pigmentation on NA þ agar (Fig. 2).
bation at ambient temperature (28  C). A reading table for positive Majority of the bacterial cultures developed a whitish pigmentation
and negative results of the different tests was referred to the kit. on NA þ agar. One group of isolates (01, 04, 05, 07) were observed as
whitish irregular colonies with filamentous margin while another
group (02, 03, 06) exhibited small whitish circular colonies with
3. Results and discussion smooth margin. Most of the agar-digesting bacteria isolated from
other diseased seaweeds such as Kappaphycus alvarezii and
3.1. Isolation of bacteria Eucheuma denticulatum (Largo et al., 1995) and Gracilaria spp.
(Lavilla-Pitogo, 1992) exhibited the same colonial characteristics
Isolation of bacteria from G. heteroclada thalli was initially car- with the present study. Interestingly, most of the isolates liquefied
ried out based on the work of researchers working on seaweed the agar medium. The same results support the previous findings of
diseases such as ice-ice (Largo et al., 1995) and rotten thalli (Lavilla- Lundestad (Goresline, 1933) where organisms isolated from
Pitogo, 1992). Characteristic of bacteria found to be common to seawater had the capacity to dissolve seaweed agar and liquefied
these diseases was the formation of depression around bacterial fish-agar slants. Agar polymer chains could have been cleaved by
colonies or liquefaction on agar medium. In the present study, enzymes and digested by organisms. With shorter polysaccharide
bacterial colonies from unhealthy (rotten) and healthy thalli of chains and digested agar molecules, the agar matrix could have
G. heteroclada were isolated separately. Bacterial samples revealed been loosely packed and altered. Thus, water might have been
various morphological and colonial characteristics. A total of 28 “released” from the matrix as observed in the agar plates.
colonies (15 from whitening thalli and 13 from unaffected thalli) Results of the Gram-staining showed that all isolates were
were selected and isolated as pure culture. Two (2) groups of iso- gram-negative (Fig. 3). These were morphologically small curved
lates liquefy the agar (Fig. 2) and were considered the most rods of approximately 0.5e1.0 mm in size. Although there are
dominant among the bacterial cultures taken from the seaweed relative abundance of these gram-positive bacteria (Jensen and
material. These were identified as agar-digesting bacteria. These Fenical, 1995) that can be found from many tropical marine algae,
bacteria have long been studied and described by Gran (1902) (in the present findings were consistent with the result of other studies
Goresline, 1933) as group of bacteria that can liquefy seaweed agar (Lavilla-Pitogo, 1992; Largo et al., 1995; Musa and Wei, 2008) that

Fig. 3. Representative gram-negative bacteria (1000) isolated from whitening (A,C) and healthy (B,D) G. heteroclada thalli. (A) Isolate 01 identified as V. parahaemolyticus (B) Isolate
07 identified as V. parahaemolyticus (C) Isolate 02 identified as V. alginolyticus, (D) Isolate 06 identified as V. alginolyticus.
J.N. Martinez, P.I.P. Padilla / Marine Environmental Research 119 (2016) 156e160 159

Table 1
Biochemical characteristics of seven isolates from G. heteroclada thalli.

Characteristics Isolates code Ma Wb

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 VP VA VP VA

Cell morphology Rod Rod Rod Rod Rod Rod Rod Rod Rod Rod Rod
Gram reaction e e e e e e e e e e e
b-galactosidase e e e e e e e nd nd v e
Arginine dihydrolase e e þ e e e e e e e e
Lysine decarboxylase þ þ e þ þ þ þ þ þ v v
Ornithine decarboxylase þ þ e þ þ e þ þ þ þ v
Citrate utilization þ þ e þ þ e þ þ þ þ þ
H2S production e e e e e e e e e e e
Urease e e e e e e e e e v e
Tryptophane DeAminase þ þ e þ þ e þ nd nd nd nd
Indole production e e e e e e e þ þ þ þ
Acetoin production e e e e e e e e þ v þ
Gelatinase þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ
Glucose þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ
Mannitol þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ
Inositol e e e e e e e nd nd e e
Sorbitol e e e e e e e nd nd e e
Rhamnose e e e e e e e nd nd nd nd
Saccharose e þ þ e e þ e e e nd nd
Melibiose e e e e e e e nd nd v e
Amygdalin e e e e e e e nd nd v e
Arabinose þ e e e þ e þ þ þ v e
Oxidase þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ

Identification by API20E VP VA VA VP VP VA VP
Percent identification 95.5 94.2 96.6 86 99.5 97.7 99.5
Source of isolates W W H H H H H

VA- Vibrio alginolyticus; W- whitening thalli; VP- Vibrio parahaemolyticus; H - Healthy thalli; nd- no data; v- variable.
Molitoris et al. (1985).
West et al. (1986).

have isolated and identified most gram-negative bacteria from red temperature as it changes with season.
algae. These are group of bacteria that possessed thin cell wall These characteristics of V. parahaemolyticus and V. alginolyticus
containing peptidoglycan layer and a periplasmic space that houses isolated and identified through biochemical characterization
a variety of hydrolytic enzymes for metabolism (Holt et al., 2000). consistently conform to the characteristics of vibrio isolated from
Biochemical characterization using API20E kit (Biomerieux) the study of Molitoris et al. (1985) and West et al. (1986) (Table 1).
identified 2 dominant species of vibrio from both rotten and
healthy thalli: Vibrio alginolyticus (94.2e97.7%) and Vibrio para- 4. Conclusions
haemolyticus (99.5%). Twenty biochemical tests using this kit are
shown in Table 1. The two identified bacteria were consistently From the foregoing, isolation and characterization of bacteria
positive in eight biochemical tests: lysine decarboxylase, ornithine from rotten thallus of G. heteroclada has been demonstrated based
decarboxylase, citrate utilization, tryptophan deaminase, gelati- on morphological and biochemical characteristics. Vibrios isolated
nase, glucose, mannitol and oxidase test. Other tests, which showed from rotten thallus of Gracilaria were considered agar digesters
positive result, were saccharose test for V. alginolyticus and arabi- since it formed depression around the colonies and liquefied the
nose test for V. parahaemolyticus. All isolates from unhealthy thalli nutrient agar. Infection bioassay should be done to ascertain the
consistently showed positive result for gelatinase test. This role of the bacteria in the physical and cellular appearance of the
biochemical characteristic of the isolates in the present investiga- thalli in terms of necrosis or rottening.
tion suggests an enzymatic activity that can be observed in the
liquefaction of the agar plates. Similar types of agar-digesting lu- Acknowledgments
minous bacteria were isolated by Fukasawa et al. (1987) in which
isolate FLB-17 produces gelatinase, an exoenzyme that hydrolyses This study was supported by the University of the Philippines
gelatin. Visayas Research and Extension Office and University of St. La Salle
Vibrios have been isolated from different species of seaweeds Bacolod, Philippines under the faculty development program. We
(Vugia et al., 1997; Lakshmanaperumalsamy and Purushothaman, are grateful to Ms. Ma. Rovilla J. Luhan, Hananiah Sollesta and
1982). These are associated with most red algae such as Gracilaria Dianne Aster Yungque of SEAFDEC-AQD for the supervision during
species (Lavilla-Pitogo, 1992; Musa and Wei, 2008; Wang et al., the lab work. Thank you to Dr. Rolando Pakingking and Dr. Resur-
2009) and Kappaphycus and Eucheuma (Largo et al., 1995). It is reccion Sadaba for helpful comments on this paper.
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