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Activity No. 1

Present 1-page critique based on the following questions:

1. What is Public Administration?

2. What are your expectations on the subject, teacher and fellow students?


1. In light on my reading and observations, Public Administration is a field in which leaders serve
communities in order to advance the common good and effect positive change. Public
administration professionals are trained to manage at all levels of government (local, state, and
federal) as well as nonprofit organizations. Public administration is also a discipline concerned
with the organization, formulation, and implementation of public policies for the benefit of the
general public. It operates in a political setting to achieve the goals and objectives established by
political decision-makers.

2. My expectations on this subject are it focuses on human behavior, literature, education,

politics, liberal arts, and society. In terms of my teacher, I expect that my teacher should provide
complete information about the subject. I except that the subject should be simple to
understand and be learnt easily by students. And to my fellow students, since we are only few, I
expect my classmates to preserve a positive learning environment and put forth their best effort
at all times.

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