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Galileo galilei
- Halian scientist galileo galilei made major contribution math,physics,and
astronomy during the scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th century
- galileo invented an improved telescope that let him observe and describe the
moons of Jupiter the rings of Saturn the phases of venus,sunspots and the rugged
lunar surface.
2.Rene Descartes
-Rene descartes made the revotionary discovery that he could solve problem in
geometry by converting them into problems in algebra.
-Rene descartes invented analytical acometry and introduce skepticism as an
essential part of the scientific method.
3.Francis Bacon
-discovered and popularized the scientific method,where by the laws of science are
discovered by gathering and analyzing data from experiment and observatio,rather
than by using logic arguments.
-Francis Bacon invented gun powder,the magnetic compass and printing.
4.Charles Darwin
-Darwin greatest contribution to science is that he completed the copernican
revolution bu drawing outfor biology the motion of nature as a system of matter in
motion governed by natural laws
-Charles darwin theory of revolution through natural selection brought about one of
the greatest intellectual and cultural revolution in the modern era
5.Sigmund Freud

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