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Technology and Culture Influence Each Other : A Critique Paper

The article "Technology and Culture Influence Each Other" by Charley Gilkey discusses
how technology influences or creates culture and its role in social change. According to the
author, just as technology is derived from the fabric of our culture, technology also produces the
fabric of our culture. The industrial society was established by the technology that propelled the
industrial revolution. Technology has a significant impact on social change. As technology and
culture evolve and adapt, they influence one another.

There has always been a connection between technology and culture. The article focuses
solely on how technology affects culture. It is undeniable that technology has a significant
impact on culture, but culture equally has an effect on technology. Human culture has influenced
technology in the same way that technology has influenced culture. It is a complicated
relationship with a symbolic circle of influence. In the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, technology
and culture have considerably impacted one another. As cultures evolve, so does the technology
that they produce.

Technology is having an increasingly direct and essential impact on social change in

contemporary society. Technology has unquestionably had a significant effect on how society has
changed. The cultural shifts that technologists and historians refer to result from the many
hundreds of subtle ways technology impacts our daily behavior, both individually and
collectively. Technology has changed how people think and work. Technological innovation has
played a fundamental role in social evolution throughout history. Technology has opened up new
avenues for affecting social change and improving people's lives. If technology did not exist, the
only way for humanity to subsist would have been through hunting and collecting.

Technology has been a driving force behind social development over the long period of
human history. Technology and social revolutions go hand in hand. The two points of technology
and culture have a significant mutual impact. When a society adopts new technology, it either
responds positively or negatively, changing the culture for good. Consequently, as cultures
change, so does the technology they develop.

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