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Cattle Methane Gasses

Some good news! While mad GMO scientists claim they can genetically engineer cows to reduce cattle
methane gases by up to 50%, scientists at UC Davis have discovered a safe, natural solution that reduces
methane gases by 82%. Researchers added small amounts of seaweed to the diet of 21 beef cattle and
tracked their weight gain and methane emissions. Cattle that consumed doses of about 80 grams (3
ounces) of seaweed gained as much weight as their herd mates while burping out a whopping 82% less
methane into the atmosphere.

It is clear that we don't need GMO cows to reduce methane gases. Will the mad scientists stop their
risky experiments on cow DNA? We sincerely doubt it. We expect them to continue to spin their lies and
twist the truth in an attempt to create a for-profit market for their unnecessary frankencows.

But some companies are putting this study about seaweed to the test. Ice cream maker, Ben & Jerry's,
announced this month that it is putting its dairy cows on a seaweed diet. Ben & Jerry's Project Mootopia
will roll out initially to 15 farms across the U.S. and the Netherlands. The cows will be monitored and
studied, and all findings will be made public to benefit the entire dairy industry. The company hopes that
by 2024 these farms will emit half the industry average for greenhouse gas emissions.

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