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Many women who have trouble getting pregnant are told by their doctors that their eggs are

healthy, or that their eggs are “old”.

They’re given limited options, such as finding an egg donor, IVF, or adoption.

But what most women don’t know is that egg health is not solely dependent on some abstract biological

There are things any woman can do to help support the health of the ovaries and eggs — thus improving
her chances of healthy conception

By doing the following, you will be able to improve your egg quality

Blood Flow and Proper Oxygenation

To increase blood flow to the ovaries, you can drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

Exercise and abdominal massage will also help improve blood flow to the pelvic.

Hormonal Balance

Hormonal balance is essential for proper egg health. Due to environmental factors, stress, and our
modern diets, more and more women are becoming hormonally imbalanced.

When a woman’s hormonal balance is off ovulation may become irregular.

You can balance your hormones by ;

Cleansing the system of excess hormones(detoxification)

Use the fertility superfood, and herbs

If your FSH levels are high you can normalize it by eating fertility super food and herbs which are
recommended in our private fertility coaching training.


The food we eat has a huge impact the health of our ovaries and eggs.

Dietary and lifestyle habits that may damage egg health

Cigarettes,Caffeine, Alcohol,Sugar, Non-organic meats/dairy ,Soda, Low fat diet, Processed Foods, Trans
Fats, GMO Foods

Please before any treatment make sure you start by detoxing your body for the treatment to be very

Write to Arroyo Divina

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