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ASL Speech

My ambition in Life

Hello everyone,
I have a few ambitions in life that I would like to share with you today. First and
foremost, I want to be the best that I can be. I want to have both health and wealth,
so that I can enjoy a high quality of life. My ambition is also to make a positive
impact on society, and to be remembered long after I am gone. I want to aim for the
top and achieve it, no matter what obstacles I may face.

Another important ambition of mine is to seek the truth. I want to base my

understanding of the world on solid facts, rather than on assumptions or conjecture. I
want to design systems for my life that are based on this understanding of the truth,
so that I can live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

I also want to maximize serendipity in my life, and to embrace new experiences and
opportunities as they come my way. I see too many people aiming too low in their
lives, and I want to be someone who inspires others to aim higher and achieve their
dreams. I want to generate great ideas, and to contribute to the betterment of the
world in a meaningful way.

Finally, my ultimate ambition is to truly understand who I am as a person and a

human being. I want to "know thyself," in the words of Socrates, and to live a life that
is authentic and true to my own values and beliefs.

Thank you for listening.

ASL Speech 1

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