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Applying Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Fraud Detection in

Anti-Money Laundering

Money laundering has a long history in America, returning to the mafia

era. (Strafer, 1989) Gangsters couldn't just put the money in the bank because

this would raise questions or suspicions. It was also difficult for them to carry

significant sums of money because money was typically in small dollar bills and

low-value coins.

Furthermore, placement, layering, and integration are three components

of money laundering. The first step in the process is placement, wherein the

money or other monies produced from unlawful acts are physically relocated to a

site or into a less suspect shape to law enforcement authorities and extra

favorable to the criminal throughout the placement phase. The second level is

layering, which involves complex financial transactions. At the same time, the

third and final phase is integration, where standard financial procedures are used

to turn the unlawfully acquired funds into ostensibly legitimate business money.

However, not every money laundering transaction goes through all three

stages. Even so, it's crucial to categorize different steps in a process, no matter

how challenging. Machine learning can offer fresh perspectives, reveal previously

unnoticed trends, and aid in the more accurate detection of suspicious

transactions. It is still challenging to identify money laundering activities due to

their complex structures and patterns. Identifying financial training may be

significantly hampered by limitations in machine learning methods.

As a result, this study investigates and discusses the advantages and

disadvantages, as well as whether and how machine learning complements the

rule-based approach to evaluating the typologies of financial networks (Canhoto,

2021). Research findings suggest that Random Forest might help real-world

anti-money laundering detecting settings. Because of its accuracy and

interpretability may be utilized in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) architecture in

financial institutions.
2. Thermal comfort prediction by applying supervised machine learning on

green sidewalks of Tehran

This study presents a fresh way of integrating urban design strategies and

the supervised machine learning (SML) approach. The goal is to provide

algorithms that assist in identifying the ideal morphology of green sidewalks in

cases of high outdoor thermal comfort and fewer errors in results.

Machine learning has benefited from Python's advantages. The structure

of the study consisted of two main parts, as most similar studies follow.

Engineering energy modeling and statistical energy modeling are the main areas

of research. In the end, the study's discovery of the thermal comfort of current

models and other comparable sidewalks is made possible by the SML process.

Results can be used to determine, monitor, and control energy-based behaviors

(thermal comfort, heating, cooling, lighting, and ventilation) throughout their


The researchers believe the study's findings may help develop urban

design plans. Urban and landscape designers, policymakers, and architects can

estimate the features of their designs in terms of air quality and urban health.

They can be sure of catching design objectives in the case of thermal comfort in

the urban atmosphere by using outdoor thermal comfort that resulted from

machine learning methods.

Furthermore, three out of five people will live in cities by 2030. The

association between green spaces and residents' thermal comfort is inferred as

green infrastructures affect the climate of cities. The study's social impact comes

from learning from earlier efforts and creating more effective plans to make cities

more comfortable and healthier places to live, using more effective models, and

spending more time and money. Lastly, the study results are expected to be

applied in more eco-city design strategies worldwide, including in Tehran and

other parts of the Iranian capital.

3. COVID-19 Prediction Applying Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms

with Comparative Analysis Using WEKA

An infectious disease caused by a novel coronavirus originated in Wuhan,

China, last December. COVID-19 is not just a respiratory disease but rather

multi-systemic. It affects almost all body organs stimulated by its overall

inflammatory response.

Hence, an approach using supervised machine learning trains the

machine using labeled datasets. The device will analyze the given data and

eventually predict new instances based on information learned from the past

data. Machine learning can be categorized as supervised, unsupervised, and

reinforcement learning. Unsupervised machine learning, in contrast to supervised

machine learning, makes learning decisions independently even without correctly

labeled data. Robots are trained via reinforcement learning to perform

human-like jobs and offer personal support. The machine's condition will be

elevated each time it completes a task satisfactorily as compensation.

This study aims to identify people who are likely to have COVID-19.

Models for predicting diseases were created using a variety of machine learning

techniques. Additional algorithms were used, including Multi-layer Perceptron,

Logistic Regression, and Artificial Neural networks.

This study showed that the Support Vector Machine algorithm performed

better than other algorithms in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, F-Measure,

correctly and wrongly classified instances, kappa statistic score, mean absolute

error, and model building time. Additionally, the results demonstrate that Random

Forest is the second-best method to consider when developing a COVID-19

presence predictor because it achieves the same accuracy metrics as the

Support Vector Machine approach, except for the mean absolute error. K-Nearest

Neighbors is the third most appropriate algorithm to use in terms of accuracy

measures. The J48 Decision Tree is ranked the fourth most relevant, and Naïve

Bayes is ranked fifth.

4. Estimating the density of deep eutectic solvents applying supervised

machine learning techniques

Chemical processes, pharmaceutical industries, water/wastewater

treatment processes, and environmental protection6 have all historically been

accompanied by separation-based equipment. Purifying finished products,

recovering unreacted materials, and removing pollutants from feedstocks and

effluent liquid and gas streams are the primary responsibilities of the separation

process. Even though other separation methods have already been developed,

the solvent-based methodology offers a more extensive range of uses.

Building a predictive tool to foresee the density of deep eutectic solvents

could be helpful. No clever plan has yet been put out, even though a few

empirical correlations have technically been created for calculating the density of

DESs (see Sect. 3.1). Therefore, this work evaluates the prediction accuracy of

five intelligent techniques for determining the thickness of the DES from certain

available factors, such as temperature and DES's inherent properties (acentric

factor and critical pressure and temperature). This modeling study is the most

thorough one done so far for mechanizing the DES's characterization.

The most important factor determining a DES's dissolution capacity is its

density. This study uses seven machine learning algorithms to estimate the

thickness of 149 deep eutectic solvents. Temperature, critical pressure, and

temperature, as well as the acentric factor, are predicted to affect density.

The results indicated that out of 1530 created intelligent estimators, the

least-squares support vector regression (LSSVR) has the highest accuracy. With

a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 0.26 percent and R2 = 0.99798, the

LSSVR predicts 1239 densities. A comparison between the LSSVR and four

empirical correlations showed that the former has the highest level of accuracy.

The LSSVR's prediction accuracy (i.e., MAPE = 0. 26%) is 74.5% better than the

best outcomes attained by empirical correlations (i.e., MAPE = 1.02%).

5. Identifying probable post-traumatic stress disorder: applying supervised

machine learning to data from a UK military cohort

Early intervention and treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

are possible. Hence, the study's objective was to assess supervised machine

learning (ML) classifiers for detecting likely PTSD in individuals serving or just

departing from the UK Armed Forces.

A military cohort of 13,690 active and former members of the UK Armed

Forces was subjected to supervised ML classification algorithms to identify

probable PTSD based on self-reported service exposures and various validated

self-report measures. Information was gathered between 2004 and 2009.

As a result, compared to a validated measure, the predictive performance

of supervised ML classifiers to detect cases of likely PTSD was encouraging,

proving the ability of supervised ML to do so. It was possible to pinpoint the

factors that affected performance, such as alcohol abuse, gender, and

deployment status. A variety of supervised ML classifiers achieved a reasonable

sensitivity, but because it was low, there was a risk of making false-negative


Overall, enabling early intervention before symptoms show, the detection

of probable PTSD based on self-reported measurement data is feasible. It may

also significantly lessen the burden on public health, and lastly, it may increase

operational efficiencies.

- Raiter, O. (2021, December 1). Applying Supervised Machine Learning

Algorithms for Fraud Detection in Anti-Money Laundering. Humanities Commons.

Retrieved July 19, 2022, from

- Eslamirad, N., Kolbadinejad, S., Mahdavinejad, M., & Mehranrad, M. (2020,

December 11). Thermal comfort prediction by applying supervised machine

learning in green sidewalks of Tehran. Emerald. Retrieved July 19, 2022, from


- Villavicencio CN, Macrohon JJE, Inbaraj XA, Jeng J-H, Hsieh J-G. COVID-19

Prediction Applying Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms with Comparative

Analysis Using WEKA. Algorithms. 2021; 14(7):201.

- Abdollahzadeh, M., Khosravi, M., Hajipour Khire Masjidi, B. et al. Estimating the

density of deep eutectic solvents applying supervised machine learning

techniques. Sci Rep 12, 4954 (2022).

- Leightley, D., Williamson, V., Darby, J., & Fear, N. (2018, November 16).

Identifying probable post-traumatic stress disorder: applying supervised machine

learning to data from a UK military cohort. T and F Online. Retrieved July 19,

2022, from


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