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The first article talks about the role of teachers’ classroom discipline to get the effectiveness

of teaching English as foreign language. Every teach need teachers’ classroom discipline strategies
to reach the effectiveness of teaching. Teaching English as foreign language also need teachers’
classroom discipline strategies. Most of EFL student think that the classroom discipline strategies
are punishment, reward, motivation, discussion, and involvement. Every teacher has their own role
and rule to make the class discipline. The role of teacher is the key of the class still conducive
meanwhile the lesson is going on. Teacher can give a motivation and achievement to their student
as an appreciation their discipline. The motivation is given to student when in the class and
achievement usually given at the end of the semester or when student do something that his teacher
asked. In the real school it is better to give motivation than achievement. Motivation gives stronger
effect that achievement for students.

The second article talks about the role of values in school discipline and South African
schools as an example. As De Wet (2003: 36-44) said, the lack of discipline come from the students
and teacher behavior. There is still crime in school, it is a problem that can make the lack of
discipline. In South African schools there are two issues appear that concerning to discipline. The
first is the issue that gives little impact on school such as respect, honesty, responsibility, and self-
discipline. The second issue is those first issue should be regard soon. Those all make The South
African society failed to reduce the lack of self-discipline. Van Rensburg and Landman (1992:326)
said, that pedagogic discipline implies that child will earn influences and normed from adult
educator, child will get knowledge, dispositions and ideals of the educator.

From the two articles, I can say that discipline is one of the supports for the success of a
teaching and learning activity. Discipline must not only be applied by students but teachers must
also apply it. Discipline cannot arise by itself, there are some behaviors that can be used to bring
discipline. To bring up discipline, the role of the teacher is really needed. Give a motivation is one
of the way. Motivation can be an appreciation, advice, or approach.

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