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CCAO 002

CCAO 002
Classification: (Dimensional) Calamitous V

Containment Procedures:
Site 64 is built surrounding CCAO 002 to reasearch and study it. A lasered powered wire stretches around
CCAO 002 and surrounding Site 64 is sniper towers armed with railguns that were provided by main Site 1
around 50km away. Anyone who tresspasses within 20km of Site 64 is to be terminated. Any instance of human
that appears out of CCAO 002 is also to be captured and brought into questioning. If it seeks murderous intent,
it should be terminated on sight. An Airbase has been built nearby to contain it as well due to its past history.

CCAO 002 also known as the Gateway to the Dimensional Conquest is a portal like stucture that connects our
dimension which is catalouged as 0000001 to two other closely mirror dimensions 7836214 and 7021232. The
structure is a stone arch shaped into a portal with plants wrapped around it. There are two ruined pillars around
it and is made out of an unknown material. The portal is currently located ataround 150km northeast of
Vancouver. The airbase is located at the east cost of the Lower Taseko Lake only 10km away from Site 64. In
the year 1926, Operation CUEO-002-7836214, five D-Classed prisoners, codenamed for the operation D1, D2,
D3 and D4 were sent through the portal to CUEO 002 which is now catalouged as CCAO 728, is a keypad in
which dimensions were given each a 7-numbered name which the keypad used. If a seven lettered code was
entered into the CCAO 728, it would teleport the user to the dimension. If the dimension with that code didn’t
exist or hasn’t been made yet, it would teleport the use into a white void full of black circles with each circle
representing a different dimension and the user will fall endlessly until he hits a circle in which they will be
teleported to the dimension the circle is tied to. That operation was suppose to head to dimension 7836214
which was using Dimensional Predictivity was predicted to be a mirror dimension.

Operation Log CUEO-002-7836214(OP-728-7836214)

Operation Goals:
To discover Dimension 7836214 and if it is a mirror dimension it will be added to the DCMC (Dimensional
Catalouge of Mirror Dimensions) and to make allies with them to prevent interdimensional warfare. The D
Classed members (which were allowed during the times of CUEO) were armed with pistols in case of any
aggression. The teamn was to meet at the dimension’s main capital (if any) and to sue for peace. In the event the
7836214 has its own regional language, the best translators from the foundation will be brought to the
Operational Site 1 – East Op Wing.

Operation Description:

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