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Introduction of MS Word and its features

Explain DBMS
Explain cloud computing
1. Prepare Resume
2. Time –Table For BBA First semester
3. What is Mail Merge explain practically
4. Write complain letter
5. Prepare Calendar for 2023 Feb Month.
6. Write the Steps For A8B5 and X6+Y6 = 0
Section B( MS Excel)
Introduction of MS Excel and its features
Explain different function of Excel
Explain Pivot table with example
1. (a) Introduction of Excel (Row & Columns and Functions)
2. (b) Prepare a Marks list for 40 students and find percentage, grade through nested if Condition?
a. Conditions are given below:
b. Grade Condition
c. A 85%
d. B less than 85%
e. Count no of students A & B Grade through count IF Condition?

3. Find The net salary on the basis of Following data

S. Emplo Dat designat Dep Basi HRA TA DA CC PF IT Total Salary

N yee e of ion t. c A salary
o. Name Join Sala In
ing ry Hand

Deductions PF& IT From basic salary

Addition on Basic salary HRA=70.25% ,TA=27.85%,DA=17.65%,CCA=29.7% , PF=12.75%,
Income tax =10% (all the allowances are applicable on basic salary)
5. Prepare a sales report of the following automobile companies.

Company name Segment Product Cost leadership Sales volume



Small 5 3 35000

Medium 3 5 26000

large 2 7 20000


Small 4 2 27000

Medium 1 9 20000

large 3 1 15000


Small 2 4 42000

Medium 5 6 35000

large 3 8 22000

Draw a column chart between:

 Company & product differentiation
 Company & cost leadership.
Draw a Bar chart between:
 Company & sales volume.
Section C( MS Power point)

Introduction of MS Power Point and its features

 Make a Power point presentation Topic on “Introduction of Network Topology ”.

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