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Efforts to Use the Direct Learning Method Approach (DL, Direct Learning) in Counseling
Guidance on the material "Dangers of Drugs and Their Impacts" class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri
2 Tangerang Selatan City for the 2019/2020 academic year
Drs. Martinus Gea,M.Si
Education is essentially the provision of assistance to others in a conscious and planned
manner to realize and activate the potential of others, so that those concerned have religious
spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character and skills needed by
themselves, society, nation and state. Musaheri, 2005:20)..
The formulation of the problem in this CAR is 1)Is counseling guidance using the Direct
Learning Method Approach (DL, Direct Learning) Counseling Guidance on "Drugs Dangers
and Their Impacts" in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City can improve
student learning activities in a better direction? 2) How is the use of the Direct Learning
Method Approach (DL, Direct Learning) in Counseling Guidance on the material "Dangers
of Drugs and Their Impacts" for class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City?
The objectives of the classroom action research in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2
Tangerang Selatan City in Guidance and Counseling on the service material "Dangers of
Drugs and Their Impacts" are: to increase motivation and enthusiasm for student learning
towards a better direction so that the objectives of the learning process and education will be
easy to achieve
The time of the research was carried out during the Counseling Guidance lesson on "The
Dangers of Drugs and Its Impact" with the Direct Learning Method (DL, Direct Learning) in
class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City. On Thursday, March 5, 2020 for
Cycle I and March 12, 2020 for Cycle II.
From the results of research and discussion, that the use of Direct Learning
Methods (DL, Direct Learning) in Counseling Guidance learning about "Drugs Dangers
and Their Impacts" in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City can be
Quantitatively, the results of the pretest and posttest showed the average score,
1. Preliminary results show an average score: 56.77.
2. The results in the first cycle rose to an average score: 68.06.
3. The results in the second cycle rose to an average score: 83.54.
Qualitatively on students' learning motivation in BK learning activities about
"Drugs Dangers and Their Impacts" shows:
1. In the first cycle showed an average of 60% (Quite Good).
2. In the second cycle it increased, and showed an average of 85% (very good).
Teacher performance in Guidance and Counseling learning shows:
1. In the first cycle shows the average52% (good enough).
2. In cycle II it increases, and shows the average94% (very good).
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the action hypothesis is proven,
namely by applying the Direct Learning Method (DL, Direct Learning) in Counseling
Guidance learning about "Drugs Dangers and Their Impacts" in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri
2 Tangerang Selatan City.




A. Background of the problem

Education is essentially the provision of assistance to others in a conscious

and planned manner to realize and activate the potential of others, so that those
concerned have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence,
noble character and skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state. Musaheri,
According to La Sula (2000:34) "education is a systematic and systemic
activity directed at the formation of the personality of students which takes place in
all complementary environments (home, school and community environments)".
The problem of interaction in the classroom, namely communication between
teachers and students in the teaching and learning process in the classroom, is a very
interesting educational problem to talk about which until now has never ended.
Therefore, for educators and education managers, it is always hoped that the solution
will lead to the teaching and learning process can be carried out properly.
According to Shachelford and Fenak (in Ulfah, 2004: 3), what is known so far
in the teaching and learning process is that teaching must master:
a. What is taught;
b. Relevant teaching theory;
c. New things (willing to do research to enrich the content of teaching
materials being taught);
d. Characteristics of students.
Every teacher must have expertise in choosing a teaching model that is

used daily in the classroom. The selection of the right model in teaching is, of

course, oriented to the objectives of teaching, including the purpose of each


material that will be given to students. Of the several new teaching models, one

form of material presentation model that is important to know is the direct

instruction model. Other terms that are often used are active teaching, master

learning and explicit instruction (Nur, 2000:3).

These problems are important and urgent to be solved, if this is allowed,

only one goal of BK learning is achieved, namely knowledge at the cognitive

level (knowing concepts) not to the ability of students to be able to have an idea

of emotionally, socially and economically independent life, do not have an idea

about the attitude that should be taken in an emotionally, socially and

economically independent life, and do not have a strong awareness and drive to

carry out basic attitudes in an emotionally, socially and economically independent


The above problems can be overcome through the strong will of the BK

teachers to improve the design and learning strategies, and collaborating with the

teachers of SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City to examine what strategies or

learning models are appropriate and effective to apply, so as to improve these

conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct classroom action research by the

author together with the teachers of SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City.

The results of the analysis carried out by the author are known that the

root causes of the problems above lead to learning strategies that are still target-

oriented to mastery of the material, not equipping students' abilities to be able to

solve problems in everyday life. And learning strategies are less able to generate

students' critical thinking skills, lack of developing analytical, synthesis and

evaluation skills. This condition occurs because the learning strategy still focuses

on the teacher as the main source of knowledge, and lectures are the main choice

of learning strategy.

According to Suhardiman, in order for learning to be successful, it must be

linked and adapted to the situation and conditions or characteristics of the

students themselves so that the learning process will run effectively. Thus,

learning emphasizes students as the main subject needed.

Seeing these conditions, alternative solutions to problems in conducting

counseling guidance are by applying learning strategies, namely the Direct

Learning Method (DL, Direct Learning), a presentation oriented to how students

learn to find their own information, connecting topics that have been studied and

those that will be practiced in life. everyday life, and can interact in multiple

directions both with teachers and fellow students in a pleasant, friendly and

religious atmosphere

The essence of the Direct Learning Method (DL) is a project-based

learning model, and is a learning approach that requires a comprehensive learning

in which the student learning environment (classroom) is designed so that

students can investigate authentic problems including deepening the material of a

subject matter, and perform other meaningful tasks. This approach allows

students to work independently in constructing (shaping their lessons, and

culminating them in real products (Kokom Komalasari, 2009: 70).


B. Formulation of the problem

Based on the description above and referring to the title of the study, the

problem can be formulated as follows:

1. Is counseling guidance using the Direct Learning Method Approach (DL,

Direct Learning) Counseling Guidance on "Drugs Dangers and Their Impacts"

in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City can improve student

learning activities in a better direction?

2. How to use the Direct Learning Method Approach (DL, Direct Learning) in

Counseling Guidance on the material "Dangers of Drugs and Their Impacts"

class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City?

C. Research purposes

The objectives of the classroom action research in class XI IPA 1 SMA

Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City in Guidance and Counseling on the service

material "Dangers of Drugs and Their Impacts" are: to increase motivation and

enthusiasm for student learning towards a better direction so that the objectives of

the learning process and education will be easy to achieve.

D. Benefits of Research Results

The benefits of this classroom action research include theoretical and

practical aspects, namely:


1. Theoretical Benefits

a. As a guide for researchers on how to apply the Discovery approach in the

Counseling Guidance process.

b. Contribute ideas to classroom teachers, subject teachers, principals, and

supervisors, on how to apply the Direct Learning Method (DL) in the

learning process and or follow up on it.

c. Help increase teacher commitment in a professional manner to improve

the quality of education for classroom teachers, principals, and subject

supervisors by conducting classroom action research.

2. Practical Benefits

a. Provide new contributions and experiences to classroom teachers, subject

teachers, supervisors, school principals to improve the quality of the

learning process and learning outcomes.

b. Provide a new learning experience for students on how to use Direct

Learning Methods (DL, Direct Learning) in learning activities.

E. Action Hypothesis

To improve students' ability to overcome various kinds of problems

through Guidance Counseling activities by applying Direct Learning Method

(DL, Direct Learning) can be used as an alternative problem solving with the

assumption that this strategy is able to overcome the root causes of the problems


Thus, the action hypothesis in classroom action research (CAR) is as

follows: If in the process of counseling guidance activities by applying the Direct

Learning Method (DL, Direct Learning) by paying attention to the steps that must

be applied, the counseling guidance process can obtain a success, because

students will be able to develop their potential according to their abilities, needs

and interests, and can grow appreciation for the results of their intellectual




A. Application of Direct Learning Method (DL) in Counseling Guidance


1. Definition of Direct Learning Model

Learning Model comes from the word Model and Learning. "The model is
defined as a conceptual framework that is used as a guide in carrying out an activity"
(Nur, 1996: 78). The essence of learning or the nature of teaching is to shape students
to obtain information, ideas, skills, values, ways of thinking, means to express
themselves, and ways to learn (Joyce and Weil in Nur, 1996: 79). Based on the above
understanding, it can be understood that the learning model is a conceptual
framework that describes a systematic procedure in organizing learning experiences
to achieve certain learning goals, and can serve as a guide for learning designers and
educators in planning and implementing teaching and learning process activities.
A learning model that uses a teaching approach that can help students learn
basic skills and acquire knowledge step by step is a direct instruction model.
According to Arends (2001): “A teaching model that is at helping students learn basic
skills and knowledge that can be taught in a step-by-step fashion. For our purposes
here, the model is labeled the direct instruction model”. Meaning: “A teaching model
that aims to help students learn basic skills and knowledge that can be taught step-by-
step. For this purpose, the model used is called the direct teaching model.
The direct instruction model is based on behavioral learning theory which
holds that learning depends on experience, including providing feedback. One
application of behavioral theory in learning is the provision of reinforcement.
Feedback to students in learning is a reinforcement which is the application of the
behavioral theory.
Arends (1997) states: "The direct instruction model was specifically designed
to promote student learning of procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge that
is well structured and can be taught in a step-by-step fashion". Meaning: The direct
teaching model is specifically designed to promote student learning with procedural

knowledge and declarative knowledge that is well structured and can be taught in a
step-by-step manner. Furthermore, Arends (2001) states: “Direct instruction is a
teacher-centered model that has five steps: establishing set, explanation and/or
demonstration, guided practice, feedback, and extended practice a direct instruction
lesson requires careful orchestration by the teacher and a learning environment that is
businesslike and task-oriented”. It means: Direct teaching is a teacher-centered model
that has five steps: goal setting, explanation and/or demonstration, practice guidance,
feedback, and practice extension. Lessons in hands-on teaching require careful
planning by the teacher and a fun, task-oriented learning environment.
So the direct learning model is a learning model that is teacher centered
(teacher-centered). When implementing this learning model, the teacher must
demonstrate the knowledge and skills that will be trained to students, step by step.
The teacher as the center of attention has a very dominant role. Therefore, in direct
instruction, the teacher must be able to become an attractive model for students. Some
education experts such as Good and Grows, 1985 call this direct instruction (direct
learning model) the term 'active teaching'. Or termed as mastery teaching (teaching
thoroughly) by Hunter, 1982. Meanwhile, by Rosenshine and Stevens, 1986 referred
to as explicit teaching (explicit instruction).
The direct teaching model provides opportunities for students to learn by
selectively observing, remembering and imitating what the teacher modeled.
Therefore, the important thing that must be considered in applying the direct teaching
model is to avoid conveying knowledge that is too complex. In addition, the direct
teaching model prioritizes a declarative approach with an emphasis on the process of
learning concepts and motor skills, thus creating a more structured learning
Teachers who use the direct teaching model are responsible for identifying the
learning objectives, material structure, and basic skills to be taught. Then convey
knowledge to students, provide modeling/demonstrations, provide opportunities for

students to practice applying the concepts/skills that have been learned, and provide
It should be noted that in practice in the classroom, direct instruction (direct
learning model) is closely related to the lecture method, lecture method, and
recitation, even though they are not the same (not synonymous). Direct learning
model or direct instruction requires students to learn a basic skill and obtain
information that can be taught step by step.
The characteristics of direct teaching are:
1. The existence of learning objectives and learning outcomes assessment procedures.
2. Syntax or overall pattern and flow of learning activities
3. Management systems and learning environments that support the ongoing and
successful teaching

2. Implementation of Direct Learning Model

As with the implementation of learning in general, in the implementation of
direct learning the teacher needs to know how the planning technique is so that when
applying this learning model it can be successful. The discussion about aspects of
direct learning model planning includes:
a. Formulating goals
According to Mager, good goals need to be oriented to specific students,
contain a clear description of the assessment situation (evaluation conditions),
and contain the expected level of work achievement (success criteria).
b. Choose content
For novice teachers who are still in the process of fully mastering teaching
materials, it is recommended that they choose teaching materials referring to
the applicable curriculum GBPP, and certain textbooks.
c. Perform task analysis

This task analysis is a tool used by teachers to identify with high precision the
essence of a well-structured skill or item of knowledge, which will be taught
by the teacher.
d. Planning time and space
There are two things that teachers should pay attention to:
 Ensure that the time provided is commensurate with the talents and
abilities of students
 Motivate students so that they continue to do their tasks with optimal
e. Planning Classroom Arrangements

Because the direct instruction model requires students' attention to the teacher
(model) who is doing presentations and demonstrations, the arrangement of
the classroom is also an important thing to pay attention to. Seating
formations and classroom arrangements should allow students to easily
observe all demonstration sessions being conducted. The teacher should be in
a position at the front of the class, if necessary in a higher place, which can be
seen or observed by all students from every direction. Traditional class
formations are very suitable for the application of direct learning models
(direct instruction).
3. Direct Learning Model Syntax
One of the characteristics of a learning model is the syntax / stages of learning.
Besides having to pay attention to syntax, teachers who will use direct teaching must
also pay attention to other environmental variables, namely academic focus, teacher
direction and control, high expectations for student progress, time and impact of
Academic focus is the priority of selecting tasks that must be done by students during
learning, academic activities must be emphasized. Teacher direction and control
occurs when selecting student assignments and carrying out learning, determining

groups, acting as learning resources during learning and minimizing non-academic

activities. Learning activities are directed at achieving goals so that teachers have
high expectations of the tasks that must be carried out by students.
The direct learning model syntax consists of 5 phases (steps), namely: 1. Delivering
goals and preparing students

2. Presenting and demonstrating knowledge or skills

3. Guiding training
4. Check understanding and feedback
5. Provide opportunities for further training and implementation
Well, these five phases or steps will be discussed in detail in the description below.

1. Delivering Goals And Preparing Students

Actually, the first phase of this direct teaching model is also carried out on other
learning models, because conveying learning objectives and preparing students for
learning is the first step that must be done by every teacher.
The purpose of the first phase (step) of the direct instruction model syntax is to make
students' attention focused on the learning to be carried out so that they will
subsequently have good learning motivation in participating in learning. There are 2
parts of the 1st phase of the syntax of this direct learning model, namely: (a)
conveying the learning objectives; and (b) prepare students for learning.

a. Delivering Learning Objectives

Each teacher is obliged to convey the learning objectives that must be achieved by
students during or after participating in a learning activity. By delivering clear and
straightforward learning objectives by the teacher, students will have reasons why
they must be actively involved in learning activities. In addition, the course helps

students to know exactly what they must master from the teaching and learning
activities that will be carried out.

b. Preparing Students for Learning

In addition to conveying the learning objectives, the second thing the teacher must do
is to attract students' attention. Teachers must focus their attention so that they are
ready to participate in learning activities.
Preparing students to take part in learning is important because: 1) it makes it easier
for students to recall the knowledge they already have (initial provisions) that are
related, contained in the long-term memory system, with the learning that will be
carried out. 2) Students enter the classroom with various thoughts of each. These
thoughts need to be eliminated so that they do not interfere with their concentration
during the learning activities later. 3) make students motivated to participate in
learning activities that will be carried out by the teacher. There are various ways to
prepare students to be able to take part in learning well. Each teacher will have
various ideas for carrying out important things in the first phase of the syntax of this
direct instruction model.

2. Presenting and Demonstrating Knowledge or Skills

In order for the teacher to successfully carry out the second phase of the direct
instruction model syntax, the teacher needs to apply effective presentation and
demonstration techniques. The second phase of the syntax of this direct learning
model (presenting and demonstrating knowledge or skills) is a very crucial phase.

a. Presenting Knowledge Clearly

If the teacher presents information (knowledge) clearly, then the impact is very large
on the learning process for students. Many studies have proven this. Usually, the
ability to give a clear presentation or presentation of information is obtained with
time (experience). However, because the ability to clearly present information or

knowledge is a skill, it can be learned and practiced by a young teacher (beginner)

who is inexperienced. ) have good communication skills/techniques; and (2) fully
master the content of the learning material that will be presented. In addition to the
two things above, teachers also need to do planning and preparation when going to
make a presentation. The following tips can be used to make a successful

1) Clarity of goals and key points.

To achieve this, clearly state the purpose of the presentation. Create focus on a point
(direction) at a certain time. Always be careful when presenting so as not to deviate
from the subject matter (presentation).

2) The presentation is done step by step (step by step)

The trick is to make a presentation in small, logically sequential steps. Present an
outline first if the presentation material is very complex.

3) Give a variety of concrete examples and repetition

Presentation clarity can be obtained through various concrete examples, which are
easy for students to understand. If necessary, repeat for difficult points.

4) Check students' understanding

Before continuing with the presentation in the next step, make sure students have
understood the previous step. Use questions so students can also monitor their own
understanding. If necessary ask students to say it in their own language.

b. Demonstrating Skills
Demonstrating a skill is the spirit of a direct learning model that adheres to Social
Learning Theory (Behavioral Modeling Theory). The assumption of behavioral

modeling learning theory is that learning is done by someone through the process of
observing other people. Learning by doing modeling (imitation) will greatly save
time, energy, costs, and even prevent students from harm. Learners do not need to do
trial and error (trial and error). In order for the demonstration of skills by the teacher
to be successful, the teacher needs to pay attention to the following 2 things: (1)
perform the demonstration of skills correctly; and (2) practice before doing the

1) perform a skill demonstration properly

In order for the implementation of the direct instruction model to be successful, the
teacher must demonstrate the skills correctly (accurately). Demonstrating accurately
is not an easy thing. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the stages
(components of parts) of skills sequentially and logically. This can be done with task
analysis when the teacher plans a demonstration of a complex or complex skill.

2) practice before doing demonstration

The exercises that the teacher does to demonstrate a skill will make the
implementation of the demonstration successful. Practice should be done by the
teacher so that he can be sure when demonstrating the skill of not making mistakes.
The more difficult and complex a skill, the more obliged the teacher to do the
exercises. Many studies have proven that students cannot perform a complex skill
well because the teacher is less precise or not good at doing demonstrations.
3. Guiding Training
The third phase of the direct instruction model syntax is to guide training. Teachers
should provide guided exercises to students. In this phase, students do not just
practice, but students must practice under the guidance of the teacher. The purpose of
being given guidance is so that the exercises carried out by students can be effective.
There are at least 4 (four) principles that teachers must adhere to when conducting
guided exercises for their students, namely: (a) short but complete exercises; (b) skills

must be really mastered; (c) be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of massed
practice and distributed practice; and (d) pay attention to the early stages of the

a. Short But Whole Exercise

A skill that has just been learned by students must be practiced. Difficult or complex
skills need to be trained in a simplified way, done briefly, but still intact.

b. Skills Must Really Be Mastered

In a complex skill there is always a prerequisite sub-skill. For example, when students
learn to use a microscope to observe small objects, they must first master the sub-skill
of how to focus the microscope lens. Students will not be able to make observations
with a microscope if the microscope lenses are not in focus. Sub-skills which are
prerequisites for subsequent sub-skills must be trained until they are completely
mastered by students. If not, the teacher will continue to teach the next sub-skill in

c. Continuous Training (Massed Practice) And Distributed Practice (Distributed

If a skill is very complex and complicated, then in one learning activity, the skill will
of course not be fully mastered by students. For this reason, massed practice and
distributed practice are needed. For example, the skills to use a microscope can be
trained in subsequent learning activities throughout the semester or learning year. The
exercises are done with the aim of improving their proficiency by increasing the level
of difficulty, and also by dividing the exercises into segments. This needs to be done
because if a complex skill is taught in a long time without interruption, students will
get bored. As a result, the training provided is no longer effective.

d. The Early Stage of Training is Very Important

Pay attention to the student's ability to perform a skill in the early stages. This is very
important because students may do it unconsciously. The teacher needs to correct
(correct) this error while it is still in the early stages, so that it is easier to correct. The
analogy is that it is easier to straighten young bamboo sticks than old bamboo sticks.
Before those errant skills became so automated, it would be easier to fix them.
4. Checking Understanding and Feedback
Feedback is very necessary and is carried out in the fourth phase of the application of
the direct instruction model. Training will not be effective without feedback from
students. The teacher must show where the error is, then demonstrate again how the
skill should be done. In addition, the teacher must also provide positive feedback, so
that the ability to perform skills that are already good will be maintained by students.
Understanding checks can be done by the teacher by asking questions. Students are
asked to answer based on their own language and understanding so that the teacher
can know the results of the presentation of knowledge or demonstrations and
exercises that have been done.
5. Providing Advanced Training and Application Opportunities
The last (fifth) phase of the direct learning model syntax is to provide students with
further training and application opportunities. The type of follow-up and application
training that is often provided by teachers is independent training in the form of
homework assignments (PR). Through advanced training students can practice
independently to apply their newly acquired skills. Advanced training is actually also
intended as an extension of learning time outside of the lessons that have been given
by the teacher in the classroom. There are 3 things that can be used as a guide for
teachers when providing advanced training and application, namely: (a) homework is
not a continuation of the learning process; (b) provide information to parents of
students; and (c) provide feedback on the homework that has been given.

a. PR is not a continuation of the learning process

It should be noted that homework is not a continuation of a learning process carried
out in class. Homework is an advanced exercise, or it can also function as a means to
prepare students for the next lesson.

b. Parental Involvement
Parents should know to what extent they should be involved in the homework given
by the teacher. Teachers need to tell whether parents help answer difficult questions
or just provide a conducive and motivating learning environment so students can
complete their homework.

c. Feedback on the PR that has been given

Feedback should be clear. The teacher can't just check whether the students are doing
the homework given. However, the teacher must also really study it well, where the
students' strengths are and where the weaknesses (difficulties) that students still have.
If the teacher only checks whether the students are doing the homework given or not,
the students will gradually realize that they don't need to be serious about doing their
homework: just do (the important thing is to do) or just write something down on
paper, and everything will be fine. The results of the study are important for
consideration for planning the next lesson in order to be successful.

On the other hand, Slavin (2003) suggests seven steps in the direct learning
syntax, which are as follows.

a. Informing the learning objectives and lesson orientation to students.In this

stage the teacher informs the things that must be learned and the expected student
b. Reviewing prerequisite knowledge and skills. In this stage the teacher asks
questions to reveal the knowledge and skills that have been mastered by students.

c. Delivering subject matter.In this phase, the teacher conveys the material,
presents information, provides examples, demonstrates concepts and so on.
d. Carry out guidance. Guidance is done by asking questions to assess students'
level of understanding and correcting conceptual errors.
e. Provide opportunities for students to practice.In this stage, the teacher
provides opportunities for students to practice their skills or use new information
individually or in groups.
f. Assess student performance and provide feedback.The teacher reviews the
things that have been done by the students, provides feedback on the correct
student responses and repeats the skills if needed.
g. Provide independent training.In this stage, the teacher can give independent
assignments to students to improve their understanding of the material they have

Some situations that allow direct learning models are suitable to be applied in

a. When the teacher wants to introduce a new area of learning and provides an
outline of the lesson by defining key concepts and showing the interrelationships
between these concepts.
b. When the teacher wants to teach students a skill or procedure that has a clear and
definite structure.
c. When teachers want to ensure that students have mastered the basic skills needed
in student-centered activities, such as problem solving.
d. When the teacher wants to demonstrate intellectual attitudes and approaches (eg
showing that an argument must be supported by evidence, or that an exploration
of ideas does not always lead to a logical answer)
e. When the learning subject to be taught is suitable to be presented with a pattern of
explanation, modeling, questions, and application.

f. When the teacher wants to foster student interest in a topic.

g. When the teacher has to show certain techniques or procedures before students
carry out a practical activity.
h. When the teacher wants to convey a framework of parameters to guide students in
carrying out group or independent learning activities.
i. When students face the same difficulties that can be overcome by highly
structured explanations.
j. When the teaching environment is incompatible with a student-centered
strategy or when the teacher does not have time for a student-centered approach.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Learning Model

In general, each learning model has advantages that make this learning model
better to use than other learning models. But in addition to having advantages in each
learning model, limitations are also found which are weaknesses.
a. The direct teaching model has the following advantages:
1. In the direct teaching model, the teacher controls the content of the material
and the order in which the information is received by the students so as to
maintain focus on what the students have to achieve.
2. It is the most effective way to teach concepts and skills to even low achieving
3. This model can be used to build a learning model in a particular field of study.
The teacher can show how a problem can be approached, how information is
analyzed, how knowledge is generated.
4. The direct teaching model emphasizes listening activities (through lectures)
and observing activities (through demonstrations), thereby helping students
who are suitable for learning in these ways.
5. Direct teaching models can provide a challenge to consider the gap between
theory and fact.

6. The direct teaching model can be applied effectively in both large and small
7. Students can know the learning objectives clearly.
8. The time for sharing learning activities can be tightly controlled.
9. In this model there is an emphasis on academic achievement.
10. Student performance can be monitored carefully.
11. Feedback for academically oriented students.
12. Direct teaching models can be used to emphasize important points or
difficulties that students may face.
13. The direct teaching model can be an effective way to teach factual and
structured information and knowledge.
b. The direct teaching model has several weaknesses as follows:
1. Because this model is teacher-centered, the success of learning depends on the
teacher. If the teacher lacks preparation, knowledge, confidence, enthusiasm,
students can become bored, distracted, and learning will be hampered.
2. The direct teaching model is very dependent on the way the teacher
communicates. If the teacher cannot communicate well, it will make learning
less good too.
3. If the material presented is complex, detailed or abstract, the direct learning
model cannot provide opportunities for students to adequately process and
understand the information conveyed.
4. If you use the direct teaching model too often, you will assume that the
teacher will tell students all the information they need to know. This will
eliminate the sense of responsibility regarding the student's own learning.
5. Demonstrations are highly dependent on students' observation skills. In fact,
many students are not good observers and so often miss important things that
should be known.

B. Research Findings

There are two findings from classroom action research, namely:

1. Quantitative findings

From each group in one class that became the subject of research, in the

guidance process by applying the Direct Learning Method (DL) obtained a

learning outcome during cycle I and Cycle II in the form of grades, and the level

of student achievement in self-mastery of the counseling guidance material used.

obtained from the results of pre-test and post-test.

2. Qualitative findings from research results

The next findings are qualitative findings including::

a. Increasing students' learning motivation. For example, diligently going to

school, enthusiasm for learning, and interest in learning.

b. Increasing students' courage to always appear in every learning activity,

such as in intra and extra curricular activities.

c. Increased ability to overcome various problems with a strong and calm

heart and full of confidence.

d. Increased seriousness and ability to ask questions, express the problems he

faces to the BK teacher.

e. Increasing students' abilities and foresight to avoid behavior and actions

that are not in accordance with the rules of religious teachings.


f. Increased attention, manner, seriousness and ability of students to solve

difficult problems assigned by the BK teacher.

g. An increase in the number of students who get an increase in learning

outcomes, both cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

C. Mindset

Referring to the explanation above, the researcher tries to design the

learning scenario by applying the Direct Learning Method (DL, Direct Learning)

how to present it as follows. In counseling and guidance activities, the researcher

explains the meaning of life skills, the concept of life skills and their distribution,

the relationship between subjects, life skills and real lifeto students on.

So at the end of the counseling guidance, the researcher gave an

evaluation by asking the following questions:

1. Explain the Definition of Danger of Drugs and Its Impact?

2. What are the types of drug hazards and their impacts?

3. Give answers in the following table, taking into account:

 Try to see the positive aspects of each subject and look for gaps that you like

in each subject.

For example: the teacher is good, the method is easy to follow, the material is

liked, lots of games, according to talent, the study hours are in the morning,

and so on.

No Type of Subject The positive thing

When students give answers, researchers provide realistic assessments by

providing motivation and providing assistance to students who need and at the

same time providing assessments to each student.

Furthermore, the results of the student's answers are discussed in groups.

In group discussions, each group member must cooperate, help each other,

express opinions, ask questions, respect the opinions of others, and carry out their

respective duties. When students conduct group discussions, researchers provide

realistic assessments by providing motivation and providing assistance to students

who need and at the same time providing assessments to each group.

The results of group discussions were presented in front of the class, while

other groups who did not report were given the task of providing responses,

questions, or adding answers, and assessing. When students make presentations in

front of the class, researchers provide realistic assessments by providing

motivation and providing assistance to students who need and at the same time

providing assessments to each group.

The method mentioned above is one way so that each student gets direct

experience and confidence in students that they are able to overcome problems, so

that in the end they are enthusiastic in life, eager to learn, and enthusiastic and

have life skills. Then also explained that. "Information communicated through

direct experience is the information that is most likely to be absorbed." (Soeparno

1987: 6).

Based on the description above, the researcher proposes a hypothesis as a

temporary answer to the researcher's questions in the formulation of the problem

as follows. "If the Discoveary approach is applied in counseling guidance

activities regarding the service material "Dangers of Drugs and Their Impacts",

the type of service "Understanding" with the field of "Learning Guidance" for

students of class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City will gain

success and have life skills as stated in the competency formulation, namely:

a. The counselee can understand the meaning of the dangers of drugs and their


b. The counselee can recognize and understand the types of drug hazards and

their effects.

c. Have the awareness and encouragement to carry out the learning process

activities in a disciplined manner.

In implementing the Direct Learning Method (DL, Direct Learning), the

teacher and students prepare a room that is representative enough to carry out

the activities of presenting this Direct Learning Method (DL, Direct

Learning). In addition, the room is arranged according to the needs of the

presentation of the portfolio. The following can be stated how the

arrangement of the room, namely:



Place of Presentation of Direct Learning Method (DL, Direct Learning)

Invited guests/
Other students
The steps in presenting the Direct Learning Method (DL, Direct Learning)

are (1) opening, (2) oral presentation of the Direct Learning Method (DL,

Direct Learning) group, (3) question and answer, (4) interlude, usually filled

in with the appearance of artistic creativity, (5) responses to invitations, and

(6) announcements of the jury on the results of student performances.

With this framework of thinking with the application of the Direct

Learning Method (DL) learning model on the material "Dangers of Drugs and

Its Impacts" with these steps, it can be assumed that Counseling Guidance

learning on the material by applying the Direct Learning Method learning

model ( DL, Direct Learning) will be able to improve students' understanding

and learning achievement.




A. Research Location and Time

1. Location

Classroom Action Research (CAR) in counseling guidance activities by

applying the Direct Learning Approach Model on "The Dangers of Drugs and

Their Impacts" in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City.

2. Research time

The time of the research was carried out during the Counseling Guidance

lesson on "The Dangers of Drugs and Its Impact" with the Direct Learning

Method (DL, Direct Learning) in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang


Selatan City. On Thursday, March 5, 2020 for Cycle I and March 12, 2020 for

Cycle II.

This research is a collaborative classroom action research, which is

practical based on real problems in counseling guidance about "Drugs Dangers

and Their Impacts" in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City, with

Direct Learning Method (DL, Direct Learning).

B. Research Subject

The subjects of this classroom action research were students of class

XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City for the 2019 – 2020

academic year totaling 30 students. The subject of this research is taken as a

whole, as the object of research because it assumes the characteristics and

abilities are considered the same. And researchers want to find effective

learning strategies to increase enthusiasm in learning in order to achieve an

expected goal.

C. Research procedure

The classroom action research procedure was carried out in two cycles,

and each cycle was carried out according to the changes achieved and the design

of the factors studied. To determine the effectiveness of learning in class XI IPA 1

SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City, observations were made on learning

activities carried out by teachers, and interviews with both teachers and students.

Through this activity, deliberation can be carried out between the teacher and the

observer to determine the most appropriate action in order to increase the

effectiveness of learning in class XI IPA 1.

The results of classroom teacher interviews, the most appropriate step is to

increase the activity and participation of students in the learning process by

training and developing students' intellectual skills.

Based on these initial reflections, the procedures for implementing this

classroom action research include: (1) planning, (2) implementing actions, (3)

observers, (4) reflection in each cycle.

1. Cycle I . Description

a. Action Planning Stage

In the action planning stage in the first cycle are:

1) The researcher compiled a syllabus related to the service material "The

Dangers of Drugs and Their Impacts".

2) Researchers design learning scenarios that can activate students in the

learning process activities in large groups.

3) Designing a data collection tool in the form of a test and used to

determine students' motivation and interest in learning.

b. Action Implementation Stage

1) Students are given a general explanation of the objectives of classroom

action research according to the plans that have been prepared, both

regarding data collection and other activities.


This classroom action research activity includes: (a) Providing a

general explanation of the subjects taught using active learning

strategies with techniques to stimulate students' curiosity; (b)

Encouraging students who are not yet active to be active in

participating in learning; (c) Observing and recording students who

actively participate in learning; (d) collecting test results obtained by

students in doing assignments; (e) Analyzing the test results given

after students were taught the technique of stimulating in large groups.

2) The researcher teaches according to the classical learning scenario that

has been designed and records the activities carried out by each


3) Researchers provide evaluations to students to determine the

motivation, interest and awareness of students in participating in

learning activities at school.

c. Action observation stage

Researchers observe and record all events that occur when students take

part in learning or counseling for students who are less active in learning

and about the difficulties they face.

d. Reflection stage

Researchers analyzed the results of student work and observations made

by students in order to determine the next step.


Researchers make student groupings based on the results obtained by

students in the evaluation carried out.

2. Cycle II Description

a. Action Planning Stage

1) Preparation of the learning process plan according to the findings of

the first cycle.

2) Develop simplified teaching materials.

3) Increase teaching materials.

4) Improve the question instrument so that it is easy to understand.

b. Action implementation stage

1) The researcher divided the student study groups into six groups.

2) The implementation of the Direct Learning Method (DL, Direct

Learning) is in accordance with the Learning Implementation Plan


3) Each student gets teaching materials or service materials.

c. Action observation stage

1) Researchers recorded the results obtained by students in working on

problems related to the teaching materials provided.


2) The researcher records the mistakes made by students in solving

problems in the teaching materials provided.

d. Reflection stage

Reflection is done by: data reduction, if there is data that is not needed,

data simplification, and data inference.

To clarify the research procedure can be described through the diagram on

the following page.

Figure 3.1. Research procedure


Reflectio CYCLE I Implementat

n ion



Reflectio CYCLE II Implementat

n ion


D. Research Instruments

The classroom action research instruments are:


1. Written test

Written tests are used to collect data about students' abilities in mastering the

material being taught. And this written test was designed by the researcher in

accordance with the objectives that have been stated in the question grid.

2. Observation

Observation techniques to obtain data about understanding the sequence of

student behavior completely include:

a. Class situation

b. The behavior of each while participating in learning in the classroom.

This technique is used only to collect data and not to interpret data.

E. Data analysis

The data analyzed in this classroom action research are:

1. Qualitative data is used to provide a description of the views and opinions of

research subjects

2. Quantitative data is used by recording the events of student achievement prior

to the research, then conducting classroom action research in the first and

second cycles.

By grouping the data, it will find the value of the cognitive, affective and

psychomotor domains and find the average value from before the classroom

action research, when it was held and there was an improvement.

F. Performance Indicators (Action Success Criteria)


The criteria for student success are in accordance with the ultimate goal of

this research, which are grouped into categories, with the following criteria:

1. Student Success Rate in Learning:

90 – 99 : Very good
60 – 89 : OK
40 – 59 : Enough
20 – 39 : Less
0 – 19 : Very Poor

2. The Level of Student Effectiveness in Learning

90 – 99 : Very good
60 – 89 : OK
40 – 59 : Enough
20 – 39 : Less
0 – 19 : Very Poor

Based on the success indicators above, the researchers set the criteria in

this study to be good (60 – 89). The factors studied are:

Table 3.1 Format of Observing Student Performance in Counseling Guidance

Result Analysis
No Observed aspects achieved Note.
1 3 4 5
1 Ask a question/problem
2 Answer the question
3 Express your opinion
4 Actively paying attention
5 Work and study actively

Table 3.3 Observation of Teacher Performance

in the Guidance and Counseling (BK) Learning Process for Students

No Rated aspect Evaluation


1 2 3 4 5

A. Observation of Teaching and Learning

1. Initial activity
a. Associate current material with
b. Delivering learning objectives
c. Motivate students
2. Core activities
a. Presenting information
b. Organizing students
c. Guiding students
1) Group discussion
2) Asking a question
3) Answering / responding to
4) Conveying ideas/opinions
5) Paying active attention
6) Work and study together
d. Provide test/evaluation
e. Giving recognition/award
f. Using props
3. End activities
a. Guiding students to summarize
b. Giving PR as enrichment
B. Class situation
1. Enthusiastic students
2. Enthusiastic teacher
3. Time according to allocation
4. KBM in accordance with the RPP
The indicator of the success of this class action is if there is a change in

the increase in motivation, interest and awareness of students in learning at school

through learning with Direct Learning Methods (DL, Direct Learning).


Quantitatively it can be indicated if 70%. From all students involved, the

understanding of the service material changed for the better. This is manifested by

the presence of 70% of students' ability to answer multiple choice questions

correctly. In addition, 75% of students are actively involved in learning with the

Direct Learning Method (DL, Direct Learning). The teacher's ability to implement

the implementation of the Learning Model can be carried out well.



A. Research result

Counseling Guidance learning activities about "Drugs Dangers and Their

Impacts" in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City in this

classroom action research were carried out in 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of a

preliminary study, planning, action, observation and reflection of the activities

carried out .

1. First Cycle ( I )

Research in this cycle was carried out: a) identification of problems

regarding the service material delivered, learning strategies commonly used. In

this cycle using a conventional approach, b). presenting the service material

“Dangers of Drugs and Their Impacts”, c). make observations using observation

and shooting, d). measuring the impact of the conventional approach used a list of

student activities.

a. Preliminary studies

The activities used generally use conventional learning models, with

lecture methods, questions and answers and giving assignments. In the learning

process in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City, the teacher is

still the teacher centered. The learning process becomes less meaningful, because

the teacher does not emphasize the meaning of the learning material to students.

Teachers do not give strong motivation so that students are less active in the

learning process. The material for Counseling Guidance can be seen in the

following table.

Table 4.1.
Learning Materials for Counseling Guidance (BK) Cycle I

No Service Material Competency Formula

1 Dangers of Drugs and Its Understanding About the Dangers of Drugs
Impact and Their Impact
2 Measuring Competence

b. Planning

Researchers collaborate with other teachers in preparing research plans,

which include: 1) learning objectives, 2) competencies and learning materials, 3)

learning strategies in the form of models and media used, as well as learning

resources and 4) evaluation of learning outcomes.


c. Action

1. Pre Teaching and Learning Activities

a. The teacher divides the group of students into 6 big groups.
b. Readiness of learning aids and media
c. Giving motivation
d. Giving apperception
e. Pre test
f. Introducing the Learning Model
g. Clarity of competence/learning indicators
h. Readiness of teaching materials
2. Main Activities
a. Material mastery
b. Class management and time management
c. The method used is the Direct Learning Method (DL, Direct
d. Use of learning aids/media
e. Teacher-student interaction
f. Interaction between students
1) Digging information from various sources
2) Doing research/ problem solving
3) Processing information/data
4) Communicate verbally/data
5) Ask a question or problem
6) Making decisions
g. Students' attitudes and interests in learning
1) Presence
2) Bring relevant textbooks
3) Notebook
h. Achievement of competencies/indicators
i. Closing
1) Reflection – summary
2) Post test
3) Give assignments for the next meeting.

d. Observation

At the beginning of learning, observations were made to the teacher

opening lessons such as apperception of the material to be discussed and

providing motivation to students.

In the first cycle of observers, the teacher's performance for preliminary

activities was considered quite good on average, this can be seen in table 4.2.

e. Reflection

During the process of learning activities, more details can be seen in the

following table:

Table 4.2. Teacher Performance Observation Results

in the Counseling Guidance Learning Process Cycle I

No Evaluation

Rated aspect
1 2 3 4 5
A. Observation of Teaching and Learning
4. Initial activity
a. Linking service material now ️ - ️
with the past
b. Delivering learning objectives ️ - ️
c. Motivate students ️ - ️
5. Core activities
a. Presenting information ️ - ️
b. Organizing students ️ - ️
c. Guiding students ️ - ️
1) Group discussion ️ - ️
2) Asking a question ️ - ️
3) Answering / responding to ️ - ️

4) Conveying ideas/opinions ️ - ️
5) Paying active attention ️ - ️
6) Work and study together ️ - ️
d. Provide test/evaluation ️ - ️
e. Giving recognition/award ️ - ️
f. Using props ️ - ️
6. End activities
a. Guiding students to summarize ️ - ️
b. Giving PR as enrichment ️ - ️
B. Class situation
1. Enthusiastic students ️ - ️
2. Enthusiastic teacher ️ - ️
3. Time according to allocation ️ - ️
4. KBM in accordance with the RPP ️ - ️
Amount 52 : 100 x 100 % = 52 %
Average 52 : 20 = 2.6 = quite good

From the results of the table above, it can be concluded that the teacher's

performance in teaching and learning activities is considered quite good by the


Table 4.3 Results of Observation of Student Performance in the BK Learning

Process Cycle I

Result Analysis
No Observed aspects achieved Note.
1 2 3 4 5
1 Asking question ️
2 Answer the question ️
3 Express your opinion ️
4 Actively paying attention ️
5 Work and study actively ️
Amount 15 15:25x100
Average 15 : 5 = 3 = quite good %
= 60%

From the results of the table above, it can be concluded that the

performance of students in the learning process activities was assessed by the

observer as sufficient.

2. Second Cycle ( II )

Research in cycle II was carried out by: a) identification of problems

regarding the learning materials used, learning strategies commonly used, b).

presenting the service material “Dangers of Drugs and Their Impacts”, c). make

observations by using observation and shooting as an evaluation of learning.

a. Preliminary studies

The teacher explains the follow-up material "The Dangers of Drugs and

Its Impacts" and responds to the contents of the report in class XI IPA 1 SMA

Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City, covering the following materials:

Table 4.4. Cycle II Counseling Guidance Learning Materials

No Service Material Competency Formula

1 Dangers of Drugs and Its the counselee can understand about drugs
Impact the counselee can understand the types of
2 Measuring Competence drugs and their effects
counselees can understand drug prevention
programs in schools

b. Planning

Researchers collaborate with other teachers in preparing research plans,

which include: 1) learning objectives, 2) competencies and learning materials,


3) learning strategies in the form of methods and media used and learning

resources, and 4) evaluation of learning outcomes.

c. Class Action

The step used in this cycle is that the teacher conducts learning activities

in accordance with the lesson plan (RPP) which includes preliminary

activities, core activities and closing activities.

1. Pre Teaching and Learning Activities

a. Readiness of learning aids and media
b. Division of student groups into 6 groups
c. Giving motivation
d. Giving apperception
e. Pre test
f. Introducing the Learning Model
g. Clarity of competence/learning indicators
h. Readiness of teaching materials
2. Main Activities
a. Material mastery
b. Class management and time management
c. The method used is the Direct Learning Method (DL, Direct
d. Use of learning aids/media
e. Teacher-student interaction
f. Interaction between students
g. Digging information from various sources
h. Doing research/ problem solving
i. Processing information/data
i. Communicate verbally/data
j. Ask a question or problem
k. Make decisions
3. Students' attitudes and interests in learning
a. Presence
b. Bring relevant textbooks
c. Notebook
4. Achievement of competencies/indicators

5. Closing
a. Reflection – summary
b. Post test
c. Assign assignments for meetings

d. Observation

1) Students' attention to Counseling Guidance subjects with their

activities responding to the learning process about "Drugs Dangers and

Their Impacts".

2) Courage of students to appear to read and understand the contents of

the reading and answer problems.

3) The answers given by students to the questions given by the teacher.

4) The ability and ability of students to ask questions or problems.

5) The ability and foresight of students to avoid mistakes in answering


6) Attention, the ability and ability of students in solving difficult / not

difficult questions assigned.

7) The number of students who asked questions, responses, comments,

suggestions, criticisms or gave written answers.

e. Reflection

The learning process carried out by the teacher in presenting Counseling

Guidance material on "Drugs Dangers and Their Impacts", that students

understand because they train and answer repeated questions that have been

distributed by the teacher.


Student activities in teaching and learning activities can be seen in the

following table:

Table 4.5 Results of Observation of Student Performance in BK Learning Cycle


Result Analysis
No Observed aspects achieved Note.
1 2 3 4 5
1 Asking question ️
2 Answer the question ️
3 Express your opinion ️
4 Actively paying attention ️
5 Work and study actively ️
Amount 22 22:25x100
Average 22 : 5 = 4.4 = Very %
Good = 88%

From the results of the table above, it can be concluded that the

performance of students in the learning process activities assessed by the observer

is very good.

Table 4.6 Results of Observation of Teacher Performance in Learning Cycle II


No Rated aspect 1 2 3 4 5
A Observation of Teaching and Learning
1. Initial Activities
a. Linking lessons now ️ - ️
with the past
b. Delivering learning objectives ️ - ️
c. Motivate students ️ - ️
2. Core Activities
a. Presenting information ️ - ️
b. Organizing students ️ - ️
c. Guiding students ️ - ️

1) Group discussion ️ - ️
2) Asking a question ️ - ️
3) Answering / responding to ️ - ️
4) Conveying ideas/opinions ️ - ️
5) Paying active attention ️ - ️
6) Work and study together ️ - ️
d. Provide test/evaluation ️ - ️
e. Giving recognition/award ️ - ️
f. Using props ️ - ️
3. Final Activities
a. Guiding students to summarize ️ - ️
b. Giving PR as enrichment ️ - ️
B. Class situation
1. Enthusiastic students ️ - ️
2. Enthusiastic teacher ️ - ️
3. Time according to allocation ️ - ️
4. KBM in accordance with the RPP ️ - ️
Amount 94 : 100 x 100% = 94 %
Average 94 : 20 = 4.7 = very good

From the results of the table above, it can be concluded that the teacher's

performance in teaching and learning activities is considered very good by the


B. Discussion result

After class action research was conducted in each cycle, it was seen that

there was a change in learning outcomes, namely student learning outcomes

increased from one cycle I to cycle II which was quite significant.

1. Obtaining Student Learning Outcomes in Cycle I and Cycle II

From the Guidance and Counseling learning activities on the service

material "The Dangers of Drugs and Its Impacts" by applying the Direct Learning

Approach (DL, Direct Learning) learning in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2


Tangerang Selatan City, students' learning outcomes in each cycle have increased,

which can be seen in the following table.

Table 4.7 Student Learning Evaluation Values in each cycle

L/ Beginni
No Student's name Cycle I Cycle II
P ng
1 Aditya Ramadhan L 60 70 80
2 Aldi Rifaldi L 60 70 90
3 Ali Kahfi P 70 80 90
4 Angga Erlangga L 70 80 90
5 Anisa P 50 60 70
6 Atirsya Afrizah L 60 70 90
7 Aulia Ningfi P 50 70 80
8 Good job Maulana Yusuf P 60 70 90
9 Dita Agustin P 60 70 90
10 Helda Mundriyania P 40 50 70
11 Beautiful Febiola P 50 70 80
12 Ivu Anggraeni P 60 70 90
13 Lelly Winoja Harum Sari P 50 60 80
14 Lidiya Safitri P 50 60 80
15 Latitude Aulia Anindhita L 60 80 90
16 Lukman Ridsal L 60 70 80
17 Mayda Triana Putri P 60 70 90
18 Mohammad Arifin P 50 60 80
19 Muhibatul Maula L 60 80 90
20 Naela Putri L 60 60 90
21 Neza Pratama Bekti P 70 70 80
22 Pani Aprilianto P 50 60 80
23 Paramsari Gusti Cesar IP P 60 70 90
24 Rendy Adriyansyah L 70 80 90
25 Rezza Aulliya Al Ghozali L 50 60 80
26 Rizqi Rahman P 60 70 80
27 Syyidah Fatima Tuzzahro P 50 80 90
28 Sekar Arum Sari P 60 60 80
29 Salfi Agustin L 40 60 70
30 Siti Nur Azizah P 50 70 80
31 Suradi L 60 60 80
Amount 1760 2110 2590

The level of achievement of mastery of Guidance and Counseling learning

materials on "Drugs Dangers and Their Impacts" increased at the beginning

before the class action was an average of 56.77, in the first cycle after the

classroom action research it reached an average of 68.06, and in the second cycle

experienced a significant increase reaching an average of 83.54.

2. Obtaining group learning evaluation results in cycles I and II

Practice the Long Jump in groups on the learning improvement process.

After the evaluation was carried out, there was a result that was quite increasing

in each cycle, this can be seen in the following table:

Table 4.8 Values of Group Learning Evaluation in Cycles I and II

Evaluation Value
No Group name Cycle I Cycle II Information
1 A 80 90 Go on
2 B 80 90 Go on
3 C 70 80 Go on
4 D 80 90 Go on
5 E 70 80 Go on
6 F 80 90 Go on
Amount 460 520
Average 76.67 86.67

The results of the evaluation of group work in the discussion of the

material"Dangers of Drugs and Their Impacts" in the first cycle obtained an

average of 76.67 and in the second cycle rose to 86.67.

From the data on the results of the discussion on student learning

outcomes in learning Guidance and Counseling on the kite material "Dangers of

Drugs and Their Impacts" in detail, it can be stated as follows:


1. Preliminary results show an average score: 56.77.

2. The results in the first cycle rose to an average score: 68.06.

3. The results in the second cycle rose to an average score: 83.54.

Thus, the increasing value of the results of the evaluation of Guidance and

Counseling learning on the service material "Dangers of Drugs and Their

Impacts" in each cycle, means that the understanding of class XI IPA 1 students

of SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City on the material shows a significant

increase. This can be seen through the graphic diagram.

Figure 4.9
Graphic Diagram of Increasing Understanding of the Material “Dangers of
Drugs and Their Impacts”
Class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City

3. Results of observation of student learning activities


During the Guidance and Counseling learning improvement process

activities on the material"Drugs Dangers and Their Impacts" in class XI IPA 1

SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City has increased in each cycle, namely:

a. Students who can answer questions or problems increase.

b. Students who express opinions increase.

c. Students who pay attention actively increase.

d. Students who ask questions or express problems are quite increased.

e. Shiva who practices and learns actively.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the action

hypothesis is proven, namely the application of the Direct Learning Method (DL,

Direct Learning) in the process of improving Guidance and Counseling learning

on the kite material "Dangers of Drugs and Its Impacts" in class XI IPA 1 SMA

Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City can Improve students' understanding and

learning outcomes.



A. Conclusion

From the results of research and discussion, that the use of Direct

Learning Methods (DL, Direct Learning) in Counseling Guidance learning about

"Drugs Dangers and Their Impacts" in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang

Selatan City can be concluded:

Quantitatively, the results of the pretest and posttest showed the average

score, namely:

4. Preliminary results show an average score: 56.77.

5. The results in the first cycle rose to an average score: 68.06.

6. The results in the second cycle rose to an average score: 83.54.


Qualitatively on students' learning motivation in BK learning activities on

"Drugs Dangers and Their Impacts" shows:

1. In the first cycle showed an average of 60% (Quite Good).

2. In the second cycle it increased, and showed an average of 85% (very good).

Teacher performance in Guidance and Counseling learning shows:

1. In the first cycle shows the average52% (good enough).

2. In cycle II it increases, and shows the average94% (very good).

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the action

hypothesis is proven, namely by applying the Direct Learning Method (DL,

Direct Learning) in Counseling Guidance learning about "Drugs Dangers and

Their Impacts" in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Tangerang Selatan City.

B. Suggestion

1. In teaching and learning activities, teachers are expected to make Direct

Learning Method (DL) as an alternative in Guidance and Counseling learning.

2. Because this activity is very useful, especially for teachers and students, it is

hoped that this activity can be carried out continuously in the learning process

at school.

3. In applying the Direct Learning Method (DL), the teacher must really

understand the steps, and be able to manage time as optimally as possible. The

role of the teacher as a facilitator becomes very important.



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