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CCAO 001

CCAO 001
Classification: Admonitory IV

Containment Procedures:
Site 27 has been built around the eastern side of CCAO 001 to contain and study CCAO 001. An electrical fence
has been placed around CCAO 001 to prevent anyone unauthorised to visit Site 27 or enter CCAO 001. Anyone
who managed to cross the fence will be terminated on sight. If anything unusual was to happen, Procedure XII
is to be executed and an evacuation of CCAO 001 will be necessary. Refer to Operation 001-Alpha Annex I for

CCAO 001 is a pyramid located 100km away from Heracleopolis. It is estimated that it was constructed around
600 BCE and it is made out of limestone. Its dimensions were 150.7m tall and 220m wide. It was said to be built
for one of the rulers of Lower Egypt ~3000BC. It is estimated to be the oldest pyramid in the world. Unlike
most other pyramids though, CCAO 001 does’nt quite age as time goes on. The interior of the pyramid has only
been explored once in OP-001-A (Operation 001-Alpha) in which 5 armed and trusted personnel were sent into
the pyramid to explore it. None of the came back. The operation’s log can be found below:


Operation’s Motive:
Explore the interiors of the pyramid and bring out artifacts or any trace of writing. Information and others will
be captured on the guard’s personnal head-camera and each one of them holds a voice recorder.

On the 14th of September 2020, the five guards all from the 27-Alpha division was chosen and ordered by the
Site’s head to enter the pyramid. Approval from the Council of the Kings came on the 16th of September. The
guards entered the pyramid at 14:00 local time. When they first entered. One of them felt a strange feeling as if
he was being looked at. They were ordered to on their headlamps due to the complete darkness in the pyramid.
After the enterence there was a hallway that led to a staircase upwards and downwards. The hallway itself was
in pristine condition and its walls were enscribed in hierographical language but it was unlike the traditional
writing and it could not be understood by the best Egyptologists. The eerie feeling of being watched also spread
to the other guards who were armed and were told by the foundation that if anything attacked them they were
ordered to shoot at it. The hallway was also lined with ceramic pots which had the same weird hierographics on
them. The hallway was lined with a carpet that was made out of woolthat stretched from the entrance to the end
of the hallway. They were ordered to ascend the stairway. Once one of them set foot on the stairs though, there
was a loud thud. Startled the men turned around and what light that had been emitted by the entrance was gone.
The entrance had managed to seal itself. One of them was ordered to collect a sample of the interior of the
pyramid by the foundation for further testing of its origins. The guard took out his chisel and when he pressed it
against the wall with force, the wall didn’t even crack. He suddenly fell down to the ground and started to gasp
for air. He described it that there was a hand that was strangling him and it was squeezing him harder and
harder. A second agent felt around his neck but there was nothing grabbing onto him. His neck started to
dampen inwards and there was cracking noises as the guard on the ground started to choke blood and groan in
pain there was a plop and his head was clean off his body. His windpipe and oesophagus was clearly visible but
there was no blood spwing out from anywhere except for when he vomittedd blood just now. The foundation
was shocked. The pyramid was called by many working in the site cursed by the spirits. The other four
remaining men were afraid to go on but they had no choice as the entrance was sealed. Weirdly though the
foundation had expected the signal to disconnect when they got deeper into the pyramid but despite that, the
signal had only increased. Now the foundation were at first happy about this but they soob found it suspicious.
After 2 minutes into the stair case there were eyes scribbled all over the walls and there was another skeleton
that was layed on the stairs and had a tablet beside him. It was the only object to contain decipherable
hierographic text which wrote:

“For the 1st ruler of Southern Egypt your eye brings the power to the gods for you have been selected by the
gods themselves and for whom they will bring. Your vision is all I need for my future will is held in your hands.
I am only a peasant from Mhw (Memphis) and I only wish that your blessing will bring peace to this”

The rest of the tablet had been destroyed and this discovery was essential to the foundation. It had established
that this Pyramid had been built for the 1st ever pharaoh of Southern Egypt but it was still unknown at that time
because the 1st ever pharoah of Southern Egypt had been either belived to be mythological or unknown. When
they reached the top of the stairs, they found that they were at the King’s Chamber and that this pyramid didn’t
have a Queens chamber. They found precious Jewels and a sarcophagus lined with gold and silver in the middle
with the sign that had the weird hierographical language and one that was readable saying The First Pharoah of
Southern Egypt and an Eye symbol. It was at this moment the foundation realised that they were indeed being
watched and whatever was happing, something or someone wanted them to watch CCAO 001. The walls of the
rooms were dmpty which was suspicious to the foundation as most of the interior walls had been scribbled on.
When the men were about to leave the King’s Chamber though, their head lamps had gone off and complete
darkness ensued them. When they turned back on their headlamps, eyes were all over the room. On the
sarcophagus and everything in the room was lined with eyes. Freaked out, the remaing four guards scrambled to
find the staircase down stairs but it had vanished and a new one upstairs had appeared. In panic, they ran up the
stairs and the ground started to shake. Even the foundation site members watching were feeling the earth shake.
The alarms were suddenly sounded off. The video connection disconnected and the microphone buzzed, From
the observation tower of Site 27, the people there saw it first. The top of the pyramid was rising up from the rest
of the pyramid. The whole site was evacuated as people dashed out. Frantic soldiers from the Site 27 divisions
fired at the pyramid. After 10 minutes of intense shaking and screaming the ground stopped shaking. Foundation
on sight members stopped for a moment. It was then when eyes appeared on the floating top of the pyramid.
And then a purple beam of light emmitted from one of the eyes towards Site 27 incinerating the Eastern Wing of
Site 27. The top of the pyramid started to spin and descend and 10 minutes later it rests back ont the other part
of the pyramid on the ground. The total death toll was 275 + 5 (The 5 guards who were never found and
presumed dead) and the operation ended in a catastrophic disaster. The Eastern Wing was rebuilt and is to be
completed on 18th May 2022. The disaster was nicknamed by foundation personal as the Illuminatii Catastrophe

Annex I – Procedure XII

If any such events like above happen, the foundation is to immediately evacuate everyone on site. The people in
the observation tower should sound the immediately if theres any shaking of the ground or movement from
CCAO 001. Evacuation should happen swiftly and smoothly witin 5 minutes.

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