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The Aims and Objectives of the Administrators in the Management of the

Professional Educational Institutions in India

Enamul Hoque 1
Research Scholar, Faculty of Education, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University,
Indore, (M.P.), India, E-Mail ID:

Today there is no specific definition of education management. To understand the
organizational structure of a professional organization, it is need to an important to study
educational administration and educational management. Managing the activities of the
educational management is a complex structure, multidimensionality, relationships of various
connections and composition elements and therefore characterized by the relationship of the
educational institution by management is not just an experience that anyone can gain. It is the
field of scientific knowledge that should be acquired and the art of natural elements, special
talents and leader qualities required. Educational administration is the dynamic aspect of
education and the education system related to educational behavior should be directed
towards the fulfillment of the society's stated educational objectives.
Keywords: Education, Management, Educational Administration, Institutions etc.

The process of education has been going on since times immemorial. Changes in the society
have always desired a changed system of education. Thus, right type of education has been and
will ever be the cry of the whole humanity. Krivosheyenko L.P. (2004) supposes that
pedagogical management is a complex of principles, methods, organizational forms and
technological devices of educational process management, directed at its efficiency increase, that
has its own specificity and regularities characteristic only of it. This is possible only if
educational management is controlled by the right administrators. The institutions are first of all
set up and then through the efforts of the administration, are made to function keeping in view
the aims and objectives fixed up by the society. All efforts behind the establishment and
maintenance of educational institutions aim at the improvement of the behavior of the learners
who are the future citizens of a nation and thereby make the whole society a better place to live
in. Potashnik M.M. and Lazarev V.S. (1995) consider that school management is purpose-
oriented activity of all the subjects, providing the formation, stabilization, optimal functioning
and obligatory school development.

Administration and Organization

Many persons are involved in the process of organization. In fact, organization brings people
together in a common endeavor. Running or functioning of the educational institution is the job
of the Head or the administrator. This does not mean that only the Head and none else is
responsible for administration is the job of many minds and many hands-all joined together. The
Head of an organization is the leader who is to make all others follow him. The administrator
takes charge of an institution and in that capacity, he performs his duties to accomplish the fixed
goals. The institution is a society in its miniature from where the administrator acts as the leader.
The goals of the institution are formulated by the society. In administration, the administrator has
to create an organization, he has to maintain it and operate it according to the goals laid down for
it. Setting up of an institution is the first task of the administrator. For the survival of an
institution, we need human and non-human materials. The human material is administrator,
teachers, students, clerical stuff, menial staff, parents of the students, the controlling authorities
etc. The non-human materials are the building, furniture, library equipment and books,
laboratory equipment etc. The administrator acts as leader and through his efforts. The
organization determines the degree of success in administration. Organization may be poor to
begin with. It can be improved upon by the administrator through his administration.
Organization is a part of administration. Organization is the way to keep the foundation as
well as the administration. Without the assistance of administration, no organization is
possible. Once an organization comes into being, it may not be up to the mark. It then becomes
the basis and helps improve the administration to make it really a good one. Thus, the
organization leads to good governance and good governance makes the organization truly
worthy of good. A good company is the result of good governance.

Internal and External Characteristics of Educational Administration

Internal administration deals with class room working, books, methods, teaching materials etc.
Here the administrator is concerned with his staff, students and the material that he has and how
the methods of making the best use of them, to run the organization well. The focus of the
external administration is the outside world of the school i.e. the community, the higher
authorities, the public etc. The administrator has to see to both. In fact, the external
administration and internal administration are dependent upon and complementary to each other.
Each helps the other to make it all the better. The educational administrator should be good in
both. Some administrators keep things tip top. They have new ideas and maintains relations with
the outside world very well. But the internal working of the institution is not satisfactory. They
can hardly foresee and administrator need be good both from external and internal point of view.

Time and Place, both are Important Factors in Educational Administration

Educational administration depends upon time and place. Its need be according to the place
where is it go on. Naturally successful educational administration will differ from place to place.
With the lapse of time, society changes. In the fast-changing times, the old types of
administration will be out of place.

Educational Administration a Co-operative Undertaking

Educational administration in the modern times is more or less a cooperative undertaking. The
administrator should possess such qualities as can enable to win the confidence of all other
concerned. He should rather be act and behave in such a way that others are ready to co-
operative with him automatically. Co-operation, in fact, is the basis of all success for the
administrator of today. Educational administration is the process of unification of individual
endeavors and efforts to exploit the development of human qualities.

Educational Administration Aims at Producing Good Citizens

Educational administration should inculcate in the student’s social efficiency. It should help the
learners in their character development. All this depends upon the head and the staff-how they
plan, what they plan and then how they go on to achieve the desired ends. The mode of operation
of the educational institution, it is tradition and customs have their impact on the growing and
developing personalities of the students. Only good administration can produce goods citizens
with social efficiency.

Aims and Objective of Educational Administration

There are number of aims and objectives of administration. But its main objective is to realize
faithfully the goals. The institution is established to achieve those objectives. Education is not
timeless or placeless. The educational administration is directly linked with the times prevailing
in the society. It is also according to the phase for which it is meant. Thus, the aims and
objectives and educational administrational may vary from place to place and society to society.
Fundamentally speaking education is aimed at improving, developing and developing
individuals and through them the society as a whole. The following are the objectives and
aims of the institute administration:

(i) Prepare students to have some interest and to prepare for their skills

(ii) To bring community and education closer to each other.

(iii) To enable students to have the right kind of philosophy of life.

(iv) To help students develop and develop their personality.

(vi) To preserve all good practices and conventions of the past.

(vii) Providing a healthy environment for many types of research and experimentation.

(viii) To Make the best use of ICTs and educational benefits to help you achieve your
desired goals and reduce waste.

The educational institution should use and organize and manage the above-mentioned objectives.
In the present-day educational environment. We see that these goals are not being taken care of
so much. There is need of making strong efforts to achieve the desired ends.
Components of Educational Administration
Which elements constitute educational administration is a question which has been bought off
and answered differently by various persons. Studies in the field of education have given them as
published below:
(a) Decision making
(b) Planning
(c) Organizing
(d) Communicating
(e) Co-ordinating
(f) Evaluating
(g) Staffing
(h) Directing
(i) Reporting
(j) Budgeting
(k) Controlling

Planning is sine-qua-none of efficient administration. It is working out the broad ‘outlines from
beginning to the end. There is need of planning at the initial stages, in the middle and also at the
end. Here the person who prepares plan sees to the aims, means to achieve, the resources are
available, resources likely to’ be made available, different types of facilities are needed for it etc.
In administration, planning is not as independent activity. It is, in fact, a part of the whole
process of administration. Educational planning is a dynamic process. It is prospective as well as
retrospective. It is eagerly anticipated to see how things are shaping up and then the expected
plans are being implemented. Any draw-backs are got rid’ of and work done to achieve
objectives planning in the country is done at the following levels.
(a) Local levels
(b) Institution levels
(c) State levels
(d) Central levels
Should it start the central level or be carried out at the institution level? All powers of planning in
our country are generally with the higher authorities. For the effective and smooth functioning of
the educational institutions planning at institution level is needed. The same has now been
recommended by the New education policy.

Organization is setting up of things and providing proper environment for the educational
institution. It is very important aspect of administration. Without it there would be confusion and
chaos which may result in wastage of time energy and material.

(a) Educational institution is organized for the betterment of the society. ‘In fact, an educational
institution is a miniature form of society. The institution has formal atmosphere and pre-
planned type of environment. Its aim ‘is to benefit the society.
(b) Without the organization of educational institutions, the growth of society may remain
incomplete and unsystematic. It is the organization of an institution that sets things right. So,
there is really a great need of it.
(c) The organization ‘of the educational institutional not only, ‘preserves the old culture, it also
improves it.

The organization of educational institutions are for the society. The society is undergoing
changes from time to time. It is obvious, therefore, that only flexible type of administration
under’ the control of the head will be the most suitable one. On the other hand, if the different
elements become master and the head a slave to them, then there will be chaos and confusion.
’That would mean a rigid type of administration which once implemented would go on forever
irrespective of the needs and requirements of the times and the society good educational
administration is not timeless or placeless

Direction means providing guidelines to the educational institutions for their functioning. It
indicates when to start action and when to stop it. It also provides- right direction after rectifying
any wrong step if already taken. All direction comes from the head of the Institution. The head
should not be authoritative in doing so. Direction has unique significance in the process of
administration. In a broad sense, it includes in itself other activities i.e. planning, organizing,
coordinating, evaluation etc.

Co-ordination correlates the different activities going on in the institution. It brings a harmonious
relationship between the various activities of the institution. The school presents a very complex
type of situation. There are many people working and innumerable activities going on. There is
every possibility of confusion and chaos in the functioning of educational institution. There are
chances of duplicity and overlapping. Proper co-ordination keeps a check over any such type of
confusion in the educational institutions. In Shipilina L. (1999) research, devoted to managers
professional training, a model of education manager was designed, the constituent components of
which are the model of personality, the model of activity and the model of the object of
professional activity, i.e. educational system. At present, we find a lot of criticism on the
functioning of the educational institutions. There prevails dissatisfaction in the whole of
educational set up. The main reason behind all this is lack of proper co-ordination. Only the head
can save this situation. So, he should plan rightly and then exert accordingly.

Controlling as its nature indicates, concern overall supervision of the whole process of
administration. Control in needed over text books, time table, co-curricular activities, finance,
budget etc. It applies brakes to an activity to appraise and evaluate the results. We can’t say that
it is the last stage. It, in fact, ensures progress. It lays down the basis for future planning and
execution of that. Through planning, the outline of the process is prepared, aims are fixed up,
means are thought of, resources are checked up for their application. Direction puts organization
into action, co-ordination ensures better ongoing of various activities. But all this is covered
under controlling. Through controlling the actions goes on and is stopped if its need is felt.
Controlling sorts out right from the wrong. It also rectifies the wrongly-taken up steps.
The head of the institution is the controller ‘of organization. The better functioning of the school
depends upon sound and systematic controlling. Through controlling make a good relationship
between goals and materials on the one hand and methods on the other. The administrator has, to
exercise constant check on his own performance and his team to ensure that is corresponds to the
standards laid down.

The results of the study suggest that administrators have a positive attitude towards the
administration of educational institutions. Administrators continue to meet the goals of
educational institutions by adopting a variety of plans with experience. In this way, the
administrators, through their experience and innovative ideas, will continue to guide the
education system of the institutions in the coming days with new steps.

Potashnik M.M., Lazarev V.S. (1995) School development management. Moscow: New school.
p. 72

Shipilina L.A. (1999) Theoretic and technological foundations of education managers training in
pedagogical training. Barnaul. p. 295.

Krivosheyenko L.P. (2004) Pedagogy. Moscow:TK Velbi. p. 144.

About the Author

Enamul Hoque is a Research Scholar, Faculty of Education from Dr.
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University, Indore, (M.P.), India, E-Mail ID:

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