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Research on GMO soy consumption

Yet another study confirms previous results showing that GMO soy harms the pancreas. Studies
published in 2002 and 2003 found harm from long term GMO soy consumption not only to the pancreas,
but also the liver and testes. How much more evidence is needed before we stop injuring our bodies
with the toxic GMO food in our food supply? GMO junk foods like the Impossible Burger (primary
ingredient is GMO soy) and other conventional junk need to go. Enough already.

Note: In the referenced mouse feeding study the mice were fed a diet of 18% GMO soy protein. If you
look at the ingredient list for the GMO Impossible Burger, the primary ingredient - listed first on the list -
is GMO soy protein. The dose in the feeding study is clearly lower than the amount of GMO soy protein
contained in the GMO Impossible Burger which makes this study relevant to real-world consumption

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