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AoS - fic

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Fandom: Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003), Aubrey-
Maturin Series - Patrick O'Brian, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Marvel
Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Relationship: Jack Aubrey/HMS Surprise, Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin, James
"Bucky" Barnes/Jemma Simmons, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve
Rogers/Skye, Jemma Simmons/Skye, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson/Lola
Character: Jack Aubrey, Stephen Maturin, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jemma
Simmons, Steve Rogers, Skye (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Melinda May,
Clint Barton, Phil Coulson
Additional Tags: Deliberately Bad Fanfic, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Time Travel,
Language: English
Collections: Bad Bang II: Bang Backwards!
Stats: Published: 2014-09-19 Words: 627

AoS - fic
by Liviania


This is a roaring tale of action and adventure on the high seas, brought to life as it could be
only by me (and my artist). Never has a fanfic more accurately capture the pathos of Moby
Dick, the postmodern ennui of Kurt Vonnegut, and the eternal romance of man and
machine of Michael Bay's Transformers.

Be warned. Once you read my fic, you will never need to read another story with the
following elements again, because no other author can do them the same justice:
Gay men
Lesbians who sleep with men


Artist, I must admit, you are worthy of being paired with me because it seems like you get
an inkling of an idea every now and then. Your little sketch was the perfect spark needed
for my staggering genius. Unfortunately, once someone reads my fic they have no need to
view your art, because my fic says it all.

See the end of the work for more notes

Inspired by AoS by bb-sock (saisei)

Inspired by AoS by bb-sock (saisei)

"Stephen," Jack said, gazing broodingly over the roiling turquoise sea of amber waves gently
bearing the HMS Surprise farther and farther from the land within which his heart rested.
"Stephen, I have realized I am gay. My womanizing has been a front, a foul veil that has kept me
separated from that which I truly want."


Stephen breathed deep. He smelled the salty air of his mistress the sea, breathed it deep into his
lungs where it burst through the pink sacs that kept him upright despite this staggering news.
"Jack, Diana is a bitch."

"We both knew that, surely."

"But now it is a dealbreaker, because you have confessed your love for me, you dear sweet uke."
He opened his arms, his gracefully long fingers unfurling like a mast. "I shall plow you the way
you plow this boat through the ocean."

Just then, there was a loud thump. An eldritch thump, like that of a sea witch. A man stood on the
deck, unfurling his long red tentacle, which stood in place of his left arm. It was a tentacle of
Communism, and already it was affecting the Surprise and its masters and commanders. They had
a desire to revolt against the Queen, to show her what the underclass could do! Then, they would
kill the valedictorians in Ohio.

But then, a red car alighted on deck. Jack had never seen such a car, all smooth lines and cherry red
exterior and [look up what color the interior is] interior. "My, what a car!" he exclaimed. "We shall
distribute it to the People!"

"No!" said the man who climbed out. "Lola is in an exclusive relationship with me and my darling
archer, Clint. Although he keeps abandoning us for air ducts."

"What is an air duct?" Stephen asked.

"Never mind," said Melinda May, who had already beaten Bucky (the man with the tentacle arm)
up. "We have to return Tentacle Arm here to his boyfriend, who has been crying himself to sleep
ever since he lost him." She sighed. Steve was such a fragile soul, broken by his loneliness and his
time-traveling Communist seme.

Just then, Jemma Simmons kissed Bucky's unconscious body. "Since I am a lesbian, I find straight
men hugely sexy," she sighed. "Plus, that tentacle."

"You have a point," said Skye, her girlfriend. "I'll have to hook up with Capsicle and Tentacle
when we get home. It's only fair since you're already cheating on me."
"You're right. You are the best girlfriend," Jemma said, gazing deep into Skye's emerald orbs. Her
girlfriend was such a mystery, and her cabochon eyes reflected the depth of how mysterious she

"Well, we'll be going now!" said May with a jaunty wave. "Lovely to meet you nice young men!"

They all hopped in the car and flew away, leaving behind nothing but a snowshoe, which they
carried in bulk, because you often need snowshoes to fight the Winter Soldier.

Jack and Stephen stared after them. All that talk of tentacles had stirred them up into a lustful
frenzy, and not even thoughts of the ocean, ever dangerously swelling, could quench it.

Stephen put his tumescence deep into Jack's yearning ache, filling what both men had wanted so
long. But with neither of them paying attention, they crashed into an iceberg and everyone

When the agents on the bus learned of what happened to their new friend, they sent Bucky to
assassinate the iceberg. He did it, although it woke up his PTSD. Fortunately, Sam was on had to
console him. Sam was a great therapist.

"There lies Stephen and Jack," sighed Coulson. "Too bad they weren't vampires like us."

"Too bad," agreed the girls. (Grant and Fitz were dead. They weren't vampires either.)

End Notes

Don't worry, my adoring fans! I promise that the sequel is coming. I know, I left it with
such a surprising revelation that you can't stand to wait, but you must!

I'm sorry I made it so sad, but something about my artist's work just made me think "sad."

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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