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When I turned back….

How can I forget that evening on 31.8.1983 when four honourable, unforgettable and most
admired ladies visited our house at 8/4 East Patel Nagar. (Mrs. Dorsey, Miss. J. Khanna, Mrs.
Jaya Satyam and Mrs. Sarah Sunderaj). I am ever grateful for those ladies, two are with the
Lord and the other two wherever they are, they are remembered always.
It was a casual visit, which turned into an interview (The only person
interviewed by the Principal and the manager’s wife, inside the candidate’s house). The
recommendations made by the other two, Sarah ma’am, Jaya ma’am is highly appreciated
till today. How can I ever forget them?
Interview was smooth, only three questions and they asked me to pray, and if
the Lord leads, they asked me to join on 5 th, September which happened to be the Teacher’s
5th of September, 1983 an historical day, joined F.A as a helper to 2 nursery
teachers and 2 Prep teachers. My first assignment was to observe all the classes and write a
report on Teacher’s day celebration in each class. I was excited, did good observation and
the report was submitted to the Principal the next day. After some time, I was called by the
Principal and she said, ‘Excellent Report’ and a ‘Beautiful writing’ though I had to learn Vere
Foster writing.
My first salary was Rs. 350/- which I never got as at the end of the month. I
got Rs. 400/- in appreciation of my work. Rs. 50/- increment!!!
When Mr. Dorsey left for Furlough in January, I was given his class IV Moral
Education in which I had to teach the Book of Joshua, with the maps, charts, drawings, etc.
A feather on my cap!
By February 1984, one of our colleagues Mrs. Manjula Luther got married and
resigned. So her class VII was given to me. So now I am class teacher of VII A and my salary
was Rs. 700/-. Another colourful feather on my cap.
By July 1984, Mrs. Reinson became the H.M for primary school and with lot of
fear I had to get into her shoes teaching class VIII Social Science and Miss. Khanna slowly,
with lot of encouragement and positive outlook and with the constant watchful eyes made
me class X Social Science teacher. How can I forget that class next to Miss. Khanna and Mrs.
Dorsey’s room and the first lesson that I taught on Non-alignment Movement (NAM) and
the verbal appreciation given to me after hearing my teaching carefully. Wow! That
appreciation finally made me to become X B class teacher in the New building X class
teacher – that is History.
35 years of my life in F.A., my association with Mr. & Mrs. Dorsey, Miss. J.
Khanna, Dr. Paul (The Former Manager), Mr. Robert the present manager is so very
memorable and highly appreciated. The kindness they showed, their encouragement, their
strict discipline the ‘service first’ attitude, sincerity and above all the commitment they had
and giving. First place to our Lord Jesus Christ in every activity that we carried out and the
sacrificial life that Mr. & Mrs. Dorsey led for the sake of F.A. stunned me.
Today, most of us in F.A. are well off. That is because of their sacrifice being a
teacher is one thing but being a teacher in F.A. is another thing.
In 2017, when we were in Pennsylvania, U.S. while having a stroll in a park,
suddenly a huge figure came before me and touched my feet. I was afraid and shocked at
the same time when he asked me whether I could recognise him. Oh, what a surprise! One
of my old students working over there and his wife testified that he was from a good school
where he was taught good discipline, respect, good manners and fear of God. What other
testimony we need about F.A.?
Feb 3rd on my Birthday, among many other wishes, one wish from a boy, who
was in my class (1995 batch) F.A. provided me the opportunity to bring up so many
thousands of students like this. A task worth mentioning.
I am grateful and ever thankful to F.A. and to my heavenly father for giving a
privilege to my son (Enoch Paul) and my daughter (Edith Pearl) to be part of F.A. Today what
they are, its mere God’s grace and the credit goes to F.A. Their academic performance may
not be appreciated but the spiritual maturity, their Moral education in F.A., their Bible
Knowledge, their love for God, all these things have a deep route in them and as Faith
Academians, their discipline and up bringing is highly valued. They stand for honesty and
integrity which they have learnt in F.A. How can I forget their Vere Foster hand writing
which is highly appreciated in their work places. So, I am grateful to F.A. and to my Lord
Jesus who placed me and my children in the family of F.A.
I am grateful to our Manager Mr. Robert, who was an instrument in our
finding a house in Patel Nagar in 1983. He provided us a house in 8/4 which was kept for his
sister, Mrs. Satyam who was returning from south after her marriage. Our Rohini flats too
was a gift to us from the Lord, but through Mr. Robert only we got it. Such is the relationship
that we had.
Our Inderpuri house at RA-40, in which we lived for 8 long years was the one which
was recommended by the then Manager Dr. A.V.N. Paul. How can I forget all these great
people who made our stay over there in Delhi very comfortable.
I am thankful to God for all my colleagues with whom I had a cordial and
pleasant relationship till I left F.A. Half of my life in F.A.! What a journey! What an
experience! I get an immeasurable joy and unforgettable memories even in my dreams

Thank you everyone!

Praise the Lord.

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